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PERNYATAAN MISIMISSION STATEMENT... mencapai, menggalak, sertameningkatkan kecemerlangandalam bidang sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi khusus untukkemajuan dan pembangunanNegara dan juga kebaikan manusiasejagat.... the pursuit, encouragement andenhancement of excellence in thefields of science, engineering andtechnology for the developmentof the nation and the benefit ofmankind.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 1

<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> / Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong>902-4, Jalan Tun Ismail50480 Kuala LumpurTel: 603 - 2694 9898Fax: 603 - 2694 5858E-mail: admin@akademisains.gov.my© <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2008All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording, orotherwise without permission of the Copyright owner.

KANDUNGANCONTENTSLaporan Presiden | President’s Report 5Fungsi ASM | Functions of ASM 15Piagam Pelanggan Sekretariat | Secretariat Client Charter 17Felo Kehormat | Honorary Fellows 18Felo Kanan | Senior Fellows 21Felo Baru | New Fellows 22Senarai Felo | List of Fellows 23Ahli Majlis | Council Members 30Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke-12 | 12th Annual General Meeting 31Jawatankuasa Kerja dan Badan Bertindak | Working Committees and Task Force 33Carta Organisasi ASM | ASM Organisational Chart 38Carta Organisasi Sekretariat | Organisational Chart of the Secretariat 39Dalam Kenangan | In Memoriam 40Projek Rancangan <strong>Malaysia</strong> Kesembilan | Ninth <strong>Malaysia</strong> Plan Projects 43AKTIVITI-AKTIVITI | ACTIVITIESNasihat kepada Kerajaan | Advice to Government 44 - 51Kecemerlangan <strong>Sains</strong> | Science Excellence 52 - 70<strong>Sains</strong> dan Masyarakat | Science and Society 71 - 80Jaringan Kerjasama Antarabangsa | International Collaboration 81 - 99Projek Khas | Special Projects 100 - 108Penerbitan ASM | ASM Publications 109 - 110Akronim | Acronyms 111 - 112PENYATA KEWANGAN | STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTSIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 3

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTTahun ini, sambutan 50 tahun kemerdekaan<strong>Malaysia</strong>, sungguh bermakna kepadaNegara kita. Tahun ini akan terpahat diingatan buat selama-lamanya; keranaselaras dengan visi kita menjadi sebuahNegara kompetitif, <strong>Malaysia</strong> telahmenjangkau peningkatan yang cemerlangdan memperoleh pengiktirafan globaldalam arena sains angkasa. Kita telahberjaya meletakkan seorang insan diangkasa lepas—seorang angkasawananak watan. Kejayaan ini merupakan hasildedikasi ramai individu yang bertungkuslumustanpa mengenal penat lelahdalam menzahirkan program angkasa ini,terutamanya diterajui oleh Kementerian<strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI); dan<strong>Akademi</strong> juga turut berbangga keranatelah memainkan peranan.Tan Sri Datuk DrYusof Basiron, FAScPresiden, <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>President, Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong>This year, 50 years after Independence,has indeed been a signifi cant one for ournation. It will be etched in memory for timeimmemorial; for in line with our vision ofbecoming a competitive nation, we sawa meteoric rise and global recognition of<strong>Malaysia</strong> in the arena of space science.We have put a man in space—ourown cosmonaut. This was due to thededication of many who have strivedhard to realise this space programme,principally spear-headed by the Ministryof Science, Technology and Innovation(MOSTI); and the Academy is also proudto have had played its part in this.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 5

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTSatu lagi mercu kecemerlangan <strong>Akademi</strong>—12 tahunselepas penubuhannya—ialah penerbitan ASMScience Journal. Pencapaian ini juga merupakansatu pencapaian yang membanggakan oleh ASM.Kini kita menyaingi institut dan akademi bertaraf dunialain kerana berjaya menghasilkan sebuah jurnal saintifi kyang mendapat pengiktirafan para pengamal sains,sekaligus menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan sainsdan pengetahuan saintifi k, serta terlibat sama dalamledakan maklumat global. Pencapaian seterusnyaialah penganugerahan Felo Kehormat ASM oleh<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> kepada Prof Ahmed Zewail,pemenang Hadiah Nobel dalam bidang kimia tahun1999. Sebagai maklum an Prof Zewail merupakan ahliLembaga Penasihat Antarabangsa untuk ASM ScienceJournal.Sesungguhnya tahun 2007 mencatat banyak peristiwabersejarah, sebagaimana yang dapat dilihat menerusipelbagai aktiviti dan program S&T termasuk bengkel,forum dan seminar baik di arena tempatan mahupun dipersada antarabangsa, dalam menyuntik kecemerlangandan kesedaran dalam bidang sains, serta menjalinjaringan antarabangsa. Malah khidmat profesional,penjanaan akademik, ketekunan dan kecekalan yangmenjadi tonggak kemajuan dan pertumbuhan dinamikdalam segala sektor aktiviti melalui pengukuhan fungsiteras kita juga terserlah. Sesungguhnya, keyakinankita semakin memuncak berikutan peningkatan fungsidan sumbangan yang diamanahkan kepada ASM.Sebagaimana yang dibuktikan melalui aktiviti kita yangkian meluas, pengerak utama di sebalik keterampilan<strong>Akademi</strong> ialah Kementerian <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi(MOSTI) serta pembiayaannya. <strong>Akademi</strong> terus menerimaperuntukan di bawah Rancangan <strong>Malaysia</strong> Kesembilan(RMK9) untuk enam projek selain pembiayaan beberapaprojek terdahulu. MOSTI juga meyalurkan peruntukandana kepada <strong>Akademi</strong> untuk beberapa projek danaktiviti khusus/khas.Kerja-kerja pembangunan sistem pemeringkatanyang membolehkan pemantauan prestasi programpenyelidikan biayaan MOSTI sedang giat dijalankan.Sistem pemeringkatan ini menentukan dana P&P yangdisalurkan kepada universiti dan institut penyelidikanberwibawa memacu Negara ke arah industri berteraskanpengetahuan serta mampu berdaya saing di arenaglobal.Di bawah RMK9, ASM diperuntukkan dana demi memperkasakeupayaan dan kemampuan saintis tempatan untukbertindak sebagai penasihat kepada Negara danmenyediakan laporan strategik pakar berhubung isuAnother pip for the Academy—after nearly 12 yearsof its formation—is the publication of the ASM ScienceJournal. This also signifi es a great achievement forASM. We have now joined the status of other worldacademies and institutions in having a peer-reviewedscientifi c journal, contributing to the growth of scienceand scientifi c knowledge, and being part of the globalinformation explosion. Another milestone was theconferment of Honorary Fellowship of ASM to the NobelLaureate for Chemistry in 1999, Prof Ahmed Zewail, bythe Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong>. We are also awarethat Prof Zewail is in the International Advisory Board ofthe ASM Science Journal.Certainly the year 2007 was an eventful one, as evidentfrom the numerous S&T activities and programmes,including workshops, fora and seminars locally andoverseas, in fostering excellence and awarenessin science and establishing international linkages.Moreover the professional service, academic output,hard work and perseverence leading to further progressand dynamic growth in all sectors of activities throughconsolidation of our core functions was also broughtto light. Indeed we are all the more confi dent withthe added functions and contributions entrusted onthe Academy. As increasingly shown in our expandedactivities, the prime force behind the Academy isthe Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation(MOSTI), and its funding. The Academy continued toreceive funding under the 9th <strong>Malaysia</strong> Plan (9MP) forsix projects besides continuation of funding for otherearlier projects. MOSTI has also allocated funds to theAcademy for special projects and activities.Work in the development of a system of rating thatwould allow for tracking of the performance of researchprogrammes/activities funded by MOSTI, is in progress.The ranking system ensures R&D funds allocated touniversities and research institutions result in outputthat would propel the nation towards knowledgeintensive industries and global competitiveness.The Academy has been allocated 9MP fundingto build on the capacity and capability of localscientists to carry out advisory roles to the nationand prepare expert strategic reports on STI issues.6In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTSTI. <strong>Akademi</strong>, menerusi Kumpulan Disiplin Perubatan,telah menghasilkan Laporan Kajian ASM bertajuk,Perubahan Landskap Perhutanan: Kesan TerhadapKesihatan Luar Bandar yang telah diterbitkan tahun itu.Bagi membolehkan Laporan Kajian/Penasihat kepadaKerajaan untuk menangani isu berkaitan peningkatandalam Sistem Bersepadu Tanaman Sawit-Haiwan Ruminan(ITCRS), satu bengkel dianjurkan dengan kerjasamaMARDI demi mengenal pasti pilihan polisi yang sesuaiuntuk ITCRS dalam membantu agenda pembangunanNegara. Laporan Penasihat untuk Polisi dan PerancanganRespons terhadap Bencana Gempa Bumi dan Tsunamidi <strong>Malaysia</strong>, Perubahan Iklim, dan Makanan BinatangTernakan: Isu, Strategi dan Peluang, dijangka akandisiapkan sebelum hujung tahun 2008.Kini banyak acara berada dalam perancangan <strong>Akademi</strong>bagi mengenal pasti teknologi yang berwibawabagi menentukan agar Negara terus membangun.Nanoteknologi semakin dinobat sebagai wahanaterkini yang berupaya menjulang pertumbuhanekonomi dunia. Disebabkan tidak mahu terlepaspeluang yang ditawarkan oleh sektor ini, <strong>Akademi</strong>telah menyediakan satu taklimat mengenai InitiatifNanoteknologi Kebangsaan yang dijangka akan terusdiperkukuh berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalamannegara-negara lain. Nanoteknologi <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007, iaitusatu acara penting (29 November–1 Disember) yangdianjurkan buat julung kali sebagai acara utama dibawah Initiatif Nanoteknologi Kebangsaan, merupakansebahagian daripada Pameran dan Persidangan InovasiKebangsaan. Prosiding dan laporan Persidangan inisedang disusun. Satu misi ke California NanosystemsInstitute, University of California, Los Angeles juga telahmembantu <strong>Akademi</strong> memperoleh sokongan dalammenjalin kerjasama yang menguntungkan saintis <strong>Malaysia</strong>selain memupuk kenalan penting yang bakal dipelawasebagai penceramah di Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007.Sebagai sebuah Negara membangun dalam bidangSTI, <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah menyediakan peruntukan untukmemperkasa keupayaan dan kemampuannya dalambidang P&P. <strong>Akademi</strong> memainkan peranan pentingdalam menyahut cabaran ini dengan menghayatibudaya kecemerlangan sains melalui program-programyang dirumus bagi pelbagai kelompok sasaran. Menerusiwadah ini, <strong>Akademi</strong> mempelawa ramai Nobel Laureatedan saintis tersohor dengan hasrat menjalin jaringan dankerjasama dengan pusat-pusat kecemerlangan S&T diserata dunia. Dalam konteks ini, ASM telah menyelaraslawatan YB Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis, Menteri<strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi, ke California Institute ofTechnology. Kunjungan ini membuka laluan kepadaThe Academy through the Medical Discipline Groupproduced an ASM Study Report entitled ChangingForest Landscape: Impact on Rural Health whichwas published during the year. For a Study/AdvisoryReport to the Government to address issues relatedto improvement in the integrated tree crops-ruminantproduction systems (ITCRS), a workshop was heldwith the collaboration of MARDI to identify policyoptions appropriate to ITCRS to assist the nation’sdevelopment agenda. Advisory Reports on Policyand Planning Responses for Earthquake and TsunamiHazards in <strong>Malaysia</strong>, Climate Change, and AnimalFeedstuff: Issues, Strategies and Opportunities, arealso expected to be delivered by the end of 2008.Many events are planned by the Academy to identifytechnologies that would allow the nation to progress.Nanotechnology is being increasingly touted as a newengine for world economic growth. Not to miss outon the opportunities that this sector might open up,the Academy has prepared a brief on the NationalNanotechnology Initiative which is expected to be furtherfi rmed up, drawing on the knowledge and experiencesof other countries. Nanotechnology <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007 wasa one major event (29 November–1 December) whichwas organised for the fi rst time as the highlight of theNational Nanotechnology Initiative, forming part ofthe National Innovation Conference and Exhibition.Proceedings and reports on the Conference are beingcompiled. A mission to the California NanosystemsInstitute, University of California, Los Angeles also assistedthe Academy in securing support for mutually benefi cialcollaboration with <strong>Malaysia</strong>n scientists and obtaineduseful contacts for invitation as speakers for Nanotech<strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007.<strong>Malaysia</strong> as a rapid developing nation in STI has madeprovisions to increase its capacity and capability in R&D.The Academy plays a vital role in meeting this demandby fostering a culture of scientifi c excellence throughprogrammes for various target groups. Through thisplatform, the Academy invites many Nobel laureatesand eminent scientists with the aim of building networksand collaboration with many of the world’s centres ofexcellence in S&T. In this context, ASM co-ordinated thevisit of the Hon. Minister of Science, Technology andInnovation, Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis, to theCalifornia Institute of Technology. This resulted in the visitIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 7

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTlawatan Prof Ahmed Zewail, pemenang hadiah Nobeldalam bidang Kimia 1999, ke <strong>Malaysia</strong> bulan Ogoslalu untuk menghadiri beberapa program yang telahdisediakan. Tiga pemegang hadiah Nobel lain jugatelah menyampaikan syarahan umum, dialog, danpidato sains. Justeru minat dalam bidang sains tersuntikdalam hati warga muda. <strong>Akademi</strong>, selaku rakan kongsiantarabangsa Majlis Lindau telah menyelaraskanpenglibatan empat saintis muda daripada disiplinfi siologi atau perubatan di Mesyuarat Tahunan ParaPemenang Hadiah Nobel di Lindau. Penglibatan dimajlis berprestij seumpama ini dapat membuka peluangkepada Penyelidik <strong>Malaysia</strong> mencapai kecemerlangandalam bidang sains di samping mencapai pengiktirafanantarabangsa. Mesyuarat di Lindau juga menjadi satuforum saintifi k yang unik dalam menyuntik dialog bagimerangsangkan penemuan baru dan penyelidikanharian mengenai kesan lebih meluas yang terjana hasilkerja P&P Laureate, yang sesungguhnya merupakansatu pengalaman pembelajaran luar biasa.Dalam usaha membantu para saintis tersohor, yangmempunyai rekod kecemerlangan dalam sesuatu bidangutama di bidang sains asas, pembiayaan penyelidikandiberikan di bawah Pembiayaan Penyelidikan Saintifi kLanjutan (SAGA). Pembiayaan ini bermatlamatmenjulang saintis sebegini ke persada pencapaianyang lebih unggul termasuk meraih pengiktirafanantarabangsa dalam penjanaan pengetahuan danpenemuan baru. Dewasa ini, 89 projek yang melibatkanhampir RM19.4 juta dibiayai menggunakan danaSAGA. Bidang penyelidikan utama yang dibiayaimerangkumi bidang-bidang fi siologi/perubatan, kimiadan fi zik seperti denggi, kanser, malaria, sel stem, produkbioaktif baru, nanostruktur/nanotiub baru dan hablurcecair. Berdasarkan Laporan Kemajuan Projek Bulanke-20 untuk 59 projek dalam tahun 2007, SAGA yangmembiayai saintis cemerlang yang mempunyai rekodkecemerlangan dalam bidang utama di bidang sainsasas, berjaya menghasilkan 392 penerbitan sains dantujuh paten hasil kerja P&P.Berikutan kerumitan dan penekanan di bidang STI,negara harus membangunkan agenda penyelidikanyang lebih tertumpu kepada penekanan terhadapkecemerlangan. Tahun ini, Anugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir,anugerah kecemerlangan <strong>Malaysia</strong> yang palingberprestij untuk penyelidikan tropika telah dihadiahkankepada Prof Joseph Sriyal Malik Peiris dari Universityof Hong Kong atas sumbangan cemerlang beliauterhadap perubatan tropika, khususnya penemuanagen etiologi yang menyebabkan SARS, seterusnyamemahami patogenesis dan epidemiologi penyakitof Prof Ahmed Zewail, the Nobel Laureate for Chemistryin 1999, to <strong>Malaysia</strong> in August to attend several plannedprogrammes. Three other Nobel Laureates also gavepublic lectures, dialogues and scientifi c orations, andinterest in science was inculcated in the young. TheAcademy, as one of the international partners of theLindau Council facilitated the participation of four youngscientists from the physiology or medical discipline at theAnnual Meeting of the Nobel Prize Winners in Lindau.Participation in these prestigious meetings should pavethe way for <strong>Malaysia</strong>n researchers to achieve excellencein science as well as gain international recognition.The Lindau Meetings also provide a unique scientifi cforum for stimulating dialogue on new fi ndings andday-to-day research on the wider consequences of theLaureate’s R&D work, which constitute a remarkablelearning experience.In a move to support budding scientists with a proventrack record in identifi ed priority areas of fundamentalsciences, research funding has been initiated under theScientifi c Advancement Fund Allocation (SAGA). Theaim of such an allocation is to allow these scientists tomove to the next level of achievement including gaininginternational recognition for knowledge generationand new discoveries. Currently 89 projects amountingto about RM19.4 million are being funded with SAGAfunds. The major research areas funded in the fi eldsof physiology/medicine, chemistry and physics aredengue, cancer, malaria, stem cell, novel bioactiveproducts, novel nanostructures/nanotubes and liquidcrystals. SAGA which supports budding scientists witha proven track record in identifi ed priority areas ofresearch in fundamental sciences, yielded 392 scientifi cpublications and 7 patents emanating from R&D work,based on the SAGA 20th Month Project Progress Reportsfor 59 projects in 2007.There is a need for the nation to develop a more focusedresearch agenda with emphasis on excellence becauseof the increasing complexity and emphasis in STI. This year,the Mahathir Science Award, <strong>Malaysia</strong>’s most prestigiousscientifi c excellence Award for tropical research, wasbestowed on Prof Joseph Sriyal Malik Peiris of the Universityof Hong Kong for his outstanding contribution to tropicalmedicine, specifi cally for his discovery of the aetiologicalagent causing SARS leading to the understanding ofpathogenesis and epidemiology of the disease in 2003.8In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTtersebut dalam tahun 2003. Pelawaan pencalonanbagi tahun 2008 dibuka melalui laman web <strong>Akademi</strong>.Kecemerlangan yang ditonjolkan melalui Anugerahini amat penting untuk dipelihara demi pengiktirafanantarabangsa. Kecemerlangan saintifi k juga memerlukaninovasi dan kreativiti di kalangan penyelidik dan bakatbakattersohor kita. Demi merangsang Agenda InovasiKebangsaan ke arah membangunkan modal intelekyang berwibawa bagi memacu ekonomi ke hadapan,tahun ini <strong>Akademi</strong> sekali lagi telah dimandatkan bagimenganjurkan Anugerah Inovasi Kebangsaan untukpencipta inovasi dan penyelidik cemerlang kita sertamengetengahkan idea-idea ini supaya diberi penilaianpakar bagi tujuan pengkomersilan. Pemenang bersamaAnugerah tahun ini ialah School of Computer Science,Universiti <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan Dr Fazilah Fazan, AMREC,SIRIM (Kategori Produk); Mohd Shahrizan Ali dari PusatGiatmara Kuantan, dan Bugs Tan Yeow Kiang (KategoriAkar Umbi); Unit Bank Tisu, Hospital Universiti <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>(Kategori Perkhidmatan Awam) dan Sekolah MenengahTeknikal, Kuala Lumpur (Kategori Sekolah).Aktiviti Kesedaran <strong>Sains</strong> kita telah diperkemas dari aspekstrategi, pendekatan dan rangkuman subjek. SyarahanMemorial, Syarahan Perdana ASM, Siri Syarahan Sterling,Syarahan Tokoh Tersohor dan Syarahan Umum merupakanaktiviti utama kita dalam memperteguh dan berkongsipengalaman serta membangunkan jaringan olehmasyarakat saintifi k kita. Bagi menyuntik budaya celiksains di kalangan generasi muda, projek berterusan kitaialah Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaan, Program Kembali keSekolah ASM dan pelbagai Program Jangkauan Luar.Sejajar dengan RMK9, Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaantelah dinaik taraf melalui penukaran format bertujuanmembolehkan pelajar yang merangkul kemenanganberada di persada yang setanding dengan pelajarantarabangsa. Penuntut yang mengambil bahagiandisyaratkan mempunyai kemahiran dari segi praktikaldan teori. Kini pertandingan ini terserlah sebagai acaratahunan yang ulung dan penukaran formatnya menyamaipembangunan bidang STI di arena antarabangsa selainmenjadi aspirasi pendidikan kita.<strong>Akademi</strong> juga telah diperuntukkan dana untuk memperkukuhjaringan S&T dengan Pertubuhan Negara-negaraIslam (OIC) dan negara lain dan tindakan ini semakinketara menerusi peranan penganjuran bersama yangdikendalikan oleh <strong>Akademi</strong>, selain kehadiran banyaknegara-negara OIC di acara-acara berikut. Pertama,Simposium Antarabangsa terhadap <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologidan Inovasi Islam bertemakan ‘Towards a Properousand Secure Islamic World’ yang telah melibatkan WorldIslamic Call Society, Islamic World Academy of Sciences,Call for norminations for the 2008 Award was announcedin the ASM website. It is important that the excellencethat this Award signifi es is sustained for internationalrecognition. Scientifi c excellence also calls for innovationand creativity among our top notch researchers andtalents. To invigorate the national Innovation Agendatowards developing intellectual capital to propel theeconomy forward, this year the Academy was againentrusted with organising a National Innovation Awardfor our outstanding innovators and researchers and todraw on these ideas for expert evaluation for possiblecommercialisation. This year the Award was jointlywon by the School of Computer Sciences, Universiti<strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> and Dr Fazilah Fazan, AMREC, SIRIM(for Product Category); Mohd Shahrizan Ali of PusatGiatmara Kuantan, and Bugs Tan Yeow Kiang (GrassRoot Category); Tissue Bank Unit, Hospital Universiti <strong>Sains</strong><strong>Malaysia</strong> (Public Services Category) and SecondaryTechnical School, Kuala Lumpur (School Category).Our Science Awareness activities have seen furtherrefi ning in strategies, approaches and subject areas.Memorial Lectures, ASM Inaugural Lectures, SterlingLecture Series, Eminent Persons’ Lectures and PublicLectures constitute a steady component of our effortstowards strengthening and sharing of experiences andbuilding on linkages by our scientifi c community. Towardsinculcating a culture of scientifi c inquiry among theyoung, our ongoing projects are the National ScienceChallenge, ASM Back to School Programme and variousOutreach Programmes. For the National Science Challenge,in line with the 9MP, the competition was upgradedwith a change in format to enable winning studentsto be at par with international students. Participatingstudents are required to be profi cient at practical andtheoretical levels. The competition has now emergedas a premier annual event and changes to the formatare equal to international developments in STI and oureducational aspirations.The Academy has also been given funds to consolidateS&T linkages with OIC and other countries and this wasevident by the signifi cant co-organising role playedby the Academy, and the participation of many fromthe OIC countries in the following events. Firstly, theInternational Symposium on Islamic Science, Technologyand Innovation with the theme ‘Towards a Prosperousand Secure Islamic World’ which involved the WorldIslamic Call Society, Islamic World Academy of Sciences,In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 9

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTPertubuhan Pendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> dan Pendidikan Islam ,Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation, Bank PembangunanIslam, <strong>Akademi</strong> Saintis Muda Dunia dan <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>Dunia Ketiga. Simposium ini diadakan pada 9–11 Ogosbertempat di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur danbermatlamat memperlihatkan bahawa Islam bukansetakat menegaskan soal agama malah memberipenekanan penting soal memperoleh pengetahuanS&T untuk pembangunan ekonomi dan modal insan.Aktiviti kedua merupakan Bengkel Belia Antarabangsaterhadap STI, diadakan pada 6–7 Ogos juga di tempatyang sama. Bengkel ini mendapat sokongan BankPembangunan Islam, <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> Dunia Islam, <strong>Akademi</strong><strong>Sains</strong> Dalam Dunia Membangun, Jawatankuasa TetapKerjasama <strong>Sains</strong> dan Teknologi OIC, dan PertubuhanPendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> dan Kebudayaan Islam. Bengkel inibermatlamat membangunkan satu forum belia danjaringan STI dan mempromosi konsep pembangunanmodal manusia dari perspektif Islam Hadhari. Sejumlah90 saintis muda menghadiri bengkel ini. Daripadajumlah ini kesemua hadirin, kecuali 25 peserta, datangdaripada 14 buah negara OIC. Di penghujungbengkel, satu resolusi mengenai belia Muslim dalambidang STI dirumus. Para peserta juga komited dalammewujudkan portal-portal pengurusan pengetahuanSTI selain berkongsi serta membangunkan secarabersama perkakas untuk pengurusan penyelidikan olehpenyelidik muda di negara-negara Islam. Satu lagi,Kursus Latihan Pengurusan S&T untuk para Penyelidikdi Negara OIC juga telah dikelolakan di Kuala Lumpur.Terakhir sekali, pameran mengenai ‘Kecemerlangan <strong>Sains</strong>dalam Tamadun Islam: <strong>Sains</strong> Islam Mendahului Zaman’diadakan pada 8 Januari–14 Februari bertempat di PusatKonvensyen Kuala Lumpur. Pameran kelolaan MOSTI,Pusat <strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaan dan ASM dengan kerjasamaInstitut Sejarah <strong>Sains</strong> Arab - Islam, Frankfurt, Germanyini dikunjungi lebih suku juta pengunjung.Jaringan dengan institut-institut penyelidikan antarabangsa,akademi-akademi dan institusi-institusi pembelajarantinggi lain dimeterai bagi mempromosi interaksi diserata dunia secara kental dan penuh bersemangattelah diperkukuh dan meliputi bidang yang seimbanglagi merangkumi pelbagai disiplin sains. PerwakilanASM hadir di beberapa mesyuarat antarabangsa danakademi telah diberi kesempatan untuk menceburibanyak projek. Ini merupakan satu perkembanganyang sungguh bermakna dalam misi <strong>Akademi</strong> mencapaikecemerlangan di bidang sains demi pembangunanNegara dan manfaat manusia segajat.Penubuhan pejabat serantau Majlis Antarabangsa<strong>Sains</strong> (ICSU) untuk Asia dan Pasifi k, pada tahun 2006,Islamic Education, Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation,Islamic Development Bank, World Academy of YoungScientists and the Third World Academy of Sciences. Thiswas held from 9–11 August at the KL Convention Centre.The aim was to reveal that Islam not only emphasises onreligion but also places utmost importance on acquiringknowledge in S&T for economic and human capitaldevelopment. The other is the two-day InternationalYouth Workshop on STI, held at the same venue from 6–7August, supported by the Islamic Development Bank,Islamic World Academy of Science, Academy of Sciencesin the Developing World, OIC Standing Committee onScientifi c and Technological Co-operation, and IslamicEducational Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation. Theobjectives of the workshop were to establish a youthforum and networking in STI and to promote a conceptof human capital development from the perspective ofIslam Hadhari. A total of 90 young scientists attendedthe Workshop. All but 25 were from 14 OIC countries.At the end of the Workshop, a resolution on Muslimyouths in STI was produced. The participants were alsocommitted to establish STI knowledge managementportals and to share and co-develop new tools forresearch management for young scientists in theIslamic countries. Yet another S&T Management TrainingCourse for Researchers in OIC Countries was also heldin Kuala Lumpur, and fi nally, an exhibition on ‘Scientifi cExcellence in Islamic Civilisation: Islamic Science Aheadof its Time’ was held from 8 January–14 February at theKL Convention Hall. More than a quarter of a millionpeople visited the exhibition which was organized byMOSTI, National Science Centre and ASM in collaborationwith the Institute for the History of Arab-Islamic Sciences,Frankfurt, Germany.Linkages with international research institutions, otherworld academies and institutions of higher learningdesigned to promote robust and vigorous interactionsacross the globe were well consolidated and havecovered balanced and varied disciplines of the sciences.ASM was represented in several international meetingsand the Academy has been given the opportunityto participate in many projects. This is a signifi cantdevelopment for the Academy in our mission to pursueexcellence in science for development of the nationand benefi t of mankind.The establishment of the International Council forScience (ICSU) regional offi ce for Asia and the Pacifi c, in10In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTatas penajaan <strong>Akademi</strong> telah menyumbang terhadapmemperkukuh jaringan <strong>Akademi</strong> dengan badanbadanS&T antarabangsa. Dalam pada itu, satu lagiperkembangan yang tidak kurang pentingnya ialahpersetujuan Kerajaan membangunkan Pusat KerjasamaSelatan - Selatan Antarabangsa dalam bidang STIdi Kuala Lumpur, di bawah naungan UNESCO demimeningkatkan keupayaan pengurusan STI di semuanegara membangun. Perkembangan ini juga akanmenyumbang kepada perkukuhan jaringan <strong>Akademi</strong>dengan Badan-badan S&T dalam ekonomi yangsedang membangun.Program Penyelidikan Antartika <strong>Malaysia</strong> (MARP) telahmengalami peneguhan dan kemajuan ketara berikutanpeningkatan projek-projek penyelidikan baru danusaha kerjasama. Dalam tahun 2007, sepuluh projekpenyelidikan biologi dan tujuh penyelidikan sains fi zikaldijalankan. MARP juga telah mempertingkat keupayaandalam soal tenaga manusia. Pendek kata MARP telahmengorak langkah demi menjulang penyelidikan<strong>Malaysia</strong> ke tahap kelas dunia di samping mempromosikerjasama di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsabagi memperkasa keupayaan dan kemampuan sainsNegara. Sokongan ASM dan berbagai-bagai kementerianKerajaan teramat penting dalam menentukan MARPmengekalkan momentumnya dalam usaha meletakkan<strong>Malaysia</strong> di kalangan masyarakat saintifi k antarabangsadan dalam Sistem Perjanjian Antartika. Kerja-kerjapenyelidikan juga telah memperhebatkan sumbangansaintis <strong>Malaysia</strong> dalam isu-isu global seperti perubahaniklim, pemuliharaan persekitaran, dan secara tidaklangsung memperteguhkan penglibatan kita dalammempromosi Antartika sebagai milik bersama manusiasejagat baik di perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatumahupun forum antarabangsa lain. Kini programpendidikan ini mempunyai lapan pemegang ijazah PhD,21 pemegang ijazah MSc dan tujuh mahasiswa yangberkecimpung dalam pelbagai bidang penyelidikansaintifi k di Antartika.Berikutan kecemerlangan felo-felo yang mempunyaipelbagai kepakaran disiplin, <strong>Akademi</strong> ini kerap diundanguntuk terlibat sama dalam projek-projek pentingterutama yang penting kepada MOSTI. Kementeriantelah mengamanahkan <strong>Akademi</strong> bertanggungjawabdalam pelaksanaan beberapa inisiatif dan demimencapai matlamat ini <strong>Akademi</strong> telah membangunkanbeberapa panel kajisemula pakar. Pada tahun 2005, ASMdilantik sebagai agensi peneraju berhubung ‘BencanaSeismos dan Tsunami dan Kajian Risiko di <strong>Malaysia</strong>’dan diberi kepercayaan untuk mengendalikan danmenyelaraskan pelaksanaan kajian ini. Hingga kini, ASM2006, hosted by the Academy has contributed towardsfurther strengthening of the Academy’s linkages withinternational S&T bodies. On the same note, of equalsignifi cance is the approval by the Government to setup the International Centre for South-South Co-operationin STI in Kuala Lumpur, under the Auspices of UNESCO toincrease the capacity for management of STI throughoutdeveloping countries. It will also contribute towardsfurther strengthening the Academy’s linkages with S&Tbodies in developing economies.The <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Antarctica Research Programme (MARP)has seen further consolidation and progress with theadmission of new research projects and collaborations.Ten biological and seven physical science researchprojects were undertaken in 2007. MARP has alsoincreased its capacity in the area of human resource.Overall, MARP has forged the way to bring <strong>Malaysia</strong>’sresearch to a world-class level as well as promote nationaland international co-operation to increase the nation’sscientifi c capability and capacity. The support of ASMand the various ministries in the Government is vital inorder for MARP to maintain its momentum to secure<strong>Malaysia</strong>’s place in the international scientifi c communityas well as the Antarctic Treaty System. Research effortshave also increased <strong>Malaysia</strong>n scientifi c contributions onglobal issues such as climate change and environmentalconservation and indirectly strengthened our stakein promoting Antarctica as a common heritage forall mankind in UN and other international fora. Theresearch programme currently has 8 PhD, 21 MSc andseven undergraduate candidates working on variousfi elds of scientifi c research in Antarctica.By virtue of pre-eminance of its Fellows and the multidisciplinarynature of its expertise, the Academy isfrequently called upon to undertake important projects ofespecial signifi cance for MOSTI. The Ministry has entrustedthe Academy to undertake the implementation of anumber of initiatives and towards this, the Academy hasset up a number of expert review panels. In 2005 ASMwas appointed as the lead organization in Seismic andTsunami Hazards and Risk Study in <strong>Malaysia</strong> and wasentrusted to manage and co-ordinate the implementationof the study. To date, ASM has submitted three progressIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 11

