la poran tahunan 2008 ann ual re port 001 - Tourism Malaysia ...

la poran tahunan 2008 ann ual re port 001 - Tourism Malaysia ...

la poran tahunan 2008 ann ual re port 001 - Tourism Malaysia ...


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<strong>001</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong> <strong>tahunan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

<strong>ann</strong><strong>ual</strong> <strong>re</strong><strong>port</strong>

Rasional<br />

Rational<br />

Rasional pada kulit depan <strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong> ini memaparkan<br />

a<strong>la</strong>m semu<strong>la</strong>jadi yang menjadi asas kepada barangan<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan eko serta perkhidmatan yang kita<br />

sediakan. Tidak boleh diragukan <strong>la</strong>gi bahawa sukar untuk<br />

seseorang mencari destinasi seperti negara kita.<br />

Kepada jutaan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong yang me<strong>la</strong>wat, Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

menawarkan penga<strong>la</strong>man untuk mengembara dan<br />

peluang untuk meneroka hutan be<strong>la</strong>ntara berusia<br />

berjuta tahun yang jarang diusik manusia. Sa<strong>la</strong>h<br />

satu perja<strong>la</strong>nan yang begitu mencabar tapi cukup<br />

memuaskan ia<strong>la</strong>h pengembaraan ke penda<strong>la</strong>man hutan<br />

Borneo untuk mencari lembah sungai Maliau yang juga<br />

dikenali sebagai the Lost World of Sabah - satu kawasan<br />

berbentuk piring yang dida<strong>la</strong>mnya terdapat beberapa<br />

air terjun yang menakjubkan. Kawasan ini juga ada<strong>la</strong>h<br />

tempat terdapatnya tumbuh-tumbuhan serta haiwan<br />

yang mempersonakan ahli sains dan me<strong>re</strong>ka yang<br />

menggemari a<strong>la</strong>m semu<strong>la</strong>jadi.<br />

Kepada me<strong>re</strong>ka yang cenderong kepada a<strong>la</strong>m<br />

semu<strong>la</strong>jadi, Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia mempunyai banyak tarikan yang<br />

mengkagumkan dunia.<br />

Antara yang ternama ia<strong>la</strong>h Taman Negara, batu karang<br />

serta pu<strong>la</strong>u-pu<strong>la</strong>u seperti Tioman, Sipadan, Payar, Redang<br />

dan kawasan Endau-Rompin serta Taman Semu<strong>la</strong>jadi<br />

Kua<strong>la</strong> Se<strong>la</strong>ngor. Tapi da<strong>la</strong>m kita terus menuju kepada<br />

mat<strong>la</strong>mat pembangunan pesat, kita juga menyedari<br />

akan perlunya untuk memelihara dan melindungi a<strong>la</strong>m<br />

semu<strong>la</strong>jadi kita.<br />

The rationale on the cover showcases the natural<br />

settings of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s eco-tourism products and<br />

services. It would be hard to find another country like<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

To her tourists, Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia offers adventu<strong>re</strong> and the<br />

op<strong>port</strong>unity to explo<strong>re</strong> her million-year-old rainfo<strong>re</strong>sts<br />

which have by and <strong>la</strong>rge <strong>re</strong>main untouched by man.<br />

One of the most gruelling but <strong>re</strong>warding t<strong>re</strong>ks is the<br />

journey into the Borneo rainfo<strong>re</strong>st in search of the<br />

Maliau Basin, also known as the Lost World of Sabah –<br />

a saucer-shaped a<strong>re</strong>a deep in the fo<strong>re</strong>st in which could<br />

be found many magnificent waterfalls. The a<strong>re</strong>a is also<br />

home to diverse flora and fauna that have fascinated<br />

naturalists and scientists alike.<br />

To the eco-tourist Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia has some of the world’s<br />

unique attractions. Amongst the jewels in the crown<br />

a<strong>re</strong> the rainfo<strong>re</strong>sts of Taman Negara, the beautiful<br />

corals and rich marine eco-systems of the is<strong>la</strong>nds of<br />

Tioman, Sipadan, Payar, Redang, the Kua<strong>la</strong> Se<strong>la</strong>ngor<br />

Natu<strong>re</strong> Park and Endau-Rompin. But, we a<strong>re</strong> also<br />

mindful that as we continue to develop, we must also<br />

strive to p<strong>re</strong>serve and conserve our natural beauty.<br />

Lembaga<br />

Pengarah<br />

Board Of Di<strong>re</strong>ctors<br />

Perutusan<br />

Pengerusi<br />

Chairman’s<br />

Statement<br />

06<br />

08<br />

Wawasan,<br />

Misi & Dasar<br />

K<strong>ual</strong>iti<br />

Vision, Mission &<br />

Q<strong>ual</strong>ity Policy<br />

10<br />

Fungsi<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Function Of<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

11<br />

Carta<br />

Organisasi<br />

Organisational<br />

chart<br />

14<br />

P<strong>re</strong>stasi<br />

Industri<br />

Industry<br />

Performance<br />

18<br />

Promosi<br />

Antarabangsa<br />

International<br />

Promotions<br />


Promosi<br />

Domestik<br />

Domestic<br />

Promotions<br />

30<br />

Konvensyen<br />

Conventions<br />

38<br />

Komunikasi<br />

Communications<br />

46<br />

Pengik<strong>la</strong>nan<br />

Advertising<br />

Pengurusan<br />

Management<br />

Kajian-kajian<br />

Surveys<br />

50<br />

60<br />

66<br />

Teknologi<br />

Maklumat<br />

Informational<br />

Technology<br />

72<br />

Pejabat-pejabat<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Offices<br />

82<br />

Penyata<br />

Kewangan<br />

Financial<br />

Statements<br />


006<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Lembaga<br />

Pengarah<br />

Board Of Di<strong>re</strong>ctor

007<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong>

008<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Perutusan<br />

Pengerusi<br />

Chairman’s Statement<br />

Saya bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah dengan sukacitanya<br />

membentang La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan Lembaga Pengga<strong>la</strong>kan<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia (<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia) <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Pada keseluruh<strong>ann</strong>ya industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan negara<br />

menunjukkan p<strong>re</strong>stasi baik, wa<strong>la</strong>upun berdepan dengan<br />

isu-isu seperti kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia<br />

yang tidak menentu serta kegawatan ekonomi global.<br />

Kejayaan p<strong>re</strong>stasi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan negara ada<strong>la</strong>h hasil<br />

dari usaha-usaha kerjasama baik antara kerajaan,<br />

sektor swasta dan badan-badan bukan kerajaan serta<br />

sumbangan me<strong>re</strong>ka.<br />

Beberapa usaha promosi di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan dan tumpuan<br />

diberikan kepada pasaran wi<strong>la</strong>yah yang memberi<br />

pu<strong>la</strong>ngan tinggi da<strong>la</strong>m jangkamasa yang singkat.<br />

Beberapa acara yang dimu<strong>la</strong>kan da<strong>la</strong>m tahun 2007<br />

diteruskan pada <strong>2008</strong> untuk memastikan ke<strong>la</strong>ncaran<br />

dan aspirasi kempen Tahun Me<strong>la</strong>wat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia 2007<br />

tidak terbantut begitu saja. Pertandingan Bunga Api<br />

Antarabangsa Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, Pesta Jua<strong>la</strong>n GP, Bu<strong>la</strong>n Pesta<br />

Air, Bu<strong>la</strong>n Citrawarna Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia dan Bu<strong>la</strong>n Sambutan<br />

Kemerdekaan ada<strong>la</strong>h antara acara-acara yang<br />

dianjurkan.<br />

Di peringkat antarabangsa pu<strong>la</strong>, tema ‘Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Truly Asia’ terus menjadi slogan untuk semua jenis<br />

pengik<strong>la</strong>nan. Bagi membangunkan potensi yang<br />

belum diterokai serta mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m negeri, kempen ‘Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’ dipromosikan<br />

dengan ag<strong>re</strong>sif di seluruh negara dari awal <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Kempen ini kemudi<strong>ann</strong>ya dikembangkan ke Singapura.<br />

Pada waktu yang sama, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia akan terus<br />

mempromosikan produk ‘niche’ terutama sekali yang<br />

berunsur pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan eko yang merangkumi acara<br />

sukan dan pengembaraan kepada pe<strong>la</strong>ncong jarakjauh.<br />

Promosi homestay juga dipergiatkan me<strong>la</strong>lui pelbagai<br />

sesi taklimat kepada peserta-peserta Mega Fam dan<br />

wakil-wakil kedutaan asing.<br />

Untuk sektor mesyuarat, insentif, persidangan dan<br />

pameran (MICE), penubuhan MYCEB bertujuan untuk<br />

meningkatkan kesedaran dan memberi suntikan<br />

kemudahan dan perkhidmatan MICE di Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Sektor ini akan terus diberi perhatian khas oleh<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

On behalf of the Board of Di<strong>re</strong>ctors, I am pleased<br />

to p<strong>re</strong>sent the Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board’s<br />

(<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia) Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong> <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Overall, the nation’s tourism industry for <strong>2008</strong> ended<br />

on a successful note despite confronting issues such<br />

as the rise and fall of the fuel prices and the global<br />

economic downturn.<br />

Strong cooperation between the government, private<br />

sector and non-governmental organisations in the<br />

industry also attributed to the good performance.<br />

Several tourism promotional efforts we<strong>re</strong> carried<br />

out in <strong>2008</strong> with focus on <strong>re</strong>gional markets which<br />

provided high yields within a short time. Some<br />

of these events and festivals that we<strong>re</strong> started in<br />

2007 continued into <strong>2008</strong> in order to maintain the<br />

momentum and aspiration of the Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year<br />

2007 programme. These programme included the<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia International Fi<strong>re</strong>works competition, GP<br />

Sales Carnival, Water Festival Month, The Colours of<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia and National Day Celebrations Month.<br />

Internationally, the ‘Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Truly Asia’ continued to<br />

be the tagline in all advertising campaigns. ‘Zoom!<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’ campaign was agg<strong>re</strong>ssively promoted<br />

nationwide from early <strong>2008</strong> with the view to develop<br />

the untapped potentials and stimu<strong>la</strong>te the cultu<strong>re</strong><br />

of domestic travel amongst Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians. It was <strong>la</strong>ter<br />

extended to Singapo<strong>re</strong>.<br />

Simultaneously, for the long-haul markets, <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia will continue to promote mo<strong>re</strong> niche<br />

products, especially the eco-based projects which<br />

include adventu<strong>re</strong> and s<strong>port</strong>ing events.<br />

The promotion of homestay programmes was also<br />

given special attention. Briefings we<strong>re</strong> given to Mega<br />

Fam participants and fo<strong>re</strong>ign envoys.<br />

In the context of the meetings, incentives, conventions<br />

and exhibitions (MICE) sector, the formation of<br />

MYCEB was to c<strong>re</strong>ate awa<strong>re</strong>ness and give a boost to<br />

the MICE facilities and services in the country. This<br />

sector will continue to be given special attention.

009<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Sejum<strong>la</strong>h 22.05 juta pe<strong>la</strong>ncong asing te<strong>la</strong>h berkunjung<br />

ke Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia dan menyumbang RM49.6 billion kepada<br />

hasil pendapatan negara. Saya yakin tahun-tahun<br />

berikutnya industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan akan terus maju<br />

dengan usaha kerjasama serta sumbangan dari semua<br />

pihak.<br />

Saya mengakhiri perutusan ini dengan mengucapkan<br />

terima-kasih kepada semua yang terbabit da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

industri ini, lebih-lebih <strong>la</strong>gi usaha berterusan me<strong>re</strong>ka<br />

untuk menjadikan sektor pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan sebagai sa<strong>la</strong>h<br />

satu penyumbang utama kepada pertumbuhan<br />

ekonomi negara.<br />

The industry’s performance for the year was<br />

exceptionally good, with 22.05 million arrivals<br />

contributing RM49.6 billion in fo<strong>re</strong>ign exchange<br />

earnings. I trust that the year ahead will see mo<strong>re</strong><br />

growth with the cooperation of all quarters.<br />

On that note I would like to take this op<strong>port</strong>unity to<br />

exp<strong>re</strong>ss my since<strong>re</strong> gratitude to all who we<strong>re</strong> involved<br />

in the industry, especially for their continuous efforts<br />

in making tourism as one of the main contributors to<br />

the economic growth of the country.<br />

Bagi membangunkan potensi yang belum<br />

diterokai serta mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m negeri, kempen ‘Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’<br />

dipromosikan dengan ag<strong>re</strong>sif di seluruh<br />

negara dari awal <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

‘Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’ campaign was agg<strong>re</strong>ssively<br />

promoted nationwide from early <strong>2008</strong> with<br />

the view to develop the untapped potential<br />

and stimu<strong>la</strong>te the cultu<strong>re</strong> of domestic travel<br />

amongst Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians.<br />

Y.B. Dato’ Sri Azalina Dato’ Othman Said<br />

Pengerusi / Chairman<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia

010<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Wawasan,<br />

Misi &<br />

Dasar K<strong>ual</strong>iti<br />

Vision, Mission<br />

& Q<strong>ual</strong>ity Policy<br />

Wawasan<br />

Menjadikan industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan sebagai sumber<br />

pendapatan utama negara dan penyumbang utama<br />

kepada pembangunan sosio-ekonomi negara.<br />

Misi<br />

Memasarkan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai sebuah destinasi yang<br />

terunggul di rantau ini.<br />

Dasar K<strong>ual</strong>iti<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia komited untuk menyebarkan<br />

maklumat pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan negara secara profesional,<br />

berkesan, memenuhi citarasa pe<strong>la</strong>nggan dan<br />

dapat mendorong atau membantu me<strong>re</strong>ka da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

me<strong>la</strong>kukan <strong>la</strong>watan ke Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia dengan jayanya.<br />

Objektif K<strong>ual</strong>iti<br />

• Mewujudkan tenaga kerja yang berketerampi<strong>la</strong>n<br />

dan bermaklumat.<br />

• Menyebarkan maklumat pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dengan<br />

tepat, cekap, dan dengan perkhidmatan yang<br />

mesra pe<strong>la</strong>nggan.<br />

Vision<br />

To make the tourism industry a primary source of<br />

national <strong>re</strong>venue and a prime contributor to the<br />

socio-economic development of the nation.<br />

Mission<br />

To market Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia as a p<strong>re</strong>mier destination of<br />

excellence in this <strong>re</strong>gion.<br />

Q<strong>ual</strong>ity Policy<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia is committed to the professional<br />

and effective dissemination of national tourism<br />

information, the fulfillment of customer <strong>re</strong>qui<strong>re</strong>ments<br />

and sup<strong>port</strong>ing or assisting customers in making their<br />

visits to Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia a success.<br />

Q<strong>ual</strong>ity Objective<br />

• To produce an outgoing and knowledgeable<br />

workforce.<br />

• To disseminate tourism information accurately<br />

and efficiently with customer-friendly service.

011<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Fungsi <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Berdasarkan Akta Lembaga Pengga<strong>la</strong>kan<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia 1992, fungsi Lembaga (<strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia) ada<strong>la</strong>h seperti berikut:<br />

• Menggiatkan dan mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

ke dan da<strong>la</strong>m Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

• Merangsangkan, memajukan dan memasarkan<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai destinasi tumpuan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong<br />

di a<strong>re</strong>na antarabangsa dan tempatan.<br />

• Menye<strong>la</strong>raskan apa-apa aktiviti pemasaran<br />

atau pengga<strong>la</strong>kkan yang berkaitan dengan<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan yang dija<strong>la</strong>nkan oleh mana-mana<br />

organisasi, agensi kerajaan atau bukan kerajaan.<br />

Functions Of <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

In accordance with the Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion<br />

Board Act 1992, the functions of the Board (<strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia) a<strong>re</strong> as follows:<br />

• Stimu<strong>la</strong>te and promote tourism to and<br />

within Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

• Invigorate, develop and market Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

internationally and domestically as a tourist<br />

focal point<br />

• Coordinate all marketing or promotional activities<br />

<strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>ting to tourism conducted by any organization,<br />

government, or non-governmental agency<br />

• Membuat syor kepada menteri berkaitan<br />

tindakan dan program menggiatkan kemajuan<br />

pengga<strong>la</strong>kkan industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan di Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

dan me<strong>la</strong>ksanakan sete<strong>la</strong>h dipersetujui.<br />

Se<strong>la</strong>ras dengan fungsi <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai<br />

sebuah organisasi pengga<strong>la</strong>kkan, mat<strong>la</strong>mat-mat<strong>la</strong>mat<br />

yang berikut te<strong>la</strong>h ditetapkan:<br />

• Meningkatkan ketibaan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong asing.<br />

• Meningkatkan purata tempoh <strong>la</strong>watan para<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncong untuk menambah hasil pendapatan<br />

dari pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan.<br />

• Merangsang pertumbuhan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

negeri.<br />

• Meningkatkan faedah/hasil yang boleh diperolehi<br />

dari pasaran Persidangan, Insentif dan Pameran<br />

(MICE).<br />

• Recommend to the minister <strong>re</strong>levant measu<strong>re</strong>s<br />

and programmes that stimu<strong>la</strong>te development and<br />

promotion of the Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian tourism industry and<br />

to implement them upon approval<br />

In line with the role of <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia as a<br />

promotional organisation, the following objectives<br />

we<strong>re</strong> upheld:<br />

• Inc<strong>re</strong>ase fo<strong>re</strong>ign tourist arrivals.<br />

• Extend the average length of stay of the visitors to<br />

inc<strong>re</strong>ase tourism <strong>re</strong>venue.<br />

• Stimu<strong>la</strong>te the growth of domestic tourism.<br />

• Inc<strong>re</strong>ase the benefits / sha<strong>re</strong> obtained from the<br />

Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions<br />

(MICE) market.

014<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Carta<br />

Organisasi<br />

Organisation Chart

015<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong>

018<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

P<strong>re</strong>stasi<br />

Industri<br />

Industry Performance<br />

Ketibaan Pe<strong>la</strong>ncong<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia mencatatkan sejum<strong>la</strong>h 22,052,488<br />

kedatangan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong pada tahun <strong>2008</strong>, iaitu<br />

peningkatan sebanyak 5.1% daripada tahun<br />

sebelumnya. Ini menunjukkan keberkesanan pe<strong>la</strong>n<br />

pemasaran dan kempen promosi <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m menarik pe<strong>la</strong>ncong ke negara ini.<br />

Peningkatan ini banyak didorong oleh pertumbuhan<br />

pengga<strong>la</strong>kan dari pasaran-pasaran Asia seperti Brunei,<br />

Indonesia, Filipina, China, Timur Tengah dan India.<br />

Wa<strong>la</strong>upun terdapat penurunan bagi pasaran Thai<strong>la</strong>nd<br />

dan Brunei, pasaran ASEAN menjadi penyumbang<br />

terbesar kepada kedatangan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong ke negara ini.<br />

Arrivals<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>re</strong>corded 22,052,488 arrivals in <strong>2008</strong>, an<br />

inc<strong>re</strong>ase of 5.1% from 2007, a testimony that the<br />

marketing and promotional efforts by <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia have been successful in attracting tourists<br />

to Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

The inc<strong>re</strong>ase was contributed significantly by the<br />

intensification of promotions in countries like Brunei,<br />

Indonesia, the Philippines, China, India and the<br />

Middle East. Although the<strong>re</strong> was a decline in the<br />

number of arrivals from Brunei and Thai<strong>la</strong>nd, ASEAN<br />

market <strong>re</strong>mained as an im<strong>port</strong>ant market for Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Pendapatan Daripada Pe<strong>la</strong>ncong Asing<br />

Keberkesanan kempen promosi dan strategi<br />

pemasaran <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia terbukti menerusi<br />

peningkatan jum<strong>la</strong>h pendapatan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan. Negara<br />

mengaut pendapatan berjum<strong>la</strong>h RM 49,561.2 juta,<br />

iaitu pertumbuhan sebanyak 7.6% berbanding tahun<br />

2007. Pertumbuhan pengga<strong>la</strong>kan ini didorong oleh<br />

pertambahan bi<strong>la</strong>ngan ketibaan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong dan purata<br />

perbe<strong>la</strong>njaan per kapita daripada beberapa pasaran<br />

serantau. Lima pasaran utama yang menyumbang<br />

kepada pendapatan daripada pe<strong>la</strong>ncong ada<strong>la</strong>h<br />

Singapura, Indonesia, Brunei,<br />

China dan Australia.<br />

Revenue from fo<strong>re</strong>ign tourists<br />

The effectiveness of the promotions and marketing<br />

was <strong>re</strong>flected through the <strong>re</strong>venue of RM49,561.2<br />

million in <strong>2008</strong>, an inc<strong>re</strong>ase of 7.6% from the p<strong>re</strong>vious<br />

year. The inc<strong>re</strong>ase was contributed by the growth<br />

of arrivals and tourist expenditu<strong>re</strong> from the <strong>re</strong>gion.<br />

The five main contributors a<strong>re</strong> Singapo<strong>re</strong>, Indonesia,<br />

Brunei, China and Australia.

