2009 - Ciputra Development

2009 - Ciputra Development 2009 - Ciputra Development

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PT CIPUTRA DEVELOPMENT TBK Hotel Ciputra Semarang bekerjasama dengan Mal Ciputra Semarang menyelenggarakan acara untuk menyemarakkan HUT Kota Semarang yg ke 463. Acara spektakuler ini, diikuti 1.000 orang secara bersama sama menggulung dan menyajikan Lumpia, dan sekaligus untuk menegaskan bahwa lumpia layak sebagai souvenir kuliner kota Semarang. Acara ini dibuka oleh Walikota Semarang dan mendapat penghargaan MURI sebagai “Penyelenggara Menggulung Lumpia dengan Peserta Terbanyak“. Hotel Ciputra Semarang collaborated with Ciputra Mall Semarang to hold an event celebrating Semarang City’s 463th anniversary. This spectacular event was attended by 1,000 who participated in rolling and serving of spring rolls (lumpia), to affirm that lumpias are worthy of the title “Semarang’s culinary souvenir”. This event was set off by Semarang’s Mayor and received “Spring Rolls Rolled by the Largest Amount of People” record from MURI. CitraRaya Tangerang menggelar Open House Rumah Contoh di cluster Park View Residence dengan berbagai acara, antara lain; fasilitas KPR dengan bunga ringan 9,9% fixed selama 5 tahun, kids competition festival, jumpa tokoh heroes, story telling, magic ballon, demo masak dan berbagai marketing events. CitraRaya Tangerang held a display house open home at Park View Residence Cluster accompanied with other events such as kids’ competition festival, “Meet a Hero”, story telling, magic balloon, cooking demonstration and various marketing events. There was also a special offer of a fixed rate low interest mortgage (9.9% p.a.) for 5 years. JULI JULY The Taman Dayu Pandaan meluncurkan Golf Mansion, Villa Montana Hills dan Orlando Hills. Customer yang mengadakan transaksi pembelian rumah pada acara ini diberikan fasilitas bebas biaya KPR dan BPHTB. Selain itu acara ini juga dimeriahkan dengan berbagai jenis permainan keluarga, seperti; mencoba permainan gratis put put golf, flying fox, spider web dan gratis mencoba berbagai makanan piknik. The Taman Dayu Pandaan held a launching event for Golf Mansion, Villa Montana Hills and Orlando Hills. Customers entering into transactions at this event were given free mortgage and Land and Building Ownership Tax (BPHTB) facilities. The event also consisted of family entertainment such as: mini golf, flying fox, spider web and free picnic food tastings. Ciputra Golf, Club dan Hotel di Surabaya mengadakan program “Mandiri dan Kreatif Selama Liburan Sekolah“. Anak anak seusia Sekolah Dasar diperkenalkan dengan kehidupan alam terbuka, antara lain; tinggal di dalam tenda, outbound, fun walking, api unggun dan mengolah barang bekas menjadi kreasi bernilai jual tinggi dan berbagai kegiatan lain yg harus diikuti tanpa didampingi orangtua dan pengasuh. Ciputra Golf, Club and Hotel in Surabaya held a holiday program themed “Independent and Creative on School Holidays”. Primary school students are introduced to outdoor activities such as: staying in a tent, character building, fun walk, camp fire and recycling second hand goods to be creation of high value independent of their parents or guardians’ supervision. 16

LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Mal Ciputra Semarang selama satu bulan penuh menyelenggarakan acara “Liburan Bersama Upin dan Ipin“ dengan mendatangkan pengisi suara asli Upin dan Ipin dari Malaysia. Rangkaian kegiatan lain adalah; pertunjukan tari ballet, konser musik, fashion show, dan berbagai aktifitas corporate social responsibilities lain seperti; Polisi Sahabat Anak dan Gerakan Seribu untuk Hati. Ciputra Mall Semarang held a one-month event themed “Holidays with Upin and Ipin”, featuring the voice artist of the Upin and Ipin characters from Malaysia. The event consists of ballet performance, music concert, fashion show, and several Corporate Social Responsibilities events such as: “Polisi Sahabat Anak (The Police are Children’s Friends)” and “Gerakan Seribu untuk Hati (The Thousand for Heart Movement)”. AGUSTUS OKTOBER AUGUST OCTOBER CitraLand Surabaya melakukan Open House rumah tipe terbaru Amaris, yg menyediakan hunian berkualitas dengan fasilitas dan infrastuktur terpadu. Hunian ekslusif dua lantai yang didesain harmonis ini terletak di kawasan Woodland Regency. Tersedia pula fasilitas KPR dengan bunga 7,5 % tahun pertama dan uang muka 10 persen atau kemudahan pembayaran dengan angsuran tetap selama tiga tahun. Rangkaian acara lain dalam launching ini adalah; Rubik’s Cube Competition, art performance, food bazaar, fruit quality promo, fun kids game, dan test drive Nissan Motor. CitraLand Banjarmasin kembali meluncurkan cluster terbaru, yaitu “The Boulevard” di Grand Palace Restaurant Banjarmasin. Cluster ini terletak di jalur utama Citraland, dan didesign dengan gaya arsitektur kontemporer modern dengan sentuhan artistik. Penataan ruangnya pun sangat cermat dengan menghadirkan ruang-ruang yang nyaman, pencahayaan yang efisien, dan memadukan vertical dan horizontal lines bukaan transparan yang dominan dan profil minimalis. Ditawarkan hanya 22 unit dan langsung terjual 15 unit. CitraLand Surabaya held an open home of the newest type of its houses, “Amaris”, which provides high quality residence and integrated facilities and infrastructure. These harmonically designed two-storey residence is located at Woodland Regency. At this event, 7.5% p.a. mortgage facility with 10% deposit or an easy fixed payment option for three years is offered. Other activities at this event include: Rubiks Cube Competition, art performance, food festival, quality fruits promotion, fun kids game and Nissan motorcycle test drive. CitraLand Banjarmasin launched its newest cluster yet, “The Boulevard” at Grand Palace restaurant Banjarmasin. This cluster is located at the main route to CitraLand and is designed in contemporary architecture with artistic touches. Design features of the rooms consist of efficient lighting, the integration on vertical and horizontal lines, and dominant transparent open places. Only 22 units were offered of which 15 were sold at the event. NOVEMBER PT Ciputra Development Tbk melakukan presentasi kepada public dalam acara “Investor Summit & Capital Market Expo 2010 di Surabaya “. PT Ciputra Development Tbk made a public presentation at the event “Investor Summit & Capital Market Expo 2010 at Surabaya “ NOVEMBER 17