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTtelah membentangkan tiga laporan kemajuan kepada‘Jawatankuasa Antara Agensi kepada PengurusanRisiko Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami’. Kajian ini dijangkasiap sebelum September 2008.Program Brain Gain juga mencerminkan peranan dankepakaran <strong>Akademi</strong> dalam menentukan penyediaanlaporan pakar strategik berhubung pelbagai aspekpenerapan STI. <strong>Malaysia</strong> perlu membangunkan asasyang kuat dan menyediakan kepakaran secaraberterusan demi mempertingkatkan kadar inovasi serayamenjulang daya saing Negara. Selain ini, <strong>Malaysia</strong> perlumelipatgandakan kerjasama P&P untuk meningkatkantahap inovasi kebangsaan, penghasilan penyelidikantempatan dan kejayaan pengkomersilan. ProgramBrain Gain baru <strong>Malaysia</strong> meneliti cara-cara inovatifuntuk mencungkil kepakaran saintis antarabangsayang tersohor, tanpa memerlukan mereka berpindahsecara fi zikal. Defi nisi baru Brain Gain menggandingkanpara saintis dengan industri—demi merapatkan jurangantara para saintis dan pengkomersilan. Tambahanpula, program Brain Gain ini akan menumpukan fokusmemenuhi permintaan pasaran dengan mengemblengtenaga dengan sektor awam untuk menepati keperluankepakaran mereka. Panel Kajisemula Pakar telahmembuat dua puluh tujuh kunjungan jerayawara keinstitusi-institusi dan satu ke sebuah Institut Penyelidikan.Tujuh permohonan di bawah setiap program iaituProgram Pelawat Unggul dan International Fellowshipdan Post Doctoral Programme diluluskan. Satu lawatanpromosi publisiti ke Amerika Syarikat mengenai ProgramBrain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah dirancang dari 22 Julai – 1Ogos 2007.Satu lagi bidang yang dititikberatkan oleh Kerajaanmerupakan pendekatan strategik terhadap Pendidikan<strong>Sains</strong>. <strong>Akademi</strong> telah diberi peruntukan di bawah RMK9menerusi Program Jangkauan Luar Pendidikan <strong>Sains</strong>.Objektif Program ini ialah untuk memperkasa sistempendidikan Negara terutama dalam bidang sainsdan teknologi demi pertumbuhan dan pembangunanekonomi, dan untuk menanam sifat kreativiti dankecemerlangan di kalangan pendidik mata pelajaransains dan matematiks.Sepanjang tempoh lima tahun RMK9, <strong>Akademi</strong> telahdiberikan peruntukan untuk memulakan programpenerbitan termasuk jurnal saintifi k bertaraf antarabangsadan mendapat pengiktirafan pengamal. Justeru lahirlahASM Science Journal sebagai satu wadah penyebaranpenemuan P&P, analisis polisi dan prespektif penyelidikanyang berwibawa. Isu pertama ASM Sc. J., Vol 1, No.1,2007 yang merangkumi pelbagai disiplin diterbitkanreports to the Inter-Agency Committee on Earthquakeand Tsunami Risk Management. The study is expectedto be completed by September 2008.The Brain Gain Programme also refl ects the role andexpertise of the Academy in requiring the preparationof strategic expert reports on various aspects of STIuptake. <strong>Malaysia</strong> needs to develop a strong base andsupply of scientists to increase the pace of innovationand improve national competitiveness. In addition,it needs to intensify R&D collaboration to increasenational innovation levels, indigenous research outputand commercialisation successes. <strong>Malaysia</strong>’s new BrainGain Programme looks at innovative ways to tap intothe expertise of top international scientists, withoutphysically relocating these individuals. The new defi nitionof Brain Gain links scientists with industry—to bridgethe gap between research and commercialisation. Inaddition, the Brain Gain programme will focus on fulfi llingmarket demands by working with the private sector tomeet their need for talents. Twenty-seven roadshowvisits were made to institutions and one to a researchinstitute by the expert review panel. Seven applicationseach under the Distinguished Visitor Programme andInternational Fellowship and Post-doctoral Programmewere also approved. A promotion tour to the USA topublicize the Brain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong> programme was alsoundertaken on 22 July – 1 August 2007.Another area of concern to the Government is thestrategic approach to Science Education. The Academyhas been given a 9MP allocation under the ScienceEducation Outreach Programme. The objectives of theProgramme are to strengthen the Nation’s educationsystem in the areas of science and technology for thegrowth and development of the economy, and toinstill the educators of science and mathematics witha sense of creativity and excellence.Over the fi ve-year period of the 9MP, the Academyhas been given funding to initiate a publicationsprogramme including an internationally recognised andpeer-reviewed primary scientifi c journal. Thus the ASMScience Journal was initiated to serve as a forum fordisseminating signifi cant R&D fi ndings, policy analysesand research perspectives. The fi rst issue of our multidisciplinaryASM Sc. J., Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007 was published12In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTpada suku ketiga tahun 2007 dan sebanyak 1700 naskahdiedar ke serata dunia sebagai naskah hadiah untukpublisiti serta menarik sumbangan artikel. Penerbitanisu bertema mengenai Antartika/Ekspedisi ke kutub danfotonik masih dalam perancangan, selain memaparkanseluruh Jurnal di Internet sebagai capaian terbuka.Sementara itu penerbitan seperti terbitan bulananEstidotmy yang diterbitkan secara berterusan disasaragar dapat menyuntik lebih kesedaran dan minatdalam bidang sains di kalangan belia kita. Dengantekad yang kental <strong>Akademi</strong> mempromosi penggunaanbahasa Melayu dalam bidang S&T. Dalam memenuhihasrat ini, sepanjang tahun ini, dua penerbitan iaituPengembaraan Merentasi Masa: Satu Perjalanan keArah Hadiah Nobel dan Kecemerlangan <strong>Sains</strong> dalamTamadun Islam: <strong>Sains</strong> Islam Mendahului Zaman telahditerjemah daripada bahasa Inggeris. Estidotmymerupakan penerbitan berbilang bahasa.Kita telah menjangkaui batas usia 12 tahun dan peranan<strong>Akademi</strong> ditakrif semula dalam menentukan arah tujuatau ‘Pelan Strategi’ baru <strong>Akademi</strong> telah dimeterai—inimerupakan satu lagi haluan dalam proses pertumbuhankita. Sesungguhnya, pelaksanaan strategi ini sudah pundikuatkuasakan: dalam proses penerbitan kita, cartaaliran telah digunakan untuk Laporan Penasihat ASM.Sebaik sahaja rancangan strategik dinamik ini diselaraskansepenuhnya, kita akan menggaris semula akan peripenting peranan kita, bukan hanya sebagai penasihatkepada Kerajaan berhubung STI, malah skop dan aktivitikita akan dirombak semula mengikut penekanan semasasebagaimana yang digariskan oleh MOSTI dan ekonomiNegara yang berasaskan inovasi; selain terus memainkanperanannya sebagai penyumbang pemikiran terhadapagenda S&T Negara dalam peringkat pertumbuhandan pembangunan yang semakin kritikal. S&T telahmenjalani evolusi dan kerumitan, justeru kita mestilahbersedia menjejaki perbatasan baru dalam mencarikebenaran, sesungguhnya itulah sains.Sepanjang tahun ini, usaha yang bukan kepalangdan pelaburan dana serta masa yang bukan sedikittelah dicurahkan melalui pelbagai aktiviti. Hasratmurni <strong>Akademi</strong>, selaku contoh yang ulung di bidangsains untuk Negara serta kebaikan masyarakat, ialahsetiap tindakan akan dikuasai dengan penuh dedikasidaripada semua pihak, demi memastikan benih yangdisemai menghasilkan pulangan lumayan mengikutmasanya—demi kemakmuran Negara.Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkansetinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Kerajaan <strong>Malaysia</strong>,khususnya kepada Yang Berhormat Menteri <strong>Sains</strong>,during the third quarter of 2007 and 1700 copies havebeen sent throughout the world as complimentarycopies to publicize the Journal and to attract articlecontributions. Plans are afoot to publish thematic issueson Antarctic/Polar expedition and photonics, and forthe full text of the Journal to be made available onthe internet as open access. Meanwhile publicationssuch as the monthly Estidotmy, targeted at inculcatinggreater awareness and interest in science among ouryoung have been regularly published. The Academyhas keenly promoted the Malay language in the useof S&T, and in this endeavour two publications duringthe year, namely Pengembaraan Merentasi Masa: SatuPerjalanan ke Arah Hadiah Nobel and Kecemerlangan<strong>Sains</strong> dalam Tamadun Islam: <strong>Sains</strong> Islam MendahuluiZaman were translated from English. Estidotmy is amulti-lingual publication.We have passed the 12-year mark since our inceptionand the Academy’s re-defi ned role has been fi nalisedin the Academy’s new roadmap or ‘Strategy Plan’—thisis another direction in the growth process. In fact,implementation of this has already begun in real earnest:we have applied the fl ow chart for ASM Advisory Reportsin our publication process. Once the dynamic stategicplan is fully adopted we will re-affi rm our relevance notonly as an advisor to the Government on STI but ourscope and activities will be re-alligned with the presentemphasis of MOSTI’s and the nation’s ‘innovation-ledeconomy’ and continue to perform the role of a thoughtprovider to the nation’s S&T agenda in this increasinglycritical stage of our growth and development. S&T hasevolved with time and in complexity and we must begeared to seek new frontiers in the search for truth,that is science.Great efforts, substantive funds and time were investedin varied activities during the year; and it is the sinceredesire of the Academy as a paragon in science for thenation and the betterment of society, that every effortwill be mustered, with sincere dedication of all quartersconcerned, to ensure that these seeds planted willreap a great harvest in due time—all for the progressof the Nation.I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepgratitude to the Government of <strong>Malaysia</strong>, particularlythe Honourable Minister of Science, Technology andIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 13

LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT’S REPORTTeknologi dan Inovasi, atas sokongan padu Kementerianbeliau (MOSTI) yang telah membolehkan <strong>Akademi</strong>menjejaki objektifnya. Sesungguhnya kita menghargaikeyakinan yang diletakkan di bahu <strong>Akademi</strong> dalammelaksanakan projek-projek ini serta memastikan semuanyamembuahkan hasil. Juga saya ingin memanjatkan rasaterima kasih kepada ahli akademi, para felo, institutpenyelidikan, institusi pengajian tinggi, dan komunitisaintifi k yang sudi meluangkan masa dan tenaga demikesejahteraan <strong>Akademi</strong>. Akhir kata, syabas dan terimakasih yang tidak terhingga kepada semua sekretariat<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> atas dedikasi, komitmen danketekunan yang dicurahkan sepanjang menjalankantugas. Penghargaan tulus saya juga ditujukan kepadasemua ‘Rakan Erat’ <strong>Akademi</strong>.Innovation, and the support of the Ministry (MOSTI) whichhas enabled the Academy to pursue its objective. Wecertainly appreciate the confi dence accorded to theAcademy to undertake these projects and bring it tosuccessful fruition. I would also like to acknowledge myappreciation to the Academicians, Fellows, researchinstitutes, institutions of higher learning, and the scientifi ccommunity for making available their time and effort tothe cause of the Academy. Finally, syabas and a verysincere thank you to the staff at the ASM Secretariat fortheir dedication, commitment and diligence in carryingout their tasks. My sincere appreciation is also conveyedto all the dear ‘Friends’ of the Academy.Tan Sri Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron, FAScPresiden, <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>President, Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong>14In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

FUNGSI ASMFUNCTIONS OF ASMMenggalakkan dan merangsang pembangunansains, kejuruteraan dan teknologiTo promote and foster the development of science,engineering and technologyMengadakan forum pertukaran pendapat di kalanganahli sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologiTo provide a forum for the inter-change of ideasamong scientists, engineers and technologistsMenggalakkan kesedaran, pemahaman danpenghargaan akan negara peranan sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi dalam kemajuan manusiaTo promote national awareness, understanding andappreciation of the role of science, engineeringand technology in human progressMenggalakkan daya reka-ciptaan di kalangan ahlisains, jurutera dan ahli teknologiTo promote creativity among scientists, engineersand technologistsMenggalakkan sifat berdikari negara dalam bidangsains, kejuruteraan dan teknologiTo promote national self-reliance in the fi elds of science,engineering and technologyBertindak sebagai forum bagi mengekalkan kesedarandi pihak Kerajaan akan pentingnya peranan sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi dalam proses pembangunannegara dan membawa kepada perhatian ahlisains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi akan keperluanpembangunan negaraTo act as a forum for maintaining awareness on thepart of the Government of the signifi cance of therole of science, engineering and technology in thedevelopment process of the nation and for bringingnational development needs to the attention ofscientists, engineers and technologistsMenganalisa masalah-masalah tertentu negara danmengenalpasti di mana sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologidapat memberi sumbangan kepada penyelesaian masalahdengan membuat syor-syor kepada KerajaanTo analyse particular national problems and identifywhere science, engineering and technology cancontribute to their solution and accordingly to makerecommendations to the GovernmentSentiasa mengambil perhatian tentang perkembangansains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi serta mengenalpastiperkembangan yang relevan dengan keperluannegara dan membawa kepada perhatian Kerajaanakan perkembangannyaTo keep in touch with developments in science,engineering and technology and identify thosedevelopments which are relevant to national needsand to bring such developments to the attention ofthe GovernmentMenyediakan laporan, kertas-kerja atau dokumenlain berhubungan dengan dasar sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi negara dan membuat syor-syor yangperlu kepada KerajaanTo prepare reports, papers or other documents relatingto the national science, engineering and technologypolicy and make the necessary recommendations tothe GovernmentIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 15

FUNGSI ASMFUNCTIONS OF ASMMendayausahakan dan membiayai kajian pelbagaidisiplin yang berkaitan serta keperluan pemahaman yanglebih mendalam tentang implikasi sosial dan ekonomiyang terbit dari sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologiTo initiate and sponsor multi-disciplinary studies relatedto and necessary for the better understanding ofthe social and economic implications of science,engineering and technologyMenggalakkan penyelidikan dan pembangunandan pendidikan serta latihan untuk tenagamanusia yang sesuai dalam bidang saintifi k,kejuruteraan dan teknologiTo encourage research and development andeducation and training of human resource in theappropriate scientifi c,engineering and technicalfi eldsMengadakan dan mengekalkan hubungan antara<strong>Akademi</strong> dan badan-badan luar negeri yangmempunyai objektif yang hampir serupa denganobjektif <strong>Akademi</strong>To establish and maintain relations between theAcademy and overseas bodies having the sameor almost similar objectives in science, engineeringand technology as the AcademyMelakukan apa-apa perkara lain dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi sebagaimana yang dimintaoleh Kerajaan dari semasa ke semasaTo advise on matters related to science, engineering andtechnology as may be requested by the Governmentfrom time to timeMelakukan apa-apa tindakan lain yang konsistendengan Akta <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> 1994 sebagaimanayang dikehendaki untuk meningkatkan kemajuansains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi di <strong>Malaysia</strong> dankebajikan serta taraf <strong>Akademi</strong>.To do such other acts which are consistent with 1994Academy of Sciences Act as may be required in orderto further the advancement of science, engineeringand technology in <strong>Malaysia</strong> and the welfare andstatus of the Academy.16In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

PIAGAM PELANGGAN SEKRETARIATSECRETARIAT CLIENT CHARTERKami, Sekretariat ASM, berjanji dan komited untukmemberi perkhidmatan yang profesional, berkualiti,cekap dan mesra kepada pelanggan ke arahpencapaian kecemerlangan sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi melalui:• P emberian perkhidmatan keurusetiaankepada Majlis, Jawatankuasa Kerja danBadan Bertindak.• P emberian perkhidmatan sokongan kepadaFelo.• P engurusan dan pemantauan ProjekRancangan <strong>Malaysia</strong> Ke-9 (RMK9) mengikutIndikator Prestasi Kerja (KPI) yang telahditetapkan.• P elaksanaan Projek Khas mengikut termadan tempoh yang ditentukan oleh pihakberkepentingan.We, the ASM Secretariat promise and commit toprovide professional, quality, effi cient and friendlyservice to our clients in pursuit of excellence inscience, engineering, and technology by:• P roviding secretariat services to the Council,Working Committees, and Task Force.• Providing support services to Fellows.• M anaging and monitoring Ninth <strong>Malaysia</strong> Plan(9MP) projects according to the determinedKey Performance Indicators.• I mplementing Special Projects accordingto the required terms and time framedetermined by the stakeholders.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 17

FELO KEHORMATHONORARY FELLOWYAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad BadawiPerdana Menteri <strong>Malaysia</strong>Prime Minister of <strong>Malaysia</strong>18In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

HONORARY FELLOWFELO KEHORMATYABhg Tun Dr Mahathir MohamadBekas Perdana Menteri <strong>Malaysia</strong>Former Prime Minister of <strong>Malaysia</strong>In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 19

FELO KEHORMATHONORARY FELLOWNobel Laureate Prof Ahmed H. ZewailPemenang Hadiah Nobel 1999 (Kimia)Nobel Laureate 1999 (Chemistry)20In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

FELO KANANSENIOR FELLOWSAcademician Datuk DrAbdul Aziz S. A. Kadir, FAScFelo Kanan Baru dilantik pada 2007New Senior Fellow appointed in 20071A cademician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar AbdulRahman, FAScS&T Developmentand IndustrySenior Fellow 19992 A cademician Dato’ Ir Lee Yee Cheong, FASc Engineering Sciences Senior Fellow 19993A cademician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine OngSoon Hock, FAScChemical Sciences Senior Fellow 19994 Academician Dr M. K. Rajakumar, FASc Medical Sciences Senior Fellow 19995A cademician Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Mohd RashdanBaba, FAScS&T Developmentand IndustrySenior Fellow 20016 Academician Emeritus Prof Yong Hoi Sen, FASc Biological Sciences Senior Fellow 20027A cademician Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ir (Dr) ShamsuddinAbdul Kadir, FAScInformationTechnologySenior Fellow 20028 Academician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASc Biological Sciences Senior Fellow 20049 Academician Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc Medical Sciences Senior Fellow 200510 Academician Datuk Dr M. Jegathesan, FASc Medical Sciences Senior Fellow 2006In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 21

FELO BARUNEW FELLOWSTan Sri Datuk Dr Mohd Ismail Merican, FAScProf Cheah Phaik Leng, FAScDr Lim Boo Liat, FAScProf Datin Paduka Khatijah Mohd Yusoff, FAScProf Roslan Abd Shukor, FAScProf Wong Chiow San, FAScDr Goh Lai Yoong neé Wong Lai Yoong, FAScProf Dato’ Muhammad Idiris Saleh, FAScDatuk Dr Ahmad Tasir Lope Pihie, FAScDr Ahmad Ibrahim, FASc22In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

SENARAI FELOLIST OF FELLOWSSAINS PERUBATAN | MEDICAL SCIENCES1. Academician Dr M. K. Rajakumar, FASc2. Academician Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc3. Academician Datuk Dr M. Jegathesan, FASc4. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Abdul Majid Ismail, FASc5. Prof Mak Joon Wah, FASc6. Dato’ Dr Lim Kee Jin, FASc7. Datuk Dr Hussein Awang, FASc8. Emeritus Prof Dato’ Khalid Abdul Kadir, FASc9. Datuk Dr G. Sreenevasan, FASc10. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Yahya Awang, FASc11. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar Dato’ Suleiman, FASc12. Emeritus Prof Dato’ Lam Sai Kit, FASc13. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Musa Mohamad, FASc14. Dato’ Paduka Dr Mustaffa Embong, FASc15. Prof Puan Sri Datin Nafi sah Nik Mohd Adeeb, FASc16. Cmdr Prof Dato’ Hashim Yaacob, FASc17. Prof Yap Sook Fan, FASc18. Prof Cheong Soon-Keng, FASc19. Prof Dato’ Khairul Anuar Abdullah, FASc20. Prof Dato’ C. P. Ramachandran, FASc21. Prof Asma Ismail, FASc22. Prof Dato’ Anuar Zaini Md Zain, FASc23. Prof Victor Lim Kok Eow @ Azman Lim, FASc24. Prof Dato’ Khalid Yusoff, FASc25. Prof Dato’ Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin, FASc26. Prof Mohd Ismail Noor, FASc27. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Mohd Ismail Merican, FASc28. Prof Cheah Phaik Leng, FAScIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 23

SENARAI FELOLIST OF FELLOWSSAINS KEJURUTERAAN | ENGINEERING SCIENCES1. Academician Dato’ Ir Dr Lee Yee Cheong, FASc2. Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Abu Zarim Omar, FASc3. Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Dr Shahrizaila Abdullah, FASc4. Dato’ Dr Muhammad Ridzuan Salleh, FASc5. Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Muhammad Yusuff Muhammad Yunus, FASc6. Ir Hong Lee Pee, FASc7. En Hijjas Kasturi, FASc8. Datuk Ir Dr Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, FASc9. Dato’ Dr Mohd Ariffi n Aton, FASc10. Ir Dr Ting Wen Hui, FASc11. Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar Jaafar, FASc12. Prof Dato’ Wira Mohammad Noor Salleh, FASc13. Prof Abang Abdullah Abang Ali, FASc14. Prof Dato’ Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar, FASc15. Prof Mohd Ali Hashim, FASc16. Dr Ma Ah Ngan, FASc17. Prof Dato’ Goh Sing Yau, FASc18. Dato’ Seri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis, FASc19. Prof Radin Umar Radin Sohadi, FASc20. Tan Sri Prof Mohd Zulkifl i Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali, FASc21. Prof Tan Hong Siang, FASc22. Prof Datuk Ow Chee Sheng, FASc24In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

LIST OF FELLOWSSENARAI FELOSAINS BIOLOGI | BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES1. Academician Emeritus Prof Yong Hoi Sen, FASc2. Academician Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASc3. Emeritus Prof Abdul Latif Ibrahim, FASc4. Emeritus Prof Dato’ Ahmad Nawawi Ayob, FASc5. Emeritus Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Syed Jalaluddin Syed Salim, FASc6. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus, FASc7. Prof Dato’ Zakri Abdul Hamid, FASc8. Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Mustaffa Babjee, FASc9. Emeritus Prof Chin Hoong Fong, FASc10. Dr Francis S. P. Ng, FASc11. Prof Mak Chai @ Mak Lian Fong, FASc12. Prof Ho Yin Wan, FASc13. Assoc. Prof Koh Chong Lek, FASc14. Emeritus Prof Mohd Nordin Hassan, FASc15. Dr Rajanaidu Nookiah, FASc16. Prof Dato’ Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, FASc17. Prof Muhamad Awang, FASc18. Emeritus Prof Dato’ Mohamed Mahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc19. Dato’ Dr Yeang Hoong Yeat, FASc20. Prof Dato’ Abdul Latiff Mohamad, FASc21. Prof Ghazally Ismail, FASc22. Prof Mohamed Abdul Majid, FASc23. Prof Helen Nair, FASc24. Dr Soh Aik Chin, FASc25. Dr C. Devendra, FASc26. Dr Lim Boo Liat, FASc27. Prof Datin Paduka Khatijah Mohd Yusoff, FAScIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 25

SENARAI FELOLIST OF FELLOWSSAINS MATEMATIK DAN FIZIK | MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES1. Dato’ Dr Chatar Singh, FASc2. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali, FASc3. Emeritus Prof Dato’ Mohd Sham Mohd Sani, FASc4. Prof Datuk R. Ratnalingam, FASc5. Datuk Fateh Chand, FASc6. Dr Shaharir Mohamed Zain, FASc7. Sr. Prof Chia Swee Ping, FASc8. Dr Fon Wai Chu, FASc9. Prof Dato’ Hassan Said, FASc10. Prof Dato’ Chuah Hean Teik, FASc11. Prof Datuk Ibrahim Komoo, FASc12. Prof Bahrom Sanugi, FASc13. Prof Harith Ahmad, FASc14. Prof Kurunathan Ratnavelu, FASc15. Prof Tou Teck Yong, FASc16. Prof Muhammad Yahaya, FASc17. Prof Lim Ming Huat, FASc18. Prof Wong Chiow San, FASc19. Prof Roslan Abd Shukor, FASc26In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

LIST OF FELLOWSSENARAI FELOSAINS KIMIA | CHEMICAL SCIENCES1. Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine Ong Soon Hock, FASc2. Dr Badri Muhamad, FASc3. Prof Dato’ V. G. Kumar Das, FASc4. Emeritus Prof Ng Soon, FASc5. Dr Ho Chee Cheong, FASc6. Datuk Dr Mohinder Singh S. Sucha Singh, FASc7. Dr Goh Swee Hock, FASc8. Prof Dr Halimaton Hamdan, FASc9. Prof Dato’ Md Ikram Mohd Said, FASc10. Dr Lee Chnoong Kheng, FASc11. Prof Datuk Sukiman Sarmani, FASc12. Dato’ Dr Choo Yuen May, FASc13. Prof Ibrahim Abdullah, FASc14. Prof Datuk A. Hamid A. Hadi, FASc15. Dr Goh Lai Yoong neé Wong Lai Yoong, FASc16. Prof Dato’ Muhammad Idiris Saleh, FAScIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 27

SENARAI FELOLIST OF FELLOWSTEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY1. Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ir Dr Shamsuddin Abdul Kadir, FASc2. YM Tengku Datuk Dr Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen Tengku Ibrahim, FASc3. Dato’ Ir Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail, FASc4. Emeritus Prof Dato’ Tan Wang Seng, FASc5. Datuk Dr Mohamed Ariff Nun, FASc6. Dr Mohamad Awang Lah, FASc7. Dr Mohamad Zahran Dato’ Sheikh Abdul Halim, FASc8. Prof Zaharin Yusoff, FASc9. Dato’ Prof Zainul Abidin Md Shariff, FASc10. Prof Dato’ Mashkuri Yaacob, FASc28In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

LIST OF FELLOWSSENARAI FELOPEMBANGUNAN SAINS & TEKNOLOGI DAN INDUSTRI |SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRY1. Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman, FASc2. Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Mohd Rashdan Baba, FASc3. Academician Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S. A. Kadir, FASc4. Tan Sri Dato‘ Dr Ani Arope, FASc5. Tan Sri Dato‘ Dr Mohamed Yusof Hashim, FASc6. Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Yaacob, FASc7. Tan Sri Datuk Yong Poh Kon, FASc8. Tan Sri T. Ananda Krishnan, FASc9. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron, FASc10. Datuk Alladin Hashim, FASc11. Prof Datuk Mazlan Othman, FASc12. Ir Mohamed Zohari Mohamed Shaharun, FASc13. Datuk Dr Saharan Anang, FASc14. Dato’ Dr Ong Eng Long, FASc15. Prof Jalani Sukaimi, FASc16. Prof Khalijah Mohd Salleh, FASc17. Dr Chan Kook Weng, FASc18. Dato’ Dr Abdul Razak Mohd Ali, FASc19. Dato’ Ir Lai Pin Yong, FASc20. Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh, FASc21. Datuk Dr Mohd Basri Wahid, FASc22. Dr Ahmad Ibrahim, FASc23. Datuk Dr Ahmad Tasir Lope Pihie, FAScIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 29

AHLI MAJLISCOUNCIL MEMBERSPresiden:President:Tan Sri Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron, FAScNaib Presiden:Vice-President:Prof Datuk Mazlan Othman, FAScSetiausaha Agung:Secretary General:Academician Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FAScBendahari Kehormat:Honorary Treasurer:Datuk Ir Dr Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, FAScAhli Majlis:Council Members:Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah, FAScAcademician Prof Emeritus Yong Hoi Sen, FAScDatuk Fateh Chand, FAScProf Dato’ Md Ikram Mohd Said, FAScProf Ho Chee Cheong, FAScProf Muhamad Awang, FAScP rof Emeritus Dato’ Mohamed Mahyuddin MohdDahan, FAScDatuk Dr Mohinder Singh S. Sucha Singh, FAScProf Dato’ Khairul Anuar Abdullah, FAScProf Dato’ C. P. Ramachandran, FAScProf Dato’ Chuah Hean Teik, FAScProf Asma Ismail, FAScMajlis telah mengadakan enam (6) mesyuarat bagitahun berakhir pada 31 Disember 2007 iaitu:• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-71: Selasa, 13 Februari 2007• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-72: Jumaat, 30 Mac 2007• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-73: Sabtu, 27 Mei 2007• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-74: Sabtu, 28 Julai 2007• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-75: Sabtu, 29 September 2007• Mesyuarat Majlis ke-76: Sabtu, 24 November 2007Pada mesyuarat tersebut, Majlis telah membincangkanisu-isu berikut:• P enilaian Semula Belanjawan 2006 danBelanjawan 2007• P rojek-projek di bawah Rancangan <strong>Malaysia</strong>Kesembilan- Program Nasihat kepada Kerajaan- Program Mencapai Kecemerlangan dalam STI- Program Kesedaran <strong>Sains</strong>- Program Antarabangsa- Penerbitan• Program dan Aktiviti ASMThe Council met six (6) times for the year ending 31December 2007, as follows:• 71th Council Meeting: Tuesday, 13 February 2007• 72th Council Meeting: Friday, 30 March 2007• 73th Council Meeting: Saturday, 27 May 2007• 74th Council Meeting: Saturday, 28 July 2007• 75th Council Meeting: Saturday, 29 September 2007• 76th Council Meeting: Saturday, 24 November 2007During these meetings, the Council deliberated onthe following issues:• 2006 Budget Review and 2007 Budget• Projects under the Ninth <strong>Malaysia</strong> Plan- Advice to Government Programmes- Achieving Excellence in STI Programmes- Science Awareness Programmes- International Programmes- Publications• ASM Programmes and Activities30In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

MESYUARAT AGUNG KE-1212TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGSaturday, 28 April 2007Sabtu, 28 April 2007Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan ke-12 <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>telah diadakan pada 28 April 2007 di Bilik Seminar, ASM.Mesyuarat tersebut dipengerusikan oleh Presiden, TanSri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus, FASc dan dihadirioleh 65 orang Felo. Pengerusi telah menyampaikanucapan aluan dan terima kasih atas kehadiran Felo<strong>Akademi</strong>.Pengerusi mengumumkan bahawa tempoh enam tahunbeliau sebagai Presiden <strong>Akademi</strong> telah berakhir. Beliauturut memaklumkan bahawa Presiden baru <strong>Akademi</strong>akan dilantik oleh DYMM Yang Di-Pertuan Agong danurusan berkenaan sedang dijalankan. Sementaraproses perlantikan itu, Majlis ASM yang baru dilantikyang diketuai oleh Naib Presiden akan menguruskanperjalanan ASM.Mesyuarat telah membincangkan dan meluluskanperkara-perkara berikut:The Academy held its 12th Annual General Meeting on28 April 2007 at the Seminar Hall, ASM. The President,Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus, FASc wasthe Chairman who presided at the AGM which wasattended by 65 Fellows of the Academy. The Chairmanpresented his welcome address and thanked membersfor their attendance.The Chairman announced the end of his six-year term asPresident of the Academy and informed the members thatthe new President of the Academy would be appointedby DYMM Yang Di-Pertuan Agong at a later stage asthe necessary arrangements were being done. Duringthe interim, the newly-appointed Council, headed bythe Vice-President, would manage the Academy.The meeting discussed and approved the following:• L aporan Tahunan 2006 dan Penyata Kewanganberakhir 31 Disember 2006; dan• S eramai 10 orang Felo baru telah dilantik oleh <strong>Akademi</strong><strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> iaitu:• 2 006 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts forthe year ending 31 December 2006; and• E lection of ten new Fellows of the Academy of Sciences<strong>Malaysia</strong> as follows:Tan Sri Datuk Dr Mohd Ismail Merican, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Perubatan / Medical SciencesProf Cheah Phaik Leng, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Perubatan / Medical SciencesDr Lim Boo Liat, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Biologi / Biological SciencesProf Datin Paduka Khatijah Mohd Yusoff, FAScProf Roslan Abd Shukor, FAScProf Wong Chiow San, FAScDr Goh Lai Yoong née Wong Lai Yoong, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Biologi / Biological SciencesS ains Matematik dan Fizik / Mathematical and PhysicalSciencesS ains Matematik dan Fizik / Mathematical and PhysicalSciences<strong>Sains</strong> Kimia / Chemical SciencesProf Dato’ Muhammad Idiris Saleh, FAScDatuk Dr Ahmad Tasir Lope Pihie, FAScDr Ahmad Ibrahim, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Kimia / Chemical SciencesP embangunan <strong>Sains</strong> dan Teknologi dan Industri / Scienceand Technology Development and IndustryP embangunan <strong>Sains</strong> dan Teknologi dan Industri / Scienceand Technology Development and IndustryIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 31

MESYUARAT AGUNG KE-1212TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGPerlantikan Ahli Majlis / Appointment of Council Members• Prof Asma Ismail, FASc– Ahli Majlis / Council Member• Prof Dato’ Khairul Anuar Abdullah, FASc – Ahli Majlis / Council Member• Prof Dato’ C.P. Ramachandran, FASc– Ahli Majlis / Council Member• Datuk Dr Mohinder Singh S. Sucha Singh, FASc– Ahli Majlis / Council Member• Prof Dato’ Chuah Hean Teik, FASc– Ahli Majlis / Council Member• Prof. Dato’ Mohamed Mahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc– Ahli Majlis / Council MemberPengerusi juga memaklumkan tentang perlantikanDatuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir, FASc sebagai FeloKanan yang baru sepertimana yang dipersetujui olehAhli Majlis ASM.The Chairman informed the Meeting of the appointmentof Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir, FASc as a new SeniorFellow as agreed to by the ASM Council.Felo ASM di Mesyuarat Agung.ASM Fellows at the Annual General Meeting.32In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JAWATANKUASA KERJA DAN BADAN BERTINDAKWORKING COMMITTEES AND TASK FORCEJAWATANKUASA KERJAWORKING COMMITTEESJAWATANKUASA KEWANGANFINANCE COMMITTEEJAWATANKUASA EKSEKUTIFEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEPengerusi / ChairmanDatuk Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, FAScPresiden / PresidentTan Sri Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron, FAScJAWATANKUASA KEAHLIANMEMBERSHIP COMMITTEENaib Presiden / Vice-PresidentProf Datuk Mazlan Othman, FAScPengerusi / ChairmanAcademician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FAScSetiausaha Agung / Secretary GeneralAcademician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FAScBendahari Kehormat / Honorary TreasurerDato’ Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, FAScPENGERUSI KUMPULAN DISIPLINCHAIRMAN OF DISCIPLINE GROUPS<strong>Sains</strong> Perubatan / Medical SciencesProf Dato’ Dr C. P. Ramachandran, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Kejuruteraan / Engineering SciencesProf Abang Abdullah Abang Ali, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Biologi / Biological SciencesAcademician Prof Emeritus Yong Hoi Sen, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Matematik dan Fizik / Mathematical andPhysical SciencesSenior Prof Chia Swee Ping, FASc<strong>Sains</strong> Kimia / Chemical SciencesAcademician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine Ong SoonHock, FAScJAWATANKUASA PELABURANINVESTMENT COMMITTEEPengerusi / ChairmanDatuk Ir Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, FAScJAWATANKUASA PERJAWATANESTABLISHMENT COMMITTEEPengerusi / ChairmanAcademician Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FAScJAWATANKUASA AUDITAUDIT COMMITTEEPengerusi / ChairmanTan Sri Dato’ Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah, FAScJAWATANKUASA NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENT COMMITTEEPengerusi / ChairmanTan Sri Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron, FAScNaib Pengerusi / Deputy ChairmanProf Datuk Mazlan Othman, FAScTeknologi Maklumat / Information Technology(To be Appointed)P embangunan S&T dan Industri / S&T Developmentand IndustryAcademician Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir, FAScIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 33





CARTA ORGANISASI ASMASM ORGANISATIONAL CHART█MAJLIS AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIAACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA COUNCIL█JAWATANKUASACOMMITTEES█BADAN BERTINDAKTASK FORCE█KUMPULAN DISIPLINDISCIPLINE GROUPS• Eksekutif / Executive• Kewangan / Finance• Keahlian / Membership• Pelaburan / Investment• Perjawatan / Establishment• Audit / Audit• Nasihat kepada Kerajaan / Advice to Government• Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa/ International Affairs• Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaan / National Science Challenge• Penerbitan / Publications• Budaya Cemerlang / Culture of Excellence• Pemantauan Projek RMK9 / 9MP Project MonitoringJawatankuasa Pemandu SAGA•SAGA Steering CommitteePendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> dan Teknologi•Science and Technology Education• Anugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir / Mahathir Science AwardTabung Amanah Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh•Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Medical Research FundProgram Penilaian Pemeringkatan Penyelidikan•Ranking Research ProgrammeKesedaran <strong>Sains</strong> & Teknologi•Science &Technology AwarenessPengurusan Projek Bencana Seismos & Kajian Risiko di• <strong>Malaysia</strong> / Project Management of Seismic Hazard & RiskStudy in <strong>Malaysia</strong>Program Air / Water•ProgramBioteknologi& Pertanian•Biotechnology &AgricultureTanah ASM / ASM•LandVisi 1441 (OIC)•Vision 1441 (OIC)Ekspedisi Saintifi k•Scientifi c ExpeditionPembangunanLestari Dan Biodiversiti/ Biodiversity,•Environmentand SustainableDevelopmentP&P <strong>Malaysia</strong> di• Antartika / <strong>Malaysia</strong>nR&D in AntarcticaKursus LatihanPengurusan S&T / S&T•Management TrainingCourseAnugerah Inovasi•Innovation AwardVisi 1441 (OIC)•Vision 1441 (OIC)<strong>Sains</strong> Perubatan•Medical Sciences<strong>Sains</strong> Kejuruteraan•Engineering Sciences<strong>Sains</strong> Biologi•Biological Sciences<strong>Sains</strong> Matematik dan• Fizikal / Mathematicaland Physical Sciences<strong>Sains</strong> Kimia•Chemical SciencesTeknologi Maklumat• InformationTechnologyPembangunan S&Tdan Industri / S&T•Development andIndustryTeknikal Bencana Seismos & Kajian Risiko di <strong>Malaysia</strong>•Technical on Seismic Hazard & Risk Study in <strong>Malaysia</strong>Pengurusan Projek Brain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong>•Project Management of Brain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong>█SEKRETARIATSECRETARIATPanel Khas Penilaian Innofund•Special Panel for Evaluation of InnofundPanel Khas Penilaian Technofund•Special Panel for Evaluation of TechnofundPanel Khas Penilaian Dana <strong>Sains</strong>•Special Panel for Evaluation of Science FundSimposium Antarabangsa terhadap <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan• Inovasi / International Symposium on Science, Technologyand InnovationBengkel Belia Antarabangsa terhadap <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi• dan Inovasi / International Youth Workshop on Science,Technology and Innovation38In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

