Magic Ink - Magic Wave

Magic Ink - Magic Wave

Magic Ink - Magic Wave

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Perempuan yang kecil-kecil cabe rawit ini ternyata dari SD udahkepingin punya tato, karna liat kakaknya yang juga bertato. Widieakhirnya memulai sejarah tintanya beberapa tahun terakhir ini.Perempuan yang hobi fotografi dan menari sekaligus jadi editorsalah satu free photography magazine di Indonesia ini jadi memilikipandangannya sendiri tentang tato dan kehidupannya. Cekidot!This petite woman already started her passion to get tattoos sinceshe’s in elementary school, seeing her tattooed brother. Widie finallystarted her ink history in recent years. Widie who likes photographyand dancing, works as an editor of one free photographymagazine in Indonesia, and she has her point of view about tattooand her life. Check it out!Dear Widie, certain dikit dong tentang pekerjaanmu?Aku kerja di komunitas Fotografer.net (situs fotografi terbesar se-Asia Tenggara), tepatnya di posisi editor majalah Exposure. tugas2kuga jauh beda dgn jurnalistik pd umumnya: nulis & ngeditberita, liputan.Sampai sekarang ini, apa sih motivasimu untuk punya tato?Kalo jaman masi eSDe dulu, niat punya tato krn pengen nyainginkakakkku (biasa, siblings battle, hhehe..) Kalo sekarang, tato jadisalah satu ungkapan filosofi hidupku, selain juga jadi bentuk karyaseni. Semua tato punya konsep & makna sendiri2. Yg di bagiankanan badan sbg “encourager”, yang di kiri sebagai “reminder”dlm menjalani hidup.Tato apa aja yang udah kamu punya?Salib dgn tulisan “The only Love that never fails”, Bunga kamboja/jepun, Gunungan & potongan sajak “Ngelmu Pring” Rm. Sindhunatayg ditulis dlm aksara Jawa, Nagasasra (naga dlm mitologi Jawa)dgn pahatan JawaTato yang mana yang paling meaningful buat kamu?*Salib tahun 2009-2010 adl tahun yg sangat berat. Banyak masalahmenimpa aku, & aku smpet ngerasa putus asa, ditinggalkan, bahkanditolak. Waktu itu aku cuma bisa berdoa supaya aku tdk dendamsama siapapun yg memperlakukan aku dgn buruk. Tato iniadl wujud syukurku krn DIA selalu mendampingi aku.*Nagasasra jelas berkesan, krn prosesnya cukup lama & painful,hhuhuhu,, Tato ini bikin aku semakin sadar bhw ga ada segala sesuatuyg gampang di dunia ini, semua butuh proses…Kamu kan baru bertato malah waktu udah masuk dunia kerja,pernah ada masalah gak sih, ato ada pengalaman yang menariktentang itu?Enggak ada,, kebetulan org2 di lingkungan kerjaku (fotografi)kebanyakan org2 yg liberal, justru mereka jadi tertarik buat fotoaku (ini agak bikin aku mati gaya juga nih, biasanya kan aku yangmotret, sekarang malah diminta jadi bahan jepretan, hhehe)Dengan koleksi tatomu yang udah sejauh ini, apa pandanganmutentang tato, dan akan sejauh apa rencanamu ke depan untukbuat tato?Aku makin cinta sama tato, walo mau dikatain macem2 amaorang lain. Yang jelas, buatku tato itu karya seni, sama halnya sepertifotografi atau tari Bali (dua bidang seni yg aku suka). Aku lagirencana mau bikin photostory ttg tato (sekalian tambah belajarfotografi juga :D), sekarang lagi mikirin konsep/storyboardnya. Kaloga ada halangan, nanti foto2 tatoku yg dipotret oleh beberapatemenku yg fotografer juga mau aku pake buat memperkenalkanseni tato ke masyarakat. Semoga dgn itu masyarakat bisa lebihbijaksana & ga sepihak dlm memandang tato.Denger-denger kamu juga seorang penari Bali ya?ceritain dongtentang kegiatanmu yang satu iniSebenernya aku udah seneng nari dari SMP. waktu itu aku sempatbelajar tari Jawa, tapi rasanya kurang sesuai sama kepribadianku.wkt taun 2007, aku motret pentas tari Bali komunitas tari Bali “SekarJepun”. dari situ, aku kmudian gabung dgn komunitas itu. kebetulan,ketua komunitas itu juga adl dosen pembimbing skripsiku. sempatikut di sanggar Saraswati juga. taun 2009-2010 aku dipercayajadi wakil ketua komunitas Sekar Jepun. selain tari Bali, aku jugasempat bbrapa kali bikin koreografi sendiri, tari kontemporer tapitetep aku masukin unsur tari Bali. paling senang ketika diminta naridi acara peringatan hari Perdamaian Dunia di Benteng Vredeburg(walaupun hujan jadi harus molor 3jam). taun ini aku istirahat duludari komunitas, krn di kantor juga lagi banyak event. tapi, aku adarencana bikin sendratari perpaduan tari kontemporer dgn tradisionalbrg temen2 yg jga suka nari. skrg sdg nyusun konsep & ngumpulinSDM-nya.Any words for <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Ink</strong>?