019<br />



La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

PERBELANJAAN PELANCONGAN <strong>2008</strong><br />

TOURIST RECEIPTS <strong>2008</strong>

020<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />


MONTHLY TOURIST ARRIVALS TO MALAYSIA <strong>2008</strong><br />



021<br />


COMPONENTS OF TOURIST EXPENDITURES 2007-<strong>2008</strong><br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong>

024<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Promosi<br />

Antarabangsa<br />

International Promotions<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia te<strong>la</strong>h menyusun semu<strong>la</strong> tiga<br />

kelompok kumpu<strong>la</strong>n pemasaran berdasarkan faktor<br />

lokasi geografi dan ciri-ciri pemasaran iaitu;<br />

1. Pemasaran Antarabangsa<br />

(Asia Utara/Asia Timur/Asia Tenggara)<br />

2. Pemasaran Antarabangsa<br />

(Amerika/Eropah/Oceania)<br />

3. Pemasaran Antarabangsa<br />

(Asia Se<strong>la</strong>tan/Asia Barat/Asia Afrika)<br />

Aktiviti promosi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan antarabangsa yang te<strong>la</strong>h<br />

di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan bagi sepanjang tahun <strong>2008</strong> ia<strong>la</strong>h seperti<br />

berikut:-<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia had <strong>re</strong>structu<strong>re</strong>d th<strong>re</strong>e (3)<br />

international market segments based on location<br />

and market characteristics. They a<strong>re</strong>;<br />

1. International Marketing<br />

(North Asia/East Asia/ South East Asia)<br />

2. International Marketing<br />

(America/Europe/Oceania)<br />

3. International Marketing<br />

(South Asia/West Asia and Africa)<br />

International tourism promotional activities that we<strong>re</strong><br />

implemented throughout <strong>2008</strong> we<strong>re</strong> as follows :-<br />











Eropah / Europe<br />

4<br />

9<br />

-<br />

Amerika / Americas<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Asia Utara / North Asia<br />

1<br />

2<br />

-<br />

Asia Timur / East Asia<br />

3<br />

9<br />

-<br />


2<br />

12<br />

4<br />

Asia Se<strong>la</strong>tan / South Asia<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

Asia Barat / West Asia<br />

2<br />

5<br />

4<br />

Afrika / Africa<br />

-<br />

1<br />

-<br />

Oceania / Oceania<br />

2<br />

3<br />

-<br />


18<br />

43<br />


025<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Misi Jua<strong>la</strong>n<br />

Sebanyak 18 misi jua<strong>la</strong>n te<strong>la</strong>h diadakan da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

tahun <strong>2008</strong>. Misi jua<strong>la</strong>n ini diadakan di pasaranpasaran<br />

Eropah, Amerika, Asia Utara, Asia Timur,<br />

Asia Tenggara, Asia Barat dan Oceania. Tujuan<br />

misi jua<strong>la</strong>n ini ada<strong>la</strong>h untuk mengeratkan dan<br />

memantapkan <strong>la</strong>gi hubungan perniagaan diantara<br />

pengusaha-pengusaha pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan di pasaranpasaran<br />

yang di<strong>la</strong>wati. Se<strong>la</strong>in daripada itu, misi jua<strong>la</strong>n<br />

juga bertujuan untuk mengemaskini pengusahapengusaha<br />

industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dan pihak media<br />

mengenai perkembangan semasa dan produk-produk<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan terbaru negara.<br />

Sales Mission<br />

A total of 18 sales missions we<strong>re</strong> organised in <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

The missions we<strong>re</strong> held in Europe, Americas, North<br />

Asia, East Asia, South East Asia, West Asia and Oceania.<br />

The objective of these sales missions was to enhance<br />

and st<strong>re</strong>ngthen the <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>tionship between Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia and<br />

the tour operators in the target markets. Nonetheless,<br />

it is also a p<strong>la</strong>tform to update the tour operators<br />

and media on the cur<strong>re</strong>nt tourism development and<br />

tourism product avai<strong>la</strong>ble in the country.<br />

Backpackers Expo, Sydney<br />

15-16 November <strong>2008</strong>

026<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

F<strong>re</strong>quent Independent Traveller (FIT) Argentina <strong>2008</strong><br />

World Travel Mart (WTM) in London<br />

Pameran<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia te<strong>la</strong>h menyertai pelbagai pameran<br />

utama diperingkat antarabangsa. Sebanyak 43<br />

pameran pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan antarabangsa te<strong>la</strong>h disertai,<br />

antaranya; ASEAN <strong>Tourism</strong> Forum (ATF) di Bangkok,<br />

Arabian Travel Mart (ATM) di Dubai, Borse International<br />

Del <strong>Tourism</strong> (BIT) di Mi<strong>la</strong>n, International <strong>Tourism</strong>e<br />

Borse (ITB) di Berlin, Natas Holisays di Singapura, JATA<br />

World <strong>Tourism</strong> Cong<strong>re</strong>ss & Travel Fair di Tokyo, China<br />

International Travel Mart (CITM) di Shanghai, World<br />

Travel Mart (WTM) di London, Moscow International<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> & Travel Fair (MITT) di Moscow dan GIBTM<br />

di Abu Dhabi.<br />

Exhibition and Fairs<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia have participated in 43 international<br />

fairs and exhibitions all over the world including the<br />

ASEAN <strong>Tourism</strong> Forum (ATF) in Bangkok, Arabian Travel<br />

Mart (ATM) in Dubai, Borse International Del <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

(BIT) in Mi<strong>la</strong>n, International <strong>Tourism</strong>e Borse (ITB) in<br />

Berlin, Natas Holisays in Singapo<strong>re</strong>, Jata World <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Cong<strong>re</strong>ss & Travel Fair in Tokyo, China International<br />

Travel Mart (CITM) in Shanghai, World Travel Mart<br />

(WTM) in London, Moscow International <strong>Tourism</strong> &<br />

Travel Fair (MITT) in Moscow and GIBTM in Abu Dhabi.<br />

Makanan & Kebudayaan<br />

Promosi ini diadakan untuk memperkenalkan<br />

makanan, kebudayaan, kesenian dan kraftangan<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia di peringkat antarabangsa. Sebanyak 13<br />

aktiviti pameran makanan dan kebudayaan te<strong>la</strong>h<br />

dianjurkan oleh <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sepanjang tahun<br />

<strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Food and Cultural<br />

This promotional activity is with the objective to<br />

promote Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian food, cultural, arts and craft<br />

internationally. Throughout <strong>2008</strong>, a total of 13<br />

food and cultural promotional activities have been<br />

organised by <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.

027<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

World Travel Fair (WTF) in Shanghai<br />

27-30 April <strong>2008</strong><br />

Arabian Travel Mart (ATM) in Dubai <strong>2008</strong><br />

Pameran Lawatan Kerja Oleh<br />

YB Menteri Dan YB Timba<strong>la</strong>n Menteri<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

Misi ga<strong>la</strong>kan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dan pameran bagi<br />

pasaran antarabangsa turut disertai oleh Menteri<br />

dan Timba<strong>la</strong>n Menteri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan sebagai ketua<br />

delegasi. Lawatan kerja ini bertujuan untuk menjana<br />

minat dan kesedaran berterusan mengenai kewujudan<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai sebuah destinasi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

utama di rantau ini disamping memberi dorongan<br />

kepada pengusaha-pengusaha pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan di<br />

pasaran berkenaan untuk terus menj<strong>ual</strong> pakej<br />

percutian ke Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Se<strong>la</strong>in itu pertemuan bersama<br />

media antarabangsa membantu menjana minat serta<br />

publisiti yang positif mengenai Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Work Visits By The Hon. Minister<br />

And The Hon. Deputy Minister Of <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Several of our sales missions and exhibitions we<strong>re</strong><br />

also headed by our Minister and Deputy Minister<br />

of <strong>Tourism</strong>. The sales missions and exhibitions<br />

we<strong>re</strong> aimed at generating inte<strong>re</strong>st and continuous<br />

awa<strong>re</strong>ness of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia as a competitive tourism<br />

destination in the <strong>re</strong>gion as well as to encourage<br />

tour operators in the market to c<strong>re</strong>ate, offer and sell<br />

attractive packages to Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Apart from that,<br />

meetings, interviews and p<strong>re</strong>ss confe<strong>re</strong>nces with<br />

international media helped to produce positive<br />

publicity and awa<strong>re</strong>ness of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.

030<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Promosi<br />

Domestik<br />

Domestic Promotions<br />

Pelbagai usaha dija<strong>la</strong>nkan bagi menerapkan ni<strong>la</strong>i<br />

dan budaya me<strong>la</strong>ncong da<strong>la</strong>m negara di ka<strong>la</strong>ngan<br />

rakyat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia me<strong>la</strong>lui percutian terancang. Dengan<br />

mat<strong>la</strong>mat untuk meningkatkan industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

domestik, kerjasama dengan pengusaha-pengusaha<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dipergiatkan bagi menaiktaraf dan<br />

mempelbagaikan pakej-pakej pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan. Se<strong>la</strong>in itu<br />

aktiviti promosi untuk mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

domestik dianjurkan oleh <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia seperti<br />

berikut :<br />

Over the years, several approaches we<strong>re</strong> adopted<br />

to instill a cultu<strong>re</strong> of a well-p<strong>la</strong>nned domestic travel<br />

among Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians. Towards this end, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

has been working closely with tour operators to<br />

improve and diversify the offers in hand. In addition,<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia undertook various measu<strong>re</strong>s under<br />

the promotional campaign as follows:<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Sa<strong>la</strong>h satu mat<strong>la</strong>mat Kementerian Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan ia<strong>la</strong>h<br />

untuk merangsang pertumbuhan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

domestik. Beberapa kempen diadakan bagi maksud<br />

ini. Yang terakhir ia<strong>la</strong>h kempen Cuti-Cuti Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia yang<br />

diperkenalkan pada September 1999.<br />

Namun begitu, bagi meningkatkan <strong>la</strong>gi p<strong>re</strong>stasi<br />

pasaran domestik ini beberapa penambahbaikan<br />

di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan dari segi kepelbagaian segmentasi<br />

pasaran, kepelbagaian pakej dan pengena<strong>la</strong>n kepada<br />

produk-produk pe<strong>la</strong>congan yang kurang mendapat<br />

perhatian.<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

One of the objective of the <strong>Tourism</strong> Ministry is to<br />

further develop the domestic tourism sector. Various<br />

campaigns have been undertaken for this and the <strong>la</strong>st<br />

one befo<strong>re</strong> the cur<strong>re</strong>nt campaign was called “Cuti-cuti<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia” which it was <strong>la</strong>unched in September 1999.<br />

To further enhance this sector, many improvements<br />

have been added to event<strong>ual</strong>ly diversify the market<br />

segmentation, packages offe<strong>re</strong>d and intensify the<br />

exposu<strong>re</strong> to products that p<strong>re</strong>viously <strong>la</strong>cked attention.<br />

This ultimately gave birth to a new campaign – “Zoom!<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia” that was <strong>la</strong>unched on May 14, <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Sidang Akhbar Karnival Zoom! <strong>2008</strong> di Desaru, Johor<br />

P<strong>re</strong>ss Confe<strong>re</strong>nce during Zoom! Carnival <strong>2008</strong> at Desaru, Johor<br />

Rainfo<strong>re</strong>st World Music Festivals at Sarawak Cultural Vil<strong>la</strong>ge Damai,<br />

Kuching, Sarawak 11-13 July <strong>2008</strong>

031<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Oleh itu satu kempen baru - Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

diperkenalkan untuk menggantikan Cuti-Cuti Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Strategi kempen ini berteraskan destinasi dengan<br />

kumpu<strong>la</strong>n sasar segenap <strong>la</strong>pisan penduduk. Kempen<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Domestik Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia dirasmikan<br />

pada 14 Mei <strong>2008</strong> bagi memperkenalkan destinasi<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan secara lebih tertumpu.<br />

Ia ada<strong>la</strong>h sa<strong>la</strong>h satu usaha kerajaan untuk<br />

meningkatkan pertumbuhan industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

domestik. Di samping mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan integrasi<br />

nasional, kempen ini mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan aktiviti percutian<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m negara secara terancang di ka<strong>la</strong>ngan rakyat<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Kempen ini juga dapat mengeratkan<br />

kerjasama antara ahli-ahli sektor awam dan swasta<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m mempromosi produk dan tarikan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

serta acara-acara khas.<br />

Apart from contributing further to national<br />

intergration, Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia will help st<strong>re</strong>ngthen the<br />

<strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>tionshp between the public and private sectors in<br />

promoting products and attractions through specific<br />

events. It is also hoped that the campaign will <strong>re</strong>sult<br />

in less outbound travel or holidays by Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians<br />

overseas and subsequently <strong>re</strong>duce the outflow of<br />

funds, especially in these testing economic times.<br />

Penekanan terhadap pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan domestik juga<br />

bertujuan untuk mengurangkan aktiviti pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

ke luar negara yang kemudian dapat mengimbangi<br />

pengaliran wang keluar negara dan mengurangkan<br />

kesan kemelesatan ekonomi global.<br />

Eksplorasi Zoom Lata Kijang<br />

Lata Kijang Zoom Exploration<br />

Pertandingan Bunga Api Antarabangsa Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, Ogos <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia International Fi<strong>re</strong>work Competition, August <strong>2008</strong>

032<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Majlis Pe<strong>la</strong>ncaran Citrawarna di Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya, 24 Mei <strong>2008</strong><br />

Launching of The Colour of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia at Pa<strong>la</strong>ce Of Justice, Putrajaya, 24 May <strong>2008</strong><br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Travel Fair<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia te<strong>la</strong>h menganjurkan acara Zoom!<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Travel Fair untuk mengga<strong>la</strong>kan budaya<br />

me<strong>la</strong>ncong di ka<strong>la</strong>ngan semua <strong>la</strong>pisan masyarakat<br />

dan bertindak sebagai pemangkin bagi pembelian<br />

pakej-pakej pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan domestik. Pameran ini<br />

juga memudahkan seseorang membeli terus pakejpakej<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan (XcapeHolidays) serta pakej-pakej<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan <strong>la</strong>in da<strong>la</strong>m negara dengan harga<br />

berpatutan.<br />

Program yang berbentuk ‘hard sell’ atau jua<strong>la</strong>n<br />

<strong>la</strong>ngsung ini memberi peluang perniagaan kepada<br />

pengusaha-pengusaha pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan domestik untuk<br />

menawarkan pakej-pakej pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan da<strong>la</strong>m negara<br />

yang menarik kepada masyarakat tempatan.<br />

Acara ini dirasmikan pada 21 November <strong>2008</strong> di One<br />

Utama Petaling Jaya, Se<strong>la</strong>ngor. Secara keseluruh<strong>ann</strong>ya<br />

jum<strong>la</strong>h jua<strong>la</strong>n yang diperolehi me<strong>la</strong>lui 35 peserta<br />

pameran ada<strong>la</strong>h RM573,228.00.<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Travel Fair<br />

The objective of organising the Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Travel<br />

Fair is to encourage all Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians to travel within<br />

the country and as a catalyst to encourage domestic<br />

tourism packages. The exhibition stimu<strong>la</strong>te buyers<br />

to buy the Xcape Holiday packages which offer<br />

<strong>re</strong>asonable rates.<br />

The fair was the p<strong>la</strong>tform for the inbound travel<br />

operators to promote and sell the attractive tour<br />

packages to the local <strong>re</strong>sidents.<br />

The fair was <strong>la</strong>unched on 21st November <strong>2008</strong> at<br />

One Utama Shopping Mall, Petaling Jaya, Se<strong>la</strong>ngor.<br />

Thirty five (35) tour operators paticipated. The<br />

<strong>re</strong>venue collected by the tour operators at the fair was<br />

RM573,228.000.<br />

Xcape Holiday Packages<br />

Se<strong>la</strong>ras dengan kempen Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia juga menerbitkan risa<strong>la</strong>h pakej percutian<br />

domestik Xcape Holiday Packages.<br />

Xcape Holiday Packages dirangka sebagai satu<br />

mekanisme untuk mempromosikan pakej-pakej<br />

bersesuaian yang ditawarkan oleh pengusaha-pengusaha<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan mengikut tema-tema seperti eco-tourism,<br />

<strong>re</strong>k<strong>re</strong>asi, pusat peranginan tanah tinggi dan pu<strong>la</strong>u-pu<strong>la</strong>u.<br />

Xcape Holiday Packages<br />

To coincide with the campaign, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

published brochu<strong>re</strong>s on ‘Xcape Holiday Packages’. The<br />

publication highlights the various promotions by tour<br />

operators under various themes such as eco-tourism,<br />

<strong>re</strong>c<strong>re</strong>ation, the high<strong>la</strong>nds and is<strong>la</strong>nd holidays. A total of<br />

505,000 copies we<strong>re</strong> distributed in the year.

033<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pia<strong>la</strong> Monsoon, di Pu<strong>la</strong>u Duyung, Kua<strong>la</strong> Te<strong>re</strong>ngganu <strong>2008</strong><br />

Monsoon Cup at Pu<strong>la</strong>u Duyung, Kua<strong>la</strong> Te<strong>re</strong>ngganu <strong>2008</strong><br />

Petronas Grand Prix F1 di Litar Sepang, Se<strong>la</strong>ngor, 21-23 Mac <strong>2008</strong><br />

Petronas Grand Prix F1 at Sepang Circuit, Se<strong>la</strong>ngor, 21-23 March <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ianya dilihat sebagai sa<strong>la</strong>h satu usaha promosi <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia untuk mempengaruhi serta mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan<br />

rakyat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia me<strong>la</strong>ncong secara lebih terancang.<br />

Kempen Xcape Holidays juga bertindak sebagai<br />

pemangkin bagi memacu keinginan rakyat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

untuk menga<strong>la</strong>mi keseronokan bercuti me<strong>la</strong>lui<br />

pelbagai destinasi. Sebanyak 505,000 naskah Pakej<br />

Xcape Holidays diedarkan pada tahun <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Pameran Ga<strong>la</strong>kan Sokongan<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia turut menggandakan usaha promosi<br />

tempatan menerusi pelbagai penyertaan da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

pameran ga<strong>la</strong>kan sokongan. Jum<strong>la</strong>h jua<strong>la</strong>n pakej<br />

keseluruhan yang diperolehi ada<strong>la</strong>h RM4,943,743.90.<br />

Incentive Sup<strong>port</strong><br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia intensified promotions through<br />

incentive sup<strong>port</strong> exhibitions and also by participating<br />

in various events other than its own. These efforts<br />

brought in sales worth RM4,943,743.90.<br />

Pembangunan Pusat Penerangan<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan (TIC)<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia te<strong>la</strong>h membina beberapa Pusat<br />

Penerangan Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan baru bagi memudahkan<br />

proses penyebaran maklumat pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan. Justeru itu<br />

di bawah Rancangan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Ke-9 sejum<strong>la</strong>h RM10.8<br />

juta diperuntukkan untuk pembinaan TIC baru dan<br />

ubahsuai TIC sedia ada. Sebanyak 22 buah TIC baru<br />

dikenalpasti untuk dibina. Sehingga bu<strong>la</strong>n Disember<br />

<strong>2008</strong>, sebanyak 10 buah TIC siap dibina dan diubahsuai<br />

iaitu :<br />

i) VSC KLIA<br />

ii) TIC LTAB Langkawi<br />

iii) TIC Lumut, Perak<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Information<br />

Cent<strong>re</strong>s (TIC)<br />

Several new TICS we<strong>re</strong> established to better<br />

disseminate information to the public. A budget of<br />

RM10.8 million was allocated under the 9th Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

