Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENTNegara. Pelan ini berobjektif memperkukuh kedudukanASM dalam membimbing <strong>Malaysia</strong> memenuhi azammemperoleh pengetahuan baru dalam bidang sainsdemi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Laporan kajian ini telahdibahaskan oleh beberapa panel yang terdiri daripadaFelo ASM yang meyetujui rangka perancangan strategikyang mengariskan visi, misi, nilai-nilai bersama, matlamat,strategi utama dan pelan tindakan yang dicadangkan.Rangka perancangan strategik yang dicadangkan inijuga dibahaskan di mesyuarat-mesyuarat JawatankuasaDisiplin yang mencadangkan beberapa program/aktiviti yang telah diolah dan diterapkan ke dalamkelompok/kluster projek <strong>Akademi</strong> melalui RMK9 untukdilaksanakan. Carta aliran (mukasurat sebelum) untukLaporan Nasihat ASM telah pun diluluskan dan diterimaoleh Jawatankuasa Nasihat kepada JawatankuasaKerajaan.Pemeringkatan ProgramPenyelidikan<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah diberi mandat olehMOSTI untuk membangunkan satu sistem penilaian danpemeringkatan program penyelidikan dan pusat-pusatkecemerlangan di <strong>Malaysia</strong> yang dibiayai awam. Sistemini membolehkan Kementerian memantau prestasiprogram-program ini dan pusat-pusat kecemerlanganmengikut masa dan perbandingan antara satu samalain. Amalan pemeringkatan begini membolehkanKerajaan menghulurkan sokongan yang diperlukan,dana, kemudahan pembangunan sumber manusiauntuk membolehkan pusat-pusat kecemerlangan inimencapai daya saing antarabangsa dalam bidangkeutamaan masing-masing mengikut penekananpembangunan Negara.Demi mencapai matlamat ini, <strong>Akademi</strong> telah melaksanakansatu kaedah penilaian yang sistematik, terlaras, objektiflagi holistik terhadap semua program penyelidikan danprojek yang dibiayai awam. Kajian ini bermatlamatmenjana satu makanisme atau sistem pemeringkatanprogram penyelidikan di universiti-universiti daninstitusi-institusi penyelidikan di <strong>Malaysia</strong> secara menilaiprogram penyelidikan berasaskan kriteria tertentu; danmembolehkan pengamatan kekuatan penyelidikansesuatu universiti, institut penyelidikan dan programpenyelidikan. Mesyuarat pihak berkepentingan danmesyuarat Kumpulan Panel telah dilaksanakan bagimembincangkan segala penemuan dan metodologiyang disyorkan untuk memperoleh input/cadangan danpandangan mengenai kriteria penilaian yang palingfi rst step. The objective of this plan is to enable ASM tostrengthen its position in guiding <strong>Malaysia</strong> in its pursuitof new knowledge in science for the benefi t of society.The study report has been deliberated by various panelscomprising ASM Fellows who have agreed on thestrategic planning framework that outlines the proposedvision, mission, shared values, goals, key strategies andaction plan. The proposed framework of the strategicplan has been deliberated at Discipline Committeemeetings and they have come out with proposedprogrammes / activities that have been synthesized andincorporated into the Academy’s RMK9 project clusterfor implementation. The fl ow chart (previous page) forthe ASM Advisory Report was approved and adoptedby the Advice to Government Committee.Ranking of ResearchProgrammesThe Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong> has been entrustedby MOSTI to set up a system for the rating and rankingof publicly funded research programmes and centresof excellence in <strong>Malaysia</strong>. The system will enable theMinistry to track the performances of these programmesand centres of excellence through time, and in relationto each other. Such a rating exercise would also enablethe Government to provide necessary support, funding,facilities, human resource development, to enable thesecentres of excellence attain global competitiveness intheir identifi ed niche areas in concordance with thedevelopment thrusts of the country.To achieve this, the Academy has undertaken asystematic, co-ordinated, objective and holisticassessment of research programmes and projects thathave been publicly funded. The objectives of the studywere to develop a mechanism or a system for rankingof research programmes in <strong>Malaysia</strong>n universities andresearch institutions by assessing the research programmesbased on some selected criteria; and to enable theidentifi cation of the research strength of universities,research institutions, research programmes. Stakeholdermeetings and Panel Group meetings were conductedto discuss fi ndings and proposed methodology and toobtain input and views on the assessment criteria thatcan best measure the performance of the fi elds. Some46In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

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