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PENERBITAN ASMASM PUBLICATIONSPenerbitanPublicationsSepanjang tempoh lima tahun RMK9, peruntukan telahdisalurkan kepada <strong>Akademi</strong> untuk memulakan programpenerbitan termasuk jurnal saintifi k bertaraf antarabangsadan mendapat pengiktirafan pengamal sains. Justerulahirlah ASM Science Journal (Jurnal <strong>Sains</strong> ASM) sebagaisatu wadah penyebaran penemuan P&P, analisis polisidan prespektif penyelidikan yang berwibawa. Isupertama ASM Sc. J., Vol 1, No.1, 2007 yang merangkumipelbagai disiplin diterbitkan pada suku ketiga tahun2007 di mana sebanyak 1700 naskah telah diedarkankepada felo akademi, universiti-universiti terkemukatempatan dan antarabangsa, organisasi P&P dan NGOtempatan, akademi sains dunia, penerbit dan pengedardan penyedia pengkalan data sebagai naskah hadiahuntuk publisiti serta menarik sumbangan artikel. Penerbitanisu bertema mengenai Antartika/Ekspedisi ke kutubdan fotonik masih dalam perancangan. Jurnal ini jugaakan dipaparkan menerusi internet sebagai capaianterbuka. Enam puluh tiga penerbitan termasuk buku,monograf, prosiding, laporan penasihat, laporan kajianASM termasuk 10 isu ASM Sc. J. telah disasar sepanjangtempoh lima tahun di bawah RMK9.Prosiding berikut telah disunting dandijadualkan akan diterbitkan padasuku pertama 2008: Workshop onIntegrated Tree Crops-RuminantSystems: Assessment Of the Statusand Opportinities in <strong>Malaysia</strong> danProceeding: National Workshop onEarthquakes and Tsunami Hazardsand Risks.Over the fi ve-year period of the 9MP, the Academyhas been given funding to initiate a publicationsprogramme including an internationally recognisedand peer-reviewed primary scientifi c journal. Thusthe ASM Science Journal was initiated to serve as aforum for disseminating signifi cant R&D fi ndings, policyanalyses and research perspectives. The fi rst issue ofour multi-disciplinary ASM Sc. J., Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007 waspublished during the third quarter of 2007 and 1700copies were distributed to Fellows of the Academy,local and some prominent foreign universities, local R&Dorganizations and NGOs, world science academies,publishers, distributors, selected database providers, ascomplimentary copies to publicize the Journal and toattract article contributions. Plans are afoot to publishthematic issues on Antarctic/Polar expedition andphotonics, and for the full text of the Journal to be madeavailable on the internet as open access. Sixty-threepublications, including books, monographs, proceedings,advisory reports, ASM study reports including 10 issuesof the ASM Sc. J. have been targetted for the fi ve-yearperiod under the 9MP. The following proceedings havebeen edited and are scheduledfor publication in the fi rst quarter of2008: Workshop on Integrated TreeCrops—Ruminant Systems: Assessmentof Status and Opportunities in <strong>Malaysia</strong>and Proceedings: National Workshopon Earthquakes and Tsunami Hazardsand Risks.Kerja-kerja transkripsi dan menyuntingsyarahan-syarahan berikut telah dilakukandan dijangka diterbitkan dalam tahun2008: <strong>Malaysia</strong>’s Success—It is Possible;Refl ection on Science, Technology andInnovation in the Muslim World danInvesting in the Future (Oleh NobelLaureate Prof Ahmed Zewail); GlobalWarming and Climate Change (olehNobel Laureate Prof S. Rowland);Friends and Foes—The Unseen BugsWho Share Our Planet dan Why StudyScience? (Oleh Nobel Laureate DrRichard Roberts).Transcription and editing of thefollowing lectures was carried out andthey are expected to be published in2008: <strong>Malaysia</strong>’s Success—It is Possible; Refl ections on Science, Technologyand Innovation in the Muslim Worldand Investing in the Future (by NobelLaureate Prof Ahmad Zewail); GlobalWarming and Climate Change (byIsu pertama ASM Science Journal. Nobel Laureate Prof S. Rowland);First issue of ASM Science Journal. Friends and Foes—The Unseen BugsWho Share Our Planet and WhyStudy Science? (by Nobel LaureateDr Richard Roberts).Sementara itu penerbitan seperti isu bulanan Estidotmyyang diterbitkan secara berterusan disasar dapatEstidotmy is an important monthly information capsule ofscience awareness for the public and students, especiallyIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 109

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