P<strong>la</strong>n, for this purpose. A total of 22 sites have been<br />

identified for the new cent<strong>re</strong>s. Ten TICs established by<br />

December as follow :<br />

i) KLIA<br />

ii) Langkawi Air<strong>port</strong><br />

iii) Lumut, Perak

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iv) TIC Bayan Lepas, Pu<strong>la</strong>u Pinang<br />

v) TIC Kompleks Sultan Iskandar, Johor<br />

vi) TIC Tanjung Pengelih, Johor<br />

vii) TIC Tanjung Belungkor, Johor<br />

viii) TIC Ayer Keroh, Me<strong>la</strong>ka<br />

ix) TIC Taming Sari, Me<strong>la</strong>ka<br />

x) TIC Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuching<br />

iv) Bayan Lepas Air<strong>port</strong><br />

v) Sultan Iskandar Complex, Johor<br />

vi) Tanjung Pengelih, Johor<br />

vii) Tanjung Belungkor, Johor<br />

viii) Ayer Keroh, Ma<strong>la</strong>cca<br />

ix) Taming Sari, Ma<strong>la</strong>cca<br />

x) Kuching Air<strong>port</strong><br />

Terdapat juga TIC tambahan yang beroperasi<br />

sementara da<strong>la</strong>m proses diubahsuai, dimana kerjakerja<br />

ubahsuai akan dise<strong>la</strong>raskan pada tahun 2009.<br />

TIC berkenaan ia<strong>la</strong>h :<br />

i) TIC R&R Se<strong>re</strong>mban/PD, Negri Sembi<strong>la</strong>n<br />

ii) TIC Geliga, Kemaman, Te<strong>re</strong>ngganu<br />

iii) TIC Kua<strong>la</strong> Besut, Te<strong>re</strong>ngganu<br />

iv) TIC Cherating, Pahang<br />

Di bawah peruntukan Rancangan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Ke-9 ini<br />

juga <strong>la</strong>pan TIC sedia ada yang <strong>la</strong>ma akan diubahsuai<br />

dan dinaiktaraf untuk keselesaan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong dan<br />

menjaga imej <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. TIC berkenaan ia<strong>la</strong>h :<br />

i) TIC Aras 2, PWTC<br />

ii) TIC KL Sentral<br />

iii) TIC Labuan<br />

iv) TIC LCCT Sepang<br />

v) TIC Kuah, Langkawi, Kedah<br />

vi) TIC Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah<br />

vii) TIC Georgetown<br />

viii) TIC LTAB Langkawi<br />

Several temporary TICs which will be<br />

upgraded in 2009 a<strong>re</strong> at:<br />

i) R&R Se<strong>re</strong>mban/Port Dickson Highway<br />

ii) Geliga, Kemaman, Te<strong>re</strong>ngganu<br />

iii) Kua<strong>la</strong> Besut, Te<strong>re</strong>ngganu<br />

iv) Cherating, Pahang<br />

Also under the 9th Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia P<strong>la</strong>n, eight existing TICs<br />

will be improved and upgraded. These a<strong>re</strong> at:<br />

i) Level 2, PWTC KL<br />

ii) KL Sentral<br />

iii) Labuan<br />

iv) LCCT Sepang<br />

v) Kuah, Langkawi<br />

vi) Bukit Kayu Hitam<br />

vii) Georgetown<br />

viii) Langkawi Air<strong>port</strong><br />

Program Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Pe<strong>la</strong>jar (3P)<br />

Program Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Pe<strong>la</strong>jar yang dija<strong>la</strong>nkan oleh<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia bertujuan untuk mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan<br />

seko<strong>la</strong>h-seko<strong>la</strong>h menganjur aktiviti <strong>la</strong>watan sambil<br />

be<strong>la</strong>jar ke destinasi-destinasi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

negara. <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia memberi bantuan kewangan<br />

kepada 12 buah seko<strong>la</strong>h.<br />

Se<strong>la</strong>in itu pejabat-pejabat negeri turut mempromosi 3P,<br />

seperti Pe<strong>la</strong>ncaran Pakej Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Pe<strong>la</strong>jar di Kedah,<br />

Program Natu<strong>re</strong> Xplorace Zoom RDC di Sandakan dan<br />

Kids Scuba Camp Sabah.<br />

Students’ <strong>Tourism</strong> Programme (3P)<br />

This programme is aimed with the objective to<br />

encourage schools to organise study trips to local<br />

tourism attractions. Assistance was provided to 12<br />

schools. In addition, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s state offices<br />

promoted the programme such as the <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Promotion Package in Kedah, the Natu<strong>re</strong> Xplorace<br />

Zoom RDC in Sandakan and the Kids Scuba Camp in<br />


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Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>jar Me<strong>la</strong>wat Tempat Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

Students Visiting <strong>Tourism</strong> Attraction<br />

“Homestay” di Kampung Temenim, Johor<br />

Homestay at Kampung Temenim, Johor<br />

Program Homestay<br />

Homestay Proagramme<br />

Program homestay ia<strong>la</strong>h sa<strong>la</strong>h satu produk<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan yang semakin popu<strong>la</strong>r di ka<strong>la</strong>ngan<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncong. Setakat ini sebanyak 2,808 pengusaha<br />

produk homestay daripada 142 kampung berjaya<br />

diwujudkan. Antara program homestay yang<br />

dija<strong>la</strong>nkan oleh <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia ia<strong>la</strong>h seperti berikut :<br />

i) Lawatan suaikenal untuk pe<strong>la</strong>jar antarabangsa/<br />

tempatan ke Homestay Haji Dorani, Kua<strong>la</strong><br />

Se<strong>la</strong>ngor, dan Homestay Kua<strong>la</strong> Medang, Pahang<br />

ii) Kembara Agrotourism <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Bersama<br />

Mada, Homestay Jeruju dan Homestay Kampung<br />

Raga, Kedah<br />

iii) Program aqiqah masyarakat Is<strong>la</strong>m Singapura<br />

di Homestay Pachitan, Port Dickson<br />

iv) Penggambaran Dokumentari Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Teen<br />

Explo<strong>re</strong>r–RTM di Homestay Pelegong<br />

v) Program ziarah, qurban dan aqiqah di Homestay<br />

Pelegong, Pachitan, Warisan dan Jempol<br />

iv) Lawatan agensi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Singapura sempena<br />

Pesta Mengemping di Homestay Lonek, Negri<br />

Sembi<strong>la</strong>n<br />

This programme has been gaining popu<strong>la</strong>rity by the<br />

year. P<strong>re</strong>sently, the<strong>re</strong> a<strong>re</strong> a total of 2,808 homestay<br />

operators from 142 vil<strong>la</strong>ges. The initiatives undertaken<br />

by <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia to sup<strong>port</strong> the operators include<br />

organising the following events :<br />

i) Familiarisation visits by international and local<br />

students to the Haji Dorani Homestay in Kua<strong>la</strong><br />

Se<strong>la</strong>ngor and the Kua<strong>la</strong> Medang Homestay<br />

in Pahang<br />

ii) Agro-tourism expedition with Mada, Homestay<br />

Jeruju dan the Kampung Raga Homestay in<br />

Kedah<br />

iii) Programme for Singapo<strong>re</strong> Muslims at the<br />

Pachitan Homestay in Port Dickson<br />

iv) Filming of Teen Explo<strong>re</strong>r–RTM tourism expedition<br />

documentary at the Pelegong Homestay<br />

v) Is<strong>la</strong>mic programmes at the Pelegong Homestay,<br />

Pachitan, Warisan dan Jempol.<br />

iv) Visit by Singapo<strong>re</strong>an tour operator to coincide<br />

with the Mengemping Festival at the Lonek<br />

Homestay in Negri Sembi<strong>la</strong>n.

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Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Konvensyen<br />

Conventions<br />

Kerjasama pintar antara <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

dengan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Airlines (MAS), pengusahapengusaha<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan MICE, hotel-hotel<br />

dan pengusaha-pengusaha persidangan te<strong>la</strong>h<br />

membantu <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia memenangi bidaan<br />

persidangan antarabangsa. Peningkatan serta<br />

tambahan kemudahan prasarana persidangan dan<br />

teknologi yang bertaraf peringkat antarabangsa juga<br />

menjadikan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia pilihan penganjur–penganjur<br />

persidangan.<br />

The smart partnership between <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

and Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Airlines (MAS), MICE tourism operators,<br />

hotels and confe<strong>re</strong>nce organisers was a crucial factor<br />

that helped win bids to host international MICE events<br />

in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. The offers of sweeteners in the form of<br />

incentives and world-c<strong>la</strong>ss infrastructu<strong>re</strong> and logistics<br />

make Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia a favourite destination for MICE<br />

organisers.<br />

Kempen ‘Meet and Experience’<br />

Kempen ini ada<strong>la</strong>h satu usaha mempromosikan<br />

serta menonjolkan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai destinasi MICE.<br />

Me<strong>la</strong>lui kempen ini juga pelbagai insentif dan bantuan<br />

ditawarkan oleh <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, MAS, kerajaankerajaan<br />

negeri, hotel, badan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan negeri<br />

dan pihak-pihak yang terlibat secara <strong>la</strong>ngsung da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

industri MICE negara.<br />

Meet and Experience Campaign<br />

This is one of the steps taken to promote Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia as a<br />

p<strong>re</strong>fer<strong>re</strong>d MICE destination. It is through the campaign<br />

that the offers we<strong>re</strong> p<strong>re</strong>sented by those working<br />

together to promote the country.<br />

Skim insentif ‘Meet and Experience’<br />

Kempen ini akan dipakejkan semu<strong>la</strong> dengan<br />

menawarkan skim insentif tambahan kepada<br />

pengusaha industri MICE yang menawarkan sekurangkurangnya<br />

penginapan 4 hari 3 ma<strong>la</strong>m di Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Meet and Experience Incentive Scheme<br />

The campaign will be <strong>re</strong>packaged by offering<br />

additional incentives to MICE industry operators, which<br />

offer a minimum 4 days/3 nights stay in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Skim Mice untuk ‘Corporate and Incentive’<br />

Pilihan 1<br />

Jum<strong>la</strong>h minima peserta asing - 150-250<br />

Insentif (setiap peserta) - USD 10<br />

Pilihan 2<br />

Jum<strong>la</strong>h minima peserta asing - 250<br />

Insentif (setiap peserta) - USD15<br />

Mice scheme for corporates and incentives<br />

Option 1<br />

Minimum number of participants - 150 to 250<br />

Incentive (per participant) - USD10<br />

Option 2<br />

Minimum number of participants - 250<br />

Incentive (per participant - USD15<br />

Skim Mice untuk ‘Operators dan Incentive Houses’<br />

Jum<strong>la</strong>h minima peserta asing - 500<br />

Insentif (setiap acara) - USD1,000<br />

Scheme for operators & incentive houses<br />

Minimum number of participants - 500<br />

Incentive (each event) - USD1,000

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Program promosi MICE<br />

Promosi MICE di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan dengan kerjasama<br />

syarikat–syarikat penerbangan, pengusaha–<br />

pengusaha pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Mice, hotel-hotel dan<br />

pengusaha- pengusaha tempat persidangan untuk<br />

pameran MICE antarabangsa. Acara-acara pameran<br />

MICE antarabangsa yang disertai ada<strong>la</strong>h seperti<br />

berikut:<br />

. Forum Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Asean, Thai<strong>la</strong>nd,<br />

pada 18-26 Januari<br />

. Asia Pacific Incentives & Meeting Expo, Melbourne,<br />

pada 19- 20 Februari<br />

. Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah Pata & mesyuarat<br />

agung <strong>tahunan</strong>, Sri Lanka, pada 5-7 April<br />

. Pameran Gulf Incentive, Business Travel Meeting,<br />

Emiriyah Arab Bersatu, pada 8-11 April<br />

. Incentive Travel & Convention Meetings, China,<br />

pada 9-11 April<br />

. Worldwide Meetings, Incentives and Events,<br />

Jerman, pada 15-17 April<br />

. Pata Travel Mart & Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah<br />

Pata, India, pada 16-20 September<br />

. Incentives Travel, Meeting & Executives Show<br />

& seminar Mice, Amerika Syarikat,<br />

pada 23-25 September<br />

. Incentives Travel & Convention, Meeting Asia,<br />

Thai<strong>la</strong>nd, pada 7–9 Oktober<br />

. International <strong>Tourism</strong>e Borse Asia, Singapura,<br />

pada 22-24 Oktober<br />

. Kong<strong>re</strong>s dan pameran ke 47 ICCA <strong>2008</strong>, Kanada,<br />

pada 1-5 November<br />

. European Incentive, Business Travel,<br />

Meetings and Exhibition, Sepanyol,<br />

pada 2-4 Disember<br />

. Seminar Mice, Jepun, pada 15-21 Disember<br />

MICE promotion programme<br />

MICE promotions we<strong>re</strong> held in cooperation<br />

with airlines, tour operators, hotels and hosts of<br />

international confe<strong>re</strong>nce venues. Events participated<br />

in we<strong>re</strong>:<br />

• Asean <strong>Tourism</strong> Forum, Thai<strong>la</strong>nd, 18-26 January.<br />

• Asia-Pacific Incentives & Meeting Expo in<br />

Melbourne, 19-20 Febuary.<br />

• Pata Board of Di<strong>re</strong>ctors & <strong>ann</strong><strong>ual</strong> general meeting<br />

in Sri Lanka, 5-7 April.<br />

• Gulf Incentive, Business & Travel Meeting Exhibition<br />

in United Arab Emirates, 8-11 April.<br />

• Incentive Travel & Convention meetings in China,<br />

9-11 April.<br />

• Worldwide Meetings, Incentives and Events<br />

in Germany, 15-17 April.<br />

• Pata Travel Mart & Pata Board of Di<strong>re</strong>ctors meeting<br />

in India, 16-20 September.<br />

• Incentives Travel, Meeting Executives show & Mice<br />

seminar in America, 23-25 September.<br />

• Incentives Travel & Convention Meeting Asia in<br />

Thai<strong>la</strong>nd, 7–9 October.<br />

• International <strong>Tourism</strong>e Borse Asia in Singapo<strong>re</strong>,<br />

22-24 October.<br />

• ICCA 47th Cong<strong>re</strong>ss and Exhibition in Canada,<br />

1-5 November.<br />

• European Incentive, Business Travel,<br />

Meetings and Exhibition in Spain, 2-4 December.<br />

• Mice seminar in Japan, 15-21 December.

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Roadshow & Seminar<br />

Roadshows & MICE Seminars<br />

Da<strong>la</strong>m usaha untuk menjadikan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai<br />

destinasi MICE yang terkenal di rantau ini, beberapa<br />

“roadshow” dan seminar di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan bagi<br />

memantapkan kerjasama dengan pengusahapengusaha<br />

MICE di bandaraya-bandaraya terpilih<br />

seperti:<br />

a) Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne pada 12-18 Februari<br />

b) Dubai, UAE & Teheran pada 5-15 April<br />

c) Shanghai & Beijing pada 11-14 April<br />

d) Mi<strong>la</strong>n & Amsterdam pada 15-17 April<br />

Several road-shows and seminars we<strong>re</strong> organised as<br />

part of efforts to establish Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia as a p<strong>re</strong>fer<strong>re</strong>d MICE<br />

destination. The cities involved we<strong>re</strong>:<br />

a) Sydney, Brisbane dan Melbourne, 12 -18 February<br />

b) Dubai, UAE & Teheran, 5-15 April<br />

c) Shanghai & Beijing, 11 -14 April<br />

d) Mi<strong>la</strong>n & Amsterdam, 15-17 April<br />

Pembidaan<br />

Sepanjang tahun <strong>2008</strong>, sebanyak 38 pembidaan<br />

dija<strong>la</strong>nkan oleh <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia bersama pihak-pihak<br />

awam dan swasta dan 10 membawa kejayaan.<br />

Acara- acara tersebut ada<strong>la</strong>h:<br />

• Mesyuarat wi<strong>la</strong>yah Collegium Internationale<br />

Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum Asia Pacific,<br />

Mac <strong>2008</strong> (400 perwaki<strong>la</strong>n)<br />

• Simposium Asia-Europe Young Leaders 2009<br />

• Persidangan Asia-Pac Healthca<strong>re</strong> Information &<br />

Management Systems Society 2009<br />

(1,200 perwaki<strong>la</strong>n)<br />

• Mesyuarat <strong>tahunan</strong> American Association for<br />

Clinical Chemistry, Oktober 2009<br />

• Persidangan agung IPC, November 2009<br />

(500 perwaki<strong>la</strong>n)<br />

• PRI Nadcap, June 2010 (500 perwaki<strong>la</strong>n)<br />

• International Society for Low Vision Research and<br />

Rehabilitation 2011 (2,000 perwaki<strong>la</strong>n)<br />

• World Inter-hash 2010 (5,000 perwaki<strong>la</strong>n)<br />

• Persidangan Global Eco-tourism 2010<br />

• Kong<strong>re</strong>s antarabangsa mengenai Obesity 2014<br />

(5,000 perwaki<strong>la</strong>n)<br />

Bids<br />

Throughout the year <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia together with<br />

others with an inte<strong>re</strong>st in MICE tourism submitted 38<br />

bids, of which 10 we<strong>re</strong> successful. They a<strong>re</strong>:<br />

• Collegium Internationale Neuro-<br />

Psychopharmacologicum Asia-Pacific Regional<br />

Meeting (400 delegates)<br />

• Asia-Europe Young Leaders Symposium 2009<br />

• Healthca<strong>re</strong> Information & Management Systems<br />

Society 2009 Asia-Pac Confe<strong>re</strong>nce<br />

(1,200 delegates)<br />

• American Association for Clinical Chemistry <strong>ann</strong><strong>ual</strong><br />

meeting, October 2009<br />

• IPC general assembly, November 2009<br />

(500 delegates)<br />

• PRI Nadcap, June 2010 (500 delegates)<br />

• International Society for Low Vision Research and<br />

Rehabilitation 2011 (2,000 delegates)<br />

• World Inter-hash 2010 (5,000 participants)<br />

• Global Ecotourism Confe<strong>re</strong>nce 2010<br />

• International Cong<strong>re</strong>ss on Obesity 2014<br />

(5,000 delegates)<br />

Lawatan insentif<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia membantu sebanyak 110 kunjungan<br />

kumpu<strong>la</strong>n dari 19 buah negara yang diterajui oleh<br />

Ko<strong>re</strong>a, India, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thai<strong>la</strong>nd,<br />

Eropah dan Timur Tengah yang membabitkan 33,087<br />

orang. Lawatan terbesar pada tahun <strong>2008</strong> ada<strong>la</strong>h dari<br />

ING Insurance Ko<strong>re</strong>a untuk 1,530 peserta.<br />

Incentive Visits<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia assisted 110 groups for incentive<br />

visits from 19 countries including Ko<strong>re</strong>a, India, China,<br />

Taiwan, Indonesia and Thai<strong>la</strong>nd, with a total arrival of<br />

33,087 visitors. The biggest group comprised 1,530<br />

visitors from ING Insurance from Ko<strong>re</strong>a.

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Bantuan persidangan (Servicing)<br />

Assistance for Confe<strong>re</strong>nces (Servicing)<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia membantu dan memberi sokongan<br />

kepada 485 penganjur MICE. Bantuan termasuk<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m bentuk ‘attendance promotion’ bagi acara yang<br />

disahkan penganjur<strong>ann</strong>ya me<strong>la</strong>lui proses pembidaan,<br />

seperti forum ke 14 World Route Development dari<br />

12-14 Oktober dan forum kargo udara dari 4-6<br />

November. Bantuan utama yang dihulurkan termasuk<br />

khidmat nasihat persidangan dan <strong>la</strong>watan insentif,<br />

penajaan persembahan kebudayaan, pemberian<br />

cenderamata, beka<strong>la</strong>n risa<strong>la</strong>h dan koleteral, bantuan<br />

untuk melicinkan kemasukkan perwaki<strong>la</strong>n di pintu-pintu<br />

masuk dengan kerjasama kastam, imig<strong>re</strong>sen dan <strong>la</strong>in<strong>la</strong>in,<br />

promosi acara me<strong>la</strong>lui <strong>la</strong>man web <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia,<br />

penyenaraian da<strong>la</strong>m kalender acara MICE <strong>tahunan</strong>,<br />

mengik<strong>la</strong>nkan acara di da<strong>la</strong>m maja<strong>la</strong>h MICE terpilih<br />

serta promosi me<strong>la</strong>lui semua pejabat-pejabat <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia assisted 485 MICE event organisers<br />

as part of efforts to further promote the segment.<br />

One way of providing assistance was via attendance<br />

promotion for events al<strong>re</strong>ady confirmed to be<br />

hosted by the country, like the 14th World Route<br />

Development Forum in October and the Air Cargo<br />

Forum in November. Specifically, the assistance<br />

included advice and guidance on confe<strong>re</strong>nce<br />

organisation and incentive visits, sponsorship of<br />

cultural performances, souvenirs, facilitating the entry<br />

of delegates with the cooperation of Customs and<br />

Immigration, promotion of events on the <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia website, promotion of events in MICE<br />

calendar of events promotion by all <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s<br />

offices and advertising in selected MICE magazines.

