February 2011 1 - Magic Wave

February 2011 1 - Magic Wave

February 2011 1 - Magic Wave


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Catch of the Month<br />

Mornig Session @ Scar Reef in B&W by Komang BSP<br />

Surfer : Unidentified<br />

Monica Kuhon<br />

Movie Producer / Director; Part time Surfer & Body Boarder<br />

Monica ; Photo by Chris Little Child<br />

Bulan february ini, catch of the month kita<br />

adalah Monica Kuhon. Wanita manis berdarah<br />

Menado ini sudah bergaul dengan dunia surfing<br />

sejak lama. Dengan latar belakang pendidikan<br />

di dunia film, Monica banyak mengerjakan<br />

proyek proyek iklan, film, video clipping untuk<br />

production house atau shooting shooting yang<br />

diadakan di Bali.<br />

Salah satu proyek yang besar dan juga<br />

memberikannya peran di dunia layar lebar,<br />

adalah film In God’s Hand. Sebagai surfer<br />

Indonesia, wajib hukumnya nonton ini film. Ini<br />

adalah salah satu film bertema surfing yang<br />

pertama kali diproduksi oleh Holywood. Jauh<br />

sebelum Blue Crush, Point Break, dll. Juga film<br />

Holywood pertama yang mengambil lokasi<br />

shooting di Bali – Indonesia.<br />

Film In God’s Hand, diporuksi tahun 1997,<br />

menggambarakan perjalanan 3 orang surfer<br />

dari Amerika mencari ombak terbesar di<br />

dunia. Ketiga surfer ini deperankan oleh<br />

surfer sungguhan yang pada waktu itu sangat<br />

diperhitungkan di dunia surfing. Mereka adalah<br />

Shane Dorian, Matty Liu dan Matt George.<br />

Shane Dorian sempat menempati urutan ke 4<br />

di ASP World Surfing Championship 2000, dan<br />

tetap berada di 24 besar di ASP sirkuit selama<br />

era 1993 - 2004. Berhenti dari pro surfing,<br />

Shane Dorian akhirnya menjadi surfer spesialis<br />

ombak besar dan tetap bersama sponsornya<br />

Billabong. Di dunia surfing nyata, Shane Dorian<br />

pernah diklaim sebagai surfer yang pernah<br />

paddle in dan riding ombak terbesar di dunia<br />

( Bukan tow in pake jet ski ). Coba cek aja di<br />

Google dan youtube.<br />

Monica pada awalnya merupakan Bali Associate<br />

Producer dan Talent Casting Coordinator dalam<br />

proyek film ini. Tetapi sutradara In God’s Hand<br />

yaitu Mr Zalman King, meyakinkannya untuk<br />

mengambil peran sebagai Lily, istrinya Wyatt<br />

( dimainkan oleh Shaun Tomson; juara dunia<br />

surfing ISP 1977). Monica yang pada awalnya<br />

ragu ragu, akhirnya setuju. Bahkan dia juga<br />

mengajak bayinya (Joey, waktu itu 3 tahun)<br />

untuk pemain extra, yaitu sebagai anaknya<br />

dengan Wyatt dalam film itu. Menurutnya,<br />

pekerjaan sebagai extra di film In God’s hand,<br />

adalah sesuatu yang sangat mengesankan.<br />

Karena dia juga mendapatkan fasilitas sama<br />

seperti bintang lainnya di film itu. Termasuk<br />

caravan, kamar hotel di Bali Cliff, baby sitter<br />

untuk bayinya, dan yang jelas uangnya pasti<br />

bagus…. He he he.<br />

Film ini memang diproduksi dengan standar<br />

Hollywood. Baik dari segi peralatan,<br />

pemain, teknisi dan lain lain. Bahkan mereka<br />

mendatangkan para surfer dari Hawaii sebagai<br />

stuntman dan konsultan. Tidak kurang seperi<br />

Darick Doerner ( Waimea bay Lifeguard dan<br />

Big <strong>Wave</strong> surfer), Brock Little (Big wave rider),<br />

Brian Keaulana dikontrak untuk film ini. Dan film<br />

ini adalah film bertema surfing yang mampu<br />

masuk dalam film Box Office. Menurut Monica,<br />

In God’s Hand juga melibatkan masyarkat lokal,<br />

baik sebagai extra, tenaga kebersihan dan lain<br />

lain. Selama 4 minggu produksi di Bali, film ini<br />

mendapatkan hasil yang sangta baik. Bahkan<br />

90% adegan di air dan ombak dalam film itu,<br />

diambil di Bali. Pada tahun 1997 itu keadaan di<br />

daerah Bukit Ungasan mungkin bisa disamakan<br />

dengan keadaan Ubud waktu Julia Robert<br />

shooting Eat Pray and Love ( 2009) … he he<br />

he.<br />

Saat ini Monica tinggal di Canggu, dan sudah<br />

jarang main surfing. Menurutnya dia lebih<br />

menikmati Body Boarding. Selain itu, factor<br />

pekerjaan juga membuatnya jarang bisa<br />

berada di air laut. Monica yang memang punya<br />

latar belakang pendidikan di film & rumah<br />

produksi ini, sekarang ini sibuk sebagai Producer<br />

& Sutradara buat Katena Films. Ketika <strong>Magic</strong><br />

<strong>Wave</strong> minta ijin untuk memakai foto surfing<br />

nya yang di facebook, dia bilang belum bisa,<br />

karena harus minta ijin dulu dari fotografer nya.<br />

Jadi kalo mau liat foto fotonya dia surfing dan<br />

