PDRB Menurut Lapangan Usaha 2004-2008 - Gunungkidul

PDRB Menurut Lapangan Usaha 2004-2008 - Gunungkidul PDRB Menurut Lapangan Usaha 2004-2008 - Gunungkidul

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49Tabel 6. Indeks Perkembangan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten Gunungkidul menurutLapangan Usaha atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000, Tahun 2004 - 2008Table 6. Growth Index of Gross Regional Domestic Product of Gunungkidul Regencyat Constant 2000 Market Price by Industrial Origin in 2004 - 2008Lapangan UsahaIndustrial Origin 2004 2005 2006 r 2007*) 2008**)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)1. Pertanian / Agriculture 105.25 109.96 115.23 117.05 123.22a. Tanaman Bahan Makanan 101.10 108.56 114.83 113.53 122.84Farm Food Cropsb. Tanaman Perkebunan 115.50 116.06 118.46 131.21 133.63Farm Non Food Cropsc. Peternakan dan Hasil-hasilnya 119.53 123.35 125.65 137.49 133.39Livestock and Productsd. Kehutanan 113.20 103.41 107.02 113.63 113.48Forestrye. Perikanan 102.68 116.99 113.64 136.86 135.13Fishery2. Pertambangan dan Penggalian 95.53 93.90 95.68 93.91 93.29Mining and Quarryinga. Minyak dan Gas Bumi - - - - -Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Miningb. Pertambangan tanpa Migas - - - - -Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Miningc. Penggalian 95.53 93.90 95.68 93.91 93.29Quarrying3. Industri Pengolahan 112.50 116.02 119.04 120.74 122.39Manufacturing Industriesa. Industri Migas - - - - -Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industryb. Industri tanpa migas 112.50 116.02 119.04 120.74 122.39Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry4. Listrik, Gas dan Air Bersih 156.92 163.85 170.03 189.05 202.75Electricity, Gas and Water Supplya. Listrik 155.84 162.29 168.89 188.13 202.64Electricityb. Gas - - - - -Gasc. Air bersih 165.42 176.22 179.10 196.37 203.64Water Supply5. Konstruksi 126.65 138.78 142.93 155.42 165.56Construction6. Perdagangan, Hotel, dan Restoran 118.57 122.77 126.66 137.24 143.20Trade, Hotel, and Restauranta. Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran 116.03 120.40 124.65 136.50 142.82Wholesale and Retail Tradeb. Hotel 111.03 116.82 91.69 94.06 110.12Hotelc. Restoran 126.32 129.98 133.83 140.97 145.49RestaurantProduk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten Gunungkidul menurut Lapangan Usaha 2004 - 2008/Gross Regional Domestic Product of Gunungkidul Regency by Industrial Origin, 2004- 2008

50Lanjutan / ContinuedLapangan UsahaIndustrial Origin 2004 2005 2006 r 2007*) 2008**)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)7. Pengangkutan dan Komunikasi 128.14 134.63 142.93 151.90 157.47Tansportation and Communicationa. Pengangkutan 127.22 134.02 142.60 150.80 156.30Transportation1. Angkutan rel - - - -Railway transport2. Angkutan jalan raya 128.15 135.17 144.08 152.23 157.84Road transport3. Angkutan laut - - - -Sea transport4. Angkutan sungai dan danau - - - -Inland water and crossing5. Angkutan udara - - - -Air transport6. Jasa penunjang angkutan 104.91 106.38 107.31 116.60 119.45Supporting and auxiliary transportationb. Komunikasi 138.98 141.78 146.80 164.73 171.24Communication1. Pos dan telekomunikasi 139.12 143.42 145.63 162.43 168.44Post and telecommunication2. Jasa penunjang komunikasi 138.75 139.23 148.64 168.32 175.60Communication supporting services8. Keuangan, Sewa dan Jasa Perusahaan 141.55 148.90 151.55 163.85 176.24Finance, Rent of Building and Business Servicesa. Bank 191.50 208.64 194.90 231.62 280.31Bankingb. Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank 152.33 161.09 175.04 167.67 168.48Non Bank Finance Intermediariesc. Jasa Penunjang Keuangan - - - -Finance Supporting Servicesd. Sewa Bangunan 127.57 132.24 137.20 146.77 151.72Rent of Buildinge. Jasa Perusahaan 103.85 105.21 109.29 117.44 120.20Business Service9. Jasa-jasa 122.58 126.62 130.41 135.13 139.28Servicesa. Pemerintahan Umum 124.03 128.22 132.12 136.64 140.90General Government1. Administrasi pemerintahan dan pertahanan 78.98 81.58 83.88 86.45 88.94Government and defense administration2. Jasa pemerintahan lainnya - - - -Other government servicesb. Swasta 114.72 117.91 121.04 126.89 130.46Private Services1. Sosial kemasyarakatan 116.76 120.27 124.39 126.37 129.29Society and community2. Hiburan dan rekreasi 134.16 141.78 154.48 167.10 175.47Entertainment and recreation3. Perorangan dan rumah tangga 109.92 112.13 112.91 120.89 124.24Personal and householdPRODUK DOMESTIK REGIONAL BRUTOGross Regional Domestic Product114.13 119.07 123.62 128.45134.09Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten Gunungkidul menurut Lapangan Usaha 2004 - 2008/Gross Regional Domestic Product of Gunungkidul Regency by Industrial Origin, 2004- 2008