CARTA ORGANISASI SEKRETARIATORGANISATIONAL CHART OF SECRETARIATMAJLIS (Ahli Majlis)Council (Council Members)Dato’ Dr Samsudin TugimanPengarah Eksekutif/Executif DirectorJUSA C (Kontrak)KECEMERLANGANJARINGANSAINS &PUSAT INFORMASINASIHAT KEPADASAINS/KERJASAMAMASYARAKAT/DAN PENERBITAN/KERAJAAN/SCIENCEANTARABANGSA/SCIENCE &INFORMATIONADVICE TOEXCELLENCEINTERNATIONALSOCIETYCENTRE ANDGOVERNEMNTCOLLABORATIONPUBLICATIONKanesan SolomalaiP. LoganathanPegawai PenerbitanPenyelarasKanan/SeniorProjek/Publication OfficerProjectN54 (Kontrak)Co-ordinatorN54 (Kontrak)NitiavathyMohd Nasaruddin Abd.KarunaharanRahmanTengku SharizadPegawai <strong>Sains</strong> Kanan/Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong> Kanan/Tengku DahlanSenior Science OfficerSenior Science OfficerPegawai <strong>Sains</strong> Kanan/C48 (Kontrak)C48 (Kontrak)Senior Science OfficerC48 (Tetap)Shariffah TalhaNooniFarizan JafarMior AhmadShariza JamekSalwa Hj MohamadSyed HassanEzdianiPegawai IT/Shah MiorPegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Seetha RamasamyPegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Norhanizah IsmailYasinIT OfficerShahidinScience OfficerPegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Science OfficerScience OfficerPegawai KomunikasiPegawai Penerbitan/ F41 (Kontrak)Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/C41 (Kontrak)Science OfficerC41 (Kontrak)C41 (Kontrak)Korporat/ CorporatePublication OfficerScience OfficerC41 (Kontrak)CommunicationN41 (Kontrak)ZamzurianiC41 (Kontrak)KosongNur Marini SaariOfficerMuhd FaniKosongPegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Mohd Razman IsmailN41 (Kontrak)Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Science OfficerScience OfficerPegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Science OfficerScience OfficerC41 (Kontrak)C41 (Kontrak)Science OfficerC41(Kontrak)Surendran RoyanC41 (Kontrak)C41 (Kontrak)Penolong PegawaiJasin Abdul HalimKosongHafiz AmbarPenerbitan/AssistantPenyelaras Projek/Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Publication OfficerProject Co-ordinatorScience OfficerScience OfficerN27 (Kontrak)DG41 (Kontrak)C41 (Kontrak)C41 (Kontrak)Asmah AmatNur Adzura SharifPembantu Tadbir/Penolong Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong>/Assistant AdministratorAssistant Science OfficerN22 (Tetap)C27 (Kontrak)Mohd Zairi MansorPembantuPerpustakaan/Library AssistantS17 (Tetap)39In Pursuit of Excellence in ScienceNorhafiza AwangIdrisSetiausaha/SecretaryN17 (Kontrak)PENTADBIRAN DAN KEWANGAN/ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCEKosongPengurus/ManagerS54 (Kontrak)KEWANGANPENTADBIRAN &DAN AKAUN/PERKHIDMATAN/FINANCE ANDADMINISTRATIONACCOUNTAND SERVICEKosongRosmaniza AbdPegawai Tadbir/RahmanAdministratorAkauntan/OfficerAccountantN41 (Kontrak)W41 (Kontrak)Sazarul AiniSabotAzanizar Mohd ArisPenolongPenolong Akauntan/Pegawai Tadbir/Assistant AccountantAssistantW27 (Kontrak )AdministratorN27 (Tetap)Priscilla a/p RockeNor Hayati JohanAnthonyPembantu TadbirPembantu Tadbir/(Perakaunnan)/AssistantAssistant AdministratorAdministrator(Finance)N17 (Kontrak)W17 (Kontrak)Murni @ Zahani AriffinPenyambut Tetamu/ReceiptionistN11 (Kontrak)Rusli OthmanPembantu Am Pejabat/General AssistantN1 (Tetap)Shareeza ShaariPemandu Kenderaan/DriverR3 (Tetap)

DALAM KENANGANIN MEMORIAMTan Sri Ir. (Dr) J. G. DanielSelepas mengecapi kerjaya yang begitu menggagumkanbaik di arena tempatan mahupun antarabangsa,Tan Sri Ir (Dr) J.G. Daniel meninggal dunia pada 16September 2007. Mendiang yang merupakan bekasKetua Pengarah Jabatan Saliran dan Pengairan (1972–1976) menjejaki alam pendidikan di Victoria Institution,Technical College Kuala Lumpur (kini dikenali sebagaiUniversiti Teknologi <strong>Malaysia</strong>), sebelum melanjutkanpengajian di University of London. Selaku KetuaPengarah, mendiang bertanggungjawab menentukanarah keseluruhan, kawalan dan pengurusan bukansahaja Jabatan Persekutuan malah operasi tiga belasJabatan Negeri. Semasa memegang jawatan selakuKetua Pengarah, mendiang telah mengkonsepsikandan memperoleh pembiayaan Projek Perparitan JohorBarat dari Bank Dunia.Tan Sri Ir (Dr) J. G. Daniel passed away on 16 September2007 after a distinguished career recognized both locallyand internationally. A former Director General of theDrainage and Irrigation Department (1972 to 1976),he was educated at the Victoria Institution, TechnicalCollege Kuala Lumpur (now University Teknologi <strong>Malaysia</strong>),and the University of London. He was responsible, asDirector General, for the overall direction, control andmanagement of not only the Federal Department butalso thirteen State Departments. During his term asDirector General, he conceptualized and preparedthe West Johore Drainage Project for funding by theWorld Bank.Mendiang juga bertanggungjawab bHe was also responsible for the publication,tentang penerbitan, buat julung kalifor the fi rst time, of various standardspelbagai piawai yang digunakan untukfor urban drainage, hydrology andperparitan, hidrologi dan hidraulik luarhydraulics, which have since becomebandar, yang kini dijadikan rujukanstandard references to practitioners instandard oleh para pengamal di bidangsaliran, pengairan dan pemuliharaanthe fi elds of drainage, irrigation and riversungai. Juga, buat pertama kali,conservancy. He introduced, also formendiang telah memperkenalkan konduitthe fi rst time, glass-reinforced polyesterpoliester bertetulang kaca yang begituconduits for the rapid distribution ofsesuai dalam pengagihan pengairan keirrigation water to padi fi elds, makingsawah padi dengan pantas. Kaedahit possible to grow fi ve crops of riceini memungkinkan padi ditaman limakali setiap dua tahun. Amalan ini iin two years, thus setting the countrytelah meletakkan Negara kita ke arahfi rmly on the road towards its declaredTan Sri Ir. (Dr) J. G. Danielpencapaian matlamat berdikari dalamaim of achieving self-suffi ciency in ricepengeluaran hasil beras. Mendiangproduction. He became an expertseterusnya menjadi penasihat pakar kepada Kerajaan advisor to the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Government on drainage,<strong>Malaysia</strong> dalam bidang saliran, pengairan, hidrologiirrigation, hydrology, hydraulics, urban drainage andhidraulik, saliran luar bandar dan pengawalan banjir.fl ood control. International positions soon followedJawatan di arena antarabangsa pun menyusul malahmendiang dilantik sebagai ahli dan juga felo kehormat and he was a member and honorary fellow of variousdi pelbagai organisasi Antarabangsa dan tempatan International and <strong>Malaysia</strong>n organizations on drainage,dalam bidang saliran, pertanian dan kejuruteraan. agriculture and engineering.Mendiang telah dianugerahkan beberapa anugerah diperingkat negeri dan persekutuan. Penganugerahanini mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 1976 apabilamendiang dianugerahkan pingat Panglima Setia Mahkota,mengenangkan Jabatan Saliran dan Pengairan berjayamuncul sebagai Jabatan Kerajaan yang paling kemaspengendaliannya di serata <strong>Malaysia</strong>.He had been the recipient of several State and Federalawards and this culminated in 1976 when he wasawarded the Panglima Setia Mahkota in recognition ofthe fact that the Drainage and Irrigation Department wasconsidered as the “best-run” Government Departmentin the country.40In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

DALAM KENANGANIN MEMORIAMPada tahun 1995, mendiang dilantik sebagai FeloPengasas <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan seterusnyaberkhidmat dalam Majlis Pentadbir Pertama <strong>Akademi</strong>selama tiga tahun. Sesudah itu mendiang dilantik selakuFelo Kanan dan bertugas sebagai Pengerusi BahagianKejuruteraan. Pada tahun 1998, Universiti Teknologi<strong>Malaysia</strong> mengurniakan mendiang Kedoktoran Kehormatdalam bidang Kejuruteraan Sivil. Pemergian mendiangmerupakan suatu kehilangan besar kepada keluargamendiang, pihak <strong>Akademi</strong> malah Negara ini.In 1995, he was appointed a Foundation Fellow ofthe Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong> and served inthe First Governing Council of the Academy for threeyears. He was later appointed a Senior Fellow of theAcademy, as Chairman of the Division of Engineering.In 1998, University Teknologi <strong>Malaysia</strong> conferred on hima Honorary Doctorate in Civil Engineering. His demisehas robbed his beloved family, the Academy and thenation of a distinguished personage.Datuk Dr Keshmahinder SinghDatuk Dr Keshmahinder Singh, salah seorang oftamologistersohor di Negara ini, meninggal dunia ketika berusia85 tahun pada 23 Mei 2007. Mendiang memainkanperanan penting dalam pembentukan Hospital MataKebangsaan Tun Hussein Onn, di Petaling Jaya padatahun 1986. Mendiang telah menghadiahkan semuaperalatan perubatan sebaik klinik mendiang ditutup.Mendiang telah memegang jawatan Pengarah EksekutifHospital Mata berkenaan berikutanpesaraan mendiang pada tahun 19888dan menamatkan perkhidmatan ini ipada tahun 1990.Datuk Dr Keshmahinder Singh, one of the country’sforemost opthamologists, passed away at the age of85 on 23 May 2007. He was instrumental in initiating thesetting up of the Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital,Petaling Jaya in 1986 and donated all his equipmentto the hospital when he closed his clinic. He served asits Executive Director after his retirement in 1988, andleft the Eye Hospital in 1990.He contributed towards the developmentof eye care in the country and wasreputed as one of <strong>Malaysia</strong>’s best eyesurgeons. In acknowledgement of hiscontribution to the medical profession,he was made president of the <strong>Malaysia</strong>nMedical Association for 1970. He was alsoa Fellow of the Academy of Medicine,<strong>Malaysia</strong> and a founding President (1972)of Balai Ikhtisas <strong>Malaysia</strong> (<strong>Malaysia</strong>nProfessional Centre). He was also activein Rotary and was the president ofthe Kuala Lumpur Diraja Rotary Clubin 1966–1967 and later became thepresident of the Rotary District 3300 in 1982 –1983. Hewas appointed as a Foundation Fellow of the AcademyMendiang telah menyumbang terhadappembangunan penjagaan mata diNegara ini, malah dikenali sebagai salahseorang pembedah mata terkemukadi <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Mengenang sumbangan nmendiang dalam bidang perubatan,mendiang dilantik sebagai PresidenPertubuhan Perubatan <strong>Malaysia</strong> (MMA)pada tahun 1990. Mendiang jugamerupakan Felo <strong>Akademi</strong> Perubatan,<strong>Malaysia</strong> di samping muncul sebagaiDatuk Dr Keshmahinder Singhseorang Presiden Pengasas (1972)Balai Ikhtisas <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Mendiang jugaberkecimpung secara aktif dalam Kelab Rotrari danmenjadi presiden Bab Diraja Kuala Lumpur dari 1966-1967. Seterusnya, mendiang dilantik selaku presiden of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong> in 1995.Kelab Rotrari <strong>Malaysia</strong> dari 1982–1983. Mendiang dilantiksebagai Felo Pengasas <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> padatahun 1995.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 41

Projek Rancangan<strong>Malaysia</strong> Kesembilan(RMK9)Ninth <strong>Malaysia</strong>Plan Projects(9MP)

PROJEK RANCANGAN MALAYSIA KESEMBILAN (RMK9)NINTH MALAYSIA PLAN PROJECTS (9MP)Di bawah Projek Rancangan <strong>Malaysia</strong> Kesembilan(2006–2010), <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>, diperuntukkanRM16 000 000 untuk pembiayaan empat programdi bawah enam projek. Peruntukan tambahanberjumlah RM11 153 137 juga diberikan untuk PenerbitanSaintifi k (RM4 074 000), Program Pendidikan <strong>Sains</strong>(RM4 000 000), Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaan(RM1 000 000) dan Program Latihan dan PengurusanS&T (RM2 079 137).Segala projek dan dana yang diluluskan bagi tahun2007 dipaparkan di bawah.The Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong>, under the Ninth<strong>Malaysia</strong> Plan (2006–2010), has been allocatedRM16 000 000 for four programmes under six projects.A further RM11 153 137 was also allocated for Scientifi cPublications (RM4 074 000), Science EducationProgramme (RM4 000 000), National Science Challenge(1 000 000) and S&T Management and Training Programme(RM2 079 137).The projects, and the funds approved for 2007 areoutlined in the table below.Peruntukan RMK99MP AllocationNoProgram/ProjekProgramme/ProjectDana DiluluskanFund Approved(2006–2010)Dana DiluluskanFund Approved(2007)1 Nasihat kepada KerajaanAdvice to Government- M enyediakan Laporan Kajian Strategik dan pandangan pakardalam isu STIP reparation of Expert Strategic Reports on STI1 000 000200 000- Program Penilaian Pemeringkatan PenyelidikanResearch Assessment Programme2 Program Kecemerlangan Saintifi kScientifi c Excellence Programme- Program Nobel Laureate KebangsaanNational Nobel Laureate Programme3 Ekspedisi Saintifi kScientifi c Expedition4 Program AntarabangsaInternational Programmes2 000 000200 0004 500 000 900 0001 500 000 300 000- Penyelidikan Antartika KebangsaanNational Antarctic Research6 000 0001 690 000- Jaringan Kerjasama Antarabangsa1 000 000200 000International CollaborationJumlah/Total 16 000 000 3 490 000In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 43

Nasihat kepadaKerajaanDisebabkan <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>merupakan sebuah institusi yangditerajui oleh felo-felo yang tersohordari pelbagai disiplin, <strong>Akademi</strong> seringdiminta untuk memberi khidmatnasihat kepada Kerajaan berkaitanisu-isu strategik Negara. Dalam halini, <strong>Akademi</strong> tidak hanya diberikantanggungjawab melaksanakanprojek jangkamasa pendek danpanjang, tetapi juga diminta untukmengendalikan ’due diligence’ ke atascadangan yang dikemukakan kepadaKerajaan berkaitan pembangunanstrategik sains dan teknologi.Advice toGovernmentDue to its multi-disciplinary nature andthe high standing of its Fellows, theAcademy is frequently called uponto provide independent advice tothe Government on issues of nationalstrategic interest. In this regard, notonly is the Academy given specifi cshort- and long-term projects, ASMis also called upon to conduct duediligence on proposals related to S&Tdevelopment that are submitted to theGovernment.44In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENTPerancangan Strategik(2007–2020) <strong>Akademi</strong><strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>Dalam usaha menentukan pencapaian matlamatstrategik <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>, SIRIM Berhad telahmenyiapkan satu kajian yang memberi gambarankeseluruhan status semasa <strong>Akademi</strong> serta harapan parapemimpin dan pihak berkepentingan. Kajian ini jugatelah menyediakan satu aturcara ringkas mengenaimetodologi dan pendekatan yang mampu membentukmatlamat strategik berkenaan dan bertindak sebagailangkah pertama dalam menetapkan semula perananASM agar selaras dengan hasrat pihak berkepentingan danStrategic Planning(2007–2020) for theAcademy of Sciences<strong>Malaysia</strong>Sirim Bhd has completed the background study insupport of the roadmap for the Academy which gavean overview of the Academy’s present status and theexpectations of the leaders and stakeholders as aguide for developing its strategic directions. The studyalso provided a summary of the methodology and theapproach taken to developing the strategic directionand emphasized re-defi ning ASM’s role in accordancewith the needs of the stakeholders and the nation as theIdea luaranExternal ideaIdea dalamanInternal ideaPihak berkepentinganStakeholdersPengedaranDistributionPenerbitanPublicationSokonganEndorsementMajlis ASMASM CouncilKelulusanApprovalJawatankuasa PenasihatAdvisory CommitteePenerimaanAcceptanceKumpulan DisiplinDiscipline GroupCadanganProposalJawatankuasa PenasihatAdvisory CommitteeJawatankuasa KajianStudy CommitteeKelulusanApprovalJawatankuasaTinjau RapiReview Committee• Luaran / External• S emua Felo ASM /All ASMFellowsLaporanReportMajlis ASMASM CouncilSokonganEndorsementJawatankuasa KajianStudy Committee• S ediakan prospektus /Prepare prospectus• K enal pasti pihakberkepentingan / Identifystakeholders• K enal pasti KumpulanKajian & JawatankuasaTinjau Rapi / Identifymembers for Study Group& Review CommitteeJawatankuasa PenasihatAdvisory Committee• M elantik Kumpulan KajianA ppoints Study Group• M elantik JawatankuasaTinjau Rapi / AppointsReview CommitteeKumpulan KajianStudy Group• K endalikan penyelidikan /Conduct research• S usun data / CompiledataProses aliran menjana Laporan PenasihatProcess fl ow for generating Advisory ReportIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 45

NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENTNegara. Pelan ini berobjektif memperkukuh kedudukanASM dalam membimbing <strong>Malaysia</strong> memenuhi azammemperoleh pengetahuan baru dalam bidang sainsdemi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Laporan kajian ini telahdibahaskan oleh beberapa panel yang terdiri daripadaFelo ASM yang meyetujui rangka perancangan strategikyang mengariskan visi, misi, nilai-nilai bersama, matlamat,strategi utama dan pelan tindakan yang dicadangkan.Rangka perancangan strategik yang dicadangkan inijuga dibahaskan di mesyuarat-mesyuarat JawatankuasaDisiplin yang mencadangkan beberapa program/aktiviti yang telah diolah dan diterapkan ke dalamkelompok/kluster projek <strong>Akademi</strong> melalui RMK9 untukdilaksanakan. Carta aliran (mukasurat sebelum) untukLaporan Nasihat ASM telah pun diluluskan dan diterimaoleh Jawatankuasa Nasihat kepada JawatankuasaKerajaan.Pemeringkatan ProgramPenyelidikan<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah diberi mandat olehMOSTI untuk membangunkan satu sistem penilaian danpemeringkatan program penyelidikan dan pusat-pusatkecemerlangan di <strong>Malaysia</strong> yang dibiayai awam. Sistemini membolehkan Kementerian memantau prestasiprogram-program ini dan pusat-pusat kecemerlanganmengikut masa dan perbandingan antara satu samalain. Amalan pemeringkatan begini membolehkanKerajaan menghulurkan sokongan yang diperlukan,dana, kemudahan pembangunan sumber manusiauntuk membolehkan pusat-pusat kecemerlangan inimencapai daya saing antarabangsa dalam bidangkeutamaan masing-masing mengikut penekananpembangunan Negara.Demi mencapai matlamat ini, <strong>Akademi</strong> telah melaksanakansatu kaedah penilaian yang sistematik, terlaras, objektiflagi holistik terhadap semua program penyelidikan danprojek yang dibiayai awam. Kajian ini bermatlamatmenjana satu makanisme atau sistem pemeringkatanprogram penyelidikan di universiti-universiti daninstitusi-institusi penyelidikan di <strong>Malaysia</strong> secara menilaiprogram penyelidikan berasaskan kriteria tertentu; danmembolehkan pengamatan kekuatan penyelidikansesuatu universiti, institut penyelidikan dan programpenyelidikan. Mesyuarat pihak berkepentingan danmesyuarat Kumpulan Panel telah dilaksanakan bagimembincangkan segala penemuan dan metodologiyang disyorkan untuk memperoleh input/cadangan danpandangan mengenai kriteria penilaian yang palingfi rst step. The objective of this plan is to enable ASM tostrengthen its position in guiding <strong>Malaysia</strong> in its pursuitof new knowledge in science for the benefi t of society.The study report has been deliberated by various panelscomprising ASM Fellows who have agreed on thestrategic planning framework that outlines the proposedvision, mission, shared values, goals, key strategies andaction plan. The proposed framework of the strategicplan has been deliberated at Discipline Committeemeetings and they have come out with proposedprogrammes / activities that have been synthesized andincorporated into the Academy’s RMK9 project clusterfor implementation. The fl ow chart (previous page) forthe ASM Advisory Report was approved and adoptedby the Advice to Government Committee.Ranking of ResearchProgrammesThe Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong> has been entrustedby MOSTI to set up a system for the rating and rankingof publicly funded research programmes and centresof excellence in <strong>Malaysia</strong>. The system will enable theMinistry to track the performances of these programmesand centres of excellence through time, and in relationto each other. Such a rating exercise would also enablethe Government to provide necessary support, funding,facilities, human resource development, to enable thesecentres of excellence attain global competitiveness intheir identifi ed niche areas in concordance with thedevelopment thrusts of the country.To achieve this, the Academy has undertaken asystematic, co-ordinated, objective and holisticassessment of research programmes and projects thathave been publicly funded. The objectives of the studywere to develop a mechanism or a system for rankingof research programmes in <strong>Malaysia</strong>n universities andresearch institutions by assessing the research programmesbased on some selected criteria; and to enable theidentifi cation of the research strength of universities,research institutions, research programmes. Stakeholdermeetings and Panel Group meetings were conductedto discuss fi ndings and proposed methodology and toobtain input and views on the assessment criteria thatcan best measure the performance of the fi elds. Some46In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENTbaik sesuai untuk menyukat prestasi bidang-bidang ini.Sebahagian daripada isu dan cabaran ini berbangkitkerana penumpuan aktiviti penyelidikan di serataNegara banyak dipengaruhi oleh evolusi pembangunankerangka institusi berkenaan yang menyokongnya.Justeru, pengkelompokkan penyelidikan merupakan satulangkah positif yang harus diberi keutamaan. Melaluipengkelompokan penyelidikan, usaha penyelidikan kitaboleh disusun mengikut keutamaan dan dana disalurkandengan lebih lancar. Projek ini telah menghasilkansatu manual mengenai penilaian dan pemeringkatanpenyelidikan sains di <strong>Malaysia</strong> yang dibiayai awam.Manual ini menyediakan satu pendekatan mudah,selangkah demi selangkah, dalam pengimplimentasianmetodologi penilaian dan pemeringkatan penilaianpenyelidikan yang merangkumi empat komponenseperti tertera di bawah:• M etodologi pengukuran, penilaian dan pemeringkatanpenyelidikan• Mekanisme pengimplimentasian• Set soal selidik; dan• Soalan yang kerap dikemukakan.Metodologi ini merangkumi langkah-langkah yang direkabagi menyukat pelbagai penyelidikan dan jenis-jenispusat kecemerlangan. Mekanisme pengimplimentasianmengariskan proses penguatkuasaan secara selangkahdemi selangkah mengikut kekerapan kitaran penilaian duatahun sekali. Dalam melaksanakan langkah ini, kerjasamaerat dengan pihak berkepentingan akan menentukanlestari tindakan ini di samping anjakan ke arah melahirkanpara penyelidik bermutu tinggi di negara ini.LAPORAN PENASIHAT/LAPORAN KAJIAN ASMDi bawah teras Penasihat kepada Kerajaan, ASMtelah membangunkan beberapa Badan Bertindakbagi mengkaji pelbagai bidang yang dimaklumkanoleh Kumpulan Disiplin ASM dan pihak berkepentinganseperti MOSTI.of the issues and challenges are that the concentrationof research activity throughout the country is heavilyinfl uenced by the evolution of the institutional frameworksupporting it and thus the clustering of research istherefore a step forward that needs to be consideredseriously. Through clustering of research, our researchefforts can be further prioritized and funds can beallocated more effi ciently. The outcome of this projectis a manual on research assessment and ranking forfully publicly funded science research in <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Themanual was prepared as a simple, step-by-step guidefor the implementation of the Research Assessmentand Ranking Methodology which comprised the fourfollowing components:• T he research assessment, rating and rankingmethodology• The implementation mechanism• The questionnaire sets; and• Frequently asked questions.The methodology covered the sets of measures devisedto measure various programmes and type of centre ofexcellence. The implementation mechanism outlinesthe step-by-step process to implement each of the twoyearassessment cycle. A close collaboration with thestakeholders in carrying out this exercise would ensurethe sustainability of this exercise as well as the positiveprogress of high quality research in this country.ASM ADVISORY REPORTS/STUDY REPORTSUnder the Advice to Government thrust, the Academyhas established several Task Forces to study various areasidentifi ed by ASM Discipline Groups and stakeholderssuch as MOSTI.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 47

NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENTPerubahan LandskapPerhutanan: Kesanterhadap KesihatanLuar BandarLaporan Kajian ini diterbitkan setahun selepas satutinjauan semula yang dijalankan oleh JawatankuasaPerubahan Landskap Perhutanan yang dipengerusikanProf Dato’ C. P. Ramachandran, FASc. Persoalan utamaLaporan ini merupakan perkaitan antara perubahanlandskap perhutanan dengan kemunculan penyakitpenyakitbaru, terutama sekali penyakit zoonosis dankesannya terhadap kesihatan pendudukluar bandar. Perkaitan rapatantara manusia dengan haiwanboleh mencetuskan penyebaran/penularan penyakit seperti SARS danselesema burung yang mengugatkesihatan tanpa mengira yang kayaatau yang miskin; penduduk luarbandar atau penduduk bandar.Keadaan perubahan landskapperhutanan, kesan terhadap kesihatanluar bandar, dan implikasi terhadappembangunan lestari telah ditinjausemula oleh sekumpulan pakar khusus, us,melalui satu tinjauan mengenai artikelyang diterbitkan. Tinjauan bahan anbercetak ini menumpukan fokus padatiga isu khusus yang berkaitan denganpersoalan utama Laporan berkenaan iaitusoal perubahan landskap perhutanan,perkaitan antara perubahan landskapperhutanan dengan kesihatan luar bandar, dankesannya terhadap pembangunan lestari.Sistem Bersepadu TanamanSawit-Haiwan RuminanSuatu jawatankuasa yang dipengerusikan olehDr C. Devendra, FASc telah dibentuk untuk menyediakansatu Laporan Penasihat kepada Kerajaan demi menanganiisu-isu berkaitan mempertingkat sistem bersepadutanaman sawit-haiwan ruminan. Sehubungan ini satubengkel telah dibentuk dengan kerjasama MARDI (4–5September) dengan objektif-objektif berikut:Changing ForestLandscape: Impact onRural HealthThis Study Report, was published in the year after a reviewundertaken by the Committee on Changing ForestLandscape chaired by Prof Dato’ C. P. Ramachandran,FASc. The central concern of this Report is the linksbetween change in the forest landscape and theemergence of new diseases, especiallyzoonotic diseases and their implications onthe health of the rural population. Contactsbetween humans and animals can lead tothe spread of diseases such as SARS andavian fl u that would threaten the healthof the poor and rich, the rural and theurban population alike.The nature of the changing forestlandscape, impact on rural health,and implications for sustainabledevelopment were reviewed by agroup of selected specialists, througha survey of the published literature.This literature survey focussed onthree specifi c issues related to thesubject of the Report viz. the changingforest landscape, the link between a changing forestlandscape and rural health, and the implications ofthese on sustainable development.Integrated Tree Crops-Ruminant SystemsA committee under the chairmanship of Dr. C. Devendra,FASc was formed to prepare an Advisory Report to theGovernment to address issues related to improvementin integrated tree crops-ruminant production systems. Aworkshop was thus organised with the collaboration ofMARDI (4–5 September) with the following objectives:48In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

OSNASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENT• M enilai status semasa sistem bersepadudi <strong>Malaysia</strong>, berdasarkan soalkepentingan, takat, amalandan polisi• M enyenarai masalah dan halanganserta rintangan terhadappembangunan sistem ini• M engenal pasti peluang, termasukkerjasama antara kementerian, danantara agensi demi memperbaikidan menggalakkan prosespembangunan; dan• M engenal pasti pilihan yangbersesuaian kepada ITCRS demimembantu agenda pembangunannegara.Palace of the Golden Horses, Seri Kembangan4 th and 5 th September 2007Supported by:Organized by:Jabatan Perdana MenteriKementerian <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan InovasiKementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan WilayahKementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas TaniKementerian Perusahaan Perladangan dan KomoditiWorkshop onINTEGRATED TREECROPS –RUMINANTSYSTEMS (ITCRS):ASSESSMENT OFSTATUS ANDOPPORTUNITIESIN MALAYSIA• A ssess the current status of integratedsystems in <strong>Malaysia</strong>, with reference tothe importance, extent, practice, andpolicies• E numerate problems and constraints aswell as impediments for the developmentof the system• Id entify opportunities, including interministryand inter-agency co-operation,for improving and promoting thedevelopment process; and• Id entify policy options appropriate toITCRS to assist the nation’s developmentagenda.Sekitar 100 peserta menghadiri Bengkel ini di mana 15kertas kerja telah dibentangkan. Prosiding, LaporanKajian dan Laporan Penasihat sedang disediakan.Biodiversiti danPembangunan Negara:Pencapaian, Peluang danCabaranAbout 100 participants attended the Workshop where15 papers were presented. The Proceedings, a StudyReport and an Advisory Report are being prepared.Biodiversity andNational Development:Achievements, Opportunitiesand ChallengesBadan Bertindak, diketuai oleh Academician Prof YongHoi Sen, FASc bercadang mengadakansatu Persidangan pada bulan April 2008bertajuk ‘Biodiversiti dan PembangunanNegara: Pencapaian, Peluang dan Cabaran’.Persidangan ini akan memaparkan bahawabiodiversiti telah menyumbang kepadapembangunan negara sepanjang tempoh50 tahun yang lalu dan mengenal pastipeluang dan cabaran untuk menggunakanbiodiversiti secara lestari untuk pembangunannegara. Hasil persidangan ini merupakansatu set Prosiding yang akan diedarkankepada semua agensi termasuk agensiKerajaan dan institusi swasta.Sebuah Badan Bertindak Biodiversiti jugatelah dibentuk bertujuan menyediakanmaklumat terkini mengenai isu yang melibatkanbiodiversiti untuk semua pihak berkepentingantermasuk Agensi Kerajaan, Badan-badanbukan Kerajaan, institut-institut penyelidikanpur8First AnnouncementConference onBiodiversity andNational Development:Achievements,Opportunitiesand Challenges28-30 May 2008Kuala LumpurOrganizersAcademy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong>WWF - <strong>Malaysia</strong>Co-organizersMARDIFRIMPERHILITANSupported byMinistry of Science, Technology and InnovationMinistry of Natural Resources and EnvironmentMinistry of Agriculture and Agro-based IndustriesDepartment of Marine Park <strong>Malaysia</strong>The Task Force, chaired by Academician ProfYong Hoi Sen, FASc have planned to hold aConference in April 2008 entitled ‘Biodiversityand National Development: Achievements,Opportunities and Challenges’. The Conferencewill show how biodiversity has contributed tonational development in the last 50 yearsand to identify opportunities and challengesfor sustainable utilization of biodiversity fornational development. The output of theConference will be a set of Proceedingswhich will be circulated to agencies includinggovernment and private institutions.A Biodiversity Task Force was also formedwith the aim of providing up-to-dateinformation relating to issues that affectbiodiversity to all the stakeholders includingGovernment Agencies, NGOs, researchinstitutes and the public to enable themIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 49

NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENTdan orang awam bagi membolehkan mereka merumuspolisi, undang-undang dan peraturan bersesuaian disamping mengambil langkah-langkah sesuai sertamerancang dan menguruskan aktiviti berkaitan denganbidang biodiversiti. Satu simposium bertajuk, ‘Biodiversitidalam Pembangunan Negara’ dijadualkan diadakanpada bulan Mei 2008, dan prosidingnya akan diedarkankepada agensi-agensi termasuk institusi-institusi kerajaandan swasta.Perubahan IklimMajlis ASM menyokong usul mengesa ASM membangunkanProgram Penyelidikan Perubahan Iklim di <strong>Malaysia</strong> danmemohon pembiayaannya diperoleh menerusi satu usulkewangan di bawah RMK9 (Kajian Separuh Penggal).Badan Bertindak Perubahan Iklim, yang dipengerusioleh Prof Muhamad Awang, FASc telah mengadakansatu bengkel pada 17 November. Badan Bertindakberkenaan telah memutuskan untuk lebih fokus dalammengenal pasti jurang pengetahuan saintifi k yang bolehdijangkaui oleh ASM yang boleh mengkomplemenkerja-kerja yang sedang dikendalikan oleh agensiagensidan institut-institut kerajaan. Maka diputuskanASM akan menumpukan fokus untuk mengkaji kesanperubahan iklim dan meninjau aspek sosioekonomiyang akan melanda di pelbagai peringkat di kalanganpenduduk negara ini. Satu Laporan Penasihat untukpertimbangan kerajaan berhubung sains, kesan dankeperluan adaptasi dalam usaha memperlengkapkan<strong>Malaysia</strong> menghadapi perubahan iklim dan LaporanKajian untuk semua kementerian akan diedarkan padapenghujung tempoh RMK9 atau RMK10 nanti.to formulate appropriate policies, legislations andregulations as well as to take necessary action and toplan and manage activities in the areas of biodiversity. Asymposium entitled ‘Biodiversity in National Development’is scheduled for May 2008, and the proceedings willbe circulated to agencies including government andprivate institutions.Climate ChangeThe ASM Council, had endorsed a proposal for ASMto develop the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Climate Change ResearchProgramme and to seek funding for it in a fi nancialproposal under the 9MP (Mid-Term Review). TheClimate Change Task Force, under the chairmanshipof Prof Muhamad Awang, FASc held a Workshop on 17November. The Task Force decided that it needed tofocus on identifying the gaps in scientifi c knowledge thatcan be covered by ASM which will complement workcurrently being undertaken by government agenciesand research institutes. As such, it was decided thatASM would focus on the study of the impact of climatechange and would address the socio-economic aspectof its impact on various levels of the population in thecountry. An Advisory Report for the government’sconsideration on the science, impact and adaptationneeds in preparing <strong>Malaysia</strong> to face climate change andStudy Reports for various Ministries would be deliveredby end of the 9MP and 10MP periods.Makanan HaiwanTernakan: Isu, Strategidan PeluangBadan Bertindak Bioteknologi dan Pertanianyang dipengerusikan oleh Prof Dato’ MohamedMahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc telah mengikutisatu taklimat oleh Kementerian Pertaniandan Industri Asas Tani (MOA) akan status, isudan cabaran yang dihadapi Negara dalamusaha melangkah ke arah pertanian. Satuseminar dijadualkan bulan April 2008 untukmeneliti bidang mengimpot makanan haiwanternakan yang menjadi beban kewangankepada Kerajaan. Isu makanan haiwanternakan yang membantu mengenal pastiOrganised by:AnnouncementWorkshop onANIMALFEEDSTUFFSIN MALAYSIA:ExploringAlternative Strategies15-16 April 2008PUTRAJAYA MARRIOTT HOTEL,PUTRAJAYAU N IVER SITI P U TRA M A L AYSIASuppported by:Ministry of Science, Technology and InnovationMinistry of Agriculture and Agro-based IndustriesAnimal Feedstuffs:Issues, Strategies andOpportuntitiesThe Biotechnology and Agriculture Task Force,chaired by Prof Emeritus Dato’ MohamedMahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc was givena briefing by the Ministry of Agriculture andAgro-based Industries (MOA) on the status,issues and challenges faced by the nationin its thrust towards agriculture. A seminar isscheduled for April 2008 to look into this area,as it is costing the Government a massiveamount of money to import feedstuff. Animalfeed issues that will also aid in identifyingR&D requirements and production of animal50In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAANADVICE TO GOVERNMENTkeperluan P&P dan penghasilan makanan haiwan ternakanjuga akan dikaji. Prosiding seminar berkenaan dan satuLaporan Penasihat dijangka akan diterbitkan dan diserahkepada MOA sebelum penghujung tahun 2008.Polisi dan PerancanganReaksi Terhadap BencanaGempa Bumi dan TsunamiMajlis ASM telah bersetuju bahawa Universiti Kebangsaan<strong>Malaysia</strong> (UKM) menjalankan, bagi pihak <strong>Akademi</strong>,satu projek nasihat berjudul ‘Polisi dan PerancanganReaksi Terhadap Bencana Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami di<strong>Malaysia</strong>’. Kajian ini dijangka ditamatkan pada bulanJulai 2008 dan satu Laporan Penasihat yang menyentuhperkara-perkara berikut akan dikemukakan:feed will also be addressed. The Proceedings andan Advisory Report are expected to be publishedand delivered to MOA by the end of 2008.Policy and PlanningResponses for Earthquakeand Tsunami HazardsThe ASM Council has agreed that Universiti Kebangsaan<strong>Malaysia</strong> (UKM) undertake an advisory project entitled‘Policy and Planning Responses for Earthquake andTsunami Hazards in <strong>Malaysia</strong>’ for the Academy. TheStudy would be completed by July 2008 and an AdvisoryReport would be presented addressing the following:• P emahaman saintifi k mengenai mekanisme tektonikdan seismositi di Utara Sumatra dan wilayah Sulawesidan bagaimana ia menggugat keselamatan dankestabilan jangka panjang muka bumi di <strong>Malaysia</strong>;• M aklumat berasaskan GIS mengenai tektonik, seismositidan bencana akibat seismo di kawasan AsiaTenggara yang mengakibatkan kemungkinan risikokepada <strong>Malaysia</strong> yang boleh digunakan dalamperancangan dan polisi mengenai respons;• P endokumenan mengenai analisis risiko gempa bumi dantsunami di Semenanjung <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan Sabah; dan• S yor-syor berhubung polisi dan perancangan bagimenghadapi/menangani risiko gempa bumi dantsunami di <strong>Malaysia</strong>.• S cientifi c understanding on the mechanism oftectonicity and seismicity in the Northern Sumatraand Sulawesi regions and how it affects the safetyand long term stability of <strong>Malaysia</strong>n land;• G IS-based information on tectonic, seismic andseismic-induced hazards to the South East Asianregion which pose potential risks to <strong>Malaysia</strong> thatcan be used for planning and policy responses;• D ocumentation on earthquake and tsunami riskanalysis for Peninsular <strong>Malaysia</strong> and Sabah; and• R ecommendations on policy and planning for managingearthquake and tsunami risk in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 51

Kecemerlangan<strong>Sains</strong><strong>Malaysia</strong>, sebagai sebuah negarayang maju dan pesat membangundalam bidang sains, teknologi daninovasi, perlu meningkatkan kebolehandan kemampuan di dalam bidangpenyelidikan dan pembangunan.<strong>Akademi</strong> memainkan perananyang penting dalam membantunegara mencapai matlamat inidengan menerajui program-programkecemerlangan sains melaluipelbagai aktiviti melibatkan pelbagaikumpulan sasar. Melalui program ini,<strong>Akademi</strong> telah menjemput ramaipemenang Hadiah Nobel dan saintisterkenal dengan tujuan membinajaringan kerjasama dengan pusatkecemerlangan sains dan teknologidunia. ASM juga mengurus danaSAGA untuk penyelidikan sains asasbagi membangunkan sains asas yangbertaraf antarabangsa..ScienceExcellenceIt is imperative for <strong>Malaysia</strong> as afast growing nation in science,technology and innovation, toincrease its capacity and capabilityin research and development. TheAcademy plays a vital role in meetingthis demand by fostering a cultureof scientifi c excellence throughprogrammes for various target groups.Through this platform, the Academyinvites many Nobel Laureates andeminent scientists with the aim ofbuilding networks and collaborationwith many of the world’s centres ofexcellence in S&T. Under this thrust, theAcademy also manages the Scientifi cAdvancement Fund Allocation(SAGA) for Fundamental Scienceresearch which is awarded to developa strong fundamental science base ofinternational standard in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.52In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEAnugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir2007ASM telah menghadiahkan Anugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir2007 kepada Prof Joseph Sriyal Malik Peiris dari Universityof Hong Kong mengenangkan sumbangan luarbiasa beliau mengenai Perubatan Tropika, khususnyapenemuan agen etiologi yang menyebabkan SARSyang membuka jalan untuk memahami patogenesisdan epidemiologi penyakit berkenaan dalam tahun2003. Beliau menerima hadiah RM100 000, satu pingatemas dan sijil.Anugerah <strong>Sains</strong> Mahathir dihadiahkan kepada manamanasaintis, institusi atau persatuan di serata duniamengenangkan sumbangan dan inovasi ke arahmenyelesaikan masalah yang melanda kawasan tropikamelalui sains dan teknologi. Anugerah ini dihadiahkankepada individu yang paling layak berdasarkan merit.Melalui hadiah ini <strong>Akademi</strong> berharap satu tanda arasbaru akan tercipta untuk kerja-kerja berhubung sainstropika dan profi l sains di <strong>Malaysia</strong> di kawasan tropikaakan menjulang ke peringkat yang lebih unggul.Mahathir Science Award2007ASM awarded the Mahathir Science Award 2007 to ProfJoseph Sriyal Malik Peiris of the University of Hong Kongfor his outstanding contributions to Tropical Medicine,especially for his discovery of the aetiological agentcausing SARS leading to understanding of the pathogenesisand epidemiology of the disease in 2003. He will receiveRM100 000, a gold medal and a certifi cate.The Mahathir Science Award is bestowed on any scientist,institution or organization worldwide in recognition ofcontributions and innovations towards solving problemsin the tropics through science and technology andit is to be awarded to the most deserving based onmerit. The Academy hopes that through this award anew benchmark will be set for work related to tropicalsciences and the profi le of science in <strong>Malaysia</strong> in theregion of the tropics would rise to greater heights.Lawatan ke CaliforniaInstitute of Technology(Caltech), Pasadena,California<strong>Akademi</strong> telah menyelaraskan dan turut serta dalamlawatan ke Caltech dan mengatur pertemuan antaraProf Ahmed Zewail (Pemenang Hadiah Nobel dalambidang Kimia 1999) dengan YB Menteri <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologidan Inovasi serta delegasi beliau pada tanggal 1Mei. Lawatan ini telah membawa kepada lawatanProf Zewail ke <strong>Malaysia</strong> pada 4–11 Ogos 2007 untukmenghadiri beberapa program utama termasuk acarapenganugerahan Felo Kehormat oleh ASM dan DoktorKehormat oleh dua Universiti tempatan serta pelancaranbuku Prof Zewail bertajuk Voyage Through Time yangditerjemah ke bahasa Melayu.Visit to the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology(Caltech), Pasadena,CaliforniaThe Academy co-ordinated and participated in thevisit to Caltech and the meeting with Prof AhmedZewail (Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, 1999) bythe Hon. Minister of Science, Technology and Innovationand his delegation (1 May). This visit resulted in ProfZewail’s visit to <strong>Malaysia</strong> on 4–11 August 2007 for severalkey programmes including the conferment of the ASMHonourary Fellowship and Honourary Doctorates bytwo <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Universities as well as the launching ofthe translation of Prof Zewail’s book, Voyage ThroughTime into Malay.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 53

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEPerbincangan bersama-sama Prof Ahmad Zewail di Caltech.Discussion with Prof Ahmed Zewail at Caltech. ▲Lawatan ke CaliforniaNanosystems Institute(CNSI), University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles(UCLA)Deligasi <strong>Malaysia</strong> ke Caltech.<strong>Malaysia</strong>n delegation to Caltech.▲Visit to the CaliforniaNanosystems Institute(CNSI), University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles(UCLA)Misi ke CNSI di ULCA bermatlamat membuka laluankerjasama dengan industri dan membolehkanpengkomersilan segera segala penemuan dalambidang nanosistem. Ia memudahkan satu pendekatanpelbagai-disiplin demi membangunkan segala maklumat,bioperubatan dan teknologi perkilangan, yang akanmendominasi sains dan ekonomi dalam abad ke-21.Semasa dalam lawatan tersebut (30 April), delegasiASM telah mempelajari cara membangunkan InisiatifNanoteknologi <strong>Malaysia</strong> berasaskan model AmerikaSyarikat. Delegasi juga telah menimba maklumatThe mission of CNSI in UCLA is to promote collaborationwith industry and to enable the rapid commercialization ofdiscoveries in nanosystems. It facilitates a multi-disciplinaryapproach to develop the information, biomedical andmanufacturing technologies that will dominate scienceand economy in the 21st century. The ASM delegationduring the visit (30 April) obtained insights on how todevelop the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Nanotechnology Initiativebased on the US model. They garnered informationon how to forge partnerships with industry as a way54In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEmengenai cara menjalin rakan kongsi dengan industrisebagai satu jalan untuk mempercepatkan pemindahanteknologi di kalangan masyarakat pada amnya disamping mempelajari pentingnya memiliki kepakarantertentu dalam menikmati kemajuan dalam bidangnanosains dan nanoteknologi di arena antarabangsayang bersaing sengit. Mereka juga tertarik denganmaklumat mengenai pembangunan penyelidikan secarakerjasama, berkongsi pengetahuan dan bertukar-tukarpelajar. Lawatan ini telah membantu <strong>Akademi</strong> meraihsokongan untuk menjalin kerjasama dua hala selainmemperoleh kenalan penting untuk dipelawa sebagaipensyarah di Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007.to accelerate technological changes for society ingeneral and learnt the importance of being equippedwith the expertise essential in making rapid progressin nanoscience and nanotechnology against fi erceinternational competition. Information on developingcollaborative research, sharing knowledge and studentexchange was also impressed upon them. The visit alsoassisted the Academy in securing support for mutuallybenefi cial collaboration with <strong>Malaysia</strong>n scientists andobtained useful contacts for invitation as speakers forNanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007.Deligasi ASN diNSF.ASM delegation atNSF. ►Deligasi ASN ke CNSI.ASM delegates to CNSI ▲Lawatan ke US NationalScience Foundation (NSF)Semasa dalam lawatan pada 4 Mei, delegasi ASMtelah berbincang dan mempelajari peranan, fungsi danmekanisme pembiayaan NSF di samping memperolehmaklumat dan jaringan yang penting bagi membolehkanperancangan <strong>Akademi</strong> terutamanya dalam urusanpenilaian projek untuk pembiayaan P&P, pengagihankewangan dan pemantauan. ASM juga digalakkanmenghubungi Pegawai <strong>Sains</strong> di Kedutaan AmerikaSyarikat untuk menjalin kerja-kerja usaha sama.Visit to the US NationalScience Foundation (NSF)The ASM delegation, during the visit on 4 May, discussedand learnt the roles, functions and funding mechanismof the NSF, and obtained the necessary information andlinkages for assistance in facilitating the Academy’splanning of programmes and collaboration, particularlyin relation to management of vetting of projects for R&Dfunding, disbursements, monitoring and evaluation. ASMwas also encouraged to contact the Science Offi cerof the US Embassy for collaborative work.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 55

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEPROGRAM BERSAMANOBEL LAUREATE DIMALAYSIASepanjang tahun 2007, ASM telah berjaya menyusunprogram di <strong>Malaysia</strong> untuk empat Pemenang HadiahNobel. Program-program ini telah merekodkanpeningkatan jumlah hadirin. Malah sesetengah acaraberjaya menarik hampir seribu atau lebih hadirin.Peningkatan hadirin ini mungkin disebabkan oleh minatmasyarakat berhubung syarahan Nobel Laureate yangsemakin meningkat di samping peningkatan publisitiyang dilakukan oleh <strong>Akademi</strong>.Dr Richard Roberts(Pemenang Hadiah Nobeldalam bidang Fisiologiatau Perubatan, 1993)Dr Richard Roberts, pemenang hadiah Nobel dalambidang fi siologi perubatan tahun 1993 berikutanpenemuan gen rekah, telah menyampaikan suatuSyarahan Umum (bertajuk ‘Friends and Foes—TheUnseen Bugs Who Share Our Planet’) bertempat di PusatKonvensyen Kuala Lumpur. Di majlis ini beliau telahmemberitahu hampir 550 hadirin mengenai dunia kitayang mempersonakan ini yang dikelilingi oleh pelbagaibenda hidup —yang terlihat oleh mata kasar dan yangmikroskopik. Pada hari yang sama syarahan Motivasi<strong>Sains</strong> beliau yang bertajuk, ‘Mengapa Belajar <strong>Sains</strong>?’yang ditujukan kepada seramai lebih kurang 350 pelajarsekolah juga telah diadakan di Pusat <strong>Sains</strong> Negara dimana pelajar muda ini telah belajar pentingnya sains,menyelami apa yang tidak diketahui dan diberitahubahawa dalam sains tiada yang mustahil.PROGRAMMES WITHNOBEL LAUREATES INMALAYSIAIn 2007, the Academy successfully organized programmesin <strong>Malaysia</strong> with four Nobel Prize Winners. Theseprogrammes showed a signifi cant increase in attendancewith some events drawing an audience of almost onethousand or more. The increase in attendance couldbe attributed to greater public interest in the NobelLaureate Lectures as well as the increased publicityefforts by the Academy.Dr Richard Roberts(Nobel Prize inPhysiology or Medicine,1993)Dr Richard Roberts, the Nobel Prize winner in physiologyof medicine in 1993 for the discovery of split genes,delivered a Public Lecture (entitled ‘Friends andFoes—The Unseen Bugs Who Share Our Planet’) on 5April at the KL Convention Centre where he enlightenedthe audience of around 550 people on the fascinatingworld surrounded by life—the visible and microscopic. HisScience Motivation talk, ‘Why Study Science?’ targetedfor around 350 school students, was also held on thesame day at the National Science Centre in which theimportance of science, exploring the unknown, and thatthere is nothing impossible in science was inculcated inthe young, who dominated the audience.Dr Richard bersama Presiden ASM dan Felo.Dr Richard with ASM President and Fellows. ►56In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCESyarahan disampaikan oleh Dr Roberts.Dr Roberts’ presentation. ▲Dr Mohamed El Baradei(Pemenang Nobel PeacePrize, 2005)ASM, dengan kerjasama Agensi Nuklear <strong>Malaysia</strong> danLembaga Perlesenan Tenaga Atomik, di bawah pucukpimpinan MOSTI, telah menganjurkan siri SyarahanUmum di atas pada tanggal 18 Julai. Dr El Baradei,Ketua Pengarah International Atomic Energy Agencytelah memberikan syarahan bertajuk ‘Nuclear Power:Looking to the Future’, di mana beliau menegaskanakan peningkatan permintaan tenaga di serata duniaterutama sekali oleh negara-negara membangunselain kebangkitan semula minat dalam tenaga nuklearsebagai sumber tenaga. Dr El Baradei merupakanpenerima pertama hadiah Peace Prize yang telahmenyampaikan syarahan umum di bawah ProgramNobel Laureate Kebangsaan. Mengikut amalan biasaDr Mohamed El Baradei(Nobel Peace Prize in2005)On 18 July, ASM in collaboration with the <strong>Malaysia</strong>nNuclear Agency and Atomic Energy Licensing Boardunder the leadership of MOSTI, organized anotherPublic Lecture. Dr El Baradei, the Director General ofthe International Atomic Energy Agency lectured onthe subject of ‘Nuclear Power: Looking to the Future’,where he emphasized on the growing demand forenergy worldwide especially in developing countriesand the renewed interest in nuclear power for energy.Dr El Baradei was the fi rst Nobel Peace Prize Laureate tohave delivered a public lecture under the National NobelLaureate Programme, thus moving away from the normIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 57

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEhanya Nobel Laureate dalam bidang sains diundanguntuk menyampaikan syarahan. Seramai hampir 700hadirin menghadiri syarahan ini di mana beberapa komendan soalan telah dijawab oleh Dr El Baradei, semasasyarahan dan juga sewaktu persidangan akhbar.of only hosting Nobel Laureates in the sciences. About700 attended the lecture and numerous comments andqueries were entertained by Dr El Baradei, both at thelecture and press conference.Dr Mohamed El Baradei semasa menyampaikan Syarahan Umum beliau.Dr Mohamed El Baradei during his Public Lecture. ▲Prof Ahmed Zewail(Pemenang Hadiah Nobeldalam bidang Kimia, 1999)Pada tanggal 8 Ogos, bertempat di KLCC, Prof Zewailtelah menyampaikan Syarahan Umum bertajuk‘Investing in the Future’ yang dihadiri oleh lebih kurang1800 orang yang mewakili pelbagai kementerian, danagensi di bawah naungan MOSTI, universiti, penuntutdan orang awam. Di Majlis Makan Malam ASM danSimposium Antarabangsa, beliau telah dianugerahkanFelo Kehormat ASM. Beliau menjadi penerima ketigaanugerah ini sehingga kini. Di majlis ini juga beliau telahmenghadiahkan sijil kepada Felo dan Felo Kanan yangbaru dilantik.Program utama lain bersama Prof Zewail di <strong>Malaysia</strong>ialah:Pada 7 Ogos di UM, Upacara Konvokesyen Khaspenganugerahan Doktor Kehormat oleh UniversitiMalaya (UM) kepada Prof Zewail disampaikan olehTuanku Pro-Chancellor UM, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah danSesi Dialog dengan Para Penyelidik UM mengenai<strong>Sains</strong> Bioperubatan dan <strong>Sains</strong> Fizikal di samping satulawatan ke makmal Combinatorial Catalysis; UcapanPleno di Upacara Pembukaan Simposium AntarabangsaKhalayak di Syarahan Umum Dr El Baradei.Audience at Dr El Baradei’s Public Lecture. ▲Prof Ahmed Zewail(Nobel Prize in Chemistry,1999)Prof Zewail delivered a Public Lecture entitled ‘Investingin the Future’ on 8 August which was attended by anaudience of around 1800 from various Ministries andAgencies under MOSTI, universities, students and thegeneral public, at the KLCC. At the subsequent ASMand International Symposium Dinner he was conferredthe Honorary Fellowship of ASM, only the third personever to date, and he also presented certifi cates to thenewly appointed Fellows and a Senior Fellow.Other key programmes with Prof Zewail in <strong>Malaysia</strong>were:Special Convocation ceremony for the conferment ofHonorary Doctorate by University of Malaya (UM) to ProfZewail by Tuanku Pro-Chancellor UM, Raja Dr NazrinShah and Dialogue Session with UM Researchers onBiomedical Science and Physical Sciences as well asa visit to Combinatorial Catalysis laboratory at UM on7 August; Plenary Address at the Opening Ceremony58In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEmengenai <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi Islam bertajuk‘Refl ection on Science, Technology and Innovationin the Muslim World’; pelancaran buku Prof ZewailVoyage Through Time yang diterjemahkan ke BahasaMelayu oleh YB Menteri, MOSTI; upacara KonvokesyenKhas penganugerahan Doktor Kehormat oleh UniversitiKebangsaan Teknologi, kunjungan hormat menemuiYAB Perdana Menteri pada 9 Ogos.of the International Symposium on Islamic Science,Technology and Innovation entitled ‘Refl ections onScience, Technology and Innovation in the MuslimWorld’; launch of Prof Zewail’s Book: Voyage ThroughTime translated into Malay by YB Minister, MOSTI; SpecialConvocation ceremony for the Conferment of HonoraryDoctorate by University Technology <strong>Malaysia</strong>, CourtesyCall on YAB Prime Minister on 9 August.◄ SyarahanUmum oleh ProfAhmed Zewail.Public Lectureby Prof AhmedZewail.Prof Zewail bergandingkan dengan wakil dari ASM dan universiti.Prof Zewail with ASM and university offi cials. ▲Prof Sherwood Rowland(Pemenang Hadiah Nobeldalam bidang Kimia, 1995)Prof Sherwood Rowland (Pemenang Hadiah Nobel dalambidang Kimia, 1995) telah menyampaikan syarahanbertajuk ‘Peningkatan Suhu Global dan Perubahan Iklim’bertempat di Palace of Golden Horses pada 21 Ogos.Syarahan ini telah dihadiri oleh lebih 400 penyelidik danperumus polisi yang terlibat dalam bidang perubahaniklim di <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Dalam syarahan beliau, Prof Rowland memberitahubahawa pencairan ais dan permafrost di kawasankutub utara dan penyusutan glasier merupakan petunjukmengenai peningkatan suhu global yang bukan hanyamerupakan satu amaran mengenai masa depansebaliknya menunjukkan perubahan yang telah berlaku.Kesan awal peningkatan suhu ini memang sudah jelas,dan apa yang merunsingkan ialah perubahan besariklim dalam masa terdekat. Beliau juga membincangkanmodel kemungkinan masa depan terhadap atmosferaakibat meningkatnya pembebasan gas-gas rumah hijaudan sesetengah kesan yang mungkin berlaku berikutanProfessor SherwoodRowland (Nobel Prize inChemistry 1995)Prof Sherwood Rowland (1995 Nobel Laureate inChemistry) delivered a lecture entitled ‘Global Warmingand Climate Change’ at the Palace of Golden HorsesHotel on 21 August which was attended by more than400 researchers and policy makers involved in the areaof climate change in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.In his lecture, Prof Rowland mentioned that the meltingof ice and permafrost in the North Polar region and theshrinking of glaciers are signals that global warming is nolonger solely a warning about the future, but changeswhich have already taken place. The initial effects ofthis warming are noticeably present already, and theconcerns were now of substantial climate change inthe near future. He also discussed modeling of thefuture consequences to the atmosphere from increasedrelease of greenhouse gases and some of the possibleIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 59

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEperubahan iklim, umpamanya peningkatan paras airlaut dan pencairan ais di kutub utara.Kemudian dalam satu dialog yang dihadiri seramai 40orang penyelidik dan perumus polisi yang terlibat dalamsoal perubahan iklim merangkumi Felo dari <strong>Akademi</strong>,Ahli ASM dalam Badan Bertindak Perubahan Iklim, saintispenyelidik universiti-universiti, Jabatan Metereologi<strong>Malaysia</strong>, Jabatan Kimia, Agensi Nuklear <strong>Malaysia</strong> danpakar tempatan yang telah bersara telah berbincangmengenai penyelidikan terhadap unjuran dan modeliklim, pembangunan keupayaan, pemindahan teknologidan usaha kerjasama.consequences of climate change, such as rising sealevels and melting of the north polar ice.At a dialogue which ensued, 40 researchers andpolicy makers involved in the area of climatechange comprising Fellows of the Academy, ClimateChange Task Force Members of ASM, researchscientists from universities, <strong>Malaysia</strong>n MeteorologicalDepartment, Department of Chemistry, <strong>Malaysia</strong>nNuclear Agency, and local retired experts discussedmatters related to research on climate projection andmodeling, capacity building, technology transfer andcollaboration.◄ ProfSherwoodRowland danFelo ASM.ProfSherwoodRowlandwith ASMFellows.SyarahanUmumoleh ProfSherwoodRowland.PublicLectureby ProfSherwoodRowland. ►Penyertaan Delegasi<strong>Malaysia</strong> di MesyuaratPemenang Hadiah Nobeldengan Saintis Muda diLindau, Jerman, 2007Empat saintis muda <strong>Malaysia</strong>: Dr Chan Yoke Fun (PensyarahVirologi Molekul), Dr Tunku Kamarul Zaman Tunku ZainolAbidin (Pensyarah Surgeri Ortopedik), Tee Kok Keng(Mahasiswa PhD, Epidemiologi Molekul mengenai HIV)dan Mohd Mokrish Md Ajat (Tutor/ Mahasiswa PhD,Nanobioteknologi) terpilih untuk menghadiri MesyuaratNobel Laureate dengan saintis muda ke-57 di Lindau,Jerman khusus untuk disiplin fi siologi atau perubatanyang telah berlangsung pada 1–6 Julai.Participation of <strong>Malaysia</strong>nDelegation in the 2007Meeting of Nobel PrizeWinners with Young Scientistsin Lindau, GermanyFour <strong>Malaysia</strong>n young scientists: Dr Chan Yoke Fun(Lecturer, Molecular Virology), Dr Tunku Kamarul ZamanTunku Zainol Abidin (Lecturer, Orthopaedic Surgery),Tee Kok Keng (PhD student, Molecular Epidemiologyof HIV) and Mohd Mokrish Md Ajat (Tutor/PhD student,Nanobiotechnology), were selected to participate inthe 57th Lindau Nobel Laureates meeting dedicatedto the physiology of medicine discipline that was heldon 1–6 July in Lindau, Germany.60In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEMesyuarat Nobel Laureate bersama Saintis Muda diLindau merupakan satu majlis perhimpunan tahunanbertempat di Tasik Constance, Jerman sejak 1951.Mesyuarat ini telah berubah wajah menjadi pertemuandi peringkat antarabangsa antara para PemenangHadiah Nobel dengan saintis muda dan penuntutdari lebih 40 buah negara dari serata dunia denganminda terbuka. Setiap tahun lebih 11 500 belia pintardan saintis muda dari serata dunia bertanding untukmenghadirinya tetapi hanya 500 calon yang berjayadipilih. <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah menghadiri mesyuarat ini sejaktahun 2004. Berikutan satu Memorandum Persefahamanyang termeterai dalam tahun 2005, ASM dianggapsebagai rakan Majlis Lindau yang bertanggungjawabdalam pencalonan saintis muda ke mesyuarat ini.Mesyuarat Lindau yang merupakan satu pengalamanpembelajaran yang luar biasa, menyediakan satuforum saintifi k unik untuk dialog yang merangsangkanmengenai penemuan baru, dan penyelidikan atauperbincangan harian terhadap kesan lebih meluasyang terhasil daripada usaha P&P Pemenang HadiahNobel. Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc mengetuai Delegasi<strong>Malaysia</strong> ke Mesyuarat ini selain mewakili ASM dimesyuarat Rakan <strong>Akademi</strong>k pada 3 Julai, di manaMajlis Lindau telah menyatakan rasa puas hati akanmutu saintis muda <strong>Malaysia</strong> yang dicalon menghadirimesyuarat tersebut melalui proses pemilihan ASM yangtegas. Penglibatan Delegasi <strong>Malaysia</strong> di MesyuaratLindau menerima liputan media terutama RTM menerusiberita Perdana.Sebelum delegasi <strong>Malaysia</strong> berlepas ke Lindau, pada22 Jun mereka telah menghadiri satu sesi orientasi yangtelah dikelolakan oleh ASM. Majlis ini turut dihadiri olehTYT Herbert D. Jess, Duta Besar Jerman ke <strong>Malaysia</strong> yangtelah menyampaikan satu syarahan bertajuk, SejarahLatarbelakang Mesyuarat Pemenang Hadiah Nobeldi Lindau dan Prespektif terhadap Penyelidikan danPembangunan Jerman. Di samping ini terdapat duapenyampaian lagi yang disampaikan oleh AcademicianProf Looi Lai Meng, FASc mengenai Overview of ResearchFocus Areas in the Field of Physiology or Medicine in<strong>Malaysia</strong> and Globally dan satu pidato yang disampaikanoleh Prof Asma Ismail, FASc bertajuk, Overview of thePost Lindau Meeting Visit to Centres of Excellence in UK.Sesi orientasi ini yang telah mendapat liputan mediasecara meluas dan disertai oleh 12 perwakilan mediatempatan.The Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting with YoungScientists is an annual Gathering in Lindau on LakeConstance, Germany since 1951. The Lindau NobelLaureates Meeting has developed into an internationalopen-minded encounter between Laureates, youngscientists and students from over 40 countries worldwide.Annually over 11 500 young top talents and youngscientists worldwide compete to participate andonly around 500 are selected. This meeting has seen<strong>Malaysia</strong>n participation since 2004. ASM is the partnerorganization of the Lindau Council which is responsiblefor the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n nominations of young scientists for themeeting through a MoU signed in 2005.The Lindau Meetings provide a unique scientifi c forumfor stimulating dialogue on new fi ndings, and day-to-dayresearch or discussion on the wider consequences ofthe Laureate’s R&D work, which constitute a remarkablelearning experience. Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc led the<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Delegation for the 2007 Lindau Meetingand represented ASM at the meeting of AcademicPartners on 3 July, where the Lindau Council expressedcommendation for the quality of <strong>Malaysia</strong>n youngscientists nominated for the Meetings through theAcademy’s stringent vetting process. The participationof the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Delegation in the Lindau meetingreceived wide media coverage particularly by RTMon prime time news.An orientation session for the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Delegationto the Lindau meeting was organized by ASM on22nd June prior to the trip to Lindau. The orientationsession was attended by HE Herbert D. Jess, GermanAmbassador to Kuala Lumpur who presented a talkon the ‘Historic background of the Nobel Prize WinnersMeetings in Lindau and Perspectives on GermanResearch and Development’. Besides that there weretwo other presentations by Academician Prof Looi LaiMeng, FASc. on ‘Overview of Research Focus Areasin the Field of Physiology or Medicine in <strong>Malaysia</strong> andGlobally’ and by Prof Asma Ismail, FASc on ‘Overviewof Post- Lindau Meeting Visits to Centres of Excellencein UK’. The orientation session was also well covered byaround 12 members of the local media.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 61

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCELawatan ke Pusat-pusatKecemerlangan UKBerikutan Mesyuarat Lindau, satu lawatan sambilbelajar ke Pusat-pusat kecemerlangan di UK (7–13Julai) telah diurus untuk mendedahkan saintis mudasatu pengalaman yang sungguh memperkayakan.Hasrat ini dicapai menerusi kunjungan ke pusat-pusatkecemerlangan /institusi/pertubuhan tersohor di duniadan bertemu dengan saintis di sana untuk mewujudkanjaringan demi kerjasama penyelidikan dan penempatanpost doctoral fellowship. Lawatan ini yang diketuaioleh Prof Asma Ismail, FASc juga telah dihadiri oleh tigaorang Profesor Kanan dari Institusi Pengajian Tinggi danInstitut Penyelidikan.Tempat-tempat yang dilawati termasuklah CambridgeScience Park; Institute of Biotechnology, CambridgeUniversity; Department of Haematological Medicine,King’s College London; Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute;EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute; Imperial College,London dan Institute of Biomedical Engineering.Kumpulan itu diberitahu akan penekanan terhadappenyelidikan pelbagai disiplin, menghubungkan P&Pdengan pengkomersilan dan pembentukan kelompok/kluster berdasarkan tema penyelidikan merupakansebahagian daripada tren yang diamalkan berkaitanP&P di sana. Kesemua ini mungkin boleh ditinjau dandieksploitasi oleh saintis muda untuk terus maju sertaberjaya dalam kerjaya sebagai seorang saintis. Semasalawatan, perbincangan antara saintis muda dengansaintis kanan telah melahirkan pemikiran kritikal, bermindaterbuka ketika mengeketengahkan pendapat danidea, saling bertukar-tukar pengetahuan yang secaratidak langsung membawa kepada penjalinan mentoroleh saintis muda.Visit to the UK Centres ofExcellenceFollowing the 2007 Lindau meeting, a study visit (7–13July) to centres of excellence in UK was organized toprovide young scientists an enriching learning experienceby visiting world renowned centres of excellence/institutions/organizations and meet the scientists thereto establish linkages for research collaboration andattachments for post-doctoral fellowships. This visit wasled by Prof Asma Ismail FASc. and she was joined bythree other Senior Professors from <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Institutionsof Higher Learning and Research Institutes.Places visited were Cambridge Science Park; Instituteof Biotechnology, Cambridge University; Departmentof Haematological Medicine, King’s College London;Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute; EMBL-EuropeanBioinformatics Institute; Imperial College, London andthe Institute of Biomedical Engineering.The group learnt that emphasis on multi-disciplinaryresearch, linking R&D with commercialisation and theformation of cluster groups on research themes weresome of the trends in existence in the R&D environmentthere. These trends could be explored and exploitedby <strong>Malaysia</strong>n young scientists to excel as a scientist.During the visit, discourse among the young scientistsand senior scientists enabled critical thinking, openmindedexpression of thoughts and ideas, exchangeof knowledge that led to an indirect mentoring of theyoung scientists.This visit facilitated two PhD attachments at SangerInstitute and King’s College, respectively as well as acollaborative research linkage with Imperial Collegefor the young scientists.Lawatan ini telah menghasilkan dua penempatan PhDdi Sanger Institute dan King’s College dan juga jaringanpenyelidikan kerjasama dengan Imperial College untuksaintis muda.62In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEKonvensyen <strong>Sains</strong> danTeknologi <strong>Malaysia</strong>(MASTEC)Dalam konteks ekonomi global yang cepat berubahlagi kompetitif, <strong>Malaysia</strong> hadapi cabaran untuk teruskekalkan daya saing kompetitifnya dan membangunkanekonomi yang teguh berasaskan sains, teknologi daninovasi untuk menjana kekayaan dan kesejahteraansosial. Hasrat ini memerlukan satu anjakan, dari ekonomiberasaskan sumber alam ke ekonomi berasaskan inovasiyang akan memberi penekanan kepada pengetahuan,inovasi dan sumber manusia dinamik, sebagaimanaditegaskan menerusi Rancangan <strong>Malaysia</strong> Kesembilandan Misi Kebangsaan 2006–2010.Menyedari akan perlunya penilaian dan respons proaktifsebagai prasyarat untuk melangkah ke hadapan denganmatlamat membangunkan ekonomi berasaskan inovasisebagaimana diinginkan oleh Kerajaan, maka lahirlahMASTEC 2007. Konvensyen ini dianjur dengan tema,‘<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Science and Technology : Strategizing andInvesting Now for the Future’ pada 10–12 Disemberbertempat di Hotel Marriott Putrajaya.MASTEC dianjur dua kali setahun untuk menyediakansatu pentas kebangsaan penyemakan semula segalapencapaian, cabaran dan potensi sains, teknologi daninovasi melalui perbincangan pihak berkepentingandengan para pelaksana pelbagai sektor termasuk sektorswasta untuk bertukar-tukar pendapat dan berbincanguntuk mengutarakan syor-syor yang releven dalammemacu negara kita ke hadapan.MASTEC 2007 mempunyai lima lingkup fokus:• P eranan <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi dalamK-ekonomi• K eperluan modal insan untuk <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi danInovasi• M emperkukuh pendidikan sains untuk K-ekonomi• M emperkukuh industri asli berasas-K dalam satuK-ekonomi; dan• M erancang, melabur dan membiayai pembangunanK-ekonomi.Konvensyen ini telah dibuka secara rasmi oleh YB Dato’Kong Cho Ha, Timbalan Menteri <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi danInovasi. Lebih 200 peserta Konvensyen yang terdiri dari<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Science andTechnology Convention(MASTEC)In the context of a rapidly changing, competitive globaleconomy, the challenge for <strong>Malaysia</strong> is to maintain acompetitive advantage and gain economic strengthby harnessing science, technology and innovation forwealth creation and societal well-being. This calls fora shift from a resource-led economy to an innovationledeconomy that emphasizes knowledge, innovationand dynamic human capital, as envisaged in the Ninth<strong>Malaysia</strong> Plan and National Mission, 2006–2010.Recognizing the need for evaluation and proactiveresponse to charter the way forward with emphasis onembracing an innovation economy as endorsed bythe Government, MASTEC 2007 was organized on thetheme, ‘<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Science and Technology: Strategizingand Investing Now for the Future’ on 10–11 Decemberat the Putrajaya Marriott Hotel.MASTEC is organised bi-annually to provide a nationalplatform to review the achievements, challenges andpotential of science, technology and innovation bybringing the stakeholders and implementers of varioussectors as well as the private sector into consultation anddeliberation towards providing relevant recommendationson moving forward.MASTEC 2007 had fi ve main focus areas:• T he Role of Science, Technology and Innovation ina Knowledge Economy• P reparing Human Capital for Science, Technologyand Innovation• S trengthening Science Education for a KnowledgeEconomy• E nhancing Indigenous K-Based Industries in aKnowledge Economy; and• P lanning, Investing and Funding for a KnowledgeEconomyThe Convention was offi ciated by Dato’ Kong ChoHa, the Hon. Deputy Minister of Science, TechnologyIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 63