042<br />

<strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong> <strong>tahunan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

<strong>ann</strong><strong>ual</strong> <strong>re</strong><strong>port</strong><br />

Kempen pengik<strong>la</strong>nan MICE<br />

MICE advertising campaign<br />

Da<strong>la</strong>m usaha meningkatkan promosi Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai<br />

destinasi MICE, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia juga meningkatkan<br />

kempen pengik<strong>la</strong>n<strong>ann</strong>ya dengan menerbitkan 2<br />

dari 7 ik<strong>la</strong>n berkonsepkan ‘Incentives and Business’<br />

serta “editorial” terpilih untuk 54 maja<strong>la</strong>h/penerbitan<br />

di seluruh dunia terutamanya di Eropah, Amerika,<br />

Oceania dan Asia serta ik<strong>la</strong>n di da<strong>la</strong>m ‘daily’ bagi semua<br />

acara ‘trade show’ yang dianjurkan. Pengik<strong>la</strong>nan Mice<br />

‘online’ termasuk<strong>la</strong>h interactive b<strong>ann</strong>er, skyscraper,<br />

leader board dan e-mail b<strong>la</strong>st diperkenalkan da<strong>la</strong>m 16<br />

<strong>la</strong>man web korporat dan MICE.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia intensified its campaign for the<br />

MICE sector by inserting two of the seven advertising<br />

c<strong>re</strong>atives based on the incentives and business<br />

concept. Fifty four (54) editorials on Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia we<strong>re</strong><br />

publish throughout the world with the concerntration<br />

in Europe, America, Oceania and Asia. <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia advertise in all the ‘daily’ publication in all the<br />

trade show. The online promotion for MICE included<br />

interactive b<strong>ann</strong>ers, skyscrapers, leader-boards dan<br />

e-mail b<strong>la</strong>sts at 16 corporate and MICE websites.<br />

Networking<br />

Da<strong>la</strong>m usaha memantapkan kemahiran da<strong>la</strong>m acaraacara<br />

Mice, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia menjalinkan kerjasama<br />

pintar dengan persatuan-persatuan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

antarabangsa seperti Pacific A<strong>re</strong>a Travel Association,<br />

Asian Association of Convention and Visitor Bu<strong>re</strong>aus<br />

dan International Cong<strong>re</strong>ss and Convention<br />

Association (ICCA) me<strong>la</strong>lui penganjuran seminar dan<br />

acara–acara Mice. Ini termasuk penganjuran kong<strong>re</strong>s<br />

dan pameran ke 47 ICCA di Canada dari 1 hingga 5<br />

November.<br />

Anugerah<br />

Usaha-usaha promosi berkenaan te<strong>la</strong>h membuahkan<br />

beberapa anugerah daripada PATA. <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

berjaya memenangi dua anugerah pada tahun<br />

<strong>2008</strong>, iaitu PATA Gold Award <strong>2008</strong> untuk Marketing<br />

Media-Travel Advertisement Broadcast Media, Visit<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year 2007, dan PATA Gold Award <strong>2008</strong> untuk<br />

Marketing Media-CD-Rom, Travel Man<strong>ual</strong> Interactive<br />

CD.<br />

Networking<br />

To improve our knowledge and skills in the MICE<br />

segment <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia established links with<br />

the Pacific A<strong>re</strong>a Travel Association (PATA), Asian<br />

Association of Convention and Visitor Bu<strong>re</strong>aus and<br />

International Cong<strong>re</strong>ss and Convention Association<br />

amongst others through the organising of seminars<br />

and other events, including the ICCA cong<strong>re</strong>ss in<br />

Canada.<br />

Awards<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia efforts we<strong>re</strong> not in vain, as <strong>re</strong>flected<br />

through awards <strong>re</strong>ceived from PATA. The awards we<strong>re</strong><br />

the PATA Gold Award <strong>2008</strong> for Marketing Media-Travel<br />

Advertisement Broadcast Media (Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year<br />

2007) and the PATA Gold Award <strong>2008</strong> for Marketing<br />

Media-CD-Rom, Travel Man<strong>ual</strong> Interactive CD.

043<br />

<strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong> <strong>tahunan</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

<strong>ann</strong><strong>ual</strong> <strong>re</strong><strong>port</strong><br />

Sesi soal jawab semasa Persidangan Komenwel yang Pertama <strong>2008</strong><br />

Q & A Session during The 1st Commonwealth Confe<strong>re</strong>nce <strong>2008</strong><br />

Persidangan SITE <strong>2008</strong><br />

SITE <strong>2008</strong> Confe<strong>re</strong>nce

046<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Komunikasi<br />

Communications<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia menyebarkan maklumat mengenai<br />

acara dan aktiviti pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan secara berkesan me<strong>la</strong>lui<br />

pelbagai program publisiti, termasuk <strong>la</strong>watan media<br />

ke destinasi tarikan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan di seluruh negara.<br />

Ia juga bertanggungjawab memastikan hasil penulisan<br />

berkaitan industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan ada<strong>la</strong>h bermutu dan<br />

tepat untuk sebaran di da<strong>la</strong>m negara dan luar negara.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia juga turut memantau perkembangan<br />

isu semasa dan me<strong>la</strong>ksanakan pengurusan krisis<br />

bagi memastikan industri pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan negara tidak<br />

terjejas oleh hebahan negatif. Bagi meningkatkan<br />

kerjasama dan hubungan baik dengan agensi-agensi<br />

media, pertanyaan daripada pihak media mengenai<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dijawab dengan segera.<br />

Aktiviti-aktiviti promosi yang diadakan di da<strong>la</strong>m dan<br />

luar negara termasuk penganjuran sidang akhbar,<br />

sesi temuramah, penulisan <strong>re</strong>ncana mengenai<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dan <strong>la</strong>watan media ke tarikan<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan baru di seluruh negara.<br />

Sepanjang tahun <strong>2008</strong>, sebanyak 142 siaran media,<br />

20 media info dan 20 <strong>re</strong>ncana dihasilkan dan<br />

diedarkan kepada wakil-wakil media tempatan dan<br />

luar negara, pejabat <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia di luar negara<br />

serta agensi perhubungan awam. Rencana-<strong>re</strong>ncana<br />

juga dimuat naik di <strong>la</strong>man web <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

sebagai rujukan (www.tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.gov.my)<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia disseminates information and<br />

publicises events and activities in various ways.<br />

This includes media visits to p<strong>la</strong>ces of inte<strong>re</strong>st in the<br />

country. It is also <strong>re</strong>sponsible for ensuring that all<br />

articles produced a<strong>re</strong> of a good q<strong>ual</strong>ity, accurate and<br />

publicised widely within Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia and overseas.<br />

Any crisis or negative <strong>re</strong><strong>port</strong>ing <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>ting to the tourism<br />

industry in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia will be dealt promptly.<br />

P<strong>re</strong>ss confe<strong>re</strong>ncess held in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia or abroad, articles<br />

on Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia and media visits we<strong>re</strong> organised to<br />

inform the public of the tourism development and<br />

infrastructu<strong>re</strong>. Some 142 p<strong>re</strong>ss statements, 20 media<br />

information and 20 articles, 189 speeches, 79 fo<strong>re</strong>word<br />

messages and 62 discussion notes we<strong>re</strong> distributed<br />

to media organisations, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia overseas<br />

offices and public <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>tions agencies. All articles a<strong>re</strong><br />

uploaded at the <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia website<br />

(www.tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.gov.my).<br />

Media Antarabangsa sedang mengambil gambar<br />

semasa Perasmian Rumah Terbuka Deepavali <strong>2008</strong><br />

International P<strong>re</strong>ss Snapshoot during the Launch of<br />

Deepavali Open House <strong>2008</strong><br />

Persidangan Akhbar semasa Petronas Grand Prix F1<br />

di Litar Sepang, Se<strong>la</strong>ngor<br />

P<strong>re</strong>ss Confe<strong>re</strong>nce during Petronas Grand Prix F1<br />

at Sepang Circuit, Se<strong>la</strong>ngor

047<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Temuramah Media Ketika Sesi Lawatan ke Lower Belum <strong>2008</strong><br />

P<strong>re</strong>ss Interview During The Visit To Lower Belum <strong>2008</strong><br />

Sesi Taklimat kepada peserta Megafam<br />

sempena Citrawarna pada 23 Mei <strong>2008</strong><br />

Briefing to Megafam Participants<br />

In Conjunction with Citrawarna 23rd May <strong>2008</strong><br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia juga menyediakan 189 ucapan,<br />

79 kata-kata aluan dan 62 nota percakapan sempena<br />

acara pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan serta aktiviti promosi <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia organised 42 media visits which<br />

<strong>re</strong>sulted in many articles on local tourism products<br />

including events linked to the Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

campaign.<br />

Se<strong>la</strong>in itu kami menghasilkan 12 keluaran maja<strong>la</strong>h<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia yang memaparkan berita-berita<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan da<strong>la</strong>m Bahasa Inggeris dan Me<strong>la</strong>yu.<br />

Sebanyak 42 sesi <strong>la</strong>watan media turut diatur yang<br />

kemudi<strong>ann</strong>ya menghasilkan penulisan mengenai<br />

barangan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan tempatan termasuk<br />

program-program <strong>la</strong>watan Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia juga membantu menganjurkan<br />

12 sidang media dan 34 jemputan media. Sebanyak<br />

162 siaran media dan media info disebarkan kepada<br />

media, industri dan agensi perhubungan awam<br />

di seluruh dunia. Untuk memperkenalkan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

dengan lebih meluas kepada pe<strong>la</strong>wat asing yang<br />

mengikuti kursus atau <strong>la</strong>watan rasmi, unit ini<br />

memberikan ceramah mengenai Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia dan<br />

destinasi-destinasi tertentu. Sebanyak 8 taklimat<br />

korporat juga diatur pada <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia organised 12 p<strong>re</strong>ss confe<strong>re</strong>nces<br />

and 34 media visits. A total of 162 p<strong>re</strong>ss <strong>re</strong>leases and<br />

media information we<strong>re</strong> distributed to <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>ted parties<br />

throughout the world. To assist fo<strong>re</strong>igners coming to<br />

the country on courses or official visits, the unit held<br />

talks and briefings on the country and its tourism<br />

sector. In addition eight corporate briefings we<strong>re</strong><br />

given in <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

In conjunction with the Mega Familiarisation<br />

Programme, 26 events we<strong>re</strong> organised and attended<br />

by 1,587 media and 1,495 travel agent from overseas<br />

with commercial value of RM83 million.<br />

Bersempena <strong>la</strong>watan Suaikenal Mega pu<strong>la</strong> 26 acara<br />

dianjurkan oleh Unit Mega Fam dengan penyertaan<br />

seramai 1,587 wakil media dan 1,495 pengusaha<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan asing dengan memberi pu<strong>la</strong>ngan ni<strong>la</strong>i<br />

komersial sebanyak RM83 juta.

050<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pengik<strong>la</strong>nan<br />

Advertising<br />

Kempen Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia ia<strong>la</strong>h kempen pengik<strong>la</strong>nan<br />

domestik yang diberi tumpuan pada tahun ini. “Banyak<br />

untuk di<strong>la</strong>wati, banyak <strong>la</strong>gi untuk diterokai” ia<strong>la</strong>h<br />

slogan bagi kempen ini dan ia ada<strong>la</strong>h kesinambungan<br />

dari kempen Cuti-Cuti Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Tujuan kempen<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia yang di<strong>la</strong>ncarkan pada Mei <strong>2008</strong><br />

ada<strong>la</strong>h untuk mengenengahkan destinasi-destinasi<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan baru yang berpotensi disamping<br />

mengga<strong>la</strong>kan rakyat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia me<strong>la</strong>ncong secara<br />

terancang di da<strong>la</strong>m negara sendiri.<br />

Bagi pasaran antarabangsa tema ‘Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Truly Asia’<br />

masih dikekalkan bagi semua projek pengik<strong>la</strong>nan.<br />

Kebanyakan kempen pengik<strong>la</strong>nan di peringkat<br />

antarabangsa mahupun domestik dija<strong>la</strong>nkan me<strong>la</strong>lui<br />

media elektronik seperti televisyen, media cetak dan<br />

secara online. Kini kempen secara online dija<strong>la</strong>nkan<br />

dengan lebih meluas dan ag<strong>re</strong>sif kerana ramai<br />

lebih gemar me<strong>la</strong>yari Internet untuk mendapatkan<br />

maklumat mengenai destinasi-destinasi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

dan me<strong>la</strong>kukan urusan penempahan terus me<strong>la</strong>lui<br />

<strong>la</strong>man web seperti Yahoo, MSN dan Facebook. Tidak<br />

ketingga<strong>la</strong>n juga kempen pengik<strong>la</strong>nan luaran seperti<br />

billboard di KLIA, limosin KLIA dan beg-beg.<br />

The focus this year has been on the Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

campaign. With a slogan that <strong>re</strong>ads “Mo<strong>re</strong> to visit,<br />

many mo<strong>re</strong> to discover” this campaign is an extension<br />

of the Cuti-Cuti Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia campaign. Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

which was <strong>la</strong>unched in May aims to promote new<br />

domestic destinations while encouraging mo<strong>re</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians to have a p<strong>la</strong>nned travel programme in the<br />

country.<br />

Internationally, ‘Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Truly Asia’ theme is <strong>re</strong>tained<br />

for all advertising projects.<br />

Most of the advertising campaigns we<strong>re</strong> through the<br />

electronic media, print and online. The <strong>la</strong>tter has taken<br />

a new dimension because of the growth of Internet<br />

users to source information on tourism destinations<br />

as well as to make other <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>ted travel arrangements.<br />

Outdoor advertising was carried out at KLIA on KLIA<br />

Limousine and bags.<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia bersama Media Prima<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia with Media Prima<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia di LRT & Bas<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia with LRT & Bus

051<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia bersama Air Asia<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia with Air Asia<br />

Se<strong>la</strong>in itu kempen pengik<strong>la</strong>nan di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan untuk<br />

mengukuhkan dan mempromosikan acara-acara<br />

utama di seluruh negara. Antara acara-acara itu ia<strong>la</strong>h<br />

jua<strong>la</strong>n Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia GP, Colours & F<strong>la</strong>vours of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia,<br />

Festival Muzik Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, Flora Fest, Pesta Jua<strong>la</strong>n Mega<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysial, FEI World Endurance dan Jua<strong>la</strong>n Penjimatan<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

The other objective of the advertising campaigns<br />

is to further enhance and promote major events in<br />

the country. The events we<strong>re</strong> the Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia GP Sales,<br />

Colours & F<strong>la</strong>vours of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Music Festival,<br />

Flora Fest, Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Mega Sales Carnival and Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Saving Sales.<br />

Majlis Pe<strong>la</strong>ncaran Zoom! Rainfo<strong>re</strong>st Discovery Cent<strong>re</strong> (RDC)<br />

Launching Ce<strong>re</strong>mony Zoom! Rainfo<strong>re</strong>st Discovery Cent<strong>re</strong> (RDC)<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia di Zoo Negara<br />

Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia at Zoo Negara

052<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Bahan-bahan Promosi<br />

Promotional Materials<br />

Pada tahun <strong>2008</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia te<strong>la</strong>h mencetak<br />

sejum<strong>la</strong>h 12 juta naskah risa<strong>la</strong>h da<strong>la</strong>m pelbagai<br />

bahasa utama dunia untuk kegunaan semua pejabat<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, pusat penerangan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan,<br />

hotel-hotel, kedutaan-kedutaan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia serta<br />

organisasi-organisasi berkaitan. Penyebaran maklumat<br />

me<strong>la</strong>lui risa<strong>la</strong>h mengenai barangan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan<br />

terkini dan acara-acara yang dija<strong>la</strong>nkan amat penting<br />

bagi memastikan kejayaan usaha pemasaran <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia di peringkat domestik dan antarabangsa.<br />

Sebanyak 21 tajuk popu<strong>la</strong>r diterjemahkan kepada 22<br />

bahasa asing antaranya Jerman, Sweden, Peranchis,<br />

Sepanyol, Portugis, Jepun, Cina, Russia, Ko<strong>re</strong>a,<br />

Indonesia, Thai dan Vietnam.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia printed 12 million brochu<strong>re</strong>s of<br />

various titles in several main <strong>la</strong>nguages of the world<br />

for distribution through all <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s offices,<br />

tourism information cent<strong>re</strong>s, hotels, Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian<br />

missions overseas and other <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>ted organisations.<br />

The dissemination of information through brochu<strong>re</strong>s<br />

is im<strong>port</strong>ant to ensu<strong>re</strong> the success of the agency’s<br />

marketing efforts. Twenty-one popu<strong>la</strong>r titles we<strong>re</strong><br />

trans<strong>la</strong>ted into 22 fo<strong>re</strong>ign <strong>la</strong>nguages which included<br />

German, F<strong>re</strong>nch, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Thai and<br />

Arabic.<br />

Beberapa tajuk baru yang diterbitkan ia<strong>la</strong>h:<br />

Some of the new titles published we<strong>re</strong>:<br />

• Major Events & Festivals 2009<br />

• Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian A World Of Luxury<br />

• Bird Watching In Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

• Putrajaya<br />

• Perak<br />

• Perlis<br />

• Tourist Maps of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

• G<strong>re</strong>at Events Coming Your Way<br />

• Desk Calendar 2009<br />

• Xcape<br />

• Xperience and Xplo<strong>re</strong><br />

• Xcape Holiday Packages<br />

• Xcape Homestay Packages<br />

• Major Events & Festival 2009<br />

• Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian A World Of Luxury<br />

• Bird Watching In Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

• Putrajaya<br />

• Perak<br />

• Perlis<br />

• Tourist Maps of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

• G<strong>re</strong>at Events Coming Your Way<br />

• Desk Calendar 2009<br />

• Xcape<br />

• Xperience and Xplo<strong>re</strong><br />

• Xcape Holiday Packages<br />

• Xcape Homestay Packages<br />

Sebanyak 2 juta unit ko<strong>la</strong>teral te<strong>la</strong>h dihasilkan dan<br />

di antara bahan-bahan ko<strong>la</strong>teral ia<strong>la</strong>h pensil dan<br />

mainan orang utan, pa<strong>re</strong>o batik serta payung. Kini<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia mempunyai 110 jenis bahan<br />

ko<strong>la</strong>teral dan 35 jenis cenderamata.<br />

A total of 2 million units of col<strong>la</strong>terals we<strong>re</strong> produced.<br />

Amongst them a<strong>re</strong> the orang utan pencils and soft<br />

toys, batik pa<strong>re</strong>o and umb<strong>re</strong>l<strong>la</strong>s. Cur<strong>re</strong>ntly <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia has 110 types of col<strong>la</strong>terals and 35 types of<br />


053<br />

Brosur<br />

Brochu<strong>re</strong>s<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Tahun <strong>2008</strong> menyambut kempen Zoom Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia!<br />

sambil mengucapkan se<strong>la</strong>mat tinggal kepada kempen<br />

Tahun Me<strong>la</strong>wat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>2008</strong> yang begitu berhasil.<br />

Sepanjang tahun ini negara menerima kunjungan<br />

dari 22.05 juta pe<strong>la</strong>ncong asing, pertambahan 5.1%<br />

berbanding 2007 dan melebihi sasaran 21.5 juta yang<br />

ditetapkan oleh kerajaan. Didorong oleh kejayaan ini,<br />

Unit Penerbitan bertekun untuk sentiasa mencari caracara<br />

terbaru berkesan da<strong>la</strong>m menyebarkan maklumat<br />

mengenai barangan-barangan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan serta<br />

acara-acara.<br />

The year <strong>2008</strong> welcomed the new Zoom Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia!<br />

campaign while bidding fa<strong>re</strong>well to the successful Visit<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year 2007. During the year under <strong>re</strong>view the<br />

country <strong>re</strong>ceived 22.05 million tourists, an inc<strong>re</strong>ase<br />

of 5.1% compa<strong>re</strong>d to 2007, and surpassing the 21.5<br />

million target set by the government. Encouraged<br />

by this <strong>re</strong>markable achievement, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

endeavours to further adapt and innovate, improving<br />

the dissemination of information on tourism products<br />

and events.<br />

Brosur<br />


054<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Sejum<strong>la</strong>h 12 juta risa<strong>la</strong>h diterbitkan tahun ini. Tajuktajuk<br />

baru ia<strong>la</strong>h Major Events & Festivals 2009, Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