49Tabel 6. Indeks Perkembangan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten <strong>Gunungkidul</strong> menurut<strong>Lapangan</strong> <strong>Usaha</strong> atas Dasar Harga Konstan 2000, Tahun <strong>2004</strong> - <strong>2008</strong>Table 6. Growth Index of Gross Regional Domestic Product of <strong>Gunungkidul</strong> Regencyat Constant 2000 Market Price by Industrial Origin in <strong>2004</strong> - <strong>2008</strong><strong>Lapangan</strong> <strong>Usaha</strong>Industrial Origin <strong>2004</strong> 2005 2006 r 2007*) <strong>2008</strong>**)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)1. Pertanian / Agriculture 105.25 109.96 115.23 117.05 123.22a. Tanaman Bahan Makanan 101.10 108.56 114.83 113.53 122.84Farm Food Cropsb. Tanaman Perkebunan 115.50 116.06 118.46 131.21 133.63Farm Non Food Cropsc. Peternakan dan Hasil-hasilnya 119.53 123.35 125.65 137.49 133.39Livestock and Productsd. Kehutanan 113.20 103.41 107.02 113.63 113.48Forestrye. Perikanan 102.68 116.99 113.64 136.86 135.13Fishery2. Pertambangan dan Penggalian 95.53 93.90 95.68 93.91 93.29Mining and Quarryinga. Minyak dan Gas Bumi - - - - -Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Miningb. Pertambangan tanpa Migas - - - - -Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Miningc. Penggalian 95.53 93.90 95.68 93.91 93.29Quarrying3. Industri Pengolahan 112.50 116.02 119.04 120.74 122.39Manufacturing Industriesa. Industri Migas - - - - -Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industryb. Industri tanpa migas 112.50 116.02 119.04 120.74 122.39Non Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry4. Listrik, Gas dan Air Bersih 156.92 163.85 170.03 189.05 202.75Electricity, Gas and Water Supplya. Listrik 155.84 162.29 168.89 188.13 202.64Electricityb. Gas - - - - -Gasc. Air bersih 165.42 176.22 179.10 196.37 203.64Water Supply5. Konstruksi 126.65 138.78 142.93 155.42 165.56Construction6. Perdagangan, Hotel, dan Restoran 118.57 122.77 126.66 137.24 143.20Trade, Hotel, and Restauranta. Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran 116.03 120.40 124.65 136.50 142.82Wholesale and Retail Tradeb. Hotel 111.03 116.82 91.69 94.06 110.12Hotelc. Restoran 126.32 129.98 133.83 140.97 145.49RestaurantProduk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten <strong>Gunungkidul</strong> menurut <strong>Lapangan</strong> <strong>Usaha</strong> <strong>2004</strong> - <strong>2008</strong>/Gross Regional Domestic Product of <strong>Gunungkidul</strong> Regency by Industrial Origin, <strong>2004</strong>- <strong>2008</strong>

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