“Art is humble, it should never be arrogant nor over-prided. And, soshould tattoo be.”Dear Widie, can you tell us about your job?I work in Fotografer.net community (a largest photography site inSoutheast Asia), as an editor of Exposure magazine. My tasks usuallyare not far different with most journalistic tasks: writing and editingnews and reports.Until now, what’s your motivation to have tattoos?Back in the elementary school time, I want to have tattoos to beatmy brother (ah, siblings battle, hehe…). While now, tattoo is an expressionof my life philosophy, and comes together in an art form.All my tattoos have their own concept and meaning. “Encouragers”of life on the right side, and “reminders” of life on the left side.What tattoos do you already have?A cross with :The only Love that never fails” lettering, frangipani flowers,a “gunungan” and a quote from “Ngelmu Pring” poem wroteby Rm. Sindhunata, which was tattooed in Javanese scripture, anda Nagasasra (a dragon in Javanese mythology), with Javanesecarvings.Which tattoos are the most meaningful to you?*The cross (which is made in) 2009-2010, a very tough year. So manyproblems and I felt desperate, left alone and even rejected. At thetime all I can do was praying so that I don’t grudge anyone whotreated me bad. This tattoo is my form of grateful because HE alwaysby my side.*The Nagasasra obviously memorable, because of its painful andlong process, huhuhu….This tattoo gets me realize that there’s nothingeasy in this world, everything has its process…You got your first tattoo when you’re already at work, was there anyproblem, or any particular experience about that?Nothing in particular…Fortunately, people in my work area (photography)are mostly liberals, so they then interested to photographedme (and this kinda make me feel awkward, because I usually whotake photographs, and now I’m the model, hehe).With your tattoo collections now, what’s your opinion about tattoo,and do you have more plans for tattoo in the future?I am more in love with tattoos, even though people say variousthings about it. Clearly, for me, tattoo is an art form, just like photographyor Bali dance (two art forms which I like most). I am planningto make a photo story about tattoos (at the same time to improvemy photography techniques too :D), and now I’m still thinking of themain concept/storyboard. If there’s no obstacle, I want to use mytattoo pictures (which are photographed by some of my photographerfriends) to introduce tattoo art to many people. Hopefully bydoing that people can act more wisely and has multilateral pointof view towards tattoo.Rumors said that you are a Bali dancer too? Please tell us aboutthis :)I actually like to dance since I was in junior high school. At the time,I learned Java dance, but I think it’s not really in my personality. In2007, I photographed Bali dance performance from “Sekar Jepun”Bali dancer community. Since then I joined the community, and bychance, the chairman of the community is also my thesis lecturer/adviser. I also was in Saraswati dance studio, and in 2009-2010 I wastrusted as a vice chairman in Sekar Jepun community. Other thanBali dance, I made my own choreography few times, contemporarydances but with some Bali dance elements on it. I felt mosthappy when I was asked to dance in World Peace memorial day inVredeburg Fort (even though the performance has to be delayedin 3 hours because of raining). This year, I take a break from thecommunity because there are so many upcoming events in theoffice. But I have a plan to make a choreography which is a fusionof contemporary and traditional dance, together with my fellowdancers. We are now arranging the concept and gathering thepeople who can help.Any words for <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Ink</strong>?“Art is humble, it should never be arrogant nor over-prided. And, soshould tattoo be.”Text : LoisPhoto : HohoText : Lois6 <strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Ink</strong>Photo : Aditya Saputra<strong>Magic</strong> <strong>Ink</strong> 7

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