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Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEAnugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir2007ASM telah menghadiahkan Anugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir2007 kepada Prof Joseph Sriyal Malik Peiris dari Universityof Hong Kong mengenangkan sumbangan luarbiasa beliau mengenai Perubatan Tropika, khususnyapenemuan agen etiologi yang menyebabkan SARSyang membuka jalan untuk memahami patogenesisdan epidemiologi penyakit berkenaan dalam tahun2003. Beliau menerima hadiah RM100 000, satu pingatemas dan sijil.Anugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir dihadiahkan kepada manamanasaintis, institusi atau persatuan di serata duniamengenangkan sumbangan dan inovasi ke arahmenyelesaikan masalah yang melanda kawasan tropikamelalui sains dan teknologi. Anugerah ini dihadiahkankepada individu yang paling layak berdasarkan merit.Melalui hadiah ini <strong>Akademi</strong> berharap satu tanda arasbaru akan tercipta untuk kerja-kerja berhubung sainstropika dan profi l sains di <strong>Malaysia</strong> di kawasan tropikaakan menjulang ke peringkat yang lebih unggul.Mahathir Science Award2007ASM awarded the Mahathir Science Award 2007 to ProfJoseph Sriyal Malik Peiris of the University of Hong Kongfor his outstanding contributions to Tropical Medicine,especially for his discovery of the aetiological agentcausing SARS leading to understanding of the pathogenesisand epidemiology of the disease in 2003. He will receiveRM100 000, a gold medal and a certifi cate.The Mahathir Science Award is bestowed on any scientist,institution or organization worldwide in recognition ofcontributions and innovations towards solving problemsin the tropics through science and technology andit is to be awarded to the most deserving based onmerit. The Academy hopes that through this award anew benchmark will be set for work related to tropicalsciences and the profi le of science in <strong>Malaysia</strong> in theregion of the tropics would rise to greater heights.Lawatan ke CaliforniaInstitute of Technology(Caltech), Pasadena,California<strong>Akademi</strong> telah menyelaraskan dan turut serta dalamlawatan ke Caltech dan mengatur pertemuan antaraProf Ahmed Zewail (Pemenang Hadiah Nobel dalambidang Kimia 1999) dengan YB Menteri <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologidan Inovasi serta delegasi beliau pada tanggal 1Mei. Lawatan ini telah membawa kepada lawatanProf Zewail ke <strong>Malaysia</strong> pada 4–11 Ogos 2007 untukmenghadiri beberapa program utama termasuk acarapenganugerahan Felo Kehormat oleh ASM dan DoktorKehormat oleh dua Universiti tempatan serta pelancaranbuku Prof Zewail bertajuk Voyage Through Time yangditerjemah ke bahasa Melayu.Visit to the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology(Caltech), Pasadena,CaliforniaThe Academy co-ordinated and participated in thevisit to Caltech and the meeting with Prof AhmedZewail (Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, 1999) bythe Hon. Minister of Science, Technology and Innovationand his delegation (1 May). This visit resulted in ProfZewail’s visit to <strong>Malaysia</strong> on 4–11 August 2007 for severalkey programmes including the conferment of the ASMHonourary Fellowship and Honourary Doctorates bytwo <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Universities as well as the launching ofthe translation of Prof Zewail’s book, Voyage ThroughTime into Malay.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 53

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