Buletin Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia Nomor 10/2010 - Badan ...

Buletin Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia Nomor 10/2010 - Badan ... Buletin Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia Nomor 10/2010 - Badan ...


INDONESIA ARBITRATION QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Number 10/2010 E d i t o r i a l B o a r d Editor -in-Chief M. Husseyn Umar Executive Editor Madjedi Hasan Editors M. Husseyn Umar Harianto Sunidja Madjedi Hasan Huala Adolf Junaedy Ganie Secretary Ade Teti S. C o n t e n t s From The Editor 1 Role of Arbitration in Indonesia – One Way to Evade Judicial Corruption 2 Frans Hendra Winarta Dapatkah Acara Peninjauan Kembali (PK) Digunakan Dalam Sengketa Arbitrase? 9 Adi Andojo Soetjipto Sengketa Dalam Kontrak Jasa Konstruksi 12 Harianto Sunidja Distribution Rizky Muzainurasti BULETIN TRIWULAN ARBITRASE INDONESIA INDONESIA ARBITRATION QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER ISSN No. 1978-8398, Number 10/2010 Published by BANI ARBITRATION CENTER (BADAN ARBITRASE NASIONAL INDONESIA)

From The Editor In the current issue, we present three articles written by our arbitrators. The first paper is written by Dr. Frans Hendra Winarta, entitled The Role of Arbitration in Indonesia - One way to Evade Judicial Corruption. Despite Government’s commitment to combat it, corruption in Indonesia has continued in a more sophisticated form and become even more widespread in almost all areas or activities, including judicial institution. In order to combat the judicial corruption, the use of arbitration as a credible institution for settling a dispute should be considered. Commercial arbitration is preferable over court proceedings, as it possesses some advantages with respect to time, confidential nature and a final and binding decision. The second paper discusses the use of case review (Peninjauan Kembali Perkara) of the arbitration award by the Supreme Court. Case Review and legal certainty are two related issues that recently received attention by the public. Finally, while the first two paper deals with the legal matters, the third paper by Dr. Harianto Sunidja discusses the technical and commercial aspects in the in construction. As Dr. Harianto Sunidja concluded, in the construction process, the parties shall have good understanding on the whole construction process, so defects in the construction could be avoided. It would be better to prevent the dispute rather curing the dispute. May 2010 INDONESIA ARBITRATION - Quarterly Newsletter No. 10/2010

From The Editor<br />

In the current issue, we present three articles written by our arbitrators.<br />

The first paper is written by Dr. Frans Hendra Winarta, entitled The Role<br />

of Arbitration in <strong>Indonesia</strong> - One way to Evade Judicial Corruption. Despite<br />

Government’s commitment to combat it, corruption in <strong>Indonesia</strong> has<br />

continued in a more sophisticated form and become even more widespread<br />

in almost all areas or activities, including judicial institution. In order to<br />

combat the judicial corruption, the use of arbitration as a credible institution<br />

for settling a dispute should be considered. Commercial arbitration<br />

is preferable over court proceedings, as it possesses some advantages with<br />

respect to time, confidential nature and a final and binding decision.<br />

The second paper discusses the use of case review (Peninjauan Kembali<br />

Perkara) of the arbitration award by the Supreme Court. Case Review and<br />

legal certainty are two related issues that recently received attention by the<br />

public. Finally, while the first two paper deals with the legal matters, the<br />

third paper by Dr. Harianto Sunidja discusses the technical and commercial<br />

aspects in the in construction. As Dr. Harianto Sunidja concluded, in<br />

the construction process, the parties shall have good understanding on the<br />

whole construction process, so defects in the construction could be avoided.<br />

It would be better to prevent the dispute rather curing the dispute.<br />

May 20<strong>10</strong><br />

INDONESIA ARBITRATION - Quarterly Newsletter No. <strong>10</strong>/20<strong>10</strong>

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