saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (49), 2011 ART SCIENCE ...

saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (49), 2011 ART SCIENCE ... saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (49), 2011 ART SCIENCE ...


DRAMA DIRECTION Head of the Program: Prof. Giorgi Margvelashvili, Vasil Kiknadze Tiko Qoiava Second year PhD Student ACTUALITY OF NON-VERBAL THEATRICAL TENDENCIES OF THEATRE ART IN 21 CENTURY Summary Actuality of non-verbal theatrical tendencies of theatre art in 21 century doesn’t mean to neglect existing directions this is a platform for innovatory ideas. Show elements have great delight due to demands of aesthetics in society. Therefore this direction obtained popularity, though it isn’t easy to keep it on a proper level. Fusion of two arts. (theatre and choreography) creates necessity of existence of skilled creative group, according to which a choreographic producer should stage and actor-dancers correspondently must act. Tandem of creative groups were drawn in there four plays, which gave opportunity to spectators to see fusion of these two fields. Georgia, as one of the part of world culture, in this regard, it shouldn’t be behind. 206

FILM DIRECTING Head of the Program: Prof. Davit Janelidze, Lela Ochiauri Giorgi Ugrelidze Second year PhD Student DIRECTING IN THE IDEOLOGICALLY POLITICAL CONTEXT AT THE EXAMPLE OF EXPRESSIONISM, NEOREALISM AND TELEVISION Summary Film expressionism, having appeared in Germany before World War I and neo realism, which appeared in Italy at the end of World War II reflected the orientation (line) of the epoch, in which the vision of a director was ideologically political. When comparing both lines of film expressionism and neorealism, we can emphasize the general Stimulus on violence and on the mood of the protest, on the politically – ideological moment and also on clear handwriting of a director. On the other hand the difference between the contents and the formal side is radial. The end of neo-realism coincided with the appearance of the epoch of television. The main factor of development of the television became main determinations instantaneous and intimateness. And the development of television was going on with such fast speed that in 1936 it became possible to broadcast Olympic Games in Berlin. This fact became stage full in the history of television. Such scale and instantaneous of television cause confidence from each spectator. From the 50-ies the television raises on new height. Until political processes are in the interest of mankind, the artistic works won’t lose their realism. 207


Head of the Program: Prof. Davit Janelidze, Lela Ochiauri<br />

Giorgi Ugrelidze<br />

Second year PhD Student<br />




Summary<br />

Film expressionism, having appeared in Germany before<br />

World War I and neo realism, which appeared in Italy at the end<br />

of World War II reflected the orientation (line) of the epoch, in<br />

which the vision of a director was ideologically political. When<br />

comparing both lines of film expressionism and neorealism,<br />

we can emphasize the general Stimulus on violence and on the<br />

mood of the protest, on the politically – ideological moment and<br />

also on clear handwriting of a director. On the other hand the<br />

difference between the contents and the formal side is radial.<br />

The end of neo-realism coincided with the appearance of<br />

the epoch of television.<br />

The main factor of development of the television became<br />

main determinations instantaneous and intimateness.<br />

And the development of television was going on with such<br />

fast speed that in 1936 it became possible to broadcast Olympic<br />

Games in Berlin. This fact became stage full in the history of<br />

television.<br />

Such scale and instantaneous of television cause confidence<br />

from each spectator. From the 50-ies the television raises on<br />

new height.<br />

Until political processes are in the interest of mankind, the<br />

artistic works won’t lose their realism.<br />


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