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEperumus polisi yang mewakili beberapa KementerianKerajaan, pihak pengurusan atasan institusi pengajiantinggi, institut penyelidikan, saintis, akademik, PengurusSTI dari persatuan Pihak Berkepentingan, pemimpinbadan-badan profesional STI dan juga pemimpin sektorperniagan yang telah membincangkan tujuh kertas plenoyang disampaikan oleh pensyarah terkenal daripadapenasihat pihak kerajaan dan sektor swasta. Perwakilanjuga telah memberikan maklumbalas bernas.MASTEC 2007 berhasrat memupuk satu tindakan terjurusdan berasaskan persefahaman yang sama, semuapihak berkenaan akan merumus strategi-strategi danpelan tindakan yang sinergistik. Tindakan ini akanmenentukan arah yang harus <strong>Malaysia</strong> lalui dalambidang STI dalam dekad akan datang dan seterusnya,terutama berhubung agenda inovasi negara.and Innovation. Over 200 convention participantscomprising policy makers from several Governmentministries, upper management from Institutions of higherlearning, research institutes, scientists, academics, STIManagers of stakeholder organizations, leaders of STIprofessional bodies as well as business sector leadersdeliberated on the seven plenary papers presented byeminent speakers from the government, private sector,consultants and provided valuable feedback.MASTEC 2007 aimed to facilitate a concerted effort by allrelevant parties to build upon a common understandingleading to the formulation of synergistic strategies andaction plans to address the direction <strong>Malaysia</strong> shouldtake in STI in the next decade and beyond particularlyin relation to the innovation agenda of the nation.◄ Sesi forumMASTEC.MASTEC forumsession.Sesi soal-jawabsemasa MASTEC.Q&A Session duringMASTEC. ►Program Tabung AmanahPerubatan Dr RanjeetBhagwan SinghSemasa mengunjungi Kuala Lumpur, Prof David Lanetelah menyampaikan Syarahan Memorial di InstitutPenyelidikan Perubatan dan satu syarahan umum. DrDavid Lane yang dinobat sebagai seorang daripadasepuluh tokoh sains biomedikal tersohor/terkemukadi dunia dalam tahun 1990an. Beliau dianugerahkandarjah kesatria pada tahun 2000 atas sumbangan beliauterhadap penyelidikan kanser. Beliau merupakan seorangprofesor dalam bidang onkologi molekular di Universityof Dundee. Beliau juga merupakan pengasas Cyclacel,Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh Medical Trust FundProgrammesProf David Lane delivered the Memorial Lecture at theInstitute for Medical Research and a public lecture duringhis visit to Kuala Lumpur. Prof David Lane, named oneof the world’s top ten biomedical scientists of the 1990swas knighted in 2000 for his contributions to cancerresearch. He is a professor of molecular oncology at theUniversity of Dundee; founder and now chief scientifi coffi cer at Cyclacel, a company developing drugs forthe treatment of cancer; and is currently the executivedirector of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology,64In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEsebuah syarikat pengeluar ubat perawatan kanser,kini memegang jawatan Ketua Pegawai Penyelidikandi syarikat tersebut. Dewasa ini beliau memegangjawatan Pengarah Eksekutif di Institute of Molecular andCell Biology, Singapura. Prof Lane merupakan salahseorang daripada pakar sains yang dijulang berikutanpenemuan terkemuka beliau mengenai gen kanser p53yang dirujuk sebagai ‘pelindung genom’.Semasa penyampaian syarahan berjudul, ‘DrugDiscovery and Target Validation in the p53 Pathway’Prof Lane menjelaskan bahawa gen penindas tumor p53memainkan peranan penting dalam pencegahan kansermanusia kerana ia bertindak sebagai regulator utama/master regulator manakala protein p53 pula berfungsisebagai satu faktor transkripsi cetusan stres. Beliau telahberbincang mengenai pendekatan biomedikal danpendekatan berasaskan sel dalam mengenal pastidrug yang menyelaraskan pathway p53 dan potensidrug ini dalam aplikasi terapeutik.ASM juga telah menganjurkan satu syarahan umumbertajuk ‘Mengubati Kanser’ pada 19 Januari di manaDr Lane telah menjelaskan faktor-faktor risiko yangkompleks, pelbagai dan berbilang yang berkaitanpenyakit ini. Beliau memberitahu bahawa kemajuanbesar yang dicapai dalam memahami sebab-sebabberlaku kanser manusia telah membawa kepadapenemuan langkah-langkah pencegahan dan terapiyang lebih baik.MOSTI dan ASM dengan kerjasama Fakulti Perubatan,Universiti Malaya dan National University of Singapore,telah menganjurkan Bengkel Teknikal Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh yang Ketujuh ini yang bertajuk, ‘RNAi and HumanDisease’ pada 11–14 Disember. Menerusi bengkel inipara peserta mempelajari prinsip-prinsip mengenai RNAInterference (RNAi); mempelajari peranan miRNAs dansiRNAs dalam penyakit di kalangan manusia; memperolehpengalaman pendekatan praktis dalam mengasingkanRNA kecil (RNAs) dan juga mengesan miRNAs spesifi k didalam darah dan tisu; serta memperoleh pengalamanpendekatan praktis mengenai perencatan spesifi kekspresi gen menggunakan RNAi. Bengkel ini telahdikendalikan oleh Prof Kandiah Jeyaseelan (Profesorbiokimia dan biologi molekular) dan Dr ArunmozhiarasiArumugam (Felo Penyelidikan Kanan, dari JabatanBiokimia), Yong Loo Lim, School of Medicine, NationalUniversity of Singapore.Singapore. Prof Lane is one of the scientists creditedwith the landmark discovery of the cancer gene p53,also known as ‘the guardian of the genome’.During the lecture entitled ‘Drug Discovery and TargetValidation in the p53 Pathway’ Prof Lane explainedthat the tumour suppressor gene p53 plays a majorrole in preventing human cancer as it acts as a masterregulator with the p53 protein functioning as a stressinduced transcription factor. He discussed biochemicaland cell-based approaches to the identifi cation ofdrugs that regulate the p53 pathway and their potentialtherapeutic application.ASM also organized a Public Lecture entitled ‘CuringCancer’ on 19 January where the complex, variedand multiple risk factors of the disease were explainedby Prof Lane. He mentioned that great progress inthe fundamental understanding of the causes ofhuman cancer was guiding the discovery of improvedpreventative measures and better therapies.MOSTI and ASM, in collaboration with the Faculty ofMedicine, University of Malaya and National University ofSingapore organized the Seventh Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh Technical Workshop entitled ‘RNAi and HumanDiseases’ on 11–14 December. The Workshop wasorganized to enable participants to learn the principlesunderlying RNA interference (RNAi); learn about thepart played by miRNAs and siRNAs in human diseases;acquire hands-on experience in isolating small RNAsand to detect specifi c miRNAs in blood and tissues; andgain hands-on experience on specifi c inhibition of geneexpression using RNAi. It was conducted by Prof KandiahJeyaseelan (Professor of biochemistry and molecularbiology) and Dr Arunmozhiarasi Armugam (SeniorResearch Fellow, from the Department of biochemistry),Yong Loo Lin Schools of Medicine, National Universityof Singapore.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 65

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEPerserta-perserta Bengkel.Participants at the Workshop. ▲Syarahan Prof Kandiah di Universiti Malaya.Prof Kandiah’s lecture at the University of Malaya. ▲Anugerah PenyelidikanKanser MAKNA 2007<strong>Akademi</strong> ini telah menguruskan Anugerah PenyelidikanKanser MAKNA sejak 2002. Semua permohonandipertimbangkan oleh Jawatankuasa Penilaian<strong>Akademi</strong> yang dipengerusikan oleh Profesor CheongSoon Kong, FASc. Selepas mesyuarat pada bulanNovember, Jawatankuasa bersetuju sebulat suarauntuk memberikan anugerah di atas kepada penyelidikpenyelidikberikut:1. M elanie Anil Arulsamy (Universiti Malaya)—RM40 000 untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja P&Pmengenai ‘Isolation and Establishment of PrimaryCell Lines from Colorectal and Studies on itsBiological Properties’.2. D r Zulqarnain Mohamed (Universiti Malaya)—RM30 000 untuk membiayai penyelidikan mengenai‘Cloning of the Prostate Specifi c Membrane AntigenGene in the Pichia Pastoris Yeast RecombinantExpression System’.3. V on Sze Tin (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman)—RM20 000 untuk membiayai kerja-kerja P&P mengenai‘Anti-Cancer Property and Mode of Action ofMetal Complexes of Intercalcating Ligand andAmino Acids’.MAKNA Cancer ResearchAward 2007The Academy has been managing the MAKNA CancerResearch Award since 2002. All applications are appraisedby the Academy’s Vetting Committee which is chairedby Professor Cheong Soon Keng, FASc. The Committeemet on November and unanimously agreed that thefollowing researchers be given the awards:1. M elanie Arul Arlusamy (University of Malaya)—RM40 000 to undertake R&D work on ‘Isolation andEstablishment of Primary Cell Lines from ColorectalCancer and Studies on its Biological Properties’.2. D r Zulqarnain Mohamed (University of Malaya)—RM30 000 to undertake research concerning‘Cloning of the Prostate Specifi c Membrane AntigenGene in the Pichia Pastoris Yeast RecombinantExpression System’.3. V on Sze Tin (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman)—RM20 000 for R&D on ‘Anti-cancer Property andMode of Action of Metal Complexes of IntercalatingLigand and Amino Acids’.66In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCE4. D r Loh Hwei San (University of Nottingham <strong>Malaysia</strong>Campus)—RM30 000 untuk pembiayaan penyelidikanmengenai ‘Investigation on the Bioactive Compoundsof a Novel Rain Forest Plant for the Treatment ofCancers’.5. K haw Wan Fei (Universiti Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>)—RM30 000 untuk menampung perbelanjaan kerja-kerjaP&P mengenai ‘Acceptability of Self-administeredDevice for Cervical Cancer Screening among<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Women in Rawang District, Selangor’.Dana ‘ScientificAdvancement FundAllocation’ (SAGA)Dana penyelidikan yang dikenali sebagai SAGA telahdiwujudkan dalam usaha untuk membiayai penyelidikanasas para saintis yang mempunyai rekod cemerlang didalam bidang sains. Matlamat utama dana ini adalahuntuk membolehkan para saintis mara ke hadapandan sekaligus memperoleh pengiktirafan antarabangsaatas usaha mereka dalam menjana pengetahuan danpenemuan baru.Projek di Bawah SAGAPada masa ini, 89 projek berjumlah RM19.2 juta sedangdibiayai di bawah dana SAGA. Bidang penyelidikanutama yang dibiayai merangkumi bidang-bidangfi siologi/perubatan, kimia dan fi zik saperti denggi, kanser,malaria, sel stem, produk bioaktif baru, nanostruktur/nanotiub baru, dan hablur cecair.Hasil analisis melalui pemantauan dan penilaian yangdilakukan berdasarkan Laporan Kemajuan ProjekBulan ke-20 untuk 59 projek (SAGA pusingan pertamadan kedua) menunjukkan sejumlah 400 penerbitansaintifi k (termasuk artikel-artikel jurnal, kertas kerja yangdikemukakan untuk persidangan/seminar/bengkel) telahdihasilkan melalui usaha penyelidikan. Daripada jumlahini, 309 artikel diterbitkan dalam jurnal antarabangsa.Pecahan penerbitan berdasarkan bidang penyelidikandipaparkan dalam Rajah 1.4. D r Loh Hwei San (University of Nottingham <strong>Malaysia</strong>Campus)—RM30 000 for research on the ‘Investigationon the Bioactive Compounds of a Novel Rain ForestPlant for the Treatment of Cancers’.5. K haw Wan Fei (Universiti Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>)—RM30 000 to undertake R&D work on ‘Acceptabilityof Self-administered Device for Cervical CancerScreening Among <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Women in RawangDistrict, Selangor’.Scientific AdvancementFund Allocation (SAGA)In a move to support excellent scientists with a proventrack record in identifi ed priority areas of fundamentalsciences, a research fund was established under SAGA.The aim of such an allocation is to allow these scientists tomove to the next level of achievement including gaininginternational recognition for knowledge generationand new discoveries.Projects under SAGACurrently, 89 projects are being funded with SAGAfunds amounting to around RM19.2 million (Table 1). Themajor research areas funded in the fi elds of physiology/medicine, chemistry and physics are dengue, cancer,malaria, stem cell, novel bioactive products, novelnanostructures/nanotubes and liquid crystals.The monitoring and evaluation exercise carried out basedon the SAGA 20th Month Project Progress Reports for 59projects (SAGA fi rst and second rounds) showed thata total of 400 scientifi c publications (including journalarticles, and papers produced for conference/seminar/workshops) emanated from the research. Of this total,309 articles were in international journals.The breakdown of publications according to fi elds ofresearch is presented in Figure 1. Two patents were alsoattained through the SAGA funded research.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 67

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEJadual 1. Keseluruhan Pembiayaan Saga Pusingan 1-3.Table 1. Overall Status of Funding Saga Round 1–3.KelompokClusterPermohonan diterimaApplications receivedProjek diluluskanProjects approvedAmaun diluluskan (RM)Amount approved (RM)SAGAPusinganRound 1SAGAPusinganRound 2SAGAPusinganRound 3SAGAPusinganRound 1SAGAPusinganRound 2SAGAPusinganRound 3J umlahTotalSAGAPusinganRound 1SAGAPusinganRound 2SAGAPusinganRound 3JumlahTotalFizikPhysics49 7 105 8 3 30 41 1 430 820 538 939 3 776 200 5 745 960KimiaChemistry113 50 – 15 14 – 29 3 708 177 2 575 693 – 6 283 870Fisiologi atauPerubatanPhysiology orMedicineJumlahTotal106 36 – 5 14 – 19 1 950 000 5 225 323 – 7 200 191268 93 105 28 31 30 89 7 088 997 8 339 955 3 776 200 19 205 153No. of internationalpublicationsBil. penerbitanantarabangsa200 182*1501005030970Fisiologi/PerubatanPhysiology/ MedicineKimiaChemistryFizikPhysics* Daripada 182 penerbitan saintifi k, 130 merupakan sumbangan Prof Fun Hoong Kun (kajian penghabluran).* Out of the 182 journal papers in physics, 130 were from Prof Fun Hoong Kun (Crystallization studies).Rajah 1. Hasil penerbitan antarabangsa untuk Projek SAGA pusingan 1 dan 2 (Berdasarkan permohonan laporan kemajuan bulan ke-20).Figure 1. International publication for SAGA 1st and 2nd Round Projects (Based on submission with 20th Month Progress Report)59 projek SAGA ini (pusingan pertama dan kedua) turutmelibatkan 43 jaringan kerjasama antarabangsa. Bagiaspek modal insan, bilangan penyelidikan terlibat danijazah sarjana dan PhD yang dijana ditunjukkan dalamRaja 2. Secara keseluruhan, 59 projek di bawah SAGAdilaporkan berjaya menghasilkan 37 sarjana dan 24PhD. Semua projek SAGA dijangka berakhir menjelangtahun 2008.The 59 SAGA projects (1st and 2nd Round) also involved43 international research collaborations/linkages. On thehuman capital development front, the capacity buildingin terms of researchers involved and postgraduatestrained are shown in Table 2. Overall the 59 SAGAprojects are reported to have produced 37 Mastersand 24 PhD degrees. All SAGA projects are expectedto be completed by the end of 2008.68In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCEJadual 2. Pembangunan modal insan untuk projek SAGA pusingan 1 dan 2 (59 projek)(Berdasarkan permohonan Laporan Kemajuan Bulan ke-20).Table 2. Human capital development for SAGA 1st and 2nd Round Projects (59 projects)(Based on 20th Month Progress Report).PenyelidikResearch MemberKimiaChemistryFizikPhysicsBilangan PenyelidikNo. of ResearchersFisiologi/PerubatanPhysiology/MedicineJumlahTotalProfesor/ Professor 15 6 9 30Profesor Madya/ Assoc. Professor 16 6 6 28Pensyarah (PhD)/ Lecturer (PhD) 7 8 6 21Pegawai Penyelidik/ResearchOfficersTahap PhD/ PhD levelTahap Sarjana/ Masters’ levelTahap Sarjana Muda/ Undergraduate levelLain-lain/Others2414181170215011542052––––Pembantu Penyelidik / Research AssistantTahap Sarjana Muda / Undergraduate levelTahap Diploma / Diploma level3534141355044––Tahap PhD/PhD students 8 9 7 24Tahap Sarjana Muda/ MSc students 18 6 13 37Jumlah/Total 123 56 57 236In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 69

KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCELatihan KeusahawananTeknologi Untuk SaintisKananLatihan sulung ini telah dilaksanakan sebagai langkahKerajaan memanfaatkan sains, teknologi dan inovasisebagai wahana utama dalam mengangkat keupayaanNegara memperoleh dan memanfaatkan ilmudan menjalin inovasi. Untuk memenuhi hasrat parasaintis yang berminat berkecimpung dalam bidangkeusahawanan, <strong>Akademi</strong> telah mengendalikan kursusini pada 15-26 Januari secara usaha sama dengan<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Entrepreneurship Development Centre/PusatPembangunan Keusahawanan <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan UniversitiTeknologi Mara.Seramai tiga puluh enam peserta dari institut-institutpenyelidikan, universiti dan agensi kerajaan telahberpeluang mendengar penyampaian mengenaikeusahawanan dan pembangunan ekonomi, hartaintelek, laluan ke arah pengkomersilan, sumberpembiayaan, strategi dan operasi dalam usaha niagapertumbuhan cepat, sumber manusia dan pengurusanpengetahuan, pelan perniagaan dan isu pemasaran.Di samping lawatan ke organisasi penyelidikan danuniversiti, peserta telah berkongsi pengalaman menerusiperbincangan secara berkumpulan. Lawatan-lawatandi atas telah mendedahkan peserta kepada pelbagaiamalan pengkomersilan.Training on TechnologyEntrepreneurship for SeniorScientistsThis inaugural course was implemented as part of theGovernment’s efforts to harness science, technology andinnovation as a key driver in raising national capacityto acquire, utilize knowledge and foster innovation.The course was organized on 15–26 January by theAcademy in collaboration with <strong>Malaysia</strong>n EntrepreneurshipDevelopment Centre and Universiti Teknologi MARA forscientists interested in entrepreneurship.Thirty-six participants from research institutions, universitiesand government agencies had the opportunity tohear presentations on entrepreneurship and economicdevelopment, intellectual property, assessing routes tocommercialization, sources of fi nancing, strategy andoperations in high growth venture, human resourceand knowledge management, business plan andmarketing issues. They shared their experience in groupassignments and visited research organizations anduniversities. The visits exposed participants to variouscommercialization practices.Peserta seronok mendengar syarahan.Participants enjoying the lecture. ▲Rombongan sambil belajar ke fi rma farmaseutikal.Study visit to a pharmaceutical fi rm in Nilai. ▲70In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

<strong>Sains</strong> danMasyarakatMemandangkan masa depan negarabergantung kepada generasi mudahari ini, adalah amat penting untukmemastikan pengasuhan mereka sejakkecil bermula dengan asas sains danteknologi dan menjadi tanggungjawabbersama bagi melengkapkan merekadengan kebolehan untuk menghadapicabaran dan mencapai kejayaansebagai pemimpin hari esok. Olehyang demikian, <strong>Akademi</strong> meneruskanmisinya untuk meningkatkan kesedaransains dan teknologi di kalangangenerasi muda, dan mewujudkanminat mempelajari sains dan seterusnyameneruskan kerjaya dalam bidangsains. Untuk tujuan tersebut pelbagaiprogram telah dijalankan oleh <strong>Akademi</strong>.Scienceand SocietyAs the future of our nation lies withtoday’s young generation, it is essentialto nurture them from the beginningon a right foundation in science andtechnology and equip them to meetthe challenges that are ahead andthrive as the leaders of tomorrow. Thusthe Academy continues on a missionto merge science and society andgenerate interest to learn science andpursue a career in science amongthe young. Various programmes areconducted to this effect, ranging fromschool activities to programmes forthe public.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 71

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYSyarahan MemorialPada tanggal 20 Ogos bertempat di ASM, <strong>Akademi</strong> telahmenganjur Syarahan Memorial yang pertama untukmemperingati Allahyarham Datuk Dr Syed Mohamad AlwiAlhady, FASc. Dr Syed dikenali sebagai seorang Pakarbedah yang terkemuka di <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan merupakanseorang Felo <strong>Akademi</strong> sejak 1995. Allahyarham kembalike Ramahtullah dalam tahun 2006.Syarahan tersebut yang berjudul ‘Epidemiologi KanserProstat’ telah disampaikan oleh Professor Jonathan I.Epstein, seorang pakar kanser prostat yang diseganidi dunia. Insiden kanser prostat kian meningkat, dandari segi diagnosis merupakan kanser yang amatmencabar. Dalam syarahan tersebut, beliau juga telahmenjambatani perkembangan bidang sains denganamalan medikal.Syarahan ini yang dipengerusikan oleh Prof Looi LaiMeng, FASc, dihadiri oleh felo-felo <strong>Akademi</strong>, ahli keluargaAllahyarham Datuk Dr Syed Mohamad Alwi Alhady,pakar bedah, pengamal perubatan, para penyelidikdan orang ramai.Memorial LectureThe Academy organised the fi rst Memorial Lecture inhonour of the late Datuk Dr Syed Mohamad Alwi Alhady,FASc on 20 August at ASM. Dr Syed was a well knownsurgeon in <strong>Malaysia</strong> and a Fellow of the Academy since1995. He passed away in the year 2006.The Memorial Lecture entitled ‘Epidemiology of ProstateCancer’ was delivered by Professor Jonathan I.Epstein, who is a renowned world expert on prostatecancer. The incidence of this cancer is rapidly rising,but it is an extremely challenging cancer in terms ofdiagnosis. He was able to bridge the fi eld of scientifi cadvancements and medical practice in his talks.The lecture chaired by Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc, wasattended by Fellows of the Academy, family membersof the late Datuk Dr Syed Mohamad Alwi Alhady, FASc,surgeons, medical practitioners, researchers and thepublic.Prof J. I. Epstein (Kedua dari kanan) diperkenalkan kepada hadirin. ▲Prof J. I. Epstein (Second on the right) being introduced to the audienceSesi soal-jawab. ▲Q&A session.72In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYSyarahan PerdanaPada 12 Januari bertempat di Universiti MalayaProf Soh Aik Chin, FASc yang dilantik dalam tahun 2006,menyampaikan syarahan beliau yang bertajuk, ‘WhatYou See is Not Necessarily What You Get! (Breedingand Selecting the Ideal Oil Palm)’. Prof Soh tergolongdi antara pembiak dan ahli genetik kelapa sawit yangtersohor di arena antarabangsa. Beliau memberitahubahawa kaedah memilih untuk menghasilkan pokokindividu berdasarkan pengasingan di peringkat awalkitar pilihan merupakan cara yang tidak tepat. Masalahini disebabkan oleh genotip yang tidak stabil, dayawarisan yang rendah dan kemampuan bersaing yangtidak sekata. Sesi yang dipengerusikan oleh Dato’ SeriDr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASc ini dihadiri ramai ahli biologi,Felo <strong>Akademi</strong>, para penyelidik dan penuntut.Inaugural LectureProf Soh Aik Chin, FASc appointed in 2006, delivered hisLecture on 12 January at the University of Malaya on thetopic entitled ‘What You See is Not Necessarily WhatYou Get! (Breeding and Selecting the Ideal Oil Palm)’.Prof Soh is a leading oil palm breeder and geneticistof international standing. He discussed issues on yieldselection in single plants by segregating populationsin the early selection cycle and that it was unreliablebecause of unstable genotypes, low heritability andhad differential plant competitive abilities. The session,chaired by Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASc wasattended by many plant biologists, Fellows of theAcademy, researchers and students.Soalan yang ditimbulkan salah seorang peserta syarahan.An enquiry by a participant attending the lecture. ▲Siri Syarahan SterlingSiri Syarahan Sterling disampaikan oleh Universiti-universitiBritain di bawah naungan Kumpulan Sterling. Syarahanini ditujukan kepada mahasiswa/wi agar teruja danberminat dalam bidang kejuruteraan. Syarahan inijuga mempromosi kecemerlangan UK dalam bidangkejuruteraan. Royal Academy of Engineering menyokongkumpulan ini yang membiayai perbelanjaan sendiri danmengiktirafnya sebagai sebuah perantaraan pentingdalam menjaga reputasi keunggulan pendidikankejuruteraan UK. Sempena kunjungan Kumpulan Sterlingini, <strong>Akademi</strong> dengan kerjasama KBU InternationalUniversity College dan Multimedia University, menganjursyarahan-syarahan berikut.Prof Soh menyampaikan syarahan beliau.Prof Soh delivering his lecture. ▲Sterling Lecture SeriesThe Sterling Lecture Series is delivered by the SterlingGroup of British Universities to undergraduate studentswith the intention of exciting students about a future inengineering and promoting UK excellence in engineering.The self-fi nancing group is recognized and supportedby the Royal Academy of Engineering as a valuablemeans of maintaining the reputation of UK engineeringeducation. In conjunction to the visit of the SterlingGroup, the Academy organized the following lecturesin collaboration with the KBU International UniversityCollege and Multimedia University.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 73

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYPada 21 Mac bertempat di KBU International UniversityCollege, Prof Peter Hicks dari University of Manchestertelah menyampaikan syarahan bertajuk ‘SilikonMikroelektronik—Apakah Kita Telah MenghampiriPenghujung Jalan?’ Syarahan beliau didahului denganmengimbas kembali akan pencapaian industri silikondan seterusnya menyingkap sesetengah rintanganyang dilalui dalam usaha meneruskan Undang-undangMoore untuk lima hingga sepuluh tahun akan datang.Beliau juga menegaskan kemungkinan teknologi barumengambil alih kecemerlangan silikon.Pada 22 Mac bertempat di Universiti Malaya, Prof SimonBiggs dari University of Leeds telah menyampaikansyarahan berjudul ‘Collodial Nanotechnology:Manufacturing Smart Products from Colloids’ kepadapelajar muda. Beliau telah menjelaskan kerja-kerja terkiniyang telah dilaksanakan di University of Leeds dalambidang Colloidal Nanotechnology. Selain ini beliaujuga membincangkan penghasilan kapsul fungsianpintar secara besar-besaran menggunakan emulsifi kasimembran selaku teknologi asas. Kapsul ini merangkumibahan koloidosome dan complex multilayer coatingsyang mengandungi polimer peka stimulus.Prof Peter Hicks from the University of Manchesterspoke on ‘Silicon Microelectronics—Are We Nearingthe End of the Road?’ on 21 March at KBU InternationalUniversity College. His presentation began with a reviewof the achievements of the silicon industry and laterexamined some of the obstacles that stand in the wayof a continuation of Moore’s Law beyond the next fi veto ten years. The possibility of new technologies thatcould take over from where silicon leaves off was alsomentioned.Another lecture by Prof Simon Biggs of the University ofLeeds was on ‘Colloidal Nanotechnology: ManufacturingSmart Products from Colloids’ to young students on 22March at the University of Malaya. He described in thistalk the recent work that had been undertaken at LeedsUniversity in the area of Colloidal Nanotechnology. Healso discussed the large scale manufacturing of smartfunctional capsules using membrane emulsifi cationas the baseline technology. The capsules includecolloidosome materials as well as complex multilayercoatings consisting of stimulus responsive polymers.◄ Siri syarahanSterlingdisampaikan olehProf HicksSterling SeriesLecture deliveredby Prof Peter HicksProf Ramkisson dari <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> CaribbeanProf Ramkisson of the Caribbean Academy ofSciences ▲Syarahan Insan TersohorProf Harold Ramkisson yang merupakan PengerusiJawatankuasa Pemandu kepada <strong>Sains</strong> dan TeknologiCARICOM, dan bekas Presiden Caribbean Acadamyof Sciences telah menyampaikan satu syarahan di<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> pada 13 Julai. Syarahanbertajuk, ‘S&T di Caribbean’ diiringi data statistik bagimembolehkan para perserta meneliti secara kritikalEminent Persons’ LectureProf Harold Ramkisson who is the Chair of CARICOMSteering Committee on Science and Technology, andformer President of the Caribbean Academy of Sciencesdelivered a lecture on 13 July at the Academy. Hislecture entitled ‘S&T in the Caribbean’ was presentedwith statistical data to enable the participants to take74In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYakan status sains dan teknologi di Carribean dantindakan terkini dalam menggalakkannya sebagai satuperantaraan pembangunan.<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan Inno-Biologics Sdn Bhd selakupenaja bersama telah menaja Prof Jonathan Epstein,ke 24th World Congress of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine yang diadakan pada 24 Ogos 2007 di PusatKonvensyen Sunway, Petaling Jaya. Syarahan plenoProf Jonathan Epstein berjudul ‘Pendekatan SistematikMendiagnosis Kanser Prostat’. Presiden Kongres tersebut,Academician Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc telah menjadipengerusi syarahan tersebut. Prof Epstein merupakanReinhard Professor of Pathology, Department of PathologyUrulogy and Oncology, John Hopkins University Schoolof Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Dalam syarahanyang dihadiri oleh para peserta kongres tersebut, beliautelah menjelaskan pendekatan mendiagnosis penyakitadenokarsinoma kelenjar prostat.Syarahan UmumPada 18 Ogos bertempat di <strong>Akademi</strong>, ASM dengankerjasama University of Queensland Alumni Association<strong>Malaysia</strong> telah menganjurkan satu Syarahan Umumbertajuk, ‘How to stay young, healthy and cancer-free(Anti aging Therapies for women and men)’. Syarahanini dipengerusikan oleh Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Babjee,FASc. Pensyarah, Dr Amir Farid Isahak merupakanpakar runding perubatan, pakar sakit puan, pakarperubatan anti penuaan dan pakar bedah estetikadi samping merupakan seorang guru Qigong yangdisegani. Syarahan ini dihadiri oleh Felo-felo <strong>Akademi</strong>,ahli University of Queensland Alumini Association <strong>Malaysia</strong>,media dan orang ramai.<strong>Akademi</strong> telah menganjurkan Syarahan Umum bertajuk,‘The Establishment and Implementation of R&D inAgricultural Biotechnology in Australia’ pada 22 Junbertempat di ASM. Syarahan ini disampaikan oleh ProfMichael G.K. Jones, Pengarah, Western Australia StateAgricultural Biotechnology Centre, Perth, Australia Barat.Syarahan ini telah dipengurusi oleh Prof Emeritus Dato’Mohamed Mahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc.Pada 27 Mac bertempat di Auditorium, Institute forPost-graduate Studies, Universiti Malaya, ASM secarakerjasama dengan INTI Foundation, telah menganjurkanSyarahan Saintifi k berjudul, ‘Organ-like Cell CultureModels as Test Objects in Discovery and Pre-clinicalSciences’. Syarahan tersebut yang disampaikan olehProf Wendy Purcell, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Universitya critical look at the status of Science and Technologyin the Caribbean and recent efforts to promote it as atool for development.The Academy and Inno-Biologics Sdn Bhd co-sponsoredProf Jonathan Epstein, at the 24th World Congress ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine held on 22 August2007 at Sunway Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya. ProfJonathan Epstein’s plenary lecture, entitled ‘A SystematicApproach to Diagnosing Prostate Cancer’ was chairedby Academician Prof Looi Lai Meng, FASc, Presidentof the Congress. Prof Epstein is the Reinhard Professorof Pathology, Departments of Pathology, Urology andOncology, John Hopkins University School of Medicine,Baltimore, Maryland, USA. In his lecture, he explainedabout the approach of diagnosing adenocarcinoma ofthe prostate. The lecture was attended by participantsof the congress.Public LecturesThe Academy organised a Public Lecture on ‘Howto Stay Young, Healthy and Cancer-free (Anti-AgingTherapies for Women and Men’) in collaboration withthe University of Queensland Alumni Association <strong>Malaysia</strong>on 18 August at the Academy. The public lecture waschaired by Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad Mustaffa Babjee,FASc. The lecture was delivered by Dr Amir Farid Isahak,who is a medical consultant, gynecologist, anti-agingphysician and aesthetic surgeon as well as a respectedQigong master. The talk was attended by Fellows ofthe Academy, members of University of QueenslandAlumni Association <strong>Malaysia</strong>, media, and members ofthe public.The Academy organised a Public Lecture entitled ‘TheEstablishment and Implementation of R&D in AgriculturalBiotechnology in Australia’ on 22 June at the Academy.The lecture was delivered by Prof Michael G.K. Jones,the Director of Western Australia State AgriculturalBiotechnology Centre, Perth, Western Australia. Thelecture was chaired by Prof Emeritus Dato’ MohamedMahyuddin Mohd Dahan, FASc.On 27 March, ASM and INTI Foundation jointly organiseda Scientifi c Lecture entitled ‘Organ-like Cell CultureModels as Test Objects in Discovery and Pre-clinicalSciences’ at the Auditorium, Institute for Post-graduateStudies, University of Malaya. The lecture delivered byProf Wendy Purcell, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Universityof Hertfordshire, United Kingdom was attended by theIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 75