kegiatan Monika Kuhon, coba aja cek namanya<br />

di facebook kamu.<br />

(English Text )<br />

----------- e ------------<br />

<strong>February</strong>’s catch of the month is Monica Kuhon. A<br />

lovely lady from Menado, North Sulawesi whose<br />

long been in the surfing world. Her educational<br />

background in filming industry has led her to many<br />

projects involving advertising, film, video clipping<br />

for production house or any other type of moving<br />

picture shootings in Bali.<br />

One of her biggest project, and one that gave<br />

her the opportunity to play a role in the big<br />

screen was the film “In God’s Hand”. This movie<br />

is a must-see for surfers. This is one of the first<br />

surfing themed movie that was produced by<br />

Hollywood. Long before Blue Crush, Point Breaks<br />

and the whole lot. It was also Hollywood’s first<br />

ever shoot that took place in Bali – Indonesia.<br />

The film was produced in 1997, telling the story<br />

of 3 surfers from America searching for the<br />

biggest wave in the world. They were played by<br />

3 real renowned surfers of those years. To name<br />

Shane Dorian, Matt Liu and Matt George. Shane<br />

Dorian once took 4th at the ASP World Surfing<br />

Championship and stayed in the top 24 in the ASP<br />

circuit between 1993 – 2004. In his real surfing<br />

life, he also once claimed as the surfer who ride<br />

the biggest wave in the world. Paddle in. Not<br />

towed in. You can check it in Google & Youtube.<br />

At that time, Monica was a Bali Associate<br />

Producer & Talent Casting Coordinator for the<br />

project. But Mr. Zalman King, the director of<br />

In God’s Hand convinced her instead to take on<br />

the role as Lily, Wyatt’s wife (played by Shaun<br />

Tomson, ISPWorld Surfing Champion 1977).<br />

Hesitating at the beginning, she then agreed to<br />

take up the challenge. She even brought along<br />

her baby (Joey) to play the extra, as Wyatt’s<br />

daughter.<br />

Playing as the extra in In God’s Hand, was such<br />

an amazing experience for Monica. She got to<br />

enjoy all the same great treatments like any other<br />

stars in the movie; a caravan, room to stay at the<br />

Bali Cliff, a baby sitter for her baby and not to<br />

mention the cash that comes afterward...hehehe...<br />

This movie was made to the standard of<br />

Hollywood. From the props, artists, technician, the<br />

whole lot. They even flew in Hawaiian surfers as<br />

stuntmans & consultants. To say the least; Darick<br />

Doerner (Waimea Bay Lifeguard & Big wave<br />

surfer). And this surfing themed movie even made<br />

it to the Box Office. Monica mentioned that<br />

the movie involved the local community as well,<br />

whether they were used as extras, cleaning service,<br />

or other duties. It took them 4 weeks to produce<br />

in Bali, and the results were excellent. 90% of<br />

the water & waves scenes in this movie were taken<br />

in Bali. Back then in 1997, Bukit Ungasan would<br />

probably have been something like Ubud when<br />

Julia Roberts was shooting Eat Pray Love (2009)...<br />

hehehe<br />

Today, Monica lives in Canggu and seldom does<br />

surfing much. She feel more enjoyable Body<br />

Boarding nowadays. Besides that, her line of<br />

work gives her little time to go out to the sea.<br />

Nowadays, Monica is pretty much more occupied<br />

with her works as a producer/directors for Katena<br />

Films.<br />

When <strong>Magic</strong><strong>Wave</strong> asked her permission to use<br />

some of her surf photos in her facebook, she said<br />

that she would have to ask the photographer’s<br />

permission first for that. So, if you want to see<br />

her surf photos and want to know more on what<br />

Monica Kuhon has been busy with lately, check out<br />

her name through your facebook.<br />

Photos are private collection of Monica.<br />

Photos of In God’s hand from www.imdb.com<br />

Monica, Joey & Shaun Tomson<br />

One of the scene in the movie<br />

DVD cover<br />

Shane Dorian , Matt George & Matty Liu<br />

Big cinema poster<br />

Darrick Doerner. The Big <strong>Wave</strong> Legend<br />

Lim@ Mawui<br />

Photo by Kimen Surf Photgraphy<br />

Producing & Directing for TV Programe We’re jammin ..... Bop cuwa waw Clipping from the In God’s Hand<br />

14 _<strong>February</strong> <strong>2011</strong> http://www.facebook.com/magicwave http://www.magicwave.org<br />

_<strong>February</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 15

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