A World of Luxury, Bird Watching in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, Putrajaya,<br />

Perak, Perlis, Tourist Maps of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, G<strong>re</strong>at Events<br />

Coming Your Way, Desk Calendar 2009, Xcape, Xperience<br />

and Xplo<strong>re</strong>, Xcape Holiday Packages dan Xcape<br />

Homestay Packages.<br />

Approximately 12 million brochu<strong>re</strong>s we<strong>re</strong> printed <strong>la</strong>st<br />

year. F<strong>re</strong>sh titles included Major Events & Festivals 2009,<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia A World of Luxury, Bird Watching in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia,<br />

Putrajaya, Perak, Perlis, Tourist Map of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, G<strong>re</strong>at<br />

Events Coming Your Way, Desk Calendar 2009, Xcape,<br />

Xperience and Xplo<strong>re</strong>, Xcape Holiday Packages and<br />

Xcape Homestay Packages.<br />

Untuk jangkauan lebih jauh dan menembus ke<br />

pasaran-pasaran baru, 21 tajuk popu<strong>la</strong>r diterjemahkan<br />

kepada 22 bahasa asing termasuk Jerman, Peranchis,<br />

Sepanyol, Portugis, Jepun, Cina, Arab, Ko<strong>re</strong>a,<br />

Indonesia, Thai dan Vietnam. Da<strong>la</strong>m usaha ini ibu<br />

pejabat bekerjasama erat dengan pejabat-pejabat<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia di luar negara. Se<strong>la</strong>in itu 75 tajuk<br />

dikemaskini. Usaha-usaha <strong>la</strong>in dari unit ini termasuk<br />

menerbitkan advertorial dan beberapa buku panduan<br />

untuk menyokong kempen-kempen pemasaran dan<br />

To <strong>re</strong>ach a wider audience and to tap into new<br />

markets, 21 popu<strong>la</strong>r titles we<strong>re</strong> trans<strong>la</strong>ted into 22<br />

fo<strong>re</strong>ign <strong>la</strong>nguages which included German, Swedish,<br />

F<strong>re</strong>nch, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese,<br />

Arabic, Ko<strong>re</strong>an, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia headquaters worked closely with<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia overseas offices to produce the<br />

trans<strong>la</strong>ted versions. About 75 titles we<strong>re</strong> updated.<br />

Additionally the unit produced ad hoc publications<br />

such as advertorials and delegation di<strong>re</strong>ctories to<br />

sup<strong>port</strong> <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia promotional and marketing<br />

campaigns.<br />

Audio Vis<strong>ual</strong><br />

Da<strong>la</strong>m usaha mempromosi dan memperkenalkan<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai destinasi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan, Unit Audio<br />

Vis<strong>ual</strong> te<strong>la</strong>h mengeluarkan sebanyak 18 video<br />

promosi sekitar tahun 2007-<strong>2008</strong>. Ia diketegorikan<br />

kepada fokus pasaran dan video aktiviti. Untuk<br />

fokus pasaran, antara video yang dihasilkan ia<strong>la</strong>h<br />

“Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Your Getaway To Health And Wellness” dan<br />

“Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Your Link To Enchanting Natu<strong>re</strong>”, dihasilkan<br />

dengan 8 bahasa, dan “Education in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia – Whe<strong>re</strong><br />

G<strong>re</strong>at Journey Begins”. Video bagi aktiviti yang te<strong>la</strong>h<br />

dihasilkan ia<strong>la</strong>h, “Celebrating Cultural Festivities”,<br />

“Celebrating Song and Dance”, “Celebrating Water<br />

Festivals”, “Celebrating Ann<strong>ual</strong> Events”, “Celebrating<br />

Life”, “Celebrating Speed and Endurance”, “Celebrating<br />

Human Endeavour”, “Celebrating Lifestyle & Shopping”<br />

dan “Celebrating Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year”. Antara video<br />

tambahan yang te<strong>la</strong>h dihasilkan ia<strong>la</strong>h “Sands of<br />

Se<strong>re</strong>nity”, “Passion in Paradise” dan video “Cuti-Cuti<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia”.<br />

Audio Vis<strong>ual</strong><br />

In order to further promote Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia as a tourist<br />

destination, the Audio Vis<strong>ual</strong> Unit produced about<br />

18 promotional videos for the period 2007 – <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

They a<strong>re</strong> categorized as both niche market and event<br />

videos. Covering the niche market, videos such as<br />

“Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Your Getaway To Health And Wellness”<br />

and “Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Your Link To Enchanting Natu<strong>re</strong>” we<strong>re</strong><br />

completed in 8 <strong>la</strong>nguages, in addition to “Education<br />

in Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia – Whe<strong>re</strong> G<strong>re</strong>at Journey Begins”. The videos<br />

produced for events include “Celebrating Cultural<br />

Festivities”, “Celebrating Song and Dance”, “Celebrating<br />

Water Festivals”, “Celebrating Ann<strong>ual</strong> Events”,<br />

“Celebrating Life”, “Celebrating Speed and Endurance”,<br />

“Celebrating Human Endeavour”, “Celebrating Lifestyle<br />

& Shopping” and “Celebrating Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year”.<br />

Some of the other videos that we<strong>re</strong> produced include<br />

“Sands of Se<strong>re</strong>nity”, “Passion in Paradise” and a video<br />

clip of “Cuti-Cuti Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia”.

Galeri gambar di Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia mempunyai<br />

60,000 imej digital pada 31hb Disember <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Kha<strong>la</strong>yak boleh masuk ke <strong>la</strong>man web dan memuat<br />

turun dengan cara mendaftar sebagai pengguna di<br />

a<strong>la</strong>mat <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia atau pergi terus ke http://<br />

imagegallery.tourism.gov.my. Terdapat 10 kategori<br />

yang berbeza pada <strong>la</strong>man pertama di ruang galeri<br />

gambar. Kategori tersebut ia<strong>la</strong>h, Kemudahan &<br />

Perkhidmatan, Destinasi & Tarikan, Aktiviti dan<br />

Persembahan, A<strong>la</strong>m Sekitar dan Pemeliharaan, Seni,<br />

Budaya dan Cara Hidup, Sejarah, Pertanian dan<br />

Perikanan Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan, Kesihatan dan Kecergasan,<br />

Pendidikan dan Homestay.<br />

The <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Image Gallery has over 60,000<br />

digital images as at 31st December <strong>2008</strong>. They can be<br />

accessed and downloaded by <strong>re</strong>giste<strong>re</strong>d users via the<br />

official <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia website or di<strong>re</strong>ctly at http://<br />

imagegallery.tourism.gov.my. The<strong>re</strong> a<strong>re</strong> 10 diffe<strong>re</strong>nt<br />

categories featu<strong>re</strong>d on the first page of the image<br />

gallery site alone. The categories include Services<br />

& Facilities, Destinations & Attractions, Activities<br />

& Events, Natu<strong>re</strong> & Scenes, Art, Cultu<strong>re</strong> & Lifestyle,<br />

History, Eco & Agro <strong>Tourism</strong>, Health & Wellness,<br />

Homestay and Education <strong>Tourism</strong>.<br />

055<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Antara gambar-gambar yang mempunyai imej yang<br />

berk<strong>ual</strong>iti dan menarik ia<strong>la</strong>h tarikan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong,<br />

keindahan a<strong>la</strong>m sekitar dan aktiviti terkini yang<br />

diambil oleh jurugambar-jurugambar daripada<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, juga jurugambar daripada<br />

agensi terkenal. Hingga kini, 79,180 gambar te<strong>la</strong>h<br />

dimuat turun oleh pengguna lebih daripada 50 negara<br />

seluruh dunia da<strong>la</strong>m tahun <strong>2008</strong>. Sebanyak 50,000<br />

imej te<strong>la</strong>h diambil da<strong>la</strong>m tahun <strong>2008</strong> dan terdapat<br />

sejum<strong>la</strong>h 6,813,988 (pe<strong>la</strong>wat) yang mengunjungi<br />

galeri gambar pada waktu yang sama.<br />

The high q<strong>ual</strong>ity images that range from tourist<br />

attractions and scenic spots to cur<strong>re</strong>nt events we<strong>re</strong><br />

captu<strong>re</strong>d by photographers from <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

as well as photography agencies. In total, 79,180<br />

images have been downloaded by users from mo<strong>re</strong><br />

than 50 countries around the world in <strong>2008</strong>. About<br />

50,000 images we<strong>re</strong> captu<strong>re</strong>d in <strong>2008</strong> and the<strong>re</strong> we<strong>re</strong><br />

6,813,988 hits (number of visitors) for the image<br />

gallery in the same period.<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncaran “TV Commercial & Jingle” Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>2008</strong><br />

Launching of “TV Commercial & Jingle” Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>2008</strong><br />

Sesi Temub<strong>ual</strong> Dengan Media semasa ‘<br />

Online Advertising Campaign <strong>2008</strong>’<br />

P<strong>re</strong>ss Confer<strong>re</strong>nce During<br />

Online Advertising Campaign <strong>2008</strong>

056<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Ko<strong>la</strong>teral/Cenderamata<br />

Col<strong>la</strong>teral/Giveaway<br />

Ko<strong>la</strong>teral/Cenderamata<br />

Sa<strong>la</strong>h satu usaha untuk menyokong kempen Tahun<br />

Me<strong>la</strong>wat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>2008</strong> ia<strong>la</strong>h me<strong>la</strong>lui ko<strong>la</strong>teral dan<br />

cenderamata. Untuk tujuan ini sejum<strong>la</strong>h 2 juta bahanbahan<br />

promosi dikeluarkan, kebanyakan sama dengan<br />

barangan yang disediakan dari kempen yang bermu<strong>la</strong><br />

dari tahun 2007. Menje<strong>la</strong>ng pertengahan tahun <strong>2008</strong><br />

barangan baru seperti beg kertas, poster, kad ucapan<br />

dan paket wang Hari Raya disediakan untuk diagihkan<br />

pada tahun 2009. Antara barangan pemberian baru<br />

ia<strong>la</strong>h pensil dan mainan orang utan, pa<strong>re</strong>o batik serta<br />

payung. <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia bekerjasama rapat dengan<br />

Pusat Kraftangan untuk membeli barangan kraftangan<br />

untuk dij<strong>ual</strong> sebagai menyokong usaha promosi<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. <strong>la</strong>in-<strong>la</strong>in.<br />

Col<strong>la</strong>teral/Giveaway<br />

In sup<strong>port</strong> of Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year <strong>2008</strong> about 2 million<br />

col<strong>la</strong>terals and give-aways we<strong>re</strong> produced. Most we<strong>re</strong><br />

<strong>re</strong>produced in continuation of the campaign from<br />

2007. By mid <strong>2008</strong>, new items like paper bags, folders,<br />

domestic posters, festive cards and Hari Raya festive<br />

money packets we<strong>re</strong> produced for distribution in<br />

2009. New give-away materials included orang utan<br />

pencils, orang utan soft toys, orang utan computer<br />

stickers, specially designed batik pa<strong>re</strong>o, batik bandana,<br />

orang utan fridge magnets and umb<strong>re</strong>l<strong>la</strong>. The unit<br />

col<strong>la</strong>borated closely with the Handicraft Cent<strong>re</strong> to<br />

purchase handicraft items as give-aways for <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s promotional activities.

Imej-imej<br />

• A<strong>la</strong>mat Web Galeri Imej :<br />

http://imagegallery.tourism.gov.my<br />

Images<br />

• Image Gallery WebAdd<strong>re</strong>ss :<br />

http://imagegallery.tourism.gov.my<br />

057<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

• Muka pertama galeri imej memuatkan 10 kategori<br />

seperti berikut:<br />

• The<strong>re</strong> a<strong>re</strong> 10 diffe<strong>re</strong>nt categories featu<strong>re</strong>d on the<br />

first page of the image gallery site. These a<strong>re</strong>:<br />

- Perkhidmatan & kemudahan<br />

- Destinasi & tarikan<br />

- Aktiviti & acara<br />

- A<strong>la</strong>m semu<strong>la</strong> jadi & pemandangan<br />

- Lukisan, budaya & cara hidup<br />

- Sejarah<br />

- Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan eco & agro<br />

- Kesihatan & kesejahteraan diri<br />

- Homestay<br />

- Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan pendidikan<br />

- Services & facilities<br />

- Destinations & attractions<br />

- Activities & events<br />

- Natu<strong>re</strong> & scenes<br />

- Art, cultu<strong>re</strong> & lifestyle<br />

- History<br />

- Eco & agro-tourism<br />

- Health & wellness<br />

- Homestay<br />

- Education tourism<br />

• Januari ke Disember <strong>2008</strong> = Sejum<strong>la</strong>h 6,813,988<br />

hits/pe<strong>la</strong>wat di galeri imej.<br />

• January to December <strong>2008</strong> = Total of 6,813,988<br />

hits/visitors for image gallery.<br />

• Pada 31 Disember <strong>2008</strong> jum<strong>la</strong>h imej-imej<br />

di galeri ia<strong>la</strong>h 60,000.<br />

• 31 December <strong>2008</strong>, total number of images in<br />

image gallery was 60,000.<br />

• Jum<strong>la</strong>h imej yang di<strong>re</strong>kodkan pada <strong>2008</strong> = 50,000.<br />

• Total images <strong>re</strong>corded in <strong>2008</strong> = 50,000.<br />

• Jum<strong>la</strong>h imej yang dimuat-turun oleh pe<strong>la</strong>wat<br />

dari lebih 50 negara pada <strong>2008</strong> = 79,180.<br />

• Downloaded images by users from mo<strong>re</strong> than<br />

50 countries in <strong>2008</strong> = 79,180.

060<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pengurusan<br />

Management<br />

Pengurusan Sumber Manusia<br />

Sehingga akhir <strong>2008</strong>, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia (TM)<br />

mempunyai seramai 905 orang anggota kerja da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

pelbagai g<strong>re</strong>d. Dari jum<strong>la</strong>h ini 146 ada<strong>la</strong>h Kakitangan<br />

Ambi<strong>la</strong>n Tempatan di pejabat-pejabat luar negeri.<br />

Pengukuhan struktur organisasi te<strong>la</strong>h menggabungkan<br />

dan mewujudkan bahagian-bahagian yang lebih<br />

strategik bagi operasi <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia supaya terus<br />

berdaya saing dan mampu menghadapi cabaran<br />

pasaran yang bertambah rumit dan penuh saingan.<br />

Bahagian-bahagian berkenaan ada<strong>la</strong>h seperti berikut :-<br />

1. Bahagian Pengurusan<br />

2. Bahagian Kewangan<br />

3. Bahagian Penyelidikan & Pembangunan Industri<br />

4. Bahagian Komunikasi & Publisiti<br />

5. Bahagian Pengik<strong>la</strong>nan & Sokongan Pemasaran<br />

6. Bahagian Teknologi Maklumat<br />

7. Bahagian Pemasaran Domestik & Singapura<br />

8. Bahagian Pemasaran Antarabangsa<br />

(Amerika/Eropah/Oceania)<br />

9. Bahagian Pemasaran Antarabangsa<br />

(Asia Utara/Asia Timur/Asia Tenggara)<br />

10. Bahagian Pemasaran Antarabangsa<br />

(Asia Barat/Asia Se<strong>la</strong>tan/Afrika)<br />

Bahagian Pengurusan te<strong>la</strong>h me<strong>la</strong>ksanakan 11 urusan<br />

kenaikan pangkat dan pemangkuan pelbagai g<strong>re</strong>d.<br />

Seramai 31 orang pegawai diluluskan pengesahan<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m perkhidmatan. Bagi pengisian jawatan kosong/<br />

<strong>la</strong>ntikan baru pelbagai g<strong>re</strong>d, sebanyak 20 sesi<br />

temuduga te<strong>la</strong>h diadakan.<br />

Dua (2) Mesyuarat Majlis Bersama Jabatan te<strong>la</strong>h<br />

diadakan di mana majikan dan pekerja berbincang<br />

mengenai hal ehwal kebajikan dan pembangunan<br />

kerjaya serta organisasi.<br />

Satu sistem maklumat kakitangan yang dikenali<br />

sebagai “Human Resource Management Information<br />

System (HRMIS)” te<strong>la</strong>h diperkenalkan bagi<br />

menggantikan Sistem Personel (SISPEN) dengan<br />

kerjasama Kementerian Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dan Unit<br />

Permodenan Pengurusan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia (MAMPU), Jabatan<br />

Perdana Menteri.<br />

Human Resource Management<br />

Untill the end of <strong>2008</strong>, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia (TM) has a<br />

total of 905 employees in various grades, of this 146<br />

we<strong>re</strong> locally <strong>re</strong>cruited staff of TM overseas offices.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia had <strong>re</strong>structed its various divisions<br />

with the objective to <strong>re</strong>main competitive and <strong>re</strong>levant<br />

in the market p<strong>la</strong>ce. It involved the following :-<br />

1. Management Division<br />

2. Finance Division<br />

3. Research & Industry Development Division<br />

4. Communications & Publicity Division<br />

5. Advertising & Marketing Sup<strong>port</strong> Division<br />

6. Information Technology Division<br />

7. Domestic Market & Singapo<strong>re</strong> Division<br />

8. International Marketing Division<br />

(Americas/Europe/Oceania)<br />

9. International Marketing Division<br />

(North Asia/East Timur/Southeast-Asia)<br />

10. International Marketing Division<br />

(West Asia/South Asia/Africa)<br />

The Management Division conducted 11 promotion<br />

and acting excercises for various grades. Thirty one (31)<br />

officers we<strong>re</strong> confirmed. Twenty (20) interviews we<strong>re</strong><br />

conducted to fill up vacancies.<br />

Two (2) ‘Majlis Bersama Jabatan’ (Joint Department<br />

Council) meetings we<strong>re</strong> held to provide an op<strong>port</strong>unity<br />

for employees to meet and discuss welfa<strong>re</strong> matters and<br />

ca<strong>re</strong>er development with the management.<br />

The Human Resource Management Information<br />

System (HRMIS) was introduced to <strong>re</strong>p<strong>la</strong>ce the existing<br />

Personnel System (SISPEN), with the cooperation of<br />

Ministry of <strong>Tourism</strong> and the Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian Management<br />

Modernisation Unit (MAMPU) of the Prime Minister<br />


061<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Seramai 72 pegawai/kakitangan TM te<strong>la</strong>h menerima<br />

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemer<strong>la</strong>ng bagi tahun <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia juga menghargai perkhidmatan<br />

setia pegawai dan kakitangan me<strong>la</strong>lui Anugerah Khas<br />

Pengurusan.<br />

A total of 72 officers and staff had <strong>re</strong>ceived the<br />

Excellent Services Award for <strong>2008</strong>. While those with<br />

long services with <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia we<strong>re</strong> <strong>re</strong>cognised<br />

with the Special Management Award.<br />

Pengurusan Program<br />

Latihan & Kecekapan<br />

Bertepatan dengan saranan kerajaan supaya agensi<br />

kerajaan memberi penekanan da<strong>la</strong>m pembangunan<br />

sumber manusia dan modal insan, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

te<strong>la</strong>h menganjur 139 sesi <strong>la</strong>tihan da<strong>la</strong>m tahun <strong>2008</strong><br />

yang disertai 1,005 pegawai dan kakitangan.<br />

Corak dan kandungan <strong>la</strong>tihan menjurus kepada<br />

promosi/pemasaran, kemahiran diri, komunikasi,<br />

kejurujua<strong>la</strong>n, pembangunan insan, integriti, etika,<br />

kerohanian, pengurusan, kewangan, teknologi<br />

maklumat dan komunikasi, penyeliaan, perundingan<br />

kepimpinan dan penguasaan bahasa asing.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia turut berjaya buat pertama kalinya<br />

menganjurkan Peperiksaan Peni<strong>la</strong>ian Tahap Kecekapan<br />

G<strong>re</strong>d N & W secara da<strong>la</strong>man.<br />

Training Courses & Efficiency<br />

Management<br />

In line with the government call for agencies to<br />

emphasise on human <strong>re</strong>source and human capital<br />

development, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia had organised 139<br />

training courses throughout the year attended by<br />

1,005 officers and staff of various grades.<br />

These include training and courses on promotions/<br />

marketing, personal skills, communications,<br />

salesmanship, character development, integrity, ethics,<br />

spirit<strong>ual</strong> quotient, management, finance, information<br />

technology supervisory, negotiation, leadership and<br />

mastery of fo<strong>re</strong>ign <strong>la</strong>nguages.<br />

For the first time <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia had successfully<br />

organised internally the Competency Examination<br />

for N & W Grades.<br />

Program Latihan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Training Programme <strong>2008</strong><br />

