Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEperumus polisi yang mewakili beberapa KementerianKerajaan, pihak pengurusan atasan institusi pengajiantinggi, institut penyelidikan, saintis, akademik, PengurusSTI dari persatuan Pihak Berkepentingan, pemimpinbadan-badan profesional STI dan juga pemimpin sektorperniagan yang telah membincangkan tujuh kertas plenoyang disampaikan oleh pensyarah terkenal daripadapenasihat pihak kerajaan dan sektor swasta. Perwakilanjuga telah memberikan maklumbalas bernas.MASTEC 2007 berhasrat memupuk satu tindakan terjurusdan berasaskan persefahaman yang sama, semuapihak berkenaan akan merumus strategi-strategi danpelan tindakan yang sinergistik. Tindakan ini akanmenentukan arah yang harus <strong>Malaysia</strong> lalui dalambidang STI dalam dekad akan datang dan seterusnya,terutama berhubung agenda inovasi negara.and Innovation. Over 200 convention participantscomprising policy makers from several Governmentministries, upper management from Institutions of higherlearning, research institutes, scientists, academics, STIManagers of stakeholder organizations, leaders of STIprofessional bodies as well as business sector leadersdeliberated on the seven plenary papers presented byeminent speakers from the government, private sector,consultants and provided valuable feedback.MASTEC 2007 aimed to facilitate a concerted effort by allrelevant parties to build upon a common understandingleading to the formulation of synergistic strategies andaction plans to address the direction <strong>Malaysia</strong> shouldtake in STI in the next decade and beyond particularlyin relation to the innovation agenda of the nation.◄ Sesi forumMASTEC.MASTEC forumsession.Sesi soal-jawabsemasa MASTEC.Q&A Session duringMASTEC. ►Program Tabung AmanahPerubatan Dr RanjeetBhagwan SinghSemasa mengunjungi Kuala Lumpur, Prof David Lanetelah menyampaikan Syarahan Memorial di InstitutPenyelidikan Perubatan dan satu syarahan umum. DrDavid Lane yang dinobat sebagai seorang daripadasepuluh tokoh sains biomedikal tersohor/terkemukadi dunia dalam tahun 1990an. Beliau dianugerahkandarjah kesatria pada tahun 2000 atas sumbangan beliauterhadap penyelidikan kanser. Beliau merupakan seorangprofesor dalam bidang onkologi molekular di Universityof Dundee. Beliau juga merupakan pengasas Cyclacel,Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh Medical Trust FundProgrammesProf David Lane delivered the Memorial Lecture at theInstitute for Medical Research and a public lecture duringhis visit to Kuala Lumpur. Prof David Lane, named oneof the world’s top ten biomedical scientists of the 1990swas knighted in 2000 for his contributions to cancerresearch. He is a professor of molecular oncology at theUniversity of Dundee; founder and now chief scientifi coffi cer at Cyclacel, a company developing drugs forthe treatment of cancer; and is currently the executivedirector of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology,64In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

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