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYof Hertfordshire, United Kingdom telah dihadiri oleh Felofelo<strong>Akademi</strong>, Universiti, penyelidik dan penuntut.Prof Datuk Mazlan Othman, FASc telah menyampaikansatu syarahan bertajuk ‘Space: It is Value Propositionfor <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Security, Enterprise and Science’ pada1 Disember bertempat di <strong>Akademi</strong>. Dalam syarahanitu, Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman menjelaskan sejarahdan perkembangan Agensi Angkasa Kebangsaandan segala program yang diuasahakan di bawahkepimpinan beliau. Beliau juga telah memberikansenario global berhubung Program Angkasa, danseterusnya menjelaskan mengapa semakin banyakNegara menceburi program angkasa lepas termasuk<strong>Malaysia</strong>. Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, yang hadirsama, telah berkongsi pengalaman beliau di angkasalepas. Syarahan tersebut yang dipengurisi oleh DatukIr Ahmad Zaidee Laidin, FASc dihadiri oleh ramai Felo<strong>Akademi</strong>, rakan-rakan Agensi Angkasa Kebangsaan,orang awam dan wakil media.Fellows of the Academy, universities, researchers andstudents.Prof Datuk Mazlan Othman, FASc delivered a talkentitled ‘Space: It is Value Proposition for <strong>Malaysia</strong>nSecurity, Enterprise and Science’ on 1 December at theAcademy. In her talk, Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman explainedthe history and progress of the National Space Agencyand it’s programmes under her leadership. She alsoprovided a global scenario on the Space Programmeand explained on why more and more countries areembarking on space programmes, including <strong>Malaysia</strong>.The appearance of Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukorenabled the participants to share his experiences inouter space. The lecture chaired by Datuk Ir AhmadZaidee Laidin, FASc was attended by many Fellows ofthe Academy, associates of the Space Agency, publicand the media.Prof Purcell semasa syarahan ‘Cell Culture’.Prof Purcell during her lecture on ‘Cell Culture’. ▲Hadirin bersemangat mendengar syarahan.Participants enthusiastically engrossed in the lecture. ▲Pada 9 Oktober, <strong>Akademi</strong> telah menganjur satu syarahanmengenai,’Kewangan dan Pelaburan—Pilihan untukPesara’. Syarahan ini yang diadakan di <strong>Akademi</strong> dandisampaikan oleh Dr Mohinder Singh S. Sucha Singh,FASc dihadiri oleh Felo-felo ASM.On 9 October, the Academy organized a talk on‘Finance and Investment—Options for Retirees’ by DatukDr Mohinder Singh S. Sucha Singh, FASc. The talk held atthe Academy was attended by Fellows of ASM.76In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYSyarahan disampaikan oleh Prof DatukMazlan Othman, FASc.Talk delivered by Prof Datuk MazlanOthman, FASc. ►Pertanyaan oleh peserta syarahan.Enquiry by a participant during the lecture. ▲Dr Amir Farid Isahak (kiri) danTan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad MustaffaBabjee, FASc (kanan) semasa sesisoal-jawab.Dr Amir Farid Isahak (left) andTan Sri Dato’ Dr Ahmad MustaffaBabjee, FASc (right) during the Q&Asession. ►Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong>Kebangsaan 2007Sejajar dengan RMK9, pertandingan ini telah dinaiktarafdengan menukarkan format bagi membolehkan penuntutyang menang berada setanding dengan penuntutantarabangsa. Penuntut yang mengambil bahagiandisyaratkan menguasai bidang praktikal dan juga teori.Pertandingan ini kini muncul sebagai acara tahunanyang ulung. Pertukaran kepada format pertandinganmenyaingi Pembangunan STI antarabangsa di sampingmenepati aspirasi pendidikan kita.2007 National ScienceChallengeIn line with the RMK9, the competition was upgradedwith a change in format to enable winning studentsto be at par with international students. Participatingstudents were required to be profi cient at practical andtheoretical levels. The competition has now emergedas a premier annual event and changes to the formatare equal to international developments in STI and oureducational aspirations.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 77

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYMOSTI dengan kerjasama <strong>Akademi</strong> dan KementerianPendidikan <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah menganjurkan Cabaran<strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaan 2007 bagi tahun ke-20. Padaperingkat awal pertandingan sejumlah 814 sekolahtelah mengambil bahagian. Sekolah-sekolah berikuttelah berjaya ke peringkat pusingan akhir:MOSTI in collaboration with the Academy and theMinistry of Education <strong>Malaysia</strong> organised the 2007National Science Challenge for the 20th year. A totalof 814 schools participated at the preliminary levelof the competition. Teams from the following schoolsparticipated in the fi nal round:SMK Derma Perlis MRSM Langkawi KedahSMK Convent Green Lane Pulau Pinang SMS Raja Tun Azlan Shah PerakSMK Tropicana Selangor SM St. John WP K. LSM Tinggi (P) Melaka Melaka SMS Seremban N.SembilanSMK Taman Impian Emas Johor SMK Sultan Abu Bakar PahangSMK Sultan Sulaiman Terengganu SMK Zainab (I) KelantanSM Bantuan St. Joseph Sarawak SMS All Saints SabahPertandingan Akhir telah diserikan oleh Prof DatukMazlan Othman, FASc, Naib Presiden <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong><strong>Malaysia</strong> bagi pihak YB Dato’ Kong Cho Ha, TimbalanMenteri <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi.SMK Convent Green Lane, Pulau Pinang berjaya munculsebagai Pemenang Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaan 2007.Hadiah Utama termasuklah Tropi Cabaran PerdanaMenteri, lawatan sambil belajar ke Sweden (untukmenyaksikan upacara Penganugerahan Hadiah Nobel)dan lawatan ke Denmark, cek bernilai RM2000 untuksekolah berkenaan dan hadiah cenderamata.The Grand Final was graced by Prof Datuk MazlanOthman, FASc, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences<strong>Malaysia</strong> on behalf of Dato’ Kong Cho Ha, Hon. DeputyMinister of Science, Technology and Innovation.For 2007, SMK Convent Green Lane was announced asthe Champion of the 2007 National Science Challenge.The Grand Prize included the ‘Prime Minister’s ChallengeTrophy’, a study visit to Sweden and Denmark, a chequeamounting to RM2000 for the school, souvenirs anda trip to Sweden to witness the Nobel Prize Givingceremony.Dato’ Dr Mohinder Singh, FASc mengumumkan juara Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong>Kebangsaan 2007.Dato’ Dr Mohinder Singh, FASc announcing the winners of the 2007National Science Challange.▲Pemenang menerima anugrah daripada Prof Datuk Mazlan, FASc.The Champions of the 2007 National Science Challenge reciving theirawards from Prof Datuk Mazlan, FASc.▲78In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYSMK Convent Green Lane dengan trofi kemenangan dan cek.SMK Convent Green Lane with the winning trophy and cheque. ▲Program Kembali keSekolah<strong>Akademi</strong> telah menganjur beberapa program di sekolahsekolahrendah dan menengah dengan jayanya. Programini bertujuan menimba pengalaman luas felo ASM untukmerangsang murid-murid sekolah menceburkan diridalam kerjajaya dalam bidang sains. Sepanjang tahunini aktiviti-aktiviti berikut berjaya dijalankan:Para pemenang Cabaran <strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsan semasa lawatan sambilbelajar ke Sweden dan Denmark.The winners of the National Science Challenge on their study tour toSweden and Denmark. ▲Back to SchoolProgrammeThe Academy successfully organised several programmesboth at primary and secondary schools. The programmeis aimed at harnessing the vast experience of ASM Fellowsto motivate school children to embark on science-basedcareers. The following was conducted this year:(i) A cademician Dr Yong Hoi Sen, FASc menyampaikansyarahan bertajuk ‘Fenomena Biologi yangMenakjubkan’ pada 17 April di SMK Batu Lintang,Kuching, Sarawak.(ii) P rof Khalijah Mohd Salleh, FASc memberi syarahanberjudul ‘Pembangunan <strong>Sains</strong> dan Teknologi di<strong>Malaysia</strong>’ pada 25 April di MRSM, Serting.(iii) P rof Madya Ewe Hong Tat dari Universiti Malayamemperdalam pengetahuan penuntut mengenai‘Eksplorasi ke Antartika’ pada 25 April di MRSM,Serting.(iv) P rof Madya Husin dari Universiti Malaya, menyampaikanhujah bertajuk ‘Eksplorasi ke Antartika’ pada 26Mei di Pusat <strong>Sains</strong> Negara.(v) P rof Mashor Mansor dari Universiti <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>berucap mengenai ‘The Comparative Observation(i) A cademician Dr Yong Hoi Sen, FASc talked on‘Fascinating Biological Phenomena’ on 17 Aprilat SMK Batu Lintang, Kuching, Sarawak.(ii) P rof Khalijah Mohd Salleh, FASc lectured on ‘Scienceand Technology Development in <strong>Malaysia</strong>’ on25 April at MRSM, Serting.(iii) A ssociate Prof Ewe Hong Tat of the Universityof Malaya enlightened the students on ‘Theexploration of the Antarctica’ on 25 April atMRSM, Serting.(iv) A ssociate Prof Azhar Husin of the University of Malayatalked on ‘The Exploration of the Antarctica’ on26 May at the National Science Centre.(v) P rof Mashor Mansor of Universiti <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> spokeon ‘The Comparative Observation on BiodiversityIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 79

SAINS & MASYARAKATSCIENCE & SOCIETYon Biodiversity of Peninsular <strong>Malaysia</strong> and Antarctica’pada 28 Mei di Pusat <strong>Sains</strong> Negara.(vi) E meritus Prof Chin Hoong Fong, FASc menyampaikanucapan mengenai ‘Nutrisi dan Kesihatan’ pada29 Mei Pusat <strong>Sains</strong> Negara.(vii) P rof Mohd Ismail Noor, FASc menyampaikanperbincangan mengenai ‘Conservation and Utilizationof Plant Genetic Resources for Future Generations’pada 30 Mei di Pusat <strong>Sains</strong> Negara.(viii ) A cademician Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FAScmenyampaikan ucapan mengenai ‘Money DoesGrow on Trees’ pada 2 Julai di Maktab TenteraDiRaja, Sungai Besi.(ix) P rof Datuk Mazlan Othman, FASc memperdalampengetahuan penuntut mengenai ‘Space ScienceProgramme in <strong>Malaysia</strong>’ pada 26 Julai di KolejTunku Kurshiah, Seremban.of Peninsular <strong>Malaysia</strong> and Antarctica’ on 28 Mayat the National Science Centre.(vi) E meritus Prof Chin Hoong Fong, FASc spoke on thesubject entitled ‘Nutrition and Health’ on 29 Mayat the National Science Centre.(vii) P rof Mohd Ismail Noor, FASc discussed on‘Conservation and Utilization of Plant GeneticResources for Future Generations’ on 30 May atthe National Science Centre.(viii) A cademician Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASctalked on ‘Money Does Grow on Trees’ on 2 Julyat Maktab Tentera DiRaja, Sungai Besi(ix) P rof Datuk Mazlan Othman, FASc enlightenedthe students on ‘Space Science Programme in<strong>Malaysia</strong>’ on 26 July at Kolej Tunku Kurshiah,Seremban.Sesi soal-jawab dengan Prof Madya Ewe Hong Tat.Q&A session during the lecture by Assoc. Prof Ewe Hong Tat. ▲Pelajar menyertai sesi perbincangan.Students actively participating in the discussion. ▲80In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

Jaringan KerjasamaAntarabangsaDalam era K-ekonomi, adalah pentingbagi <strong>Akademi</strong> untuk meneruskandan memperkukuhkan jaringandengan organisasi sains antarabangsa.Jaringan tersebut telah meningkatkanpeluang untuk perkongsianpengetahuan, pengalaman sertakeupayaan sains dan teknologi untukmembolehkan negara bersaingseiring dengan pembangunan sainsdan teknologi dunia. Selain daripadamenandatangani MemorandumPersefahaman dengan <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>lain, <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> jugamenyertai mesyuarat dan aktiviti-aktivitiyang dianjurkan oleh organisasi S&Tantarabangsa.InternationalCollaborationIn the era of the knowledge economy,it is vital for the Academy to establishstrong networks with internationalscience organisations and sisterAcademies. These networks haveincreased opportunities for the sharingof knowledge, expertise as well asscientifi c and technological capabilitiesin order for the nation to remaincompetent in the context of globalscience and technology advancement.Apart from forming, signing MOUs withinternational SET organisations andsister Academies, the Academy coorganisesconferences or meetings ofinternational S&T bodies.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 81

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONProgram PenyelidikanAntartika <strong>Malaysia</strong> (MARP)Dalam tahun 2007 MARP telah mengendalikan sepuluhprojek penyelidikan sains biologi dan tujuh sains fi zik.MARP juga telah meningkatkan keupayaan sumbermanusianya. Dalam tahun itu, dua daripada calonPhD MARP berjaya memperoleh ijazah manakala duacalon lain pula memulakan pengajian PhD. Dewasa initerdapat lapan calon PhD yang sedang menjalankantugas dalam pelbagai bidang penyelidikan saintifi k diAntartika. Selain itu, terdapat juga 29 calon MSc dan 11mahasiswa di bawah program penyelidikan MARP.Tujuh belas penyelidik terlibat sama dalam ekspedisike Antartik dan Artik. Penglibatan ini merupakansebahagian daripada projek penyelidikan mereka untukmengambil sampel dan data bersama pasukan dariNew Zealand, Britain, Ecuador, Afrika Selatan, Jepundan Chile. Penyelidikan <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah mempertingkatpenglibatan <strong>Malaysia</strong> dalam usaha Penyelidikan SistemBumi Antarabangsa terutama mengenai modelingberangka, perubahan iklim dan pemuliharaanpersekitaran. Penglibatan ini secara tidak langsung telahmemperkukuh hak kita dalam mempromosikan Antartikasebagai khazanah manusia sejagat di PBB dan forumantarabangsa lain. Semasa Seminar Antarabangsa<strong>Malaysia</strong> Ketiga Terhadap Antartika sedang berjalanpada bulan Mac 2007, satu Memorandum Persefahamantelah ditandatangani antara <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>,bagi pihak MARP, dengan National Institute of PolarResearch, Japan and Chilean Antarctic Institute.Pada bulan Mac 2007, MARP dan Universiti <strong>Malaysia</strong> Sabahtelah menaja secara bersama ‘Seminar Antarabangsa<strong>Malaysia</strong> terhadap Antartika ke-3’. Seminar ini telahmenyimpulkan secara ringkas pemahaman semasa kitaselain memahami kepincangan pengetahuan kita di arenaantarabangsa. Saintis <strong>Malaysia</strong> juga telah menghadirisimposium dan mesyuarat di Jepun, India, Rusia, danEquador. Dua saintis Indonesia telah mengunjungi PusatMARP bagi membincangkan usaha membangunkanProgram Penyelidikan Antartika Indonesia.Program Jangkauan LuarMARPSatu Program Jangkauan Luar telah diadakan pada20 Mac bertempat di Universiti <strong>Malaysia</strong> Sabah untuk<strong>Malaysia</strong>n AntarcticaResearch Programme (MARP)Ten biological and seven physical science researchprojects were undertaken under MARP in 2007. MARPhas also increased its capacity in the area of humanresource. Two of MARP’s PhD candidates have graduatedand two have started their PhD in 2007. Currently,eight PhD candidates are working on various fi elds ofscientifi c research on Antarctica. There are also 29 MSccandidates and 11 undergraduates under the MARPresearch program.Seventeen researchers participated in Antarctic andArctic expeditions as part of their research projectsto collect samples and data with teams from NewZealand, Britain, Ecuador, South Africa, Japan and Chile.<strong>Malaysia</strong>n scientists increased <strong>Malaysia</strong>n involvement inInternational Earth System Research efforts especially onnumerical modeling, climate change and environmentalconservation and indirectly strengthen our stake inpromoting Antarctica as a common heritage for all mankindin UN and other international forum. A Memorandumof Understanding was signed between the Academyof Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong> for MARP and National Institute ofPolar Research, Japan and Chilean Antarctic Instituteduring the Third <strong>Malaysia</strong>n International Seminar onAntarctica in March 2007.In March 2007, MARP and University <strong>Malaysia</strong> Sabahjointly organized the 3rd <strong>Malaysia</strong>n International Seminaron Antarctica. It summarized our current understandingand considered the gaps in our knowledge at theinternational level. <strong>Malaysia</strong>n scientists also attendedrelated symposiums and meetings in Japan, India, Russia,and Equador. Two Indonesians scientists visited theMARP Center to discuss about setting up the IndonesianAntarctic Research Programme.MARP OutreachProgrammeAn outreach programme was held on 20 March, atUniversiti <strong>Malaysia</strong> Sabah for students and the public, to82In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONpenuntut dan orang awam, untuk mempromosikan MARPselain memberikannya publisiti. Kerja-kerja P&P danpengalaman ekspedisi saintifi k juga telah dipamerkan.Penuntut telah diberitahu akan kepentingan danperkaitan kawasan kutub dengan kawasan tropika,dan digalakkan mempelajari sains dan hadapaicabaran persekitaran ekstrim di Antartika. Para saintisMARP juga terlibat dalam syarahan motivasi kepadapenuntut dan guru sekolah rendah, menengah danmatrikulasi. Syarahan-syarahan ini telah diadakan diPetrosains, Pusat <strong>Sains</strong> Negara dan di beberapa sekolahdi Pulau Pinang.Seminar AntartikaAntarabangsa <strong>Malaysia</strong>(MISA) Majlis <strong>Sains</strong>Antarabangsa (ICSU)Jawatankuasa SaintifikForum PenyelidikanAntartikaSemasa MISA, yang dianjur di Kota Kinabalu (21-23 Mac),para saintis dan perumus polisi dari beberapa Negaratelah berbincang mengenai penemuan penyelidikanmereka di kawasan Kutub (polar) dan telah berkongsiidea mencari jalan untuk memperbaiki pengurusanpertubuhan ini. Seminar itu bertemakan ‘Dari Tropikake Kutub’, dan sebanyak 27 oral dan 30 poster telahdipersembahkan. Semasa acara pembukaan, satuMemorandum Persefahaman telah di capai di antaraASM (diwakili oleh Dato’ Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor, FASc),dengan Instituto Antarctico Chileno yang membukajalan kerjasama penyelidikan dalam bidang sains biologi,program pertukaran penempatan pelajar dan jaringan.Menerusi sembilan kertas kerja yang dibentangkanJawatankuasa Saintifi k untuk Penyelidikan Antartika-ICSU membincangkan implikasi peningkatan suhu dikawasan kutub. Satu perbincangan saintifi k antarapakar-pakar dari Forum Asia terhadap <strong>Sains</strong> Kutub,Yayasan Kutub Antarabangsa, ISCU dan JawatankuasaSaintifi k Penyelidikan Antartika. Di forum tersebut,MARP telah juga menyampaikan satu ‘pelawaanuntuk meneliti’ di ATCM akan datang bertempat diDelhi yang dijadualkan pada bulan April 2007 danuntuk IPY 2007-2008, lebih banyak peluang kerjasamapenyelidikan telah ditawarkan kepada para penyelidikkita berhubung sains Artik dan Antartik.promote and publicise MARP. R&D work and scientifi cexpedition experiences were also exhibited. Studentswere also exposed to the importance and relevanceof the polar regions to the tropics, and encouraged tostudy science and face the challenges of the extremeenvironment of the Antarctic. MARP’s researchers werealso involved in motivational talks to students and teachersat primary, secondary and matriculation level. The talkswere held in Petrosains, National Science Center andsome schools in Penang.<strong>Malaysia</strong>n InternationalSeminar on Antarctica(MISA) and InternationalCouncil for Science (ICSU)Scientific Committee forAntarctic Research ForumScientists and policy makers from various countriesdeliberated on their research fi ndings in the polarregions and shared ideas on how to improve themanagement of it, during MISA which was held in KotaKinabalu (21–23 March). The theme of the Seminarwas ‘From the Tropics to the Poles’, and 27 oral reportsand 30 posters were presented. During the openingceremony, a MoU between ASM (represented by Dato’Seri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc), and Instituto AntarcticoChileno was also signed for research collaboration inbiological sciences, student exchange, attachmentprogrammes and networking. The ICSU-Scientifi cCommittee for Antarctic Research Forum discussedthe implications of rapid warming in the polar regionsin nine paper presentations. A scientifi c discussion alsotranspired between experts from the Asian Forum onPolar Sciences, International Polar Foundation, ICSUand Scientifi c Committee for Antarctic Research. Atthe forum, MARP was also invited to observe at thenext ATCM in Delhi which was to be held in April 2007and for IPY 2007–2008, more opportunities for researchcollaboration were also offered to our researchers inArctic and Antarctic sciences.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 83

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION◄ Pemyelidik MARP mengumpulsampel ais laut.MARP scientist collecting seaice samples.Peyelidik meneliti sampel yang dikumpul.A researcher examining collected samples. ▲◄ Mengambil sampel vegetasiAntartika.Sampling of Antartic vegitation.Pusat Kerjasama STISelatan–Selatan UNESCOAntarabangsa, KualaLumpur di BawahNaungan UNESCOPada bulan November, Kerajaan <strong>Malaysia</strong> meluluskanpenubuhan Pusat Kerjasama STI Selatan–SelatanAntarabangsa di Kuala Lumpur di bawah naunganUNESCO. MOSTI akan bertanggungjawab terhadapPusat Antarabangsa ini. ASM disyorkan menaja Pusatini di peringkat awal pembangunannya (iaitu lima tahunpertama). Pusat ini akan menjana dan mengimplentasiprogram dan aktivitinya yang tersendiri.International Centre forSouth-South Co-operationin STI, in Kuala Lumpurunder the Auspices ofUNESCOThe Government of <strong>Malaysia</strong>, in November, approvedthe establishment of the International Centre forSouth-South Co-operation in Science, Technologyand Innovation in Kuala Lumpur under the auspices ofUNESCO. MOSTI will be responsible for the InternationalCentre which was proposed to be hosted by ASM in itsinitial phase of development (i.e the fi rst fi ve years). TheCentre will create and implement its own programmesand activities.84In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONPusat ini akan bertindak sebagai satu pentas antarabangsauntuk Kerjasama Selatan-Selatan dalam bidang STIdan menggunakan jaringan G7 campur China danPertubuhan Islam Antarabangsa. Menerusi konsultasi,matlamat keseluruhan Pusat telah dikenal pasti iaituuntuk meningkatkan keupayaan pengurusan STI diseluruh negara-negara membangun.Keutamaan Pusat ini termasuklah latihan jangkapendek dan panjang untuk para saintis, penguruspusat penyelidikan/institusi dan perumus polisi sains;bengkel; pertukaran lawatan oleh saintis; penyelidikanusaha sama dan projek pembangunan; dan jaringanpembangunan ekonomi berasaskan pengetahuan.Program jangka pendek akan menjurus kepadakawasan-kawsasan berkepentingan khusus mengikutkeperluan dan keutamaan yang dikenal pasti.Persidangan Majlis <strong>Sains</strong>Asia KetujuhPersidangan ini telah diadakan di Okinawa, Jepundengan tema, ‘Tenaga dan Persekitaran’, dari14–16 Jun. Sebelas negara-negara ahli dengan limapemerhati dari pertubuhan antarabangsa, serantaudan kebangsaan telah menghadiri dua PerhimpunanAgung dan Mesyuarat Lembaga, tiga sesi bengkelselari dan Majlis <strong>Sains</strong> Asia (SCA)/Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> Pasifi k(PSA) Joint Symposium. <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah diwakili olehProf Nordin Hasan, FASc dan Prof Mazlin Mokhtar ofthe Institute for Environment and Development, UKM.Prof Mazlin juga telah menyampaikan satu kertas kerjabertajuk ‘Sustainability Governance: A Study on Science-Governance Symbioses’, satu Projek Bersama SCA yangkini sedang berjalan. Satu Panel Perbincangan jugatelah diadakan mengenai: ‘Tenaga dan Persekitaran’;‘Pendidikan dan Persekitaran’; dan ‘Sumber Air’.Semasa persidangan, SCA telah berjanji akan meneruskanperanannya dalam jaringan di Asia di mana saintis darirantau ini boleh membuat laporan dan berbincangmengenai penemuan penyelidikan mereka yangmungkin mempunyai potensi untuk menyumbangke arah pembangunan lestari di Asia. Ini juga akanmenjadikan SCA lebih releven sebagai kelompok saintisserantau pada masa akan datang dan umumnya untukpembangunan sains di Asia.The Centre will act as an international platform forSouth-South co-operation in STI and make use of thenetwork of the G77 plus China and the Organization ofthe Islamic Conference. Consultations have identifi edthat the overall goal of the proposed Centre wouldbe to increase the capacity for management of STIthroughout developing countries.The priorities of the Centre would include short- andmedium-term training for scientists, managers of researchcentres/institutes and science policy makers; workshops;exchange visits by scientists; collaborative research anddevelopment projects; and networking in knowledgebasedeconomic development. Short-term programmeswill cater to specifi c areas of interest in keeping withthe needs and priorities identifi ed.Seventh Science Councilof Asia ConferenceThe above Conference was held in Okinawa, Japanwith the theme ‘Energy and Environment’, from 14–16June. Eleven member countries with fi ve observersfrom international, regional and national organisationsattended the two General Assemblies and BoardMeetings, three parallel workshop sessions as well asthe Science Council of Asia (SCA)/ Pacifi c ScienceAssociation (PSA) Joint Symposium. <strong>Malaysia</strong> wasrepresented by Prof Mohd Nordin Hasan, FASc andProf Mazlin Mokhtar of the Institute for Environmentand Development, UKM. The latter also presented apaper entitled ‘Sustainability Governance: A Study onScience-Governance Symbioses’, a SCA Joint Projectwhich is currently in progress. A Panel Discussion wasalso held on: ‘Energy and Environment’; ‘Educationand Environment’; and ‘Water Resources’.At the Conference, SCA pledged to continue thenetworking role in Asia where scientists from the regioncould report and discuss their research fi ndings that wouldhave the potential to make signifi cant contributionstowards the sustainability of development in Asia. Thiswould also make the SCA more relevant as a regionalgrouping of scientists in future and for the developmentof the sciences in Asia in general.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 85

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONProgram Air Panel Antara<strong>Akademi</strong> (IAP)Satu Mesyuarat Penilaian dan Perancangan Strategiktelah diadakan di Trieste, Itali dari 29–31 Mei. Mesyuaratini dihadiri oleh 14 peserta dari akademi-akademi yangmenjadi penganjur dan jaringan serantau. Mesyuarat iniyang dianggap amat berhasil kerana penglibatan baikpara hadirin. Sebanyak 60 buah akademi telah bersetujumemberikan sokongan terhadap Program Air IAP ini.ASM diwakili oleh Tan Sri Shahrizaila, Pengerusi KumpulanBengkel Air ASM/ASM Workshop Group on Water.Kumpulan Kerja ASM yang terbukti dan berperananmenyelenggara Program Air IAP di peringkat kebangsaantelah menumpukan fokusnya terhadap dua bidangiaitu Eutrofi kasi Tasik dan Pengurusan Air dalam Tanah.Kumpulan ini terlibat dalam Bengkel IAP dalam memacuagenda berhubung Eutrofi kasi dan telah terus bekerjadengan Institut Penyelidikan Hidraulik Kebangsaan<strong>Malaysia</strong> (NAHRIM). Tujuh cadangan projek baru telahdikemukakan untuk permohonan pembiayaan dalamtahun 2008. Melalui Kumpulan Kerjanya, ASM akanmemantau segala pembangunan secara rapi dengankesedian untuk menceburkan diri jika diperlukan.Kolokium PengurusanTasik dan Takungan Air di<strong>Malaysia</strong>Kolokium kelolaan bersama dengan Institut PenyelidikanHidraulik Kebangsaan <strong>Malaysia</strong> (NAHRIM) ini telahdijalankan di Putrajaya pada 2-3 Ogos untuk menyuntikkesedaran yang lebih mendalam terhadap status danisu berkaitan tasik dan takungan air di <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Seramai 120 peserta mendapat manfaat dari sumbanganpensyarah antarabangsa semasa ucaptama oleh ProfMaciej Zalewski, Pengarah European Regional Centrefor Ecohydrology, Lodz, Poland: Prof Eduardo MarioMendiondo, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, dan ProfMasahisa Nakamura, Pengerusi, International LakeEnvironment Committee, berpusat di Jepun. Merekamenyampaikan syarahan mengenai isu-isu berhubungtasik dan takungan air di <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Kolokium ini bermula dengan pembentangan kertaskerja ulung secara bersama oleh NAHRIM dan UTM yangInter-Academy Panel(IAP) Water ProgrammeAn Evaluation and Strategic Planning Meeting was heldin Trieste, Italy from 29–31 May which was attended bysome 14 participants from the host academies andregional networks. The meeting was fruitful with goodparticipation by all present. Some 60 Academies haveconfi rmed support to the IAP Water Programme. ASMwas represented by Tan Sri Shahrizaila, Chairman ofASM Workshop Group on Water.ASM’s established Working Group to oversee the IAPWater Programme at national level has kept its focus ontwo areas, namely Eutrohication of Lakes and GroundWater Management. It has participated in relevant IAPworkshops in carrying the agenda forward on Eutrohicationand has continued to work with the National HydraulicResearch Institute of <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Regarding the continuingIAP Water Programme seven new project proposalswere put up for funding in the year 2008. ASM throughits Working Group would monitor developments closelywith a view of active participation where relevant.Colloquium onManagement of Lakesand Reservoirs in <strong>Malaysia</strong>The colloquium held on 2–3 August at Putrajaya wasjointly organised with the National Hydraulic ResearchInstitute of <strong>Malaysia</strong> (NAHRIM) to create and fostergreater awareness on the status and issues pertainingto lakes and reservoirs in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Some 120 participants benefi ted from the participationof international speakers during the keynote addressesby Prof Maciej Zalewski, Director, European RegionalCentre for Ecohydrology, Lodz, Poland ; Prof EduardoMario Mendiondo, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, andProf Masahisa Nakamura, Chairman, InternationalLake Environment Committee, based in Japan. Theyspoke on global trends and prospects in sound lakemanagement and research.The Colloquium commenced with a lead paperpresented jointly by NAHRIM and UTM highlighting the86In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONmenonjolkan penemuan yang dibuat menerusi kajianEutrofi kasi tasik dalam tahun 2004/2005. Dalam kolokiumini juga membentangkan lapan kajian kes melibatkantasik dan takungan air tertentu dengan menumpukanperhatian akan status tasik dilihat dari beberapasudut, isu dan masalah, dan langkah-langkah yangdiambil untuk mengatasinya. Semasa perbincanganpanel, topik mengenai penguasaan (governance),pengurusan tasik, penyelidikan, penglibatan pihakberkepentingan, pembangunan keupayaan, danpengurusan maklumat tasik dianalasis secara aktif.Kolokium ini telah menyediakan banyak maklumatberguna dalam merancang tindakan masa depan danprogram ke arah pengurusan tasik dan takungan airdalam Negara secara baik; usaha lanjutan mengenaijaringan dan usaha kerjasama dengan pakar; dan untukmembangunkan kerangka awal dalam membangunkanpelan tindakan terperinci yang akhirnya membolehkanpembentukan formula pelan bersepadu Kebangsaanuntuk tindakan komprehensif/menyeluruh.Satu persidangan meja bulat mengenai persoalanpenyelidikan dan pengurusan takungan air juga telahdijalankan di NAHRIM. Pada hari berikutnya satu kursuspengenalan bertajuk ‘Eco-hydrology as a framework forIntegrated Water/Land Management’ telah dikendali olehProf Zalewski. Beliau telah memberi penekanan padaprinsip-prinsip Hidrologi, Ekologi dan Ekoteknologi.Jawatankuasa PenyelarasProgram Geosains AsiaTimur dan Asia Tenggara(CCOP)Datuk Fateh Chand, FASc telah mewakili <strong>Akademi</strong> keSesi Tahunan CCOP ke-44 bertempat di Sibu, Filipina(21–26 Oktober), bersama perwakilan negara-negaralain. Semasa menyampaikan ucaptama, LaporanKemajuan CCOP permohonan-permohonan termasukbantuan lanjut dalam bentuk kepakaran teknikal,kewangan dan sumber manusia (seminar, bengkel dll.)telah dikemukakan.Semasa kajian semula Program Kerja CCOP, telahdiberitahu bahawa agensi pembiayaan kini lebih kritikaldalam menghulur bantuan. Projek-projek berkaitanperlindungan persekitaran dan perubahan iklim diberikeutamaan. <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah mencadangkan satu projekmengenai gas hidrat yang akan dikendalikan dalamfi ndings of the Eutrophication of Lakes Study undertakenin 2004/2005. Eight case studies on specifi c lakes andreservoirs, focussing on the status of the lakes from variousstandpoints, highlighting the issues and problems, andefforts made to overcome them were also presented,and fi nally at the Panel Discussion, topics on governance,lake management, research, stakeholder participation,capacity building, and lake information managementwere actively analysed. The colloquium provided usefulinformation in planning further actions and programmestowards sound management of lakes and reservoirsin the country; further networking and collaborationwith experts; and the initial framework to developdetailed plans of action which would eventually leadto the formulation of a national integrated plan forcomprehensive action.A Round-table Discussion on matters related to researchand management of lakes and reservoirs was also heldat NAHRIM, and on the following day an introductorytraining course on ‘Eco-hydrology as a Framework forIntegrated Water/Land Management’ was conductedby Prof Zalewski which centered on hydrological,ecological and eco-technological principles.Co-ordinating Committeefor GeoscienceProgrammes in East andSoutheast Asia (CCOP)The Academy was represented at the 44th AnnualSession of CCOP held in Cebu, the Philippines (21–26October) by Datuk Fateh Chand FASc, along with otherrepresentatives of member countries. At the keynoteaddress, the Progress Report of CCOP was presentedincluding requests for further assistance in the formof technical expertise, fi nance and human resourses(seminar, workshops etc.).During the review of the CCOP Work Programme, itwas stressed that funding agencies were now morecritical in providing aid, and projects related to theprotection of the environment and climate changestood a better chance for approval. <strong>Malaysia</strong> hadproposed a project on gas hydrates to be carried outIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 87

