Pengenalan Sektor Seni dan Budaya di Malaysia

Pengenalan Sektor Seni dan Budaya di Malaysia

Pengenalan Sektor Seni dan Budaya di Malaysia


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Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, UNIMASCOURSE TITLECOURSE CODEINTRODUCTION TO ARTS AND CULTURE SECTORS INMALAYSIA(<strong>Pengenalan</strong> <strong>Sektor</strong> <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>)GKP1013CREDIT 3PREREQUISITE/SSYNOPSISN/AThis course introduces students to the various sectors of arts (e.g.creative and culture sectors) found in <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Research will bedone on the classification, establishment, function andnetworking among the various organizations in the industriesconcerned. Stu<strong>di</strong>es will also be made on the ever changingsituation inclu<strong>di</strong>ng that of politics, economy, nation, laws,demography and culture to understand better the development ofpolicy and budget consideration related to arts organization andculture in this country. Various issues related to the program anddevelopment of arts and culture by the government will also beintroduced.(Kursus ini memperkenalkan kepada para pelajar mengenaiaspek penstrukturan sektor seni kreatif <strong>dan</strong> budaya yangterdapat <strong>di</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Kajian <strong>di</strong>lakukan ke atas klasifikasipenubuhan, fungsi, <strong>dan</strong> hubungan rangkaian pelbagaiorganisasi dalam industri yang berkaitan. Kajian terhadapperubahan persekitaran tentang politik, ekonomi, negara,perun<strong>dan</strong>gan, demografi, <strong>dan</strong> budaya akan <strong>di</strong>perlihatkanmenerusi kursus ini untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan pelajardari segi penentuan polisi <strong>dan</strong> pembiayaan yang telah berlaku keatas organisasi seni <strong>dan</strong> budaya <strong>di</strong> negara ini. Pelbagai isuberkaitan dengan perancangan <strong>dan</strong> pembangunan sektor seni<strong>dan</strong> budaya oleh pihak kerajaan akan turut <strong>di</strong>perkenalkan. )LEARNINGOUTCOMESBy the end of this course, students will be able to:o Identify the various aspects in the sectors of arts andculture and their importance.Mengenalpasti aspek-aspek penting dalam sektor seni <strong>dan</strong>GKP1013 Introduction to Arts and Culture Sectors in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 1 / 3

Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, UNIMASoobudaya(C1)Show the interaction between theory and practice in artsand culture sectors in <strong>Malaysia</strong>Menunjukkan hubungkait antara teori <strong>dan</strong> praktis dalamsektor seni <strong>dan</strong> budaya <strong>di</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> (P1, CS, TS)Discuss the role of arts organizations in <strong>Malaysia</strong> and theirfunction in cultural developmentMembincangkan mengenai peranan organisasi seni yangterdapat <strong>di</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> <strong>dan</strong> fungsinya dalam meningkatkankebudayaan. (A2, CS)STUDENTLEARNINGHOURSLecturesStudent-Centered LearningSelf-StudyQuizzes, Tests, & ExaminationsTotal26 Hour/s14 Hour/s79 Hour/s5 Hour/s124 Hour/sLEARNINGUNITSSupervisedLearning Hours1. Introduction to Arts and Culture sectors in <strong>Malaysia</strong><strong>Pengenalan</strong> <strong>Sektor</strong> <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>22. Framework of Arts and Culture4Rangka <strong>Seni</strong> Dan <strong>Budaya</strong>3. Activites of Arts and Culture4Aktiviti-aktiviti seni <strong>dan</strong> budaya4. Organizations: Arts and Culture in <strong>Malaysia</strong>4Organisasi-organisasi <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>5. Industry: Arts and Culture2Industri <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong>6. Current issues in Arts and Culture in <strong>Malaysia</strong>2Isu isu semasa <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong> <strong>di</strong> Malasyia7. Direction of Arts and Culture in <strong>Malaysia</strong>2Halatuju <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>8. Enviromental Elements influencing Arts and Culture 2Pengaruh Elemen persekitaran ke atas <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong>GKP1013 Introduction to Arts and Culture Sectors in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 2 / 3

Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, UNIMAS<strong>Budaya</strong>9. Issues involving Program and Policies of Arts andCulture(Students to <strong>di</strong>vide into groups for <strong>di</strong>scussion andpresentation)Isu-isu Perancangan <strong>dan</strong> Polisi <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>dan</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong>(Pelajar-pelajar akan mengadakan perbincangandalam kumpulan mengenai perkara <strong>di</strong> atas, kemu<strong>di</strong>andapatan daripada perbincangan tersebut akan<strong>di</strong>bentangkan <strong>di</strong> hadapan kelas oleh wakil kumpulanberkenaan)4ASSESSMENT Tugasan20 %Peperiksaan Pertengahan Semester20 %Peperiksaan Akhir Semester30 %Projek Minggu <strong>Seni</strong> <strong>Budaya</strong> <strong>dan</strong> Warisan30 %Total100 %REFERENCES 1. Chris, B. (2006). Management and creativity : Fromcreative industries to creative management. New York :Wiley and Sons.2. Department of Culture Me<strong>di</strong>a and Sport. (2001) Creativeindustries mapping document. London : DCMS.3. Selwood, S. (Ed). (2001. The UK cultural sector : Profilland policy issues. London PSILast updated: December 8, 2010, Wed, 8:49 PMGKP1013 Introduction to Arts and Culture Sectors in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 3 / 3

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