Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

Layout 27032008.indd - Portal Rasmi Akademi Sains Malaysia

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PROJEK KHASSPECIAL PROJECTSKemuncak Nano Asia; Simposium P&P Nanoteknologi;Perniagaan Nanoteknologi and R&D Matching Luncheon;Nanoteknologi di Asia; Natural Strategy for R&D andCommercialization Forum; Pameran Nanoteknologi andKesedaran dan Pendidikan Nanoteknologi.Acara tiga hari ini yang dianjur julung kali di <strong>Malaysia</strong>,sebagai acara utama Initiatif Nanoteknologi merupakansebahagian daripada acara Pameran dan PersidanganInovasi Kebangsaan (NICE). Acara ini dibuka secararasmi oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,Perdana Menteri <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> telahdirancang berlandaskan objektif-objektif berikut:• M enganjur Simposium Nanotech dan Forum Nanotechdengan hasrat memperkenalkan nanoteknologi,menyebarkan dan memberikan maklumat terkinimengenai pembangunannya.• M erangsang penubuhan Persatuan Nanoteknologi<strong>Malaysia</strong>.• M enjalin hubungan antara penyelidikan-perniagaanberasaskan nanoteknologi antara para penyelidik,korporat dan sector komersil tempatan.• M enjalin hubungan bidang nanoteknologi dikalangan negara-negara di Asia.• M endidik dan memupuk kesedaran pengetahuannanoteknologi di kalangan masyarakat umum; dan• M enjadi tuan rumah Persidangan KemuncakNano Asia 2007.Sebanyak 18 pembentangan oral dan 34 kertas kerjaposter telah dibentang termasuk dua syarahan Plenodan empat ucapan dasar untuk Simposium dan diPersidangan Kemuncak Forum Nano Asia ke-4, 2007.Prosiding pameran akan diterbitkan manakala laporannyasedang disediakanKegemilangan <strong>Sains</strong>dalam Tamadun Islam:Katalog <strong>Sains</strong> IslamMendahului ZamanPameran ini merupakan tajaan bersama <strong>Akademi</strong> danMOSTI, dengan kerjasama Institute for the History Arab-Islamic Sciences, Frankfurt, Jerman dari 8 Januari–14Februari 2007 bertempat di Pusat Konvensyen KualaLumpur. Prof Fuat Sezgin, yang merupakan pengasasdan Pengarah Kehormat institut tersebut adalah seorangahli sejarah yang tersohor dan dihormati dalam bidangNano Forum Summit; R&D Nanotechnology Symposium;Nanotechnology Business and R&D Matching Luncheon;Nanotechnology in Asia: Natural Strategy for R&D andCommercialization Forum, Nanotechnology Exhibition,and Nanotechnology Education and Awareness.The three-day event organised in <strong>Malaysia</strong> for the fi rsttime, as the highlights of the Nanotechnology Initiative,and part of the National Innovation Conference andExhibition, was offi ciated by Right Hon. Dato’ Seri AbdullahAhmad Badawi, the Prime Minister. Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong>2007 was planned with the following objectives:• T o organize the Nanotech Symposium and NanoForum in order to introduce nanotechnology,disseminate and provide current information onits development• T o initiate the establishment of <strong>Malaysia</strong>nNanotechnology Society• T o establish research-business relationship onnanotechnology among local researchers,corporate and commercial sectors• T o foster relationship among Asian countries innanotechnology• T o educate and promote awareness in nanotechnologyto the public; and• T o host the Asia Nano Summit 2007.A total of 18 oral presentations and 34 poster paperswere presented, including two plenary lectures and fourkeynote addresses for both the Symposium and at the4th Asia Nano Forum Summit 2007. The proceedings willbe published and a report is also being prepared.Scientific Excellence inIslamic Civilisation: IslamicScience Ahead of its TimeCatalogueThe above exhibition was co-organized by the Academywith MOSTI, in collaboration with the Institute for theHistory of Arab-Islamic Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany from8 January–14 February 2007 at the KL Convention Hall.Prof Fuat Sezgin, who is the Founder and the HonoraryDirector of the Institute is an eminent and respectedhistorian of science and technology in the Muslim world.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 105

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