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONdua fasa: Fasa 1, mengenal pasti, memeta dan menilaipotensi gas hidrat; dan Fasa 2, mengenal pasti teknologiyang diperlukan dalam kerja memperoleh gas-gas inisebagai sumber tenaga.Dari 24–25 Oktober, satu persidangan mengenai, ‘Awarenessand Co-operation in Geoscience for Safer, Healthier andWealthier Communities’ dijalankan. Dua saintis <strong>Malaysia</strong>telah membentangkan dua kertas kerja.Risiko Gempa bumi dan tsunami iaitu satu projekkendalian <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah dibincang dan maklumbalasmengenai kajian ini akan dijalankan tidak lama lagi.<strong>Malaysia</strong> telah diminta berhubung Laporan CCOPmengenai ‘Langkah-langkah Menggurangkan RisikoTsunami, Fasa 1 dan 2’—dan Sekretariat Teknikal CCOPpula dinasihatkan memasukkan <strong>Malaysia</strong>, kerana kajiantersebut dipandang releven, terutama di Sabah danSarawak.,Persidangan ini banyak memberi maklumat keranatelah membuka peluang mengetahui kajian semasa,selain mengenali organisasi dan negara-negara yangterlibat– justeru membuka laluan untuk interaksi dankemungkinan menjalin projek dua hala. Banyak programCCOP, terutama mengenai pengurusan risiko tsunamidan gempa bumi, tanah runtuh dan tanah mendap,kawasan pantai yang amat berguna untuk laporanPenasihat ASM kepada Kerajaan. MemandangkanFilipina merupakan Negara yang terpaling kerapdilanda bencana alam, maka Majlis KeselamatanNegara disarankan membuat penelitian terhadap sistemmenangani bencana alam yang diamalkan oleh pihakFilipina. Sekretariat ASM juga telah disaran membuatpermohonan secara bertulis kepada Perwakilan TetapCCOP supaya memasukkan <strong>Malaysia</strong> dalam Fasa 2Kajian Mitigasi Risiko Tsunami yang akan dijalankan olehNorwegian Geotechnical Institute dalam tahun 2008.Bengkel Panel PerubatanAntara <strong>Akademi</strong> (IAMP)untuk Penyakit BaruIAMP merupakan satu jaringan akademi-akademisains dan perubatan global yang komited dalammempertingkat tahap kesihatan di seluruh dunia.Mesyuarat Agung IAMP bulan April 2006 telah meluluskantujuh program. <strong>Akademi</strong> yang mewakili <strong>Malaysia</strong>in two phases: Phase 1, on identifying, mapping andassessing the potential of gas hydrates; and the other,on the technology required to tap such gases as asource for energy supply.A conference on ‘Awareness and Co-operation inGeosciences for Safer, Healthier and Wealthier Communities’was also held from 24–25 October, where two papersfrom <strong>Malaysia</strong>n scientists were presented.<strong>Malaysia</strong>’s project on earthquake and tsunami risk wasdicussed and feedback on the study is expected soon.The CCOP report on ‘Tsunami Risk Reduction Measures,Phase I and II’—and the Technical Secretariate of CCOPwas requested to include <strong>Malaysia</strong>, as the study was ofrelevance, especially in Sabah and Sarawak.The conference was informative for it provided anopportunity to know the studies being undertaken, andthe organisations and the countries involved—thus forgingan opportunity to interact and consider bilateral projects.Many work programmes of CCOP, especially on tsunamiand earthquake risks, landslides and subsidence, andcoastal zone management would be useful for ASM’sAdvisory Report to the Government. The Philippines isprobably the country most affected by natural hazards,thus Majlis Keselamatan Negara is recommended tostudy the Philippines’ System in natural hazard mitigationsystem. The ASM Secretariate was also recommendedto write to the Permanent Representative of CCOP toinclude <strong>Malaysia</strong> in the Phase II of the study on TsunamiRisk Mitigation which would be conducted by theNorwegian Geotechnical Institute in 2008.Workshop on EmergingInfectious Diseases of theInter Academy MedicalPanel (IAMP)IAMP is a global network of academies of science andmedicine, committed to improving health worldwide.Out of the seven Programmes endorsed by the GeneralAssembly of IAMP on April 2006, <strong>Malaysia</strong>, representedby the Academy had indicated a particular interest to88In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONtelah menjelaskan minat terperinci untuk terlibat samadalam (1) Pengawalan Penyakit sedang Menular, dan(2) Kualiti Khidmat Kesihatan dalam Perspektif Global.Bengkel ini yang dijalankan di Shanghai (11–12 Jun),menumpukan fokus kepada tiga aspek berhubungpenyakit berjangkit, iaitu Kesihatan Awam, Vaksinasidan Terapi anti-microbial. Prof L.M. Looi, FASc telahdijemput membentangkan kertas kerja mengenai,‘Lesson from Nipah Virus Outbreak in <strong>Malaysia</strong>’.Beberapa usul mengenai cara menangani ancamanpenyakit berjangkit baru dibuat berkaitan (1) Keperluanmenggunakan teknologi baru dalam mendiagnos danmengawas penyakit-penyakit baru, (2) Vaksinasi dan(3) Antibiotik dan Rintangan Antiviral.Mesyuarat TahunanLembaga Majlis Antara<strong>Akademi</strong> (IAC) 2007Mesyuarat ini yang diadakan di Amsterdam pada29–31 Januari, telah dihadiri oleh Setiausaha AgungASM (beliau menghadiri mesyuarat ini selaku wakil AhliLembaga IAC). Perhatian telah diambil mengenai drafperyataan bersama oleh <strong>Akademi</strong>-akademi G8+5 yangdibentangkan di Persidangan Kemuncak G8 (telahdiadakan pada bulan Jun di Jerman), dan penerbitandalam Women for Science dan laporan Toward aSustainable Energy Future. Mesyuarat ini juga telahmenerima masuk ahli lembaga ex-offi cio baru yangmerangkumi wakil-wakil yang mengwakili Panel Antara<strong>Akademi</strong>, Panel Perubatan Antara <strong>Akademi</strong>, dan Majlis<strong>Akademi</strong> Kejuruteraan dan <strong>Sains</strong> Teknologi Antarabangsa.Pembentukan satu kumpulan perancang yang diseliaoleh IAMP juga telah diberi persetujuan. Kumpulan iniditugaskan untuk mengariskan skop, pelan kerja danpunca pembiayaan kajian IAC-IAMP baru mengenailangkah-langkah mempertingkat pengawasan globalterhadap penyakit zoonotik, seperti selesema burungdan SARS.Mengenai soal masa depan IAC, Lembaga telahbersetuju akan perluya rancangan 10 tahun. Dalamhal ini Lembaga bersetuju agar IAC memulakanproses perbincangan untuk mengubal skop idealmengenai kajian dan program IAC dan dan seterusnyamembangunkan satu pelan strategik pada tahun 2007untuk merealiasasikan matlamat tersebut.participate in (1) Control of Emerging Infections, and(2) Health Care Quality in a Global Perspective. TheWorkshop held in Shanghai (11–12 June), focussed onthree aspects of emerging infectious diseases, namelyPublic Health, Vaccination and Anti-microbial Therapies.Prof L.M. Looi FASc was invited to present a paper entitled‘Lessons from the Nipah Virus Outbreak in <strong>Malaysia</strong>’.Some recommendations on combating the threat ofnew emerging infections were made concerning (1)The need to implement new technologies for diagnosisand surveillance of novel infections, (2) Vaccinations,and (3) Antibiotic and Antiviral Resistance.2007 Annual InterAcademy Council (IAC)Board MeetingThe Meeting, held in Amsterdam on 29–31 January,was represented by the ASM Secretary General (whoattended the meeting as an IAC Board Member).Note was taken of the draft joint-statements by G8+5Academies to the G8 Summit (held in June, Germany),and the publication on Women for Science and thereport Toward a Sustainable Energy Future. The meetingalso approved the new ex-offi cio board members whoincluded representatives from the Inter-Academy Panel,Inter-Academy Medical Panel, and the InternationalCouncil of Academies of Engineering and TechnologicalSciences. The convening of an organizing group inconsultation with IAMP to consider a scope, plan ofwork, and potential funding of a new IAC-IAMP studyon improving global surveillance for emerging zoonoticdiseases, such as avian infl uenza and SARS, was alsoapproved.Regarding the future of IAC, the Board also agreedthat a 10-year plan was necessary for the future ofIAC. In this regard, the Board agreed for IAC to begin aconsultative process to envision an ideal scope of IACstudies and programmes and to develop a strategicplan for realizing goals for 2007.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 89

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONBengkel PembangunanKeupayaan YayasanPenyelidikan Korea (KRF)mengenai PengurusanPenyelidikanAhli agensi pembiayaan penyelidikan dari Asia danAfrika berkumpul di Seoul, Korea pada 12–17 Novemberuntuk bertukar-tukar maklumat berhubung polisi dansistem pengurusan penyelidikan serta pengurusanpenyelidikan lanjutan negara-negara lain. ASM diwakilioleh Nasaruddin Rahman. Maklumat terperinci berikuttelah dirumus berikutan Bengkel tersebut:• P engurusan dan jaringan kerjasamaantarabangsa berkaitan program penyelidikanKRF; polisi penyelidikan Korea sistem P&P, strukturpembiayaan, perancangan dan penilaian• P embiayaan, haluan dan kerjasamaantarabangsa (penyelidikan bersama)penyelidikan di Indonesia dan VietnamKorean ResearchFoundation (KRF) CapacityBuilding Workshop onResearch ManagementMembers of research funding agencies from Asia andAfrica gathered in Seoul, Korea on 12–17 November toexchange information on research management policyand systems and advanced research management ofother countries. ASM was represented by NasaruddinRahman. The following detailed knowledge was garneredat the Workshop:• M anagement and international collaboration ofKRF’s research programmes; Korea’s researchpolicy, R&D system, funding structure, planningand evaluation• F unding, directions and internationalcollaboration (joint-research) of research inIndonesia and Vietnam• S trategi, polisi penyelidikan dan penyelidikanserta pembiayaan organisasi di bawahEuropean Science Foundation• M ekanisme pengurusan penyelidikan dalambidang bioteknologi, dan langkah-langkahpembinaan infrastruktur S&T di India• P eranan penyelidikan akademik, pengurusanprestasi kuantitatif keputusan penyelidikan,kelengkapan untuk perancangan P&P danmenentukan bidang keutamaan penyelidikan; dan• M enyelaraskan kerjasama antarabangsa,penyelidikan bersama di kalangan agensipenyokong penyelidikan, dan membangunkansatu hub kerjasama antarabangsa di Asia Pasifi k.Bengkel ini telah memberikan pengalaman yang amatberguna dan releven untuk ASM dalam mengurusprogram penyelidikan dan dana, disamping merumuskursus latihan berkaitan penyelidikan dan pengurusansaintis muda.• S trategy, research policy and research andfunding organisations of the European ScienceFoundation• R esearch management mechanism inbiotechnology, and S&T infra-structure-buildingmeasures in India• R ole of academic research, quantitativeperformance management of research results,tools for R&D planning and determining researchpriority areas; and• F acilitating international collaboration, of jointresearchamong research support agencies, anddeveloping a hub for international co-operationin Asia Pacifi c.The knowledge gained from the workshop was veryuseful and relevant for ASM in managing researchprogrammes and funds, and formulating trainingcourses on research and management for youngscientists.90In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONMesyuarat JawatankuasaEksekutif Panel Antara<strong>Akademi</strong> (IAP), ItaliDato’ Dr Samsudin Tugiman telah mewakili <strong>Akademi</strong>,selaku ahli baru Jawatankuasa Eksekutif (EC) IAP, diMesyuarat di Trieste, Itali (27–28 Februari). Jawatankuasaini telah menumpukan perhatian mengenai pelanstrategik bagi tempoh 2007–2009, pembentukanpelbagai Jawatankuasa, dan pelantikan ASM selakuahli dalam Jawatankuasa Program dan PerancanganStrategik bersama Netherlands Academy of Arts andSciences.Untuk tahun 2008, satu persetujuan sebulat suara telahdicapai iaitu untuk patuh kepada pelan strategik tersebut,program untuk saintis muda, keakraban di kalangan ahliIAP, selain memperkukuh proses tinjauan semula danpenilaian program, aktiviti dan initiatif. Jadi perananASM memang tepat, dan mesti terus menyokong danmemainkan peranan penting di IAP selaku ahli EC,untuk kepentingan ahli negara-negara membangun,termasuk <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Mesyuarat JawatankuasaEksekutif Panel Antara<strong>Akademi</strong> (IAP), CanberraMesyuarat di atas yang berlangsung di Canberra dari26-27 September telah dihadiri oleh Naib PresidenASM selaku wakil <strong>Akademi</strong>. Sewaktu sesi sanggarkerja (brainstorming) mesyuarat telah bersetuju untukmengelolakan satu simposium pada tahun 2008untuk membolehkan saintis muda membincangkanamalan-amalan terbaik dalam integriti penyelidikan.ASM juga dicalonkan menganggotai JawatankuasaPemandu simposium tersebut. Pencalonan ini memberiASM peluang untuk menyumbang kepada programdan aktiviti IAP. ASM juga diminta menaja beberapapenyelidik muda dari <strong>Malaysia</strong> untuk menghadirisimposium berkenaan.Dalam menguatkuasakan Pelan Strategik IAP, beberapasyor telah dikemukakan: untuk memperkasa akademiakademidan memperkukuh IAP; sikap bekerjasamaantara akademi secara berterusan; memperkukuhperanan penasihat semua akademi dalam bidangInter Academy Panel (IAP)Executive CommitteeMeeting, ItalyDato’ Dr. Samsudin Tugiman represented the Academy,as the newest member of IAP Executive Committee(EC), at the Meeting in Trieste, Italy (27–28 February). TheCommittee took note of the strategic plan for the period2007–2009, the formation of various Committees, andthe selection of ASM as a member of the Committeeon Programmes and Strategic Planning together withthe Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.For 2008 a consensus was reached on adherence tothe strategic plan, programme for young scientists,working relationship between IAP members, and tostrengthen the process of review and evaluation ofprogrammes, activities and initiatives. The role of ASMwas thus pertinant, and it should continue to supportand play an active function in IAP as an EC member,for the benefi t of members from developing countries,including <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Inter Academy Panel (IAP)Executive CommitteeMeeting, CanberraThe Academy was represented by the Vice-Presidentat the above meeting which was held in Canberrafrom 26–27 September. During a brainstorming session itwas agreed to organize a symposium in 2008 for youngscientists to discuss best practices in research integrity.ASM was also nominated to the steering committee forthe symposium; this would provide the opportunity forASM to contribute to IAP programmes and activities.The Academy is also expected to sponsor some youngresearchers from <strong>Malaysia</strong> to attend the symposium.In the implementation of the IAP Strategic Plan,recommendations were made: for empoweringacademies and strengthening IAP; for continued interacademyco-operations; strengthening the advisoryrole of academies both in science and policy forIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 91

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONsains dan polisi sains; dan kerjasama dalam aktivitiprogram dan jaringan. Satu pelan penubuhan tabungyang kukuh, cadangan projek untuk pembiayaan(2008) dalam bidang pembangunan keupayaan/komunikasi saintifi k untuk saintis muda, akses sumberpengetahuan digital dan infrastruktur, pendidikan sains,terutama di kawasan Asia-Pasifi k, dan pengurusan danpenyelidikan air/ menjambatani air, juga telah diberiperhatian berat.Lawatan ke <strong>Akademi</strong><strong>Sains</strong> Uzbekistan, dan<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> KhorezmMamunPada 3–9 Julai, satu delegasi MOSTI telah melawatUzbekistan untuk menghadiri pameran memperingatiulangtahun ke-1000 <strong>Akademi</strong> Khorezm Mamun. Delegasiini telah membincangkan kemungkinan memperolehbarang-barang pameran <strong>Akademi</strong> Khorezm Mamun untukdipamerkan di <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan juga melawat <strong>Akademi</strong><strong>Sains</strong> Kebangsaan, Uzbekistan. Delegasi ini juga telahberbincang kemungkinan menjalin kerjasama dalampelbagai bidang di antara kedua-dua <strong>Akademi</strong>.science; and co-operation in programme activities andnetworking. A concrete plan for fundraising activities,project proposals for funding (2008) in the area ofcapacity building/scientifi c communication for youngscientists, access to digital knowledge resources andinfrastructures, science education, especially in the Asia-Pacifi c regions, and in water/bridging water researchand management, was also promulgated.Visit to Academy ofSciences Uzbekistanand Khorezm MamunAcademy of SciencesA MOSTI delegation was involved in the 3 – 9 July visit tothe exhibition dedicated to the 1000th Anniversary ofKhorezm Mamun Academy. The delegates discussedpossibilities of obtaining exhibits of the Khorezm MamunAcademy to be displayed in <strong>Malaysia</strong>, visited the NationalAcademy of Sciences Uzbekistan and also discussedpossible collaborative work in differing areas betweenboth Academies.◄ Deligasi MOSTIke Uzbekistan.MOSTIDelegation toUzbekistan.92In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONMesyuarat MajlisPersekutuan <strong>Akademi</strong>dan Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> Asia(FASAS), BangkokMesyuarat ini telah diadakan dari 27–29 November secarabersama oleh Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> Thailand, <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>dan Teknologi Thailand dan Persatuan <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>di Asia. Felo-felo ASM yang di ketuai oleh AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman dan seorangperwakilan Persatuan <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>, menghadiri acaraini yang di adakan sempena Persidangan AntarabangsaPendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> di Asia dan Pasifi k, Mesyuarat Pihakpihakberkenaan Pendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> dan MesyuaratMengenai Projet-projet Bersama FASAS.Persidangan telah bersetuju untuk menumpukan fokushanya terhadap pendidikan sains di peringkat sekolah,pembangunan bahan-bahan pembelajaran-E matapelajaran matematik, mengkaji status pendidikan sainsdi negara-negara ahli, bengkel untuk para pendidikbidang sains, dan program kem musim panas.Di Persidangan Pendidikan <strong>Sains</strong> tersebut, ASM yang telahmenumpukan penuh perhatian terhadap Projek No. 1FASAS mengenai, ‘Pengajaran <strong>Sains</strong> Demi MemupukKesedaran’ atau ‘Pengajaran <strong>Sains</strong> BerlandaskanKaedah Kesedaran’ telah membentangkan kemajuandan kesimpulan sampel projek kit cahaya yang dikenalisebagai PR2 (Perambatan, pantulan dan pembiasancahaya)’ dan juga satu kertas kerja berjudul ‘KitCahaya: Dari Amalan Bilik Darjah Membawa kePengkomersilan’.Persidangan danPameran NanoteknologiAntarabangsa, NanotechJepun 2007Persidangan di atas telah diadakan di Tokyo (19-23Februari) dengan melibatkan acara-acara berkaitannanoteknologi:Federation of AsianScientific Academies andSocieties (FASAS) CouncilMeeting, BangkokThe Meeting jointly organised with the Science Society ofThailand and Thai Academy of Science and Technologyand Association of Academies of Science in Asia, washeld from 27–29 November. ASM Fellows, headed byAcademician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman, anda representative of the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Scientifi c Association,attended the event which was held in conjunction withthe International Conference on Science Educationin Asia and the Pacifi c, Meeting of the Focal PointPersons on Science Education, and Meeting on FASASJoint Projects.The Conference agreed to focus its project only on scienceeducation at school level, development of E-learningmaterial on mathematics, survey on status of scienceeducation in member countries, workshop for scienceeducators, and a summer camp programme.ASM which anchored FASAS Project No. 1 on ‘ScienceTeaching with Enlightenment’ or ‘Science Teachingin Enlightened Ways’ presented the progress andoutcome of the project sample of the light kit calledPR2 (Light propagation, refl ection and refraction)’ andalso a paper entitled ‘Light Kit: From Classroom Practiceto Commercialization’ at the Science EducationConference.Nanotech Japan2007, InternationalNanotechnologyExhibition and ConferenceThe above Conference held in Tokyo (19–23 February)involving the following related events onnanotechnology:In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 93

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION• 5 th International Symposium on NanotechnologyAsia Nanobusiness 2007• Pameran Nanotech 2007• Nano dan Neo (Bahan Neo-Functional 2007)• P ersidangan dan Pameran Advanced SurfaceTechnology; dan• METEC’ 07Di Forum Nano Asia (ANF), satu pertubuhan diwakili 13buah negara telah bersepakat untuk mempromosikankerjasama antarabangsa dalam bidang nanoteknologi.Pakar-pakar tersohor dari ahli-ahli ekonomi ANF telahmemberi taklimat mengenai arah aliran masa depannanobusiness. Satu perbincangan mengenai undangundangkecil atau garis panduan ANF juga telahdijalankan, dan perkara ini telah diperhebatkan lagidi Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Eksekutif ANF di Taiwantelah diadakan pada bulan Jun.Beberapa Kertas Kerja telah di bentang di SimposiumNanoteknologi mengenai inovasi untuk mengangkatkualiti hidup, persekitaran penyelidikan dan penilaian,hasil penyelidikan seperti produk baru dan konsepbaru yang membawa manfaat kepada masyarakat,nanobioteknologi dan aplikasinya dalam bidangperubatan, inovasi menggunakan bahannano, dankomunikasi maklumat.Prof Halimaton Hamdan, FASc mewakili <strong>Akademi</strong> dan jugatelah melawat National Museum of Emerging Scienceand Innovation dan telah mengadakan beberapaperbincangan. Penyelidikan beliau mengenai Maerogeljuga terpilih untuk dijadikan bahan pameran.Simposium AntarabangsaTerhadap <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologidan Inovasi, Kuala LumpurMOSTI, UNESCO, ASM, World Islamic Call Society danPusat <strong>Sains</strong> Negara menjadi penaja bersama simposiumdi atas (bertemakan, ‘Towards a Prosperous and SecureIslamic World’), dengan kerjasama Islamic WorldAcademy of Sciences, Islamic Education, Scientifi cand Cultural Organisation, Bank Pembangunan Islam,World Academy of Young Scientiests dan Third WorldAcademy of Sciences. Simposium ini dijalankan pada9–11 Ogos 2007 bertempat di Pusat Konvensyen KualaLumpur. Simposium ini bertujuan menjelaskan bahawa• 5 th International Symposium on NanotechnologyAsia Nanobusiness 2007• Nanotech 2007 Exhibition• Nano and Neo (Neo-Functional Material 2007)• A dvanced Surface Technology Exhibition andConference; and• METEC ’07.At Asia Nano Forum (ANF), an association of 13 countriesdedicated themselves to promote international cooperationin nanotechnology. They were briefed onthe trend and future of nanobusiness by top expertsfrom the ANF member economies. There was also adiscussion on ANF’s by-Laws or guidelines, and this wasfurther enhanced at the ANF Executive Committeemeeting in Taiwan in June.Numerous papers were presented at the Symposiumon Nanotechnology on innovations for a higher qualityof life, research environment and evaluation, researchoutcomes such as new products and new conceptsuseful to society, nanobiotechnology and its applicationin medicine, innovation from nanomaterials, andinformation communication.Prof Halimaton Hamdan, FASc represented the Academy,and also had discussions at the National Museum ofEmerging Science and Innovation. Her research onMaerogel was also selected for exhibition.International Symposium onScience, Technology andInnovation, Kuala LumpurMOSTI, UNESCO, ASM, World Islamic Call Society andthe National Science Centre jointly organised theSymposium (theme entitled ‘Towards a Prosperous andSecure Islamic World’), with the collaboration of theIslamic World Academy of Sciences, Islamic Education,Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation, Islamic DevelopmentBank, World Academy of Young Scientists and the ThirdWorld Academy of Sciences, on 9–11 August 2007 atthe KL Convention Centre. The aim was to reveal that94In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONIslam bukan setakat menekankan soal agama malahmengambil berat soal peningkatan pengetahuandalam bidang S&T demi pembangunan ekonomi danmodal manusia.YB Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis, Menteri <strong>Sains</strong>,Teknologi dan Inovasi, <strong>Malaysia</strong>, yang merasmikan majlispembukaan tersebut, juga telah melancarkan bukuterjemahan Bahasa Melayu karangan pemenang NobelLaureate Prof Ahmed Zewail bertajuk PengembaraanMerentasi Masa: Satu Perjalanan ke Arah Hadiah Nobel(Voyage through Time: Walk of Life to the Nobel Prize).Acara utama sesi pleno merupakan ucaptama upacarapembukaan berjudul, ‘Refl ection on Science, Technologyand Innovation in the Muslim World’, disampaikanoleh Prof Zewail. Simposium ini terbahagi pada tigasesi. Sesi pertama bertajuk, ‘Building upon the Past’diikuti dengan tujuh kertas kerja dan satu syarahanistimewa. Pada hari kedua, tiga lagi kertas kerja telahdisampaikan dengan tema, ‘Applying STI: The PresentSituation’ dengan ucaptamanya berjudul, ‘Science,Technology and Innovation and the United NationsMillennium Development Goals’ oleh Prof Jeffery Sachsof Colombia University dan Pemegang Pertama KerusiRoyal Professor Ungku Aziz terhadap Kemiskinan danPembangunan, Universiti Malaya.Islam not only emphasises on religion but also placesutmost importance on acquiring knowledge in S&T foreconomic and human capital development.Hon. Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Mohd Jarjis, the Ministerof Science, Technology and Innovation, <strong>Malaysia</strong>, whooffi ciated at the function, also launched the translatedBahasa Melayu version of the book Voyage throughTime: Walk of Life to the Nobel Prize by Nobel LaureateProf Ahmed Zewail entitled Pengembaraan MerentasiMasa: Satu Perjalanan ke Arah Hadiah Nobel, at theopening ceremony.The highlight of the plenary session was the keynoteaddress at the Opening Ceremony entitled ‘Refl ectionson Science, Technology and Innovation in the MuslimWorld’ delivered by Prof Zewail. The Symposium wasdivided into three sessions. The fi rst session was entitled‘Building upon the Past’ followed by seven papers anda special lecture. During the second day, three morepapers were presented on the theme ‘Applying STI:The Present Situation’ with a keynote address entitled‘Science, Technology and Innovation and the UnitedNations Millennium Development Goals’ by Prof JeffreySachs of Columbia University and the First Holder ofthe Royal Professor Ungku Aziz Chair for Poverty andDevelopment, University of Malaya.◄ Pelancaran buku Prof Zewailbertajuk PengembaraanMerentasi Masa .Launching of Prof Zewail’sbook ‘Pengembaraan MerentasiMasa’.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 95

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONPada hari penamat simposium (tema’ Global Scenarioand the World Perspective of Science, Technologyand Innovation’) satu lagi ucaptama bertajuk, ‘GlobalScenario of STI: Perspective of Developing Countries’ telahdisampaikan oleh Prof Yves Quere dari <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong>Perancis. Acara kemuncak simposium ini ialah satu forumbertajuk, ‘Islamic Development on Science, Technologyand Innovation: The Way Forward,’ dipengerusikan olehYang Berhormat Menteri.Bengkel BeliaAntarabangsa Mengenai<strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi danInovasi, Kuala LumpurBengkel ini kelolakan dengan tema, ‘Towards a Properousand Secure Islamic World’ dianjur oleh ASM dengankerjasama MOSTI dan UNESCO. Bengkel dua hari ini (6–7Ogos, bertempat di Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur)juga disokong oleh Bank Pembangunan Islam, IslamicWorld Academy of Science, Academy of Sciences inthe Developing World, OIC Standing Committee onScientifi c and Technological Co-operation, and IslamicEducational Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation.Bengkel ini diadakan seiring dengan InternationalSymposium on Science, Technology and Innovation.Bengkel ini bermatlamat membangunkan satu forumbelia dan jaringan STI; memperluaskan jaringanprofesional; untuk mempromosi konsep pembangunanmodal manusia dari prespektif Islam Hadhari; danmenyediakan resolusi untuk diketengahkan ke SimposiumSTI Antarabangsa.Sejumlah 90 saintis muda (berumur kurang dari 40tahun) menghadiri bengkel ini. 65 peserta dari jumlahini berasal dari 14 buah negara OIC. Menerusi satusesi sanggar kerja yang panjang dan memanfaatkantiga fokus telah dipersetujui iaitu pembangunan modalmanusia, budaya kerja cemerlang dan pengurusan STIuntuk penjanaan kekayaan. Di penghujung bengkel,satu resolusi mengenai belia Islam dalam bidang STItelah dirumus. Para peserta juga komited dalammengwujudkan portal-portal pengurusan pengetahuanSTI selain berkongsi serta membangunkan secara bersama(berasaskan konsep sumber terbuka) perantaraan baruuntuk pengurusan penyelidikan untuk para penyelidikmuda di negara-negara Islam dengan menggunakanK-Chart.On the fi nal day of the Symposium (theme ‘GlobalScenario and World Perspective of Science, Technologyand Innovation’) another keynote addressentitled ‘Global Scenario of STI: Perspective of DevelopingCountries’ was presented by Prof Yves Quereof the French Academy of Sciences. The Symposiumculminated with a forum on ‘Islamic Developmenton Science, Technology and Innovation: The WayForward,’ chaired by the Honourable Minister.International YouthWorkshop on Science,Technology andInnovation, Kuala LumpurThis Workshop with the theme ‘Towards a Prosperousand Secure Islamic World’ was organised by ASM incollaboration with MOSTI and UNESCO. This two-dayworkshop (6–7 August, held at the KL Convention Centre)was also supported by Islamic Development Bank, IslamicWorld Academy of Science, Academy of Sciences inthe Developing World, OIC Standing Committee onScientifi c and Technological Co-operation, and IslamicEducational Scientifi c and Cultural Organisation.The Workshop was organised in conjunction with theInternational Symposium on Science, Technologyand Innovation. The objectives of the workshop wereto establish a youth forum and networking in STI; tobroaden a professional network; to promote a conceptof human capital development from the perspective ofIslam Hadari; and to prepare resolutions for submissionto the International Symposium on STI.A total of 90 young scientists (less than 40 years’ old)attended the Workshop. All but 25 were from 14 OICcountries. Human capital development, excellent workculture, and management of STI for wealth creation werethe three areas of focus during a fruitful and lengthybrainstorming session. At the end of the Workshop, aresolution on Muslim youths in STI was produced. Theparticipants of the workshop were also committed toestablish a STI knowledge management portal and toshare and co-develop (based on open source concept)new tools for research management for young scientistsin the Islamic countries using the K-Chart.96In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONKursus Latihan PengurusanS&T untuk PenyelidikNegara-Negara OICKursus bertempat di Kuala Lumpur ini telah dianjur olehASM dari 27 Ogos–7 September, di bawah ProgramKerjasama Teknikal <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Seramai 27 peserta,sebahagian besar darinya merupakan peserta darinegara OIC, telah memperoleh pengetahuan teoriberhubung tren terkini di dalam lapangan pengurusansains dan inovasi. Para peserta juga telah melawatLembaga Kelapa Sawit <strong>Malaysia</strong>, Institut PenyelidikanPerhutanan, Universiti Malaya Dan Institut PenyelidikanPerubatan untuk mempelajari cara-cara melaksanadan mengurus P&P. Dua puluh tiga pakar S&T danbidang yang berkaitan telah berkongsi kepakaran danpengetahuan dengan para peserta kursus. Pakar-pakarini termasuklah Felo ASM dan penyelidik terkemuka<strong>Malaysia</strong>.S&T Management TrainingCourse for Researchers inOIC CountriesThe Course was organized by ASM in Kuala Lumpur from27 August–7 September, under the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n TechnicalCo-operation Programme. A total of 27 participants,largely from 18 OIC countries were offered theoreticalinsight on current trends in science and innovationmanagement. Participants also visited the <strong>Malaysia</strong>nPalm Oil Board, Forest Research Institute, UniversityMalaya and Institute of Medical Research to learn aboutconducting and managing R&D. Twenty-three expertson S&T and its related subjects shared their expertise andexperience with the participants in the training course.They included Fellows of ASM and leading researchersin <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Sesi semasa bengkel dijalanjkan.Worskhop in session. ▲Mesyuarat KumpulanBekerja NanoteknologiMengenai Infrastrukturdan P&PMesyuarat di atas yang telah dikendali oleh ASMdengan kerjasama Forum Nano Asia (ANF) merupakanlangkah pertama ke arah memperkukuh penyelidikannanotechnologi di Asia. Mesyuarat ini yang diadakandi Kuala Lumpur pada 25 Januari telah dihadiri oleh 50peserta yang mewakili pelbagai agensi, kementerianPeserta dari negara OIC di FRIM.Participants from OIC countries at FRIM. ▲Nanotechnology WorkingGroup Meeting onInfrastructure and R&DThe Meeting was organized by ASM in collaborationwith Asia Nano Forum (ANF) as the fi rst step towards theenhancement of nanotechnology research in Asia. It washeld in Kuala Lumpur on 25 January and consisted ofabout 50 participants representing various governmentagencies, ministries and institutions of higher learningIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 97

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONdan institusi pengajian tinggi dan wakil ANF dari India,Indonesia, Jepun, Singapura, Taiwan dan Thailand.Antara objektif Kumpulan Kerja mesyuarat ialah untukmendirikan jaringan nanoteknologi di kalangan negaranegaraahli ANF; menentukan Bidang Tugas KumpulanKerja untuk Initiatif Nanoteknologi Kebangsaan danANF; mencadangkan mekanisme penguatkuasaanaktiviti berkaitan; membangunkan pengkalan datakepakaran penyelidikan, sumber, prasarana/infrastrukturdan kemudahan selain membangunkan bidang-bidangkeutamaan dan kerjasama penyelidikan. Acara ini telahmembuka peluang untuk penyelidik nanoteknologitempatan membangunkan jaringan dengan ekonomilain selain berkongsi maklumat kepentingan bersamaberhubung nanoteknologi.and representatives of the ANF member economiesfrom India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan andThailand. Among the objectives of the Working Groupmeeting were to establish nanotechnology networkingamong ANF member countries; determine the Termsof Reference of the Working Group for NationalNanotechnology Initiative and ANF; propose mechanismof implementation of related activities; develope databases of research expertise, resources, infrastructureand facilities and establish niche areas and researchcollaborations. The event provided an opportunity forlocal nanotechnology researchers to establish networkingwith other economies and share common interest innanotechnology.Semasa roadshow di UPM.During a roadshow at UPM. ▲Dialog dengan industri bioteknologi.Dialogue with biotechnology industries. ▲Taiwan Nano 2007Pameran Nano di atas yang telah diadakan pada 12-16 Jun dan melibatkan ASM merupakan sebahagiandaripada ekonomi ahli Forum Nano Asia (ANF). Dalamacara ini, Initiatif Nanoteknologi Kebangsaan dan BrainGain <strong>Malaysia</strong> telah dipromosikan. Delegasi ini jugamengambil bahagian di Bengkel Pengajar/Guru ANF(14–15 Jun) dan telah membentangkan satu kertaskerja yang menumpukan fokus terhadap pendekatanpraktis mengenai pengajaran dan pembelajaranTaiwan Nano 2007ASM participated at the Nano Exhibition which wasorganized on June 12 – 16 as part of the member economiesof Asia Nano Forum (ANF). National NanotechnologyInitiative and Brain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong> were promoted atthe event. The delegation also participated at the ANFTeachers Workshop (June 14 – 15) and presented apaper which focused on the hands-on teaching andlearning to be adopted to introduce nanotechnologyeducation to students in <strong>Malaysia</strong>. The workshop focused98In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