2010<br />


Mal <strong>Ciputra</strong> Semarang selama satu<br />

bulan penuh menyelenggarakan acara<br />

“Liburan Bersama Upin dan Ipin“ dengan<br />

mendatangkan pengisi suara asli Upin dan<br />

Ipin dari Malaysia. Rangkaian kegiatan<br />

lain adalah; pertunjukan tari ballet, konser<br />

musik, fashion show, dan berbagai aktifitas<br />

corporate social responsibilities lain seperti;<br />

Polisi Sahabat Anak dan Gerakan Seribu<br />

untuk Hati.<br />

<strong>Ciputra</strong> Mall Semarang held a one-month<br />

event themed “Holidays with Upin and<br />

Ipin”, featuring the voice artist of the Upin<br />

and Ipin characters from Malaysia. The<br />

event consists of ballet performance,<br />

music concert, fashion show, and several<br />

Corporate Social Responsibilities events<br />

such as: “Polisi Sahabat Anak (The Police<br />

are Children’s Friends)” and “Gerakan<br />

Seribu untuk Hati (The Thousand for Heart<br />

Movement)”.<br />



AUGUST<br />


CitraLand Surabaya melakukan Open House<br />

rumah tipe terbaru Amaris, yg menyediakan<br />

hunian berkualitas dengan fasilitas dan<br />

infrastuktur terpadu. Hunian ekslusif dua<br />

lantai yang didesain harmonis ini terletak di<br />

kawasan Woodland Regency. Tersedia pula<br />

fasilitas KPR dengan bunga 7,5 % tahun<br />

pertama dan uang muka 10 persen atau<br />

kemudahan pembayaran dengan angsuran<br />

tetap selama tiga tahun. Rangkaian acara<br />

lain dalam launching ini adalah; Rubik’s Cube<br />

Competition, art performance, food bazaar,<br />

fruit quality promo, fun kids game, dan test<br />

drive Nissan Motor.<br />

CitraLand Banjarmasin kembali meluncurkan<br />

cluster terbaru, yaitu “The Boulevard” di<br />

Grand Palace Restaurant Banjarmasin.<br />

Cluster ini terletak di jalur utama Citraland,<br />

dan didesign dengan gaya arsitektur<br />

kontemporer modern dengan sentuhan<br />

artistik. Penataan ruangnya pun sangat<br />

cermat dengan menghadirkan ruang-ruang<br />

yang nyaman, pencahayaan yang efisien,<br />

dan memadukan vertical dan horizontal lines<br />

bukaan transparan yang dominan dan profil<br />

minimalis. Ditawarkan hanya 22 unit dan<br />

langsung terjual 15 unit.<br />

CitraLand Surabaya held an open home<br />

of the newest type of its houses, “Amaris”,<br />

which provides high quality residence<br />

and integrated facilities and infrastructure.<br />

These harmonically designed two-storey<br />

residence is located at Woodland Regency.<br />

At this event, 7.5% p.a. mortgage facility<br />

with 10% deposit or an easy fixed payment<br />

option for three years is offered. Other<br />

activities at this event include: Rubiks Cube<br />

Competition, art performance, food festival,<br />

quality fruits promotion, fun kids game and<br />

Nissan motorcycle test drive.<br />

CitraLand Banjarmasin launched its<br />

newest cluster yet, “The Boulevard” at<br />

Grand Palace restaurant Banjarmasin.<br />

This cluster is located at the main route to<br />

CitraLand and is designed in contemporary<br />

architecture with artistic touches. Design<br />

features of the rooms consist of efficient<br />

lighting, the integration on vertical and<br />

horizontal lines, and dominant transparent<br />

open places. Only 22 units were offered of<br />

which 15 were sold at the event.<br />


PT <strong>Ciputra</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Tbk melakukan<br />

presentasi kepada public dalam acara<br />

“Investor Summit & Capital Market Expo 2010<br />

di Surabaya “.<br />

PT <strong>Ciputra</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Tbk made a<br />

public presentation at the event “Investor<br />

Summit & Capital Market Expo 2010 at<br />

Surabaya “<br />



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