1. International Convention On Civil Liability For Bunker Oil Pollution ...

1. International Convention On Civil Liability For Bunker Oil Pollution ...

1. International Convention On Civil Liability For Bunker Oil Pollution ...

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<strong>Bunker</strong>s hendaklah disertakan dengan berikut –• Salinan sijil pendaftaran kapal• Salinan sijil insurans• Bayaran RM100 bagi kapal Malaysia danRM400 bagi kapal asingshall be accompanied with the following –• A copy of the ship’s certificate of registry• A copy of the insurance certificate• Payment of RM100 for Malaysian shipand RM400 for foreign shipKonvensyen LLMC 199610. Konvensyen LLMC 1996 menetapkanpembatasan liabiliti bagi semua tuntutan maritimyang dirankumi di bawah Konvensyen tersebut.1<strong>1.</strong> Skop Konvensyen LLMC 1996 adalah –• Kehilangan nyawa dan kecederaanperibadi• Kerosakan atau kehilangan harta bendatermasuk kerosakan pada kerja-kerjapelabuhan, lurah dan alur pelayaran, danalat-alat bantuan pelayaran• Kerugian berpunca dari kelewatanpengangkutan kargo, penumpang danbagasi melalui laut• Kerugian berpunca dari pelanggaran hakdan lain-lain hak dalam kontrak• Penimbulan, pengalihan, pemusnahanatau penamatan bahaya bangkai kapal• Pengalihan, pemusnahan atau penamatanbahaya kargo kapal12. Semua pihak adalah dinasihatkan untukmerujuk teks Konvensyen berkenaan bagimemahami sepenuhnya isikandungnya.LLMC <strong>Convention</strong> 199610. The LLMC <strong>Convention</strong> 1996 sets the limits ofliability for all maritime claims covered by the<strong>Convention</strong>.1<strong>1.</strong> The scope of the LLMC <strong>Convention</strong> 1996 is –• Loss of lives and personal injury• Loss of or damage to property includingdamage to port works, basin andwaterways and aids to navigation• Loss resulting from delay in the carriageby sea of cargo, passengers or theirluggage• Loss resulting from infringement of rightsother than contractual rights• Raising, removal, destruction or therendering harmless of wrecks• Removal, destruction or the renderingharmless of the cargo of a ship13. All parties are advised to refer to the textof the <strong>Convention</strong> to understand fully its contents.Ketua Pengarah Laut / Director General of MarineTarikh/ Date: Januari 2009/ January 2009

Permohonan Perakuan <strong>Bunker</strong>s / Application for <strong>Bunker</strong>s CertificateLampiran/Annex<strong>1.</strong> Setiap permohonan bagi Perakuan <strong>Bunker</strong>shendaklah disertakan dengan berikut –• Salinan sijil pendaftaran kapal• Salinan sijil insurans• Bayaran RM100 bagi kapal Malaysia danRM400 bagi kapal asing2. Permohonan boleh dibuat dengan datang terusdi Ibu Pejabat Laut, Jabatan Laut Malaysia,Bahagian Keselamatan Pelayaran, Jalan<strong>For</strong>eshore, Pelabuhan Klang atau melalui emel.Bagi permohonan yang dibuat melalui emelpemohon hendaklah datang ke Ibu Pejabat Lautuntuk pembayaran dan pengambilan sijilinsurans.3. Permohonan melalui emel boleh ditujukankepada-<strong>1.</strong> Every application for a <strong>Bunker</strong>s Certificateshall be accompanied with the following –• A copy of the ship’s certificate of registry• A copy of the insurance certificate• Payment of RM100 for Malaysian shipand RM400 for foreign ship2. Application may be made by coming directly tothe Marine Headquarters, Marine DepartmentMalaysia, Safety of Navigation Division,<strong>For</strong>eshore Road, Port Klang or through email.The applicant for any application made throughemail shall be required to come to the MarineHeadquarters for payment and collection of thecertificate of insurance.3. Application made through email may bedirected to –(i)Encik Md. Badron bin Ismail;Tel: 603 31695239Emel: badron@marine.gov.my(i)Mr. Md. Badron bin IsmailTel: 603 3169 5239Email: badron@marine.gov.my(ii)Puan Farah Juhaida bt AriffinTel: 603 3169 5156Emel: juhaida@marine.gov.my(ii)Mrs. Farah Juhaida bt AriffinTel: 603 3169 5156Email: juhaida@marine.gov.my4. Perakuan <strong>Bunker</strong>s akan hanya muladikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Laut pada 12 Februari2009. Walaubagaimanapun, permohonan bolehdibuat mulai dari tarikh Notis ini.4. The Marine Department will only start issuing<strong>Bunker</strong>s Certificates on 12 February 2009.However, application may be made from the dateof this Notice.

Certificate No: ……………………AKTA PERKAPALAN SAUDAGAR (PENCEMARAN MINYAK) 1994MERCHANT SHIPPING (OIL POLLUTION) ACT 1994PERATURAN-PERATURAN PERKAPALAN SAUDAGAR (PENCEMARAN MINYAK) (INSURANS WAJIB) 1995MERCHANT SHIPPING (OIL POLLUTION) (COMPULSORY INSURANCE) REGULATIONS 1995PERAKUAN INSURANS ATAU CAGARAN KEWANGAN LAIN BERKENAAN DENGAN LIABILITI SIVIL BAGI KEROSAKANPENCEMARAN DARI MINYAK BUNKERCERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OR OTHER FINANCIAL SECURITY IN RESPECT OF CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGEDikeluarkan menurut peruntukan Artikel 7 Konvensyen mengenai Liabiliti Sivil bagi Kerosakan Pencemarandari Minyak <strong>Bunker</strong>, 2001Issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Convention</strong> on <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Liability</strong> for <strong>Bunker</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> Damage, 2001Nama Kapal(Name of Ship)Nombor atauHuruf yangJelas(Distinctive Numberor Letters)Nombor PengenalanKapal IMO(IMO Ship IdentificationNumber)PelabuhanPendaftaran(Port of Registry)Nama dan alamat lengkap tempatberniaga utama pemunya berdaftar(Name and full address of the principal place ofbusiness of the registered owner)Adalah disahkan bahawa adalah berkuatkuasa berkenaan kapal seperti dinamakan di atas suatu polisi insurans ataucagaran kewangan lain yang mematuhi kehendak Artikel 7 Konvensyen Antarabangsa berhubung Liabiliti Sivil bagiKerosakan Pencemaran dari Minyak <strong>Bunker</strong>, 2001(This is to certify that there is in force in respect of the above-named ship a policy of insurance or other financial security satisfying therequirements of Article 7 of the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Convention</strong> on <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Liability</strong> for <strong>Bunker</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Pollution</strong> Damage, 2001)Jenis cagaran:(Type of security)Policy of Insurance / Financial SecurityTempoh cagaran: …………………………………………............................................(Duration of security)Nama dan Alamat Penanggung Insurans dan / atau Penjamin:(Name and Address of Insurer(s) and/or Guarantor(s))Nama (Name): …………………………………………………….........................................................................…Alamat (Address): ……...…………………………………………….................................................…............................................................……………………………………………..................................................................................Perakuan ini adalah sah sehingga: ………………………(This certificate is valid until)Dikeluarkan atau diperakukan oleh Kerajaan MALAYSIA(Issued or certified by the Government of)Di (At) ……………………………………………Tempat (Place)Pada (<strong>On</strong>) ………………………………………Tarikh (Date)…………………………………………PENGARAH LAUT(Director of Marine)

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