Untitled - UNDP

Untitled - UNDP

Untitled - UNDP

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DAFTAR PUSTAKASTRATEGI NASIONALPENANGGULANGANHIV/AIDS 2003 – 20071. AIDS Division, Department of Communicable Disease Control, Ministryof Public Health, Thailand: National Plan for the Prevention and Alleviationof HIV/AIDS in Thailand, 2002-2006.2. ASEAN Secretariat: The ASEAN Work Programme HIV/AIDS II (2002-2005)3. AusAID: Compendium of Report, Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting,Melbourne, 2001.4. Kingdom of Cambodia, National AIDS Authority: National Strategic Planfor a Comprehensive and Multi- Sectoral Response to HIV/AIDS 2001-2005.5. Laporan dan Rekomendasi untuk Revitalisasi Peran, Struktur dan FungsiKPA dan Sekretariatnya. Jakarta, 2002.6. Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS, Kantor Menteri Koordinator BidangKesejahteraan Rakyat, RI: Sidang Kabinet Sesi Khusus HIV/AIDS, Maret2002. Respons saat ini, menangkal bencana nasional AIDS mendatang.Jakarta, 2002.7. Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS, Kantor Menteri Koordinator BidangKesejahteraan Rakyat, RI: Sidang Kabinet Khusus HIV/AIDS, Desember2002. Ancaman HIV/AIDS di Indonesia. Semakin nyata, perlupenanggulangan lebih nyata. Jakarta, 2002.8. Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS, Kantor Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesra,RI: Strategi Nasional Penanggulangan AIDS di Indonesia. 1994. Jakarta,1994.9. UNAIDS: Guide to the Strategic Planning Process for a National Responseto HIV/AIDS. 1998.10. UNAIDS: Implementing the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS.11. UNAIDS: Monitoring and Evaluation. Operation Manual.12. UNAIDS: Summary of Declaration of Commitment on AIDS. UNGASS,2001.13. <strong>UNDP</strong>: Toward Borderless Strategies Against HIV/AIDS. South East Asia,HIV and Development Programme. May 2002.35

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