Sesi Taklimat Peperiksaan Tahap Kecekapan (PTK)<br />

Kepada Calon-Calon <strong>2008</strong><br />

Briefing to Candidates of the Competency Examination

062<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pengurusan Program<br />

Korporat Dan K<strong>ual</strong>iti<br />

Corporate And<br />

Q<strong>ual</strong>ity Management<br />

Program-program perhubungan antara pegawai dan<br />

kakitangan terus di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan bagi mengekalkan<br />

persefahaman, suasana kerja yang harmoni serta<br />

kerjasama erat. Antaranya termasuk<strong>la</strong>h Sambutan Hari<br />

K<strong>ual</strong>iti, Majlis Anugerah Khas Pengurusan & Khidmat<br />

Setia, Majlis Sambutan Menje<strong>la</strong>ng Bu<strong>la</strong>n Syawal dan<br />

Majlis Persaraan.<br />

Bahagian Pengurusan juga terbabit da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

per<strong>la</strong>ksanaan aktiviti-aktiviti peningkatan k<strong>ual</strong>iti dan<br />

produktiviti seperti penyediaan man<strong>ual</strong> prosedur kerja<br />

bagi pejabat luar negeri, fail meja bagi semua pegawai/<br />

kakitangan dan pe<strong>la</strong>ksanaan MS ISO. Bahagian juga<br />

sedang berusaha untuk mencapai MS ISO 9<strong>001</strong>/<strong>2008</strong><br />

bagi mengantikan MS ISO 9000/1994.<br />

Bahagian juga bertanggungjawab da<strong>la</strong>m kerja-kerja<br />

keurusetiaan dan penye<strong>la</strong>rasan bagi mesyuaratmesyuarat<br />

peringkat tinggi seperti Lembaga Pengarah<br />

dan Jawatankuasa Pengurusan.<br />

Interactive programmes amongst officers and staff<br />

continued and held to maintain understanding,<br />

harmonious working environment and cooperation.<br />

Among these we<strong>re</strong> Q<strong>ual</strong>ity Day, Special Management<br />

& Loyal Service Awards, Majlis Sambutan Menje<strong>la</strong>ng<br />

Syawal and Fa<strong>re</strong>well for Reti<strong>re</strong>es.<br />

Management division also involved in p<strong>re</strong>paring the<br />

operating procedu<strong>re</strong> man<strong>ual</strong> for the overseas offices<br />

and the implementation of the MS ISO. <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia is working towards achieving the MS ISO<br />

9<strong>001</strong>/<strong>2008</strong> to <strong>re</strong>p<strong>la</strong>ce the MS ISO 9000/1994.<br />

The division also acted as sec<strong>re</strong>tariat for Board<br />

meetings, Management Committee Meeting and<br />

others.<br />

Majlis Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemer<strong>la</strong>ng 2007<br />

Excellence Awards Ce<strong>re</strong>mony P<strong>re</strong>sentation 2007

063<br />

Pengurusan Harta,<br />

Rekod & Pentadbiran<br />

Assets and Records<br />

Management Administration<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Bahagian Pengurusan turut bertanggungjawab<br />

ke atas pengurusan harta dan pengurusan<br />

<strong>re</strong>kod serta pentadbiran am. Ia juga menyelia<br />

sewaan pejabat da<strong>la</strong>m dan luar negeri serta<br />

rumah kediaman kakitangan home-based di luar<br />

negeri. Sebanyak 4 kontrak sewaan pejabat luar<br />

negeri dan 38 permohonan rumah kediaman<br />

kakitangan home-based diseliakan. Bahagian ini<br />

juga membantu bahagian-bahagian <strong>la</strong>in bagi kerjakerja<br />

pengubahsuaian pejabat-pejabat negeri dan<br />

pusat penerangan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan. Sejum<strong>la</strong>h 12 kerja<br />

pengubahsuaian/pembinaan pusat penerangan<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan te<strong>la</strong>h di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan da<strong>la</strong>m tahun <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

70% kerja-kerja pelupusan dan hapus kira aset alih<br />

kerajaan di ibu pejabat te<strong>la</strong>h dicapai da<strong>la</strong>m tahun ini.<br />

Sepanjang <strong>2008</strong> juga sebanyak 3 sesi persediaan untuk<br />

pegawai <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia bagi tugasan di persidangan<br />

Parlimen te<strong>la</strong>h diurus selia oleh Bahagian yang<br />

melibatkan 135 pegawai.<br />

Dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan,<br />

bahagian juga bertanggungjawab menye<strong>la</strong>ras 25 nota/<br />

memorandum daripada Menteri Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan untuk<br />

Jemaah Menteri menimbangkan perkara-perkara<br />

berkaitan sesuatu per<strong>la</strong>ksanaan program yang bakal<br />

dija<strong>la</strong>nkan oleh <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Bahagian ini juga merupakan urusetia kepada<br />

Jawatankuasa Aset Alih Kerajaan peringkat <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia yang bertanggungjawab da<strong>la</strong>m pengurusan<br />

aset dan inventori. Pada tahun <strong>2008</strong> jawatankuasa<br />

ini te<strong>la</strong>h bermesyuarat dua kali. Kini da<strong>la</strong>m peringkat<br />

memperkemaskan sistem dan daftar aset & inventori<br />

termasuk pejabat-pejabat negeri dan luar negeri.<br />

Management division is also <strong>re</strong>sponsible for asset<br />

management, administrating the <strong>re</strong>nt/lease of all<br />

offices, domestic and overseas.<br />

This year the division processed the contract for 4<br />

overseas offices and thirty eight (38) application for<br />

house <strong>re</strong>ntal by home based officers. This division also<br />

assisted other division in carrying out <strong>re</strong>novation work<br />

of state offices and tourist information cent<strong>re</strong>s in <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

70% of assets and inventories at head office we<strong>re</strong><br />

successfully disposed.<br />

The division conducted 3 p<strong>re</strong>paratory courses for<br />

135 officers for performing their official duties at<br />

Parliament and during the debate.<br />

With the corperation of the Ministry of <strong>Tourism</strong>,<br />

the division was also <strong>re</strong>sponsible for coordinating<br />

25 memoranda from the Minister of <strong>Tourism</strong> for<br />

the cabinet’s consideration on programmes to be<br />

implemented by <strong>Tourism</strong>.<br />

Being a Sec<strong>re</strong>tariat to Assets Committee at <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia level, the division had two meetings in <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

It was the process to improve the system and <strong>re</strong>cords<br />

of assets and inventory for all state and overseas<br />


066<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Kajian-kajian<br />

Surveys<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia te<strong>la</strong>h mengendalikan pelbagai kajian<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m usaha untuk menjadikan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia sebagai<br />

destinasi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan pilhan. Penekanan kepada aspek<br />

kajian ini membolehkan <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia merangka<br />

strategi promosi dan pe<strong>la</strong>n pemasaran berkesan<br />

berpandukan kepada data dan maklumat terkumpul.<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia carried out various studies to help<br />

st<strong>re</strong>ngthen the country’s attraction as a p<strong>re</strong>fer<strong>re</strong>d<br />

tourism destination. The information derived from<br />

these surveys helps the agency to formu<strong>la</strong>te effective<br />

promotional and marketing strategies.<br />

Kajian Pemergian Pe<strong>la</strong>wat<br />

Kajian ini diadakan bagi mendapatkan maklumat profil<br />

demografik pe<strong>la</strong>ncong asing, corak perbe<strong>la</strong>njaan dan<br />

perja<strong>la</strong>nan me<strong>re</strong>ka di negara ini. Sebanyak tujuh lokasi<br />

utama dipilih, termasuk beberapa <strong>la</strong>pangan terbang<br />

antarabangsa dan pintu masuk utama di utara dan<br />

se<strong>la</strong>tan. Kajian sebanyak empat kali setahun pu<strong>la</strong><br />

diadakan di pintu-pintu masuk tambahan termasuk<br />

<strong>la</strong>luan ke<strong>re</strong>tapi, kawasan <strong>re</strong>hat lebuhraya dan jeti.<br />

Sebanyak 45,000 <strong>re</strong>sponden disasarkan setahun<br />

dan satu <strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong> <strong>tahunan</strong> bertajuk Profil Pe<strong>la</strong>ncong<br />

diterbitkan berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi.<br />

Survey on departing tourists<br />

This survey aims to determine information on<br />

demographics, spending patterns and their itinerary.<br />

Seven locations we<strong>re</strong> identified including air<strong>port</strong>s<br />

and other main entry/exit points. In addition, four<br />

other surveys a<strong>re</strong> conducted at other points like<br />

ferry terminals, train stations and highway <strong>re</strong>st and<br />

<strong>re</strong>c<strong>re</strong>ation a<strong>re</strong>as. A total of 45,000 <strong>re</strong>spondents a<strong>re</strong><br />

targetted each year and each year a <strong>re</strong><strong>port</strong> entitled<br />

Tourist Profile is published.<br />

Lokasi Kajian Sepanjang Tahun<br />

• Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kua<strong>la</strong> Lumpur<br />

• Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Bayan Lepas<br />

• Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Langkawi<br />

• Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuching<br />

• Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kota Kinabalu<br />

• Kompleks Imig<strong>re</strong>sen Tambak Johor<br />

• Kompleks Imig<strong>re</strong>sen Bukit Kayu Hitam<br />

Locations for year-long surveys<br />

• Kua<strong>la</strong> Lumpur International Air<strong>port</strong><br />

• Bayan Lepas International Air<strong>port</strong><br />

• Langkawi International Air<strong>port</strong><br />

• Kuching International Air<strong>port</strong><br />

• Kota Kinabalu International Air<strong>port</strong><br />

• Immigration Complex, Johor Causeway<br />

• Immigration Complex, Bukit Kayu Hitam<br />

Lokasi Kajian 4 suku<br />

• Pe<strong>la</strong>buhan Me<strong>la</strong>ka<br />

• Stesen KTM Butterworth<br />

• Kawasan Rehat & Rawat Machap, Johor<br />

• Pe<strong>la</strong>buhan Stu<strong>la</strong>ng Laut, Johor<br />

• Kompleks Imig<strong>re</strong>sen Sungai Tujuh, Miri<br />

• Jeti Feri Labuan<br />

• Kompleks Imig<strong>re</strong>sen Rantau Panjang<br />

Location for quarterly surveys<br />

• Ma<strong>la</strong>cca Port<br />

• Butterworth train station<br />

• Machap Highway R&R, Johor<br />

• Stu<strong>la</strong>ng Laut jetty terminal, Johor<br />

• Immigration Complex, Sungai Tujuh, Miri<br />

• Labuan ferry jetty<br />

• Immigration Complex, Rantau Panjang

067<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Kajian Kepu<strong>la</strong>ngan Rakyat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

(Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian Outbound Survey – MOS)<br />

Kajian ini diadakan bagi mengumpul data mengenai<br />

profil dan corak perbe<strong>la</strong>njaan rakyat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia yang<br />

ke luar negara. Kajian sepanjang tahun ini diadakan<br />

di empat buah pintu masuk iaitu di KLIA, LTAB Bayan<br />

Lepas, LTAB Kota Kinabalu dan LTAB Kuching. Seramai<br />

5,000 <strong>re</strong>sponden diperlukan setahun dan buku <strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong><br />

Key Performance Indicator diterbitkan secara <strong>tahunan</strong><br />

berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi.<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysian Outbound Survey<br />

The survey is to collect data on the profiles and<br />

spending patterns of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians travelling abroad.<br />

This is conducted at the KLIA departu<strong>re</strong> gates and<br />

air<strong>port</strong>s in Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and Bayan Lepas.<br />

A total of 5,000 <strong>re</strong>spondents we<strong>re</strong> interviewed. The Key<br />

Performance Indicator <strong>re</strong><strong>port</strong> is then published based<br />

on the data gathe<strong>re</strong>d.<br />

Kajian Kadar Purata Penginapan Hotel<br />

Kajian ini dija<strong>la</strong>nkan bagi mendapat angka petunjuk<br />

terhadap p<strong>re</strong>stasi industri perhote<strong>la</strong>n di negara ini<br />

menerusi pengumpu<strong>la</strong>n maklumat seperti jum<strong>la</strong>h<br />

penginapan hotel, purata tempoh penginapan<br />

berdasarkan negara tempat tinggal serta purata harga<br />

sesebuah bilik hotel mengikut kategori hotel dan<br />

kawasan. Kajian ini dija<strong>la</strong>nkan sebanyak empat kali<br />

setahun di lima bahagian, iaitu tengah, utara, se<strong>la</strong>tan,<br />

pantai timur dan Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Timur yang membabitkan<br />

538 sampel hotel.<br />

Survey on hotel occupancy rates<br />

The survey gathers information on total number of<br />

rooms, length of stay and average room rate based<br />

on types of hotels and locations. It is conducted four<br />

times a year in the north, south, central and east coast<br />

of peninsu<strong>la</strong>r Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, Sabah and Sarawak involving a<br />

sampling of 538 hotels.<br />

Kajian MICE Tracking bertujuan bagi mendapatkan<br />

anggaran bi<strong>la</strong>ngan peserta yang menghadiri acara<br />

MICE di seluruh negara. Menerusi kajian ini profil<br />

peserta dan psikografik, data mengenai tempoh<br />

tinggal, sumber maklumat acara yang dihadiri, data<br />

berhubung jenis penginapan, aktiviti-aktiviti (sebelum<br />

dan selepas) yang dija<strong>la</strong>nkan dan corak perbe<strong>la</strong>njaan<br />

peserta dikumpul. Pemilihan acara MICE bagi kajian ini<br />

berdasarkan senarai yang dikeluarkan oleh Bahagian<br />

Konvensyen se<strong>la</strong>in maklumat yang diperolehi daripada<br />

<strong>la</strong>man web berkaitan industri MICE.<br />

The MICE Tracking survey on the other hand aims<br />

to determine the number of participants at all MICE<br />

events in the country. Through this, the profiles of<br />

participants can be determined, apart from information<br />

on the events attended, types of accommodation,<br />

activities befo<strong>re</strong> and after and spending patterns.<br />

The selection is based on the calendar of MICE events<br />

published by <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia as well as other sources.

068<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>n Penjenamaan Global<br />

Global Branding<br />

Kajian ini menggabungkan penyelidikan ke atas<br />

aktiviti-aktiviti di<strong>re</strong>ka khas yang bertujuan untuk<br />

meningkatkan bi<strong>la</strong>ngan pe<strong>la</strong>ncong baru dan<br />

mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan pe<strong>la</strong>wat beru<strong>la</strong>ng, meningkatkan<br />

kadar purata tempoh tinggal dan memperkukuhkan<br />

kesedaran keberkesanan penjenamaan <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Pe<strong>la</strong>n ini membabitkan pemasaran,<br />

pengik<strong>la</strong>nan, perhubungan awam, pemasaran terus,<br />

<strong>la</strong>man web dan <strong>la</strong>in-<strong>la</strong>in. Pe<strong>la</strong>n penjenamaan ini<br />

membolehkan penyeluaran mesej dan imej yang<br />

konsisten antara pasaran sasaran, kesinambungan<br />

antara pelbagai program, menge<strong>la</strong>kkan pembaziran<br />

sumber dan menghapuskan aktiviti-aktiviti yang tidak<br />

se<strong>la</strong>ras.<br />

The ultimate aim of this survey is to inc<strong>re</strong>ase the<br />

number of arrivals and encourage <strong>re</strong>peat visits, inc<strong>re</strong>ase<br />

the length of stays and enhance the awa<strong>re</strong>ness of the<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia brand. The p<strong>la</strong>n involves marketing,<br />

advertising, public <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>tions, di<strong>re</strong>ct marketing and<br />

websites, amongst others. The p<strong>la</strong>n enables the<br />

dissemination of information and image consistent in<br />

target markets, continuity and connectivity between<br />

programmes, thus avoiding the unnecessary spending<br />

of <strong>re</strong>sources and activities that a<strong>re</strong> not coordinated.<br />

Unit Pusat Sumber<br />

Pusat Sumber <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia mempunyai sejum<strong>la</strong>h<br />

15,529 buku dan maja<strong>la</strong>h/jurnal. Pada tahun <strong>2008</strong><br />

pusat ini meneruskan penambahan bahan-bahan<br />

rujukan.<br />

Resources Cent<strong>re</strong><br />

The cent<strong>re</strong> has 15,529 books, magazines and journals<br />

Steps to inc<strong>re</strong>ase its collection continued in <strong>2008</strong> to<br />

further include 644 books and 256 magazines and<br />

journals. The work includes subscribing to format<br />

titles and binding the journals and <strong>re</strong><strong>port</strong>s for better<br />

<strong>re</strong>fe<strong>re</strong>ncing.<br />

Sebanyak 644 judul buku baru dan 256 naskhah<br />

maja<strong>la</strong>h/jurnal da<strong>la</strong>m bidang pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan diperolehi<br />

dan di<strong>re</strong>kodkan. Disamping itu <strong>la</strong>ngganan dan<br />

kerja-kerja penjilidan jurnal dan <strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong>-<strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong><br />

yang berkaitan pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan untuk<br />

memudahkan rujukan.<br />

Easy access is avai<strong>la</strong>ble online at the cent<strong>re</strong>’s website for<br />

the purpose of books/journal <strong>re</strong>servation and <strong>re</strong>newal<br />

of borrowing.<br />

Maklumat koleksi pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan mudah diperolehi<br />

me<strong>la</strong>lui <strong>la</strong>man web pusat ini dengan menawarkan<br />

carian OPAC (katalog atas talian) dan juga<br />

perkhidmatan <strong>la</strong>in seperti tempahan buku atas talian<br />

dan membaharui pinjaman atas talian.<br />

To further encourage usage at any time and from<br />

any location, the cent<strong>re</strong> is served by/linked to<br />

PASSPORT, Lawnet dan the NTSP e-media archives.<br />

It also provides the IMIS Travel & <strong>Tourism</strong> database,<br />

Emerald and WebOPAC/WebInfoline during orientation<br />

programmes for new officers. Forty-six e-Bullettins<br />

detailing <strong>re</strong>fe<strong>re</strong>nce materials we<strong>re</strong> sent out to staff via<br />

e-mail. 2,700 books and 297 magazines and journals<br />

we<strong>re</strong> borrowed by officers/staff while 117 titles we<strong>re</strong><br />

borrowed by students, consultants and via the interlibrary<br />


069<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Maja<strong>la</strong>h dan Jurnal<br />

Magazines and Journals<br />

Da<strong>la</strong>m usaha untuk mengga<strong>la</strong>kan penggunaan koleksi<br />

digital pada bi<strong>la</strong>-bi<strong>la</strong> masa dan di mana-mana, Pusat<br />

Sumber te<strong>la</strong>h menyambung <strong>la</strong>ngganan pangka<strong>la</strong>n<br />

data PASSPORT, Lawnet dan bahan arkib NTSP e-media.<br />

Pusat ini juga te<strong>la</strong>h me<strong>la</strong>ksanakan perkhidmatan<br />

<strong>la</strong>tihan penggunaan pangka<strong>la</strong>n data IMIS Travel<br />

& <strong>Tourism</strong>, NSTP e-Media Archives, Emerald serta<br />

WebOPAC/WebInfoline da<strong>la</strong>m sesi orientasi kepada<br />

pegawai-pegawai baru. Sejum<strong>la</strong>h 46 isu e-Bulletin yang<br />

menyenaraikan bahan rujukan terkini diwar-warkan<br />

me<strong>la</strong>lui e-mel kepada warga <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Dengan<br />

hebahan tersebut dianggarkan 2,700 unit buku dan<br />

297 maja<strong>la</strong>h/jurnal dipinjam oleh pengguna da<strong>la</strong>man<br />

manaka<strong>la</strong> 117 unit <strong>la</strong>gi dipinjamkan kepada perunding<br />

dan pe<strong>la</strong>jar universiti me<strong>la</strong>lui sistem pinjaman antara<br />

perpustakaan. Pusat Sumber juga te<strong>la</strong>h membuka<br />

keahlian kepada pemandu pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan untuk<br />

membuat rujukan. Seramai 200 pemandu pe<strong>la</strong>ncong<br />

te<strong>la</strong>h mendaftar. Sepanjang tahun ini seramai 3,393<br />

kakitangan <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia dan 751 orang awam<br />

menggunakan perkhidmatan Pusat Sumber.<br />

The cent<strong>re</strong> allows tourist guides to use its services/<br />

<strong>re</strong>sources and 200 have <strong>re</strong>giste<strong>re</strong>d. Additionally 3,393<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia employees and 751 members of the<br />

public used the cent<strong>re</strong>.

