Pedoman Pelayanan Peringatan Dini Tsunami InaTEWS - GITEWS

Pedoman Pelayanan Peringatan Dini Tsunami InaTEWS - GITEWS

Pedoman Pelayanan Peringatan Dini Tsunami InaTEWS - GITEWS


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Daftar PustakaBadan Meteorologi Klimatologi Dan Geofisika (BMKG): <strong>InaTEWS</strong>, Indonesia <strong>Tsunami</strong> Early WarningSystem, Konsep dan Implementasi, Maret 2010.Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi Dan Geofisika (BMKG): Katalog <strong>Tsunami</strong>, (2010).Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (BNPB): Perencanaan Kontinjensi MenghadapiBencana, Juli 2008.Bernard E.N.: The U.S. National <strong>Tsunami</strong> Hazard Mitigation Program: A successful State-Federalpartnership. Natural Hazards, 35, 5-24, 2005.Eko Yulianto, Fauzi Kusmayanto, Nandang Supriyatna, Dirhamsyah: Selamat Dari Bencana <strong>Tsunami</strong>,Pembelajaran dari <strong>Tsunami</strong> Aceh dan Pangandaran, UNESCO-JTIC, 2010.Jankaew A., Atwater B.F., Sawai Y., Choowong M., Charoentirat T., Martin M.E., Prendergast A.: Medievalforewarning of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Thailand. Nature International WeeklyJournal of Science, Oktober 2008.Subandono Diposaptono, Budiman: Hidup Akrab Dengan Gempa dan <strong>Tsunami</strong>, Penerbit Buku IlmiahPopuler, Januari 2008.The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: World Disaster Report 2009, Focuson Early Warning, Early Action, 2009.UNISDR: EWC III Third International Conference on Early Warning, From Concept to Action. DevelopingEarly Warning Systems: A Checklist, Maret 2006.United Nation: Global Survey of Early Warning Systems An Assessment of Capacities, Gaps andOpportunities Towards Building a Comprehensive Global Early Warning System for AllNatural Hazards. A Report Prepared at The Request of The Secretary-General of TheUnited Nations, September 2006.OnlineWebsite BMKG:Website BNPB:Website BAPPENAS, Kerentanan:Website GTZ-IS <strong>GITEWS</strong>, <strong>Tsunami</strong>Kit:Website ITIC, <strong>Tsunami</strong> Glossary:Website JTIC-UNESCO:www.bmkg.go.idwww.bnpb.go.idhttp://kawasan.bappenas.go.idwww.gitews.org/tsunami-kitwww.drgeorgepc.com/<strong>Tsunami</strong>Glossary.pdfwww.jtic.org134 | <strong>Pedoman</strong> <strong>Pelayanan</strong> <strong>Peringatan</strong> <strong>Dini</strong> <strong>Tsunami</strong> <strong>InaTEWS</strong>

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