JARINGAN KERJASAMA ANTARABANGSAINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONyang akan digunakan untuk memperkenalkan nanoteknologikepada para pelajar di <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Bengkelini menumpukan perhatian terhadap beberapa aktivitiseperti aktiviti mempromosikan nanoteknologi di sekolahsekolahK-12, pembangunan bahan mengajar, aktivitieksperimen secara pendekatan praktis, dan integrasikurikulum. Bengkel ini telah memberikan satu forumyang merangsangkan di samping mencabar mindauntuk pembangunan pendidikan dan idea terkinidalam program pendidikan K-12 untuk 13 ekonomi dariAsia-Pasifi k. Penglibatan ini telah membuka peluangkepada delegasi untuk berkongsi sumber dan bahanpengajaran nanoteknologi dari Taiwan yang akandigunakan semasa Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007.on nanotechnology promotion activities in K-12 schools,teaching material development, hands-on activityexperiments, and curriculum integration among otherthings. This workshop gave a stimulating and thoughtprovokingforum for sharing of the latest educationaldevelopments and ideas in K-12 education programfor the 13 economies in the Asia-Pacifi c regions. Theparticipation provided an opportunity for the delegatesto learn more about nanotechnology development inTaiwan and especially on its nanotechnology education.Participation at the event provided the opportunityto share the resources and materials from Taiwan onnanotechnology education which would be used duringthe Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007.Astaka ANF semasa Taiwan Nano 2007. ▲ANF pavilion during Taiwan Nano 2007.Dewan Pameran—Taiwan Nano 2007. ▲Exhibition Hall—Taiwan Nano 2007.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 99

ProjekKhasDisebabkan kewibawaan felonyaserta lingkungan kepakarannya yangpelbagai, <strong>Akademi</strong> sering diundanguntuk menjalankan projek khas yangpenting kepada Kementerian <strong>Sains</strong>,Teknologi dan InovasiSpecialProjectsBy virtue of the pre-eminance of itsFellows and the trans-disciplinarynature of its expertise, the Academyis frequently called upon toundertake important projects ofspecial significance to the Ministry ofScience, Technology and Innovation100In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

PROJEK KHASSPECIAL PROJECTSBrain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong>Pihak <strong>Akademi</strong> telah mengadakan jerayawara ke institusipengajian tinggi dan institut penyelidikan <strong>Malaysia</strong>sebagai memenuhi sebahagian daripada tujuh inisiatifdi bawah Program Brain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong> untuk memberikeutamaan P&P kepada bidang-bidang yang dikenalpasti oleh Kerajaan <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Brain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong>In fulfi lling part of the seven initiatives of the Brain Gain<strong>Malaysia</strong> Programme to prioritise R&D areas designatedby the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Government, the Academy organisedand conducted the following roadshows to institutions ofhigher education and research institutes in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Expert Review Panel / Expert Review Panel Tempat / Venue Lawatan / VisitsBioteknologi / Kesihatan | Biotechnology / Healthcare Universiti / Universities 9Bioteknologi / Pertanian | Biotechnology / Agriculture Universiti / Universities 1Bioteknologi / Pertanian | Biotechnology / Agriculture Institut Penyelidikan / Research Institutes 1Teknologi Komputer Bersepadu | Integrated Computer Technology Universiti / Universities 6Nanoteknologi | Nanotechnology Universiti / Universities 6Bahan Termaju | Advanced Materials Universiti / Universities 5Program Pelawat Tersohor untuk membangunkan asassaintifi k yang kukuh (untuk mempelawa para saintistersohor melawat <strong>Malaysia</strong> dan bekerjasama dengansaintis tempatan melalui tugasan pendek) juga telahdijalankan.The following Distinguished Visitor Programme to developa strong scientifi c base (to bring eminent scientists to<strong>Malaysia</strong> to visit and collaborate with local scientists forshort attachments) was also undertaken.Permohonan / Applications Diluluskan / Approved Ditolak / RejectedProgram Pelawat Tersohor / Distinguished Visitor Programme 7 8Program/Fellowship Antarabangsa dan Post-Doctoral / International Fellowship and PostdoctoralProgramme7 4Satu lawatan mempromosi Program Brain Gain<strong>Malaysia</strong> ke Amerika Syarikat juga telah dianjur dari22 Julai –1 Ogos 2007.Kajian Bencana dan RisikoSeismos dan Tsunami di<strong>Malaysia</strong>Dengan termeterainya persetujuan dengan JabatanMeteorologi <strong>Malaysia</strong> (MMD) yang mewakili Kerajaan<strong>Malaysia</strong>, ASM telah dilantik menjadi organisasi penerajumengenai ‘Kajian Bencana dan Risiko Seismos danTsunami di <strong>Malaysia</strong>’. ASM telah disaran supayamengurus dan menyelaraskan pelaksanaan kajianini. Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains <strong>Malaysia</strong> (JMGM),Jabatan Meteorologi <strong>Malaysia</strong>, Universiti Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>(UPM), Universiti <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> (USM), Universiti TeknologiA promotion tour to publicize the Brain Gain <strong>Malaysia</strong>programme to the USA was also undertaken on 22July – 1 August 2007.Seismic and TsunamiHazards and Risk Study in<strong>Malaysia</strong>With the signing of an agreement with the <strong>Malaysia</strong>nMeteorological Department, representing theGovernment of <strong>Malaysia</strong>, the Academy was appointedon 13 December 2005 to be the lead organizationin the ‘Seismic and Tsunami Hazards and Risk Studyin <strong>Malaysia</strong>’. ASM was requested to manage andco-ordinate the implementation of the study. TheMinerals and Geoscience Department <strong>Malaysia</strong>,<strong>Malaysia</strong>n Meteorological Department, University PutraIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 101

PROJEK KHASSPECIAL PROJECTS<strong>Malaysia</strong> (UTM), dan seorang individu, En Leyu ChongHua, telah terlibat dalam kajian ini.Semua organisasi telah menyediakan LaporanKemajuan. Laporan bertajuk Kajian Makroseimik<strong>Malaysia</strong> menunjukkan peta intensiti gempa bumi di<strong>Malaysia</strong>. Laporan lain termasuk laporan muktamatoleh JMGM (Peta Seismotektonik <strong>Malaysia</strong>) yang telahmeringkaskan maklumat seismotektonik dengan caramenyusun dan mengkatalog data sedia ada mengenaiaktiviti gempa bumi lampau di <strong>Malaysia</strong> serta Laporanberjudul Bencana dan Risiko Gempa Bumi dan Tsunamiterhadap Sistem Marin dan Pantai di Utara <strong>Malaysia</strong>oleh USM. Tahun ini <strong>Akademi</strong> telah mengemukakantiga Laporan Kemajuan kepada Jawatankuasa AntaraAgensi mengenai Pengurusan Risiko Gempa bumidan Tsunami. Kajian ini dijangka siap pada bulanSeptember 2008.Pameran dan PersidanganInovasi Kebangsaan(NICE) 2007MOSTI telah menganjur NICE dari 28–30 Novemberbertempat di Pusat Perdagangan Dunia Putra sempenaMesyuarat Majlis Inovasi Kebangsaan (NIC) ke–2. NICE2007 telah memaparkan persidangan, pameran,pelbagai program berkaitan inovasi dan aktiviti yangmemerlukan penglibatan meluas pertubuhan-pertubuhantempatan dan antarabangsa. Antara acara kemuncakdi NICE ialah Wadah Inovasi, Wadah Angkasawan,Bio<strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007, Waste-to-Wealth, ROBOFEST, ForumInovasi Kebangsaan, Dialog Industri MOSTI, Seminar danWadah Kelompok ICT, Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007 danSeminar Remote Sensing, GIS dan pelbagai teknologiberkaitan.Anugerah Inovasi Negara2007Kementerian <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi memberikepercayaan kepada <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> mengurusdan menyelaraskan Anugerah Inovasi Negara 2007.Anugerah ini dihadiahkan untuk menghargai usahainovatif dan kreatif menjurus ke arah penjanaan idea,ciptaan dan produk baru melalui amalan sains danteknologi sehingga menghasilkan kekayaan dankesejahteraan masyarakat. Pada 30 November, Perdanaof <strong>Malaysia</strong>, Science University of <strong>Malaysia</strong>, the Universityof Technology <strong>Malaysia</strong>, and an individual, Mr. LeyuChong Hua, participated in the Study.Progress Reports were submitted by all organisationsand the report entitled Macroseismic Study of <strong>Malaysia</strong>showed the earthquake intensity map of <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Theothers include the fi nal report of JMGM (SeismotectonicMap of <strong>Malaysia</strong>) which summarized the seismotectonicinformation which included the compilation andcataloguing of all available data of past earthquakeactivities in the country; and the USM report entitledThe Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards and Risk on theNatural Marine and Coastal Systems of North <strong>Malaysia</strong>.To date, the Academy has submitted three ProgressReports to the Inter-Agency Committee on Earthquakeand Tsunami Risk Management during the year. TheStudy will be completed by September 2008.National InnovationConference and Exhibition(NICE) 2007MOSTI organised NICE from 28–30 November at Putra WorldTrade Centre, in conjunction with the second NationalInnovation Council (NIC) Meeting. NICE 2007 featuredconferences, exhibitions, various innovation relatedprogrammes and activities with extensive involvementfrom both local and international organisations. Someof the event highlights during NICE were InnovationShowcase, Angkasawan Showcase, Bio<strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007,Waste-to-Wealth, ROBOFEST, National Innovation Forum,MOSTI Industry Dialogue, ICT Cluster Seminars andShowcase, Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007 and Seminar onRemote Sensing, GIS and Related Technologies.National Innovation Award2007The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovationentrusted the Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong> to manageand co-ordinate the National Innovation Award 2007.The Award is given to recognize innovative and creativeefforts towards generating ideas, inventions, and newproducts by harnessing science and technology towardswealth creation and societal well being. Right Hon.102In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

PROJEK KHASSPECIAL PROJECTSMenteri <strong>Malaysia</strong>, YAB Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telahmenghadiahkan Anugerah Inovasi Negara kepadapemenang-pemenang berikut:(i) Kategori Produk[ Hadiah: Anugerah Inovasi Negara (Piala);RM100 000 dan sekeping sijil.]Pemenang Bersama:• M ultimedia Conferencing System (MCS)Version 6N ational Advanced IPV 6 Centre of Excellence,School of Computer Sciences, Universiti<strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>.• G ranuMas TM (Produk perubatan, tulangsintetik)Dr Fazilah Fazan, AMREC, SIRIM.(ii) K ategori Akar Umbi[ Hadiah: Anugerah Inovasi Negara (Piala);RM50 000 bantuan untuk harta intelek berjumlahRM3 000 setiap seorang dan sijil]Prime Minister of <strong>Malaysia</strong> Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,presented the National Innovation Award to the followingrecipients on 30 November:(i) Product Category[ Prize: National Innovation Award (Trophy);RM 100 000 and a certifi cate.]Joint Winners:• M ultimedia Conferencing System (MCS)Version 6N ational Advanced IPV 6 Centre of Excellence,School of Computer Sciences, Universiti <strong>Sains</strong><strong>Malaysia</strong>.• GranuMas TM (A synthetic bone medicalproduct)Dr Fazilah Fazan, AMREC, SIRIM.(ii) Grass Root Category[ Prize: National Innovation Award (Trophy);RM50 000 grant for intellectual property amountingRM3000 each and certifi cate.]◄ YAB Perdana Menterimenyampaikan Piala kepadaBugs Tan Yeow Kiang.The Right Hon. PrimeMinister presenting the Awardto Bugs Tan Yeow Kiang.YAB Perdana Menteri dan YB Menteri <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi ditapak pameran.The Right Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Minister of Science,Technology and Innovation at the exhibition. ▲◄ Pelawat pameran NICE.Visitors at the NICE exhibition.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 103

PROJEK KHASSPECIAL PROJECTSPemenang Bersama:• Kereta Sorong LipatM ohd Shahrizan Ali, Pusat Giatmara Kuantan,Pahang.• G R20: Light Weight and Anti Slip GratingSystem.Bugs Tan Yeow Kiang, Petaling Jaya.(iii) Kategori Perkhidmatan Awam[Hadiah: Anugerah Inovasi Negara (Piala);RM50 000 dan sijil.]Pemenang:Preparation of Bone Graft and High QualityWound WrapperTissue Bank Unit, Hospital <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>.(iv) Kategori Sekolah[Hadiah: Anugerah Inovasi Negara (Piala);RM20 000 dan sijil.]Pemenang:Efficient Motorcar Riding SystemSekolah Menengah Teknik, Kuala LumpurJoint Winners:• Kereta Sorong Lipat/ Foldable Push-Cart.Mohd Shahrizan Ali, Pusat Giatmara Kuantan,Pahang.• G R 20: Light Weight and Anti Slip GratingSystem.Bugs Tan Yeow Kiang, Petaling Jaya(iii) Public Services Category[Prize: National Innovation Award (Trophy);RM50 000 and certifi cate.]Winner:Preparation of Bone Graft and High QualityWound Wrapper.Tissue Bank Unit, Hospital Universiti <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>.(iv) School Category[Prize: National Innovation Award (Trophy),RM20 000 and certifi cate.]Winner:Efficient Motorcar Riding SystemSecondary Technical School, Kuala LumpurYAB Perdana Menteri diberikan penerangan oleh salah seoring pemenang.The Right Hon. Prime Minister is being briefed by one of the Awardwinners. ▲Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007<strong>Akademi</strong> telah meganjur acara ini di bawah naunganMOSTI bertempat di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (29November-1Disember), bertemakan ‘Nanotechnology:Technology Innovation for Wealth Creation and NewDimension of Living’. Lebih 800 penyertaan dari pelbagaibidang berkaitan telah menyertai acara ini—ForumPara pemenang berkumpul semasa upacara penganugrahan.Winners gather together during Award Ceremony▲Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2007The Academy organised this inaugural event under theauspices of MOSTI which was held at the Putra WorldTrade Centre (29 November–1 December), with the theme‘Nanotechnology: Technology Innovation for WealthCreation and New Dimension of Living’. It attracted morethan 800 participants for all the related functions—Asia104In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

PROJEK KHASSPECIAL PROJECTSKemuncak Nano Asia; Simposium P&P Nanoteknologi;Perniagaan Nanoteknologi and R&D Matching Luncheon;Nanoteknologi di Asia; Natural Strategy for R&D andCommercialization Forum; Pameran Nanoteknologi andKesedaran dan Pendidikan Nanoteknologi.Acara tiga hari ini yang dianjur julung kali di <strong>Malaysia</strong>,sebagai acara utama Initiatif Nanoteknologi merupakansebahagian daripada acara Pameran dan PersidanganInovasi Kebangsaan (NICE). Acara ini dibuka secararasmi oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi,Perdana Menteri <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong> telahdirancang berlandaskan objektif-objektif berikut:• M enganjur Simposium Nanotech dan Forum Nanotechdengan hasrat memperkenalkan nanoteknologi,menyebarkan dan memberikan maklumat terkinimengenai pembangunannya.• M erangsang penubuhan Persatuan Nanoteknologi<strong>Malaysia</strong>.• M enjalin hubungan antara penyelidikan-perniagaanberasaskan nanoteknologi antara para penyelidik,korporat dan sector komersil tempatan.• M enjalin hubungan bidang nanoteknologi dikalangan negara-negara di Asia.• M endidik dan memupuk kesedaran pengetahuannanoteknologi di kalangan masyarakat umum; dan• M enjadi tuan rumah Persidangan KemuncakNano Asia 2007.Sebanyak 18 pembentangan oral dan 34 kertas kerjaposter telah dibentang termasuk dua syarahan Plenodan empat ucapan dasar untuk Simposium dan diPersidangan Kemuncak Forum Nano Asia ke-4, 2007.Prosiding pameran akan diterbitkan manakala laporannyasedang disediakanKegemilangan <strong>Sains</strong>dalam Tamadun Islam:Katalog <strong>Sains</strong> IslamMendahului ZamanPameran ini merupakan tajaan bersama <strong>Akademi</strong> danMOSTI, dengan kerjasama Institute for the History Arab-Islamic Sciences, Frankfurt, Jerman dari 8 Januari–14Februari 2007 bertempat di Pusat Konvensyen KualaLumpur. Prof Fuat Sezgin, yang merupakan pengasasdan Pengarah Kehormat institut tersebut adalah seorangahli sejarah yang tersohor dan dihormati dalam bidangNano Forum Summit; R&D Nanotechnology Symposium;Nanotechnology Business and R&D Matching Luncheon;Nanotechnology in Asia: Natural Strategy for R&D andCommercialization Forum, Nanotechnology Exhibition,and Nanotechnology Education and Awareness.The three-day event organised in <strong>Malaysia</strong> for the fi rsttime, as the highlights of the Nanotechnology Initiative,and part of the National Innovation Conference andExhibition, was offi ciated by Right Hon. Dato’ Seri AbdullahAhmad Badawi, the Prime Minister. Nanotech <strong>Malaysia</strong>2007 was planned with the following objectives:• T o organize the Nanotech Symposium and NanoForum in order to introduce nanotechnology,disseminate and provide current information onits development• T o initiate the establishment of <strong>Malaysia</strong>nNanotechnology Society• T o establish research-business relationship onnanotechnology among local researchers,corporate and commercial sectors• T o foster relationship among Asian countries innanotechnology• T o educate and promote awareness in nanotechnologyto the public; and• T o host the Asia Nano Summit 2007.A total of 18 oral presentations and 34 poster paperswere presented, including two plenary lectures and fourkeynote addresses for both the Symposium and at the4th Asia Nano Forum Summit 2007. The proceedings willbe published and a report is also being prepared.Scientific Excellence inIslamic Civilisation: IslamicScience Ahead of its TimeCatalogueThe above exhibition was co-organized by the Academywith MOSTI, in collaboration with the Institute for theHistory of Arab-Islamic Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany from8 January–14 February 2007 at the KL Convention Hall.Prof Fuat Sezgin, who is the Founder and the HonoraryDirector of the Institute is an eminent and respectedhistorian of science and technology in the Muslim world.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 105

SPECIAL PROJECTSPROJEK KHASProgram <strong>Sains</strong>Angkasawan<strong>Akademi</strong> telah dilantik untuk menguruskan programsaintifi k ini secara kerjasama dengan Agensi AngkasaNegara (ANGKASA). Selepas bertungkus lumus danmerancang selama beberapa tahun, angkasawan<strong>Malaysia</strong>, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, telah melaksanakanProgram Saintifi k ini dengan jayanya.Pada 10 Oktober 2007, tepat jam 19.22 waktu Baikonur,Soyuz TMA-11 berjaya dilancarkan. Pada hari berikutnya,pasukan teknikal telah kembali ke Moscow. ParaPenyelidik Utama dan jurutera di Pusat Kawalan Misi,Moscow memulakan tugasan kawalan dan pemantauanmisi sebaik Soyuz bercantum dengan fasiliti penyelidikanStesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (ISS). Mesyuaratperancangan diadakan setiap hari dengan pasukanteknikal Rusia untuk memutuskan jadual kerja harianangkasawan <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Selain itu dua sesi komunikasilintasan suara dengan angkasawan tersebut juga diadakan. Lintasan suara ini membolehkan angkasawanmelaporkan tugasan berhubung eksperimen yangtelah mereka jalankan, mengemukakan soalan sertamenerima sebarang arahan yang telah dikemaskini.Semua penyelidikan sains [Protein in Space Activation,Motion Perception, MUSCLE (Low Back Pain), Cancerin Space Activation, MIS Activation, Twisting OrbitalPlatform, Food in Science and Eye Tracking Device(ETD)] termasuk penyelidikan untuk Agensi AngkasaEropah (ESA) dan Agensi Eksplorasi Angkasa LepasJepun telah dijalankan dengan sempurna. Selain ituSheikh Muszaphar juga telah berjaya menyempurnakankerja-kerja membaiki ETD milik ESA.Dr Sheikh Muszaphar telah selamat kembali ke bumisebaik Soyuz TMA-11 mendarat pada 21 Oktober 2007.Kapsul Soyuz telah terbabas dari sasaran asal semasamemasuki ruang angkasa bumi. Ini mengakibatkanSoyuz mengalami daya G yang tinggi dan bergelorasemasa menembusi atmosfera bumi ketika mendarat.Masalah ini timbul kerana gangguan komputer telahmenyebabkan Soyuz mengalami trajektori masukpada sudut yang lebih curam berbanding sudut yangtelah ditetapkan. Meski pun begitu, semua sampelsains terselamat. Sampel-sampel ini termasuk hablurprotein yang agak sensitif juga tidak musnah akibatpendaratan tersebut.The Angkawasan (Astronaut)Science ProgrammeThe Akademy was appointed to manage the scientifi cprogramme with the National Space Agency (ANGKASA).After many years of hard work and planning, the Scientifi cProgramme was fi nally successfully carried out by the<strong>Malaysia</strong>n astronaut (Dr Sheikh Muszaphar).Soyuz TMA-11 was launched successfully at 19:22Baikonur time, on 10 October 2007. The following daythe technical team was fl own back to Moscow. Themission command and monitoring work was startedby the Principle Investigators (PIs) and the engineersat Mission Control Center Moscow on the day of theSoyuz docking with the International Space Station (ISS)research facility. There was a planning meeting helddaily with the Russian technical team in order to fi nalizethe <strong>Malaysia</strong>n astronaut’s schedule for the day. Therewere also two voice-loop communication sessions withthe astronaut every day. This was for the astronauts toreport what they had done on the experiments, ask anyquestions they had and also to receive any updatedinstructions.All the science experiments [Protein in Space Activation,Motion Perception, MUSCLE (Low Back Pain), Cancer inSpace Activation, MIS Activation, Twisting Orbital Platform,Food in Science and Eye Tracking Device (ETD)] wereconducted successfully including the experiments forthe European Space Agency (ESA) and the JapaneseAerospace Exploration Agency. In addition to thatrepair on ESA’s ETD was also successfully conductedby Dr Sheikh Muszaphar.Soyuz TMA-10 landed back on earth on 21 October2007 with the successful return of Dr Sheikh Muszaphar.The Soyuz capsule veered off course from its intendedcontrolled re-entry through the earth’s atmosphere whichresulted in a very rough, high-G descent. The deviationwas caused by a computer glitch that sent the Soyuzon a much steeper descent trajectory than planned. Allthe science samples were successfully recovered. Thisincluded the very fragile protein crystals that survivedthe landing and remained intact.In Pursuit of Excellence in Science 107

Ketua Pengarah ANGKASA telah menuntut semuasampel sains ini sebagai kargo penting dan telahmenyerahkannya kepada Penyelidik Utama yangberkenaan pada hari itu juga. Sehingga kini, kesimpulansemua penyelidikan yang diperoleh sedang dianalisisoleh beberapa pasukan sains.All the science samples were retrieved as urgent cargoby the Director General of ANGKASA and handedover to the PIs on the same day. The experimentalresults are currently being analysed by the respectivescience teams.▲Penyelidikan sedang dijalankan oleh Dr Sheikh Muszaphar di ISS. ►Experiments being carried out by Dr Sheikh Muszaphar in the ISS.▼108In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

PENERBITAN ASMASM PUBLICATIONSPenerbitanPublicationsSepanjang tempoh lima tahun RMK9, peruntukan telahdisalurkan kepada <strong>Akademi</strong> untuk memulakan programpenerbitan termasuk jurnal saintifi k bertaraf antarabangsadan mendapat pengiktirafan pengamal sains. Justerulahirlah ASM Science Journal (Jurnal <strong>Sains</strong> ASM) sebagaisatu wadah penyebaran penemuan P&P, analisis polisidan prespektif penyelidikan yang berwibawa. Isupertama ASM Sc. J., Vol 1, No.1, 2007 yang merangkumipelbagai disiplin diterbitkan pada suku ketiga tahun2007 di mana sebanyak 1700 naskah telah diedarkankepada felo akademi, universiti-universiti terkemukatempatan dan antarabangsa, organisasi P&P dan NGOtempatan, akademi sains dunia, penerbit dan pengedardan penyedia pengkalan data sebagai naskah hadiahuntuk publisiti serta menarik sumbangan artikel. Penerbitanisu bertema mengenai Antartika/Ekspedisi ke kutubdan fotonik masih dalam perancangan. Jurnal ini jugaakan dipaparkan menerusi internet sebagai capaianterbuka. Enam puluh tiga penerbitan termasuk buku,monograf, prosiding, laporan penasihat, laporan kajianASM termasuk 10 isu ASM Sc. J. telah disasar sepanjangtempoh lima tahun di bawah RMK9.Prosiding berikut telah disunting dandijadualkan akan diterbitkan padasuku pertama 2008: Workshop onIntegrated Tree Crops-RuminantSystems: Assessment Of the Statusand Opportinities in <strong>Malaysia</strong> danProceeding: National Workshop onEarthquakes and Tsunami Hazardsand Risks.Over the fi ve-year period of the 9MP, the Academyhas been given funding to initiate a publicationsprogramme including an internationally recognisedand peer-reviewed primary scientifi c journal. Thusthe ASM Science Journal was initiated to serve as aforum for disseminating signifi cant R&D fi ndings, policyanalyses and research perspectives. The fi rst issue ofour multi-disciplinary ASM Sc. J., Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007 waspublished during the third quarter of 2007 and 1700copies were distributed to Fellows of the Academy,local and some prominent foreign universities, local R&Dorganizations and NGOs, world science academies,publishers, distributors, selected database providers, ascomplimentary copies to publicize the Journal and toattract article contributions. Plans are afoot to publishthematic issues on Antarctic/Polar expedition andphotonics, and for the full text of the Journal to be madeavailable on the internet as open access. Sixty-threepublications, including books, monographs, proceedings,advisory reports, ASM study reports including 10 issuesof the ASM Sc. J. have been targetted for the fi ve-yearperiod under the 9MP. The following proceedings havebeen edited and are scheduledfor publication in the fi rst quarter of2008: Workshop on Integrated TreeCrops—Ruminant Systems: Assessmentof Status and Opportunities in <strong>Malaysia</strong>and Proceedings: National Workshopon Earthquakes and Tsunami Hazardsand Risks.Kerja-kerja transkripsi dan menyuntingsyarahan-syarahan berikut telah dilakukandan dijangka diterbitkan dalam tahun2008: <strong>Malaysia</strong>’s Success—It is Possible;Refl ection on Science, Technology andInnovation in the Muslim World danInvesting in the Future (Oleh NobelLaureate Prof Ahmed Zewail); GlobalWarming and Climate Change (olehNobel Laureate Prof S. Rowland);Friends and Foes—The Unseen BugsWho Share Our Planet dan Why StudyScience? (Oleh Nobel Laureate DrRichard Roberts).Transcription and editing of thefollowing lectures was carried out andthey are expected to be published in2008: <strong>Malaysia</strong>’s Success—It is Possible; Refl ections on Science, Technologyand Innovation in the Muslim Worldand Investing in the Future (by NobelLaureate Prof Ahmad Zewail); GlobalWarming and Climate Change (byIsu pertama ASM Science Journal. Nobel Laureate Prof S. Rowland);First issue of ASM Science Journal. Friends and Foes—The Unseen BugsWho Share Our Planet and WhyStudy Science? (by Nobel LaureateDr Richard Roberts).Sementara itu penerbitan seperti isu bulanan Estidotmyyang diterbitkan secara berterusan disasar dapatEstidotmy is an important monthly information capsule ofscience awareness for the public and students, especiallyIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 109

PENERBITAN ASMASM PUBLICATIONSmenyuntik lebih kesedaran dan minat dalam bidangsains di kalangan belia kita. Penerbitan-penerbitanASM terus berusaha untuk mengikut aliran tren STI terkinibaik di dalam mahu pun di luar Negara.Bahan-bahan berikut telah diterbitkan sepanjangtahun ini:the young. The publication continued to keep abreastwith current and popular STI trends of the time, bothwithin and without the nation.The following items were published during the year:1. ASM Science Journal, Vol. 1 (1), 2007 (pp. 87).2. 2006 Annual Report. (pp. 149.)3. Goats: Biology, Production and Development in Asia. C. DEVENDRA (pp. 246).4. Pengembaraan Merentasi Masa: Satu Perjalanan ke Arah Hadiah Nobel. AHMED ZEWAIL (pp. 348).5. Enhancing Animal Protein Supplies in <strong>Malaysia</strong>: Opportunities and Challenges. C. DEVENDRA (pp. 29).6. Nuclear Power: Looking to the Future. MOHAMED ELBARADEI (pp. 14).7. ASM Study Report— Changing Forest Landscape: Impact on Rural Health (pp. 53).8. Proceedings: Seminar on Antarctic Research, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 27–28 June 2005.9. JOSTT, Vol 2, Nos. 1 &2, 2007. COSTAM and Academy of Sciences, <strong>Malaysia</strong>.10. ASM Newsletter, 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2007 (pp. 8).11. Estidotmy : Teknologi Satelit, Vol. 59, 2007 (pp. 36).12. Estidotmy : Biodiversiti dan Konservasi, Vol. 60, 2007 (pp. 36).13. Estidotmy: Teknologi Makanan, Vol. 61, 2007 (pp. 36).14. Estidotmy: Cahaya dan Optik., Vol. 62, 2007 (pp. 36).15. Estidotmy: <strong>Sains</strong> Bunyi dan Akustik, Vol. 63, 2007 (pp. 36).16. Estidotmy: <strong>Sains</strong> Sukan, Vol. 64, 2007 (pp. 36).17. Estidotmy: <strong>Sains</strong> Sekitaran, Vol. 65, 2007 (pp. 36).18. Estidotmy:50 Tahun Gemilang <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Vol. 66, 2007 (pp. 36).19. Estidotmy: Program Angkasawan Negara, Vol. 67, 2007 (pp. 36).20. Estidotmy: Kreativiti Dunia Animasi, Vol. 68, 2007 (pp. 36).21. Estidotmy: Inovasi, Vol. 69, 2007 (pp. 36.)22. Estidotmy: Keselamatan Siber, Vol. 70, 2007 (pp. 36).110In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

AKRONIMACRONYMSAASAANFAMRECASMCALTECHCCOPCNSICOSTISFAScFASASIACIAMPPersatuan <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> di AsiaAssociation of Academies of Sciencesin AsiaForum Nano AsiaAsia Nano ForumPusat Penyelidikan Bahan TermajuAdvanced Materials Research Centre<strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>Academy of Sciences <strong>Malaysia</strong>Institut Teknologi CaliforniaCalifornia Institute of TechnologyJawatankuasa Penyelaras ProgramGeosains Asia Timur dan AsiaTenggaraCoordinating Committee forGeoscience Programmes in East andSoutheast AsiaInstitut Nanosistem CaliforniaCalifornia Nanosystems InstituteKonsortium <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi danInovasi untuk SelatanConsortium of Science, Technologyand Innovation for the SouthFelo <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>Fellow of Academy of Sciences<strong>Malaysia</strong>Persekutuan <strong>Akademi</strong> dan Persatuan<strong>Sains</strong> AsiaFederation of Asian Scientifi cAcademies and SocietiesMajlis antara <strong>Akademi</strong>Inter Academy CouncilPanel Perubatan antara <strong>Akademi</strong>Inter Academy Medical PanelIAPICSUITCRSKRFNGOMARDIMARPMASTECMISAMOAMOSTIProgram Air Panel antara <strong>Akademi</strong>Inter Academy Panel Water ProgramMajlis Antarabangsa bagi <strong>Sains</strong>International Council for ScienceSistem Bersepadu Tanaman Sawit-Haiwan RuminanIntegrated Tree Crops-RuminantProduction SystemsYayasan Penyelidikan KoreaKorean Research FoundationBadan Bukan KerajaanNon-Governmental OrganisationsInstitut Penyelidikan dan KemajuanPertanian <strong>Malaysia</strong><strong>Malaysia</strong>n Agricultural Research andDevelopment InstituteProgram Penyelidikan Antartika<strong>Malaysia</strong><strong>Malaysia</strong>n Antarctica ResearchProgrammeKonvensyen <strong>Sains</strong> dan Teknologi<strong>Malaysia</strong><strong>Malaysia</strong>n Science and TechnologyConvention<strong>Malaysia</strong>n International Seminar onAntarcticaSeminar Antarabangsa Antartika<strong>Malaysia</strong>Kementerian Pertanian dan IndustriAsas TaniMinistry of Agriculture and AgrobasedIndustriesKementerian <strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi danInovasiMinistry of Science, Technology andInnovationIn Pursuit of Excellence in Science 111

AKRONIMACRONYMSNAHRIMInstitut Penyelidikan HidraulikKebangsaan <strong>Malaysia</strong>National Hydraulic Research Instituteof <strong>Malaysia</strong>SIRIMInstitut Standard dan PenyelidikanPerindustrian <strong>Malaysia</strong>Standard and Industrial ResearchInstitute of <strong>Malaysia</strong>NASICNICNICERangkaian <strong>Akademi</strong> <strong>Sains</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>dalam Negara – negara IslamNetwork of Academies of Sciences inIslamic CountriesMajlis Inovasi KebangsaanNational Innovation CouncilPameran dan Persidangan InovasiKebangsaanNational Innovation Conference andExhibitionSTIS&TUCLAUIA<strong>Sains</strong>, Teknologi dan InovasiScience, Technology and Innovation<strong>Sains</strong> dan TeknologiScience and TechnologyUniverisiti California, Los AngelesUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversiti Islam AntarabangsaInternational Islamic UniversityNSFYayasan <strong>Sains</strong> KebangsaanNational Science FoundationUKMUniversiti Kebangsaan <strong>Malaysia</strong>University Kebangsaan <strong>Malaysia</strong>OICOrganisasi Negara-negara IslamOrganisation of Islamic ConferenceUMUniversiti MalayaUniversity of MalayaP&PR&DRMK99MPRNAiSAGAPenyelidikan dan PembangunanResearch and DevelopmentRancangan <strong>Malaysia</strong> KesembilanNinth <strong>Malaysia</strong> PlanGangguan Asid Ribo NukleikRibonucleic Acid interferencePembiayaan Penyelidikan <strong>Sains</strong>Saintifi k LanjutanScientifi c Advancement FundAllocationUNESCOUPMUTMBangsa-Bangsa Bersatu BagiPendidikan, Organisasi Saintifi k danKebudayaanUnited Nations Educational, Scientifi cand Cultural OrganizationUniversiti Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>University of Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>Universiti Teknologi <strong>Malaysia</strong>University of Technology <strong>Malaysia</strong>SARSSindrom Pernafasan AkutSevere Acute Respiratory SyndromeSCAMajlis <strong>Sains</strong> untuk AsiaScience Council for Asia112In Pursuit of Excellence in Science

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