072<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Teknologi<br />

Maklumat<br />

Information Technology<br />

Pelbagai aktiviti ICT dija<strong>la</strong>nkan oleh <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

bagi memastikan promosi negara dapat di<strong>la</strong>kukan<br />

me<strong>la</strong>lui penggunaan teknologi terkini.<br />

Ini semua di<strong>la</strong>kukan untuk memastikan aktiviti<br />

yang berteraskan ICT di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan se<strong>la</strong>ri dengan<br />

perkembangan teknologi IT dunia. Ia termasuk aktivitiaktiviti<br />

promosi se<strong>la</strong>in kerja-kerja asas penyenggaraan,<br />

penaiktarafan serta penambahbaikan yang melibatkan<br />

semua peringkat ICT <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

The division undertook several measu<strong>re</strong>s to ensu<strong>re</strong><br />

that all of the agency’s promotional activities would be<br />

made possible through the <strong>la</strong>test avai<strong>la</strong>ble technology.<br />

Thus is also to ensu<strong>re</strong> that whatever is done is<br />

consistent with the use of the <strong>la</strong>test in information<br />

technology. Included in this approach a<strong>re</strong> the<br />

maintenance, upgrading and improvements of ICT<br />

at all levels.<br />

Pemasaran Siber<br />

Pemasaran siber ada<strong>la</strong>h penggunaan perantara<br />

elektronik untuk me<strong>la</strong>kukan aktiviti pemasaran bagi<br />

mencapai mat<strong>la</strong>mat <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Pemasaran<br />

Internet, Pemasaran Interaktif dan Pemasaran me<strong>la</strong>lui<br />

telefon bimbit ada<strong>la</strong>h antara bentuk pemasaran siber.<br />

Tiga kategori utama pemasaran siber <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

ada<strong>la</strong>h komunikasi, analisa dan hubungan pengurusan<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>nggan.<br />

a. Aktiviti komunikasi dan<br />

promosi termasuk:<br />

• Pemasaran To<strong>la</strong>kan - Contohnya e-promosi,<br />

pemasaran bersama, ik<strong>la</strong>n teks, pengik<strong>la</strong>nan<br />

menyeluruh, ik<strong>la</strong>n <strong>re</strong>ntang (b<strong>ann</strong>er), ik<strong>la</strong>n pop-up<br />

dan permainan ik<strong>la</strong>n (advergames).<br />

• Pemasaran Tarikan ada<strong>la</strong>h pemasaran secara<br />

<strong>la</strong>ngsung da<strong>la</strong>m bentuk surat berita (e-newsletter)<br />

dan e-mel rangkaian (e-mel viral).<br />

• Pemasaran Interaktif membolehkan pe<strong>la</strong>nggan<br />

mengemukakan pilihan me<strong>re</strong>ka yang akan<br />

dipadankan dengan pilihan terbaru.<br />

Cyber marketing<br />

Cybermarketing using electronic applications a<strong>re</strong> used<br />

as a tool in marketing activities. Internet marketing,<br />

interactive marketing and marketing via mobile<br />

phones a<strong>re</strong> among the e-marketing tools applied by<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

The e-marketing activities of <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia a<strong>re</strong><br />

communications, analysis and customer management<br />

<strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>tions.<br />

a. Communications and promotional<br />

activities we<strong>re</strong>:<br />

• Push marketing - Examples a<strong>re</strong> e-promotion,<br />

joint marketing, advertising text, comp<strong>re</strong>hensive<br />

advertising, b<strong>ann</strong>ers, pop-up advertisements and<br />

advergames.<br />

• Pull marketing - This is di<strong>re</strong>ct marketing in the form<br />

of e-newsletter viral e-mail.<br />

• Interactive marketing - Allows the client to state<br />

their p<strong>re</strong>fe<strong>re</strong>nces to be matched with the <strong>la</strong>test<br />


073<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pera<strong>la</strong>tan untuk tindakan komunikasi<br />

sedemikian :<br />

• Portal Pemasaran/<strong>la</strong>man web<br />

• Rangkaian pengik<strong>la</strong>nan seperti di travel<br />

networks<br />

• Webcasting – Penggunaan video<br />

• Ruangan Sembang (chat) You Tube/Flickr<br />

• Laman Web – Pembentukan dan pengurusan<br />

isi kandungan (contoh: soa<strong>la</strong>n yang sering<br />

ditanya (FAQs), maklumat produk, bahan untuk<br />

dimuat-turun.)<br />

• E-mel, e-mel surat berita (e-newsletter),<br />

senarai mel pemasaran<br />

• Social networking dan Blog<br />

The tools <strong>re</strong>qui<strong>re</strong>d to implement<br />

the above a<strong>re</strong>:<br />

• Marketing <strong>port</strong>al/website.<br />

• Advertising network as in travel networks.<br />

• Webcasting (use of videos).<br />

• You Tube/Flickr chat-rooms.<br />

• Website - Avai<strong>la</strong>bility and management<br />

of contents (for example FAQs), product<br />

information and items that can be<br />

downloaded.<br />

• E-mail, e-newsletter and marketing mail.<br />

• Social networking and blogs.<br />

b. Analisa – penggunaan optimum enjin carian<br />

(search engine)<br />

• Untuk memudahkan proses pencarian maklumat<br />

berkaitan <strong>la</strong>man web <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia, aktivitiaktiviti<br />

pengemaskinian data dan sususan meta<br />

tag di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan secara kerap dari semasa ke<br />

semasa. Ini secara tidak <strong>la</strong>ngsung dapat<br />

mempengaruhi kedudukan carta <strong>la</strong>man web<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia pada enjin carian utama.<br />

b. Analysis – Optimum use of search engines:<br />

• To facilitate the search for information at <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s website, <strong>re</strong>gu<strong>la</strong>r updating and arranging<br />

of meta tag. This indi<strong>re</strong>ctly affects positively the<br />

position of the <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia website in<br />

<strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>tion to the main search engine.<br />

c. Perhubungan Pe<strong>la</strong>nggan di<strong>la</strong>kukan secara:<br />

• Tindakan khusus kepada pe<strong>la</strong>nggan individu<br />

termasuk perkhidmatan pe<strong>la</strong>nggan secara<br />

online dan tindakan khusus kepada pe<strong>la</strong>nggan<br />

berkumpu<strong>la</strong>n termasuk kempen viral yang<br />

mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan individu menyebarkan pesanan<br />

kepada rakan-rakan, se<strong>la</strong>in pengurusan<br />

masyarakat. (Contoh: pembentukan serta<br />

penglibatan da<strong>la</strong>m ruang masyarakat<br />

(community spaces).<br />

c. Customer <strong>re</strong><strong>la</strong>tion services:<br />

• Di<strong>re</strong>ct servicing of a client, either individ<strong>ual</strong>ly or<br />

as a group, is done online. Clients a<strong>re</strong> encouraged<br />

to sp<strong>re</strong>ad the message online to others and<br />

through participation via community spaces.

074<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Laman Web <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia website<br />

BTM te<strong>la</strong>h menyediakan <strong>la</strong>man web pengguna<br />

(consumer site) <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia da<strong>la</strong>m Bahasa<br />

Me<strong>la</strong>yu bagi membantu serta mengga<strong>la</strong>kkan<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan terutamanya di sektor domestik. Laman<br />

web Bahasa Me<strong>la</strong>yu turut memberi tumpuan kepada<br />

kempen Zoom! yang memaparkan destinasi-destinasi<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan, se<strong>la</strong>in paparan pada <strong>la</strong>man web Bahasa<br />

Inggeris.<br />

Laman web <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia mencatatkan seramai<br />

1,876,127 pengunjung. Sejum<strong>la</strong>h 77% terdiri daripada<br />

pengunjung yang pertama kali me<strong>la</strong>yari <strong>la</strong>man web.<br />

The division has provided a consumer website<br />

in Ma<strong>la</strong>y as part of efforts to encourage tourism,<br />

especially domestic tourism. The Ma<strong>la</strong>y website also<br />

focuses on the Zoom! Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia campaign under which<br />

tourist attractions a<strong>re</strong> disp<strong>la</strong>yed, apart from its links to<br />

the English <strong>la</strong>nguage website.<br />

The website <strong>re</strong>corded 1,876,127 visitors, of whom 77%<br />

we<strong>re</strong> first time web visitors.<br />

Laman web versi Bahasa Me<strong>la</strong>yu<br />

The Ma<strong>la</strong>y website<br />

BTM turut me<strong>la</strong>kukan penambahbaikan bagi <strong>la</strong>man<br />

web korporat. Ini membabitkan penambahbaikan<br />

fakta dan data. Modul ini memaparkan statistik dan<br />

data pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan terkini da<strong>la</strong>m bentuk interaktif<br />

beserta carta. Penambahbaikkan ini turut merangkumi<br />

kemudahan capaian data yang lebih mudah dan<br />

berkesan.<br />

The division also upgraded the agency’s corporate<br />

website, incorporating mo<strong>re</strong> data. The module has the<br />

<strong>la</strong>test statistics and data on tourism in interactive form<br />

and with charts. The upgrade allows for better access<br />

to information.

075<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Galeri Utama<br />

Master Gallery<br />

Capaian untuk bahan promosi berbentuk multimedia<br />

kini lebih mudah dengan kewujudan satu <strong>la</strong>man khas,<br />

Master Gallery. Me<strong>la</strong>lui ha<strong>la</strong>man ini pe<strong>la</strong>wat ke <strong>la</strong>man<br />

web <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia dapat menonton dan memuat<br />

turun bahan–bahan promosi multimedia termasuk<br />

rakaman video, pengik<strong>la</strong>nan TV, vignettes, gambar<br />

dan audio berkaitan destinasi atau acara pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan.<br />

Sejajar dengan t<strong>re</strong>nd <strong>la</strong>man web terkini, BTM te<strong>la</strong>h<br />

menambah aplikasi web 2.0 di da<strong>la</strong>m <strong>la</strong>man web rasmi<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Aplikasi yang dimaksudkan ia<strong>la</strong>h Really Simple<br />

Syndication (RSS), Destination Comments &<br />

Star Rating dan Social Bookmarking. BTM juga<br />

me<strong>la</strong>ksanakan peta interaktif menggunakan Google<br />

Maps yang menyediakan taburan (tagging) tempattempat<br />

pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan negara.<br />

Aplikasi Web 2.0 ini memberi dimensi baru da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

<strong>la</strong>man web <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia yang membolehkan<br />

pengunjung berinteraksi dan memberi tindak ba<strong>la</strong>s<br />

terhadap kandungan <strong>la</strong>man web atau destinasi yang<br />

di<strong>la</strong>wati. Ini juga dapat membantu pengunjung <strong>la</strong>in<br />

membuat perancangan mengenai <strong>la</strong>watan yang akan<br />

dibuat.<br />

Access to the multimedia promotional information is<br />

now made easier through the Master Gallery special<br />

site. Visitors to the agency’s website a<strong>re</strong> able to<br />

download video <strong>re</strong>cordings, television commercials,<br />

vignettes, photos and audio on destinations and<br />

events.<br />

In line with <strong>la</strong>test t<strong>re</strong>nds, the division has added the<br />

Web 2.0 applications to the agency’s official website.<br />

The materials concerned include the Really Simple<br />

Syndication, Destination Comments & Star Rating and<br />

Social Bookmarking. ICT made avai<strong>la</strong>ble interactive<br />

maps using Google Maps that tag tourist attractions<br />

in the country.<br />

These applications give a new dimension to the<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia website and allow visitors to<br />

provide feedback about the contents of the site<br />

or a destination that has been visited. This helps<br />

prospective tourists to p<strong>la</strong>n their visits in a mo<strong>re</strong><br />

organised arrangement.

076<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Komen Destinasi<br />

Comments on destinations<br />

Peta Google<br />

Google Maps<br />

Sistem Aplikasi<br />

BTM juga menaiktaraf Sistem Pegurusan Maklumat<br />

Kewangan secara berperingkat disamping<br />

memperkenalkan beberapa modul baru.<br />

Modul-modul tersebut ada<strong>la</strong>h e-Perolehan,<br />

e-Be<strong>la</strong>njawan, e-Aset Tetap, e-Gaji, e-Inventori,<br />

e-Kontrak & Beka<strong>la</strong>n, e-One Stop Center, e-Imp<strong>re</strong>st<br />

dan e-Advance, C<strong>la</strong>im & Overtime.<br />

Application systems<br />

The division also upgraded the Financial Management<br />

Information System in stages apart from introducing<br />

new modules. These a<strong>re</strong> the e-Acquisitions, e-Budget,<br />

e-Fixed Assets, e-Sa<strong>la</strong>ry, e-Inventory, e-Contracts &<br />

Supplies, e-One Stop Cent<strong>re</strong>, e-Imp<strong>re</strong>st and e-Advance,<br />

C<strong>la</strong>im & Overtime.

077<br />

Ini semua bertujuan untuk membantu proses<br />

perolehan dan be<strong>la</strong>njawan <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia. Aplikasi<br />

e-Imp<strong>re</strong>st membantu pejabat negeri dan luar negeri<br />

da<strong>la</strong>m pengurusan akaun dengan membenarkan<br />

pejabat negeri dan luar negara menginput data secara<br />

online menerusi kaedah Secu<strong>re</strong>d Socket Layer-Virt<strong>ual</strong><br />

Private Network(SSL-VPN) dimana <strong>la</strong><strong>poran</strong> pergerakan<br />

akaun dapat dipantau oleh Bahagian Kewangan di ibu<br />

pejabat.<br />

The applications a<strong>re</strong> intended to assist the acquisition<br />

and budgeting processes of the agency. The e-Imp<strong>re</strong>st<br />

assists the domestic and fo<strong>re</strong>ign offices in accounting<br />

management system by enabling the offices to input<br />

online data via the Secu<strong>re</strong>d Socket Layer-Virt<strong>ual</strong><br />

Private Network (SSL-VPN) application through which<br />

the Finance Division at the head office can monitor the<br />

work.<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Rangkaian Luas<br />

Da<strong>la</strong>m usaha mempertingkatkan p<strong>re</strong>stasi<br />

penyampaian dan perkongsian maklumat di antara<br />

pengguna di da<strong>la</strong>m dan di luar ibu pejabat, <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia memperkenalkan kemudahan Secu<strong>re</strong>d<br />

Socket Layer-Virt<strong>ual</strong> Private Network (SSL-VPN) ke<br />

semua pejabat.<br />

SSL-VPN ada<strong>la</strong>h satu perhubungan rangkaian<br />

yang membolehkan pengguna di luar ibu pejabat<br />

mengakses sistem-sistem yang terdapat di ibu pejabat<br />

seperti e-Imp<strong>re</strong>st, e-C<strong>la</strong>im dan e-Document.<br />

Extended network<br />

To enhance and facilitate the dissemination and<br />

sharing of informations by officers/staff within and<br />

away from headquater, <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia introduced<br />

the Secu<strong>re</strong>d Socket Layer-Virt<strong>ual</strong> Private Network<br />

(SSL-VPN) to all offices.<br />

SSL-VPN is a system that allows the user from outside<br />

the office to access various systems at the head office<br />

like the e-Imp<strong>re</strong>st, e-C<strong>la</strong>im and e-Document.<br />

Login SSL-VPN<br />


078<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Kemudahan ini juga membolehkan masa<strong>la</strong>h teknikal<br />

yang dihadapi di pejabat negeri dan pejabat luar<br />

negeri diselesaikan secara online. Ini memudahkan<br />

perhubungan serta meningkatkan kecekapan<br />

kakitangan di semua pejabat.<br />

This facility also makes it possible for technical glitches<br />

at any office to be <strong>re</strong>solved online. What it does is<br />

to facilitate better communications and improve<br />

efficiency at all the offices.<br />

Senarai aplikasi<br />

List of applications<br />

Kese<strong>la</strong>matan Rangkaian<br />

Kese<strong>la</strong>matan sistem rangkaian ada<strong>la</strong>h ciri sangat<br />

penting da<strong>la</strong>m sesebuah organisasi. Sistem rangkaian<br />

yang rumit memerlukan sistem kese<strong>la</strong>matan yang<br />

baik bagi memastikan kese<strong>la</strong>matan sistem aplikasi,<br />

maklumat, data dan pera<strong>la</strong>tan terjamin.<br />

Penaiktarafan sistem rangkaian di Data Cent<strong>re</strong><br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia pada tahun 2007 menyebabkan<br />

pertambahan beberapa server dan pera<strong>la</strong>tan.<br />

Pengstrukturan semu<strong>la</strong> pada <strong>2008</strong> pu<strong>la</strong> meningkatkan<br />

bi<strong>la</strong>ngan komputer di rangkaian <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Justeru itu Network Security Assessment di<strong>la</strong>ksanakan<br />

bagi meni<strong>la</strong>i tahap kese<strong>la</strong>matan dan p<strong>re</strong>stasi sistem<br />

rangkaian.<br />

Security of network<br />

The security of a system is crucial to any organisation.<br />

Thus a network that is complicated needs an<br />

impenetrable security system to guarantee the safety<br />

of its applications systems, information, data and<br />

hardwa<strong>re</strong>.<br />

The upgrading of the network at our Data Cent<strong>re</strong><br />

in 2007 necessitated the addition of servers and<br />

appliances while the <strong>re</strong>structuring this year inc<strong>re</strong>ased<br />

the number of computers within the network. Thus,<br />

the Network Security Assessment was implemented to<br />

determine the level of security and performance of the<br />


079<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> peni<strong>la</strong>ian kese<strong>la</strong>matan rangkaian ini dijadikan<br />

panduan da<strong>la</strong>m menambah-baik, membaik-pulih, dan<br />

mengemaskini sistem rangkaian di <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Pe<strong>la</strong>ksanaan ini te<strong>la</strong>h meningkatkan p<strong>re</strong>stasi capaian<br />

Internet dan mengurangkan pencerobohan luar serta<br />

masa<strong>la</strong>h jangkitan virus di <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.<br />

Re<strong>port</strong>s from the assessment a<strong>re</strong> used as a guide<br />

to improve, <strong>re</strong>pair and update our network.<br />

Subsequently this has helped to improve the <strong>re</strong>ach<br />

of <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s Internet system and <strong>re</strong>duce the<br />

incidence of hacking and virus infection.<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong>

082<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

Pejabat-pejabat<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Offices<br />

Head Office<br />

17th Floor, Menara Dato’ Onn,<br />

Putra World Trade Cent<strong>re</strong>,<br />

45 Ja<strong>la</strong>n Tun Ismail,<br />

50480 Kua<strong>la</strong> Lumpur<br />

Tel : 03-2615 8188<br />

Fax : 03-2693 5884/2693 0207<br />

E-mail : enquiries@tourism.gov.my<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Infoline : 1-300-800-88-5050<br />

(within Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia only)<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

State Offices<br />


30th Floor, Menara Dato’ Onn,<br />

Putra World Trade Cent<strong>re</strong>,<br />

45 Ja<strong>la</strong>n Tun Ismail,<br />

50480 Kua<strong>la</strong> Lumpur<br />

Tel : 03-2615 8188<br />

Fax : 03-2693 5884/2693 0207<br />

E-mail : enquiries@tourism.gov.my<br />

JOHOR<br />

Level 3-26, Aras 3, Bangunan JOTIC<br />

No. 2, Ja<strong>la</strong>n Ayer Molek<br />

80000 Johor Bahru<br />

JOHOR<br />

Tel : 07-222 3590/91/92<br />

Fax : 07-223 5502<br />


56th Floor, Komtar<br />

10000 PULAU PINANG<br />

Tel : 04-2643494/04-2610058<br />

Fax : 04-2623688<br />

PAHANG<br />

Lot G.01, Mahkota Squa<strong>re</strong><br />

25000 Kuantan<br />

PAHANG<br />

Tel : 09-5177111/2/5<br />

Fax : 09-5177114<br />


Unit 11 Tingkat Bawah dan 1<br />

Pusat Niaga Paya Ke<strong>la</strong>di<br />

Ja<strong>la</strong>n Kg. Daik<br />

20000 Kua<strong>la</strong> Te<strong>re</strong>ngganu<br />


Tel : 09-6309087/9433/9093<br />

Fax : 09-6309091<br />


297-2-1, Mezzanine Floor<br />

Riverbank Suites<br />

93100 Kuching<br />


Tel : 082-246575/246775<br />

Fax : 082-246442<br />

atau<br />

Peti Surat 2660<br />

93752 Kuching<br />


SABAH<br />

Lot 1-0-7, Tingkat Bawah, Blok 1,<br />

Lorong Api-Api 1, Api-Api Center,<br />

88000 Kota Kinabalu,<br />

SABAH<br />

Tel : 088-211732/248698/447075<br />

Fax : 088-241764<br />

KEDAH<br />

Kompleks Pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan Negeri Kedah<br />

Seksyen 20, Ja<strong>la</strong>n Raja<br />

05000 Alor Setar<br />

KEDAH<br />

Tel : 04-7301322/7312322<br />

Fax : 04-7340322<br />


Kg. Kraftangan,<br />

Ja<strong>la</strong>n Hilir Ba<strong>la</strong>i,<br />

15300 Kota Bharu<br />


Tel : 09-7477554 / 09-7470253<br />

Faks : 09-7478010<br />

MELAKA<br />

Lot 2, Tingkat Bawah<br />

Bangunan Lembaga Tabung Haji<br />

Ja<strong>la</strong>n Banda Kaba<br />

75000 MELAKA<br />

Tel : 06-288 3304/1549<br />

Fax : 06-286 9804<br />

PERAK<br />

Bangunan MTPN<br />

Lot 7 & 9, Aras Bawah<br />

Ja<strong>la</strong>n Medan Istana 3<br />

Bandar Ipoh Raya<br />

30000 Ipoh<br />

PERAK<br />

Tel : 05-2559962/2772/5055<br />

Fax : 05-2532194<br />


Pusat Inkubator<br />

Aras 3, Bangunan Se<strong>re</strong>mban P<strong>la</strong>za<br />

Ja<strong>la</strong>n Dato’ Muda Linggi<br />

70100 Se<strong>re</strong>mban<br />


Tel : 06-7624488<br />

Fax : 06-7638428<br />

PERLIS<br />

No. 19, Tingkat Bawah<br />

Ja<strong>la</strong>n Pengka<strong>la</strong>n Indah<br />

Taman Pengaka<strong>la</strong>n Indah<br />

Pengka<strong>la</strong>n Asam<br />

01000 Kangar<br />

PERLIS<br />

Tel : 04-978 1235/1213<br />

Fax : 04-978 1143<br />

Pejabat-pejabat Luar<br />

Negeri <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

List Of <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Overseas Offices<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

c/o Embassy of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Rustenburgweg 2<br />

2517 KE Den Haag<br />


Tel : 0031 (0)70 3506 506<br />

Fax : 0031 (0)70 3506 536<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

Unit 1<strong>001</strong>, Liberty Squa<strong>re</strong><br />

287, Silom Road<br />

Bangkok 10500<br />


Tel : 006626311994/1995/1996<br />

Fax : 006626311998<br />

E-mail : mtpb-bkk@tmbkk.th.com atau<br />

mtpb.bangkok@tourism.gov.my<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board Beijing Office<br />

Embassy of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia – <strong>Tourism</strong> Section<br />

RM 506 – 507, Air China P<strong>la</strong>za<br />

No. 36, Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District<br />

Beijing 100027<br />


Tel : (8610) 84475056<br />

Fax : (8610) 84475798<br />

E-mail : mtpb.beijing@tourism.gov.my atau<br />

mwbeijing@public.east.on.net<br />


<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Chennai<br />

4th. Floor, Vijaya Towers<br />

No. 4, Kodambakkam High Road<br />

Chennai 600 034<br />

INDIA<br />

Tel : 0091 44 4506 8080 / 0091 44 4506 8181<br />

Fax : 0091 44 4506 8383<br />

E-mail : mtpb.chennai@tourism.gov.my<br />

DUBAI<br />

c/o Consu<strong>la</strong>te General of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Suite No. 9, Mezzanine Floors<br />

Al-Shafeena Building, Near Lamcy P<strong>la</strong>za<br />

Al-Zabeel Road, Al-Hamriya<br />

P.O. Box 4598, Dubai<br />


Tel : 0097143377578/579<br />

Fax : 0097143353318<br />

E-mail : mtpb.dubai@tourism.gov.my<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

Weissfrauenstrasse 12 - 16<br />

D-60311 Frankfurt Am Main<br />


Tel : 0049 69 4609 23420<br />

Fax : 0049 69 4609 23499<br />

E-mail : mtpb.frankfurt@arcormail.de atau<br />

mtpb.frankfurt@tourism.gov.my<br />

atau info@tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.de<br />

Website : http://www.tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.de<br />


c/o Consu<strong>la</strong>te General of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

(<strong>Tourism</strong> Section)<br />

Unit 3214, CITIC P<strong>la</strong>za<br />

233, Tian He Bei Road<br />

Guangzhou, PRC 510610<br />


Tel : 00862038773691/00862038770303<br />

Fax : 00862038773692<br />

E-mail : mtpb.guangzhou@tourism.gov.my<br />

PHUKET<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

183-81 Phang Nga Road<br />

Amphur Muang<br />

83000 Phuket<br />


Tel : 006676220192/193<br />

Fax : 006676220196<br />

E-Mail : mtpb.phuket@tourism.gov.my<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

Ground Floor<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Building<br />

47-50 Gloucester Road<br />


Tel : 008 522 528 5810/5811<br />

Fax : 008 522 865 4610<br />

E-mail : mtpb.hongkong@tourism.gov.my<br />

atau mtpbhkg@netvigator.com<br />


c/o Embassy of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Ja<strong>la</strong>n H.R. Rasuna Said<br />

Kav.x/6, No. 1-3, Kuningan<br />

Jakarta Se<strong>la</strong>tan 12950<br />


Tel : 0062215220765/4947 Ext: 3030<br />

Fax : 0062215220766<br />

E-mail : mtpb.jakarta@tourism.gov.my<br />

JEDDAH<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

c/o Consu<strong>la</strong>te General of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Lot 241, Al M<strong>ual</strong>iffin St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Al Rehab District<br />

P.O. Box 593, Jeddah 21421<br />


Tel : 0096626728019/7740<br />

Fax : 0096626752391<br />

E-mail<br />

: mtpb.jeddah@tourism.gov.my atau<br />

mtpbjed@awalnet.net.sa<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

P.O. Box 1125<br />

Saxonwold 2132, Joh<strong>ann</strong>esburg<br />


(By Pos)<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

1st Floor, Building 5, Commerce Squa<strong>re</strong><br />

39, Rivonia Road, Sandhurst, Joh<strong>ann</strong>esburg<br />


(By Courier)<br />

Tel : 0027112680292/5<br />

Fax : 002711 268 0296<br />

E-mail : mtpb.joh<strong>ann</strong>esburg@tourism.gov.my<br />

LONDON<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

57, Trafalgar Squa<strong>re</strong><br />

London WC2N 5DU<br />


Tel : 00442079307932<br />

Fax : 00442079309015<br />

E-mail : info@tourism-ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.co.uk atau<br />

mtpb.London@tourism.gov.my<br />

Website : http://www.ma<strong>la</strong>ysiatrulyasia.co.uk<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

818 West Seventh St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Suite 970<br />

Los Angeles, CA 9<strong>001</strong>7<br />


Tel : <strong>001</strong>2136899702<br />

Toll-f<strong>re</strong>e : (800) 336-6842<br />

Fax : <strong>001</strong>2136891530<br />

E-mail : ma<strong>la</strong>ysiainfo@aol.com atau<br />

mtpb.<strong>la</strong>@tourism.gov.my<br />

Website : http://www.tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.com<br />

MEDAN<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

d/a Pejabat Konsu<strong>la</strong>t Jeneral Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

43, Ja<strong>la</strong>n Diponegoro<br />

20152 Medan, Sumatera Utara<br />


Tel : 0062614523192<br />

Fax : 0062614523179<br />

E-mail : mtpb.medan@tourism.gov.my<br />

atau mwmedan@indosat.net.id<br />

MILAN<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

Via Privata del<strong>la</strong> Passa<strong>re</strong>l<strong>la</strong><br />

Nr. 4, 20122 Mi<strong>la</strong>n<br />

ITALY<br />

Tel : 00 39 346288 1716<br />

Fax : 00 39 027968 06<br />

E-mail : mtpb.mi<strong>la</strong>n@tourism.gov.my<br />

Website : http://www.malesia-turismo.com

083<br />

La<strong>poran</strong> Tahunan <strong>2008</strong><br />

Ann<strong>ual</strong> Re<strong>port</strong><br />

MOSCOW<br />

Touris Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Moscow<br />

Mosfilmovskaya Ulitsa<br />

50, Moscow 117192<br />


Tel : 00 7 495 147 15 14/12/23<br />

Fax : 00 7 495 937 96 02<br />

E-mail : mtpb.moscow@tourism.gov.my<br />

MUMBAI<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

123, Jolly Maker Chamber II<br />

12th Floor, Nariman Point<br />

Mumbai 400<strong>001</strong><br />


Tel : 0091 - 22 - 6635 2085<br />

Fax : 0091 - 22 - 6639 0702<br />

E-mail : mtpb.mumbai@tourism.gov.my<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

355 Exhibition St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Melbourne<br />

Victoria<br />


Tel : 00613 9654 3177<br />

Fax : 00613 9654 3176<br />


<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Ministry of <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

C 3/13, Vasant Vihar<br />

New Delhi 110057<br />

INDIA<br />

Tel<br />

: 91 11 46011677 (DL)<br />

91 11 46011674/75 (GL)<br />

Fax : 91 11 46011676<br />

E-mail : mtpb.newdelhi@tourism.gov.my<br />

NEW YORK<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

120 East, 56th St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Suite 810<br />

New York NY 10022<br />


Tel : <strong>001</strong>2127541113<br />

Fax : <strong>001</strong>2127541116<br />

E-mail : mtpb.ny@tourism.gov.my atau<br />

mtpb@aol.com<br />

Website : http://www.visitma<strong>la</strong>ysia.com<br />

OSAKA<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

10th Floor, Cotton Nissay Building<br />

1-8-2 Otsubo-Honmachi, Nishi-ku<br />

Osaka 550-0004<br />

JAPAN<br />

Tel : 0081664441220<br />

Fax : 0081664441380<br />

E-mail : mtpbosa@movenet.or.jp atau<br />

mtpb.osaka@tourism.gov.my<br />

PARIS<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board (Office<br />

National du <strong>Tourism</strong>e de Ma<strong>la</strong>isie)<br />

29, Rue des Pyramides<br />

75<strong>001</strong> Paris<br />

FRANCE<br />

Tel : 0033142974171/ 0033142974167<br />

(di<strong>re</strong>ct)<br />

Fax : 0033142974169/<br />

0033142962524<br />

(admin/finance and private &<br />

confidential documents)<br />

E-mail : mtpb.paris@tourism.gov.my atau<br />

ma<strong>la</strong>isie@club-internet.fr<br />

Website : www.tourism.gov.my atau<br />

www.ontma<strong>la</strong>isie.com<br />

PERTH<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

Ground Floor, MAS Building<br />

56, William St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Perth WA 6000<br />


Tel : 0061894810400<br />

Fax : 0061893211421<br />

E-mail : tourmal@iinet.net.au atau<br />

mtpb.perth@tourism.gov.my<br />

SEOUL<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

2nd Floor, Hansung Building<br />

47-2 Seosomun-dong, Chung-ku<br />

Seoul 100-110<br />


Tel : 008227794422/4251<br />

Fax : 008227794254<br />

E-mail : mtpb@users.unitel.co.kr atau<br />

mtpb.seoul@tourism.gov.my<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

d/a Consu<strong>la</strong>te General of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Room 1101 & 1110 - 1112<br />

Level 11 CITIC Squa<strong>re</strong><br />

1168 Nanjing Road West<br />

Shanghai 200041<br />


Tel : 0086 2152 9252 52<br />

Fax : 0086 2152 9259 48<br />

E-mail : mtpb.shanghai@tourism.gov.my<br />

atau mwshang@public1.sta.net.cn<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

#01-01B/C/D<br />

No. 80, Robinson Road<br />

SINGAPORE 068898<br />

Tel : 02-65326321/51<br />

Fax : 02-65356650<br />

E-mail : mtpb.singapo<strong>re</strong>@tourism.gov.my<br />

Website : http://www.tourism.ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.org.sg<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

K<strong>la</strong>rabergsgatan 35, 2tr<br />

Box 131<br />

10122 Stockholm<br />

SWEDEN<br />

Tel : 00468249900<br />

Fax : 00468242324<br />

E-mail : mtpb.stockholm@tourism.gov.my<br />

atau ma<strong>la</strong>ysia.info@swipnet.se<br />

Website : www.ma<strong>la</strong>ysiaturist.net<br />

SYDNEY<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

Level 2, 171 C<strong>la</strong><strong>re</strong>nce St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Sydney, NSW 2000<br />


Tel : 0061292994441/4442/4443<br />

Fax : 0061292622026<br />

E-mail : ma<strong>la</strong>ysia@ma<strong>la</strong>ysiatourism.com.au<br />

atau mtpb.Sydney@tourism.gov.my<br />

TAIPEI<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

Suite C, 8th Floor<br />

Hung Tai Cent<strong>re</strong><br />

170 Tun Hwa North Road<br />

Taipei<br />

TAIWAN R.O.C.<br />

Tel : 00886225149704/9734<br />

Fax : 00886225149973<br />

E-mail : mtpb.taipei@tourism.gov.my /<br />

tourmal@ms42.hinet.net /<br />

mtpbmal@ms4.hinet.net<br />

TOKYO<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

5F Chiyoda Building<br />

1-6-4 Yurakucho<br />

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006<br />

JAPAN<br />

Tel : 0081335018691/8694<br />

Fax : 0081335018692<br />

E-mail : mtpb.tokyo@tourism.gov.my atau<br />

tmtyo@wb3.so.net.or.jp<br />

Website : www.tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.or.jp<br />


Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

1590-1111, West Georgia St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Vancouver, British Columbia<br />

CANADA V6E 4M3<br />

Tel : <strong>001</strong>6046898899<br />

Fax : <strong>001</strong>6046898804<br />

Toll-f<strong>re</strong>e : 1-888 689 6872<br />

E-mail : mtpb.vancouver@tourism.gov.my<br />

atau mtpb-vvr@msn.com<br />

Website : www.ma<strong>la</strong>ysiatourism.ca<br />

Wakil Pemasaran<br />

Marketing Rep<strong>re</strong>sentative<br />

ALMATY<br />

TM Almaty<br />

c/o Embassy of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

66, Kal Ayakov St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

050100 Almaty<br />


BRUNEI<br />

Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board – Brunei<br />

High Commission of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia0<br />

Unit No. 1.14 – 1.15<br />

First Floor<br />

The Rizqun International Hotel<br />

Gadong. BE3519<br />


Tel : 673 2381 575 / 673 2381 576<br />

Fax : 673 2381 584<br />

Email : mtpb.brunei@tourism.gov.my<br />


c/o Embassy of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

No. 5, St<strong>re</strong>et 242<br />

Sangkat Chaktomouk, Khan Daun Penh<br />


Tel : 0085523216176/177<br />

Fax : 0085523216004<br />


<strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

c/o Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Airlines Office<br />

18th Floor,<br />

Western China Business Tower<br />

19 Ren Min Nan Road Section 4,<br />

Chengdu Sichuan Province, PR China.<br />

Tel : 008628-8526-8586/8515<br />

Fax : 008628-8526-8583<br />

DHAKA<br />

d/a Suruhanjaya Tinggi Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia di Bang<strong>la</strong>desh<br />

House No. 19, Road No. 6<br />

Baridhara, Dhaka 1212<br />


Tel : 0088028827759/7760<br />

Fax : 0088028827761/3115<br />

DUBLIN<br />

Level 3A-5A Shelbourne Hse<br />

Shelbourne Road<br />

Ballsbridge, Dublin 4<br />



Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia <strong>Tourism</strong> Promotion Board<br />

C/O Consu<strong>la</strong>te General of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Karachi Sheraton Hotels & Towers<br />

Board Room 2, Mezzazine Floor<br />

P.O. Box 3918, Club Road, Karachi 75530,<br />


Tel : 92-21 5682-696<br />

Fax : 92-21 5681-390<br />

LAOS<br />

c/o Consu<strong>la</strong>te General of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Route That Luang, Quartier Pholxay<br />

P.O. Box 789, Vientiane<br />


Tel : 0085621414205/206<br />

Fax : 0085621414201<br />

MANILA<br />

c/o Embassy of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

11th Floor The World Center Building<br />

330 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue<br />

Makati City 1221<br />


Tel : 006328174581<br />

Tel/Fak : 006328120770<br />

Website : www.tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.gov.my<br />

TEHRAN<br />

c/o Embassy of Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

No. 6, Shahid Akhgari St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Fe<strong>re</strong>shteh Avenue<br />

E<strong>la</strong>hhieh, Tehran<br />

P.O. Box 868<br />


Tel : (98-21) 201 161 / <strong>001</strong>6<br />

Fax : (98-21) 201 0477<br />

Website : www.tourismma<strong>la</strong>ysia.gov.my<br />


TM Hanoi<br />

43-45 Dien Bien<br />

Phu St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

Hanoi<br />


Tel : 008447343837(D/L)<br />

008447343836/3849<br />

Fax : 008447343832<br />

E-mail : mtpb.vietnam@tourism.gov.my<br />


TM Ho Chi Minh<br />

Mezzanine Floor<br />

Pasteur Tower<br />

139, Pasteur St<strong>re</strong>et<br />

District 3, Ho Chi Minh City<br />


Tel : 008488 258 036<br />

008488 258033 (d/l)<br />

Fax : 008488 258 037<br />

Email : mtpbhcm@hcm.vn.vn

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Award Gallery<br />

<strong>2008</strong><br />



Best International <strong>Tourism</strong> Destination<br />


Gold Award - Best Long Term Marketing and Branding Campaign Awards<br />

for the Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Truly Asia Campaign<br />


Marketing Media Awards - Travel Advertisement Broadcast Media<br />

“Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year 2007” - <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

Marketing Media Awards - CD-ROM<br />

Travel Man<strong>ual</strong> Interactive CD - <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia<br />

TRAVELWEEKLY (ASIA) INDUSTRY AWARDS <strong>2008</strong><br />

Best Ecotourism Destination<br />

Best Brand Campaign for <strong>Tourism</strong> Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia’s Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year 2007 campaign<br />


ASEAN <strong>Tourism</strong> Association (ASEANTA) Awards<br />


Lonely P<strong>la</strong>net’s Top-pick Countries for <strong>2008</strong><br />


The Most Popu<strong>la</strong>r Booth :<br />

Bacolod Travel Exchange (1-3 February)<br />

The Most Popu<strong>la</strong>r Booth :<br />

Davao Travel Show (22-24 February).<br />



The Best Booth Design (Grand prize)<br />

The Best Marketing Effort (Second prize)

Kami ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua pihak seperti<br />

yang tersenarai di bawah di atas kerjasama dan sumbangan yang te<strong>la</strong>h diberikan da<strong>la</strong>m<br />

memastikan kejayaan sambutan Tahun Me<strong>la</strong>wat Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia:<br />

•<br />

Kementerian dan agensi kerajaan yang berkaitan<br />

•<br />

Penggerak sektor pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan – pengusaha-pengusaha hotel,<br />

pengusaha-pengusaha pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan, agen-agen pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan,<br />

syarikat-syarikat penerbangan, pengusaha-pengusaha produk pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan,<br />

penganjur-penganjur acara pe<strong>la</strong>ncongan dan sebagainya.<br />

•<br />

Wakil-wakil media<br />

•<br />

Para sahabat dan rakan-rakan perniagaan di agensi-agensi swasta.<br />

Dan kepada semua warga Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia yang te<strong>la</strong>h menjadi tuan rumah yang terbaik untuk para pe<strong>la</strong>ncong.<br />

Terima Kasih<br />

We would like to <strong>re</strong>cord our since<strong>re</strong> app<strong>re</strong>ciation to the following parties for their<br />

cooperation and contribution towards making Visit Ma<strong>la</strong>ysia Year a success:<br />

•<br />

The <strong>re</strong>levant government ministries and agencies<br />

•<br />

The tourism trade fraternity – hoteliers, tour operators, travel agents, airlines,<br />

tourism product operators, tourism event organizers, etc.<br />

•<br />

Members of the media<br />

•<br />

Friends, partners and associates in the private sector<br />

And to all Ma<strong>la</strong>ysians for being a wonderful host to our visitors.<br />

Thank You

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