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Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian<br />

Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir<br />

31 Desember 2013 dan 2012<br />

(Angka-angka dalam Jutaan Rupiah,<br />

kecuali Dinyatakan Lain)<br />



Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements<br />

For the Years Ended<br />

December 31, 2013 and 2012<br />

(Figures are in millions of Rupiah,<br />

unless Otherwise Stated)<br />

2012<br />

Biaya<br />

Transaksi/<br />

Nilai<br />

5 tahun/ Jumlah/ Transaction Tercatat/<br />

5 years Total Costs As Reported<br />

Liabilitas/Liabilities<br />

Utang bank jangka pendek/<br />

Short term bank loans 448.491 - - - - 448.491 - 448.491<br />

Utang usaha/<br />

Trade accounts payable 250.066 - - - - 250.066 - 250.066<br />

Beban akrual/Accrued expenses 71.099 - - - - 71.099 - 71.099<br />

Liabilitas jangka pendek lain-lain/<br />

Other current liabilities 15.957 - - - - 15.957 - 15.957<br />

Utang pihak berelasi/<br />

Due to related parties 6.406 - - - - 6.406 - 6.406<br />

Utang bank jangka panjang/<br />

Long term bank loans 156.318 205.114 138.268 154.720 - 654.420 (5.884) 648.536<br />

Pinjaman diterima/<br />

Borrowings 5.496 2.603 120 - - 8.219 - 8.219<br />

Liabilitas sewa pembiayaan/<br />

Finance lease liabilities 6.641 2.573 588 - - 9.802 - 9.802<br />

Utang lain-lain<br />

Other payables 4.850 - - - - 4.850 - 4.850<br />

Jumlah/Total 965.324 210.290 138.976 154.720 - 1.469.310 (5.884) 1.463.426<br />

42. Pengungkapan Tambahan Laporan Arus Kas<br />

Konsolidasian<br />

Aktivitas investasi dan pendanaan yang tidak<br />

mempengaruhi kas dan setara kas:<br />

42. Supplemental Disclosures for Consolidated<br />

Statements Of Cash Flows<br />

The following are the noncash investing and<br />

financing activities of the Group:<br />

2013 2012<br />

Kapitalisasi beban penyusutan aset tetap dan bunga<br />

Depreciation and interest expense capitalized to<br />

ke tanaman belum menghasilkan 61.107 44.459 immature plantations<br />

Interest expense capitalized to property, plant<br />

Kapitalisasi beban bunga ke aset tetap 44.176 - and equipment<br />

Perolehan aset tetap dari realisasi<br />

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment through<br />

uang muka pembelian 2.737 165 realization of advances<br />

Perolehan aset tetap melalui<br />

Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment through<br />

sewa pembiayaan 54.025 23.798 capital lease<br />

Laba yang belum direalisasi atas perubahan nilai<br />

Unrealized gain on change in fair value of<br />

wajar investasi tersedia untuk dijual (710) 470 available for sale investments<br />

Perolehan aset tetap melalui reklasifikasi<br />

Reclassification of deferred charges on landrights to<br />

beban ditangguhkan hak atas tanah<br />

property, plant and equipment<br />

sebagai akibat penerapan awal ISAK No. 25 - 4.185 as the result of initial adoption of ISAK No. 25<br />

Penghapusan tanaman telah menghasilkan 4.538 21.632 Write-off of mature plantations<br />

Reclasification from assets not used in operation to<br />

Reklasifikasi aset tetap tidak digunakan ke aset tetap 1.032 - property, plant and equipment<br />

Penghapusan tanaman perkebunan<br />

belum menghasilkan - 1.118 Write-off of immature plantations<br />

43. Penerbitan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Baru 43. Prospective Accounting Pronouncements<br />

Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia telah menerbitkan<br />

Interpretasi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (ISAK)<br />

dan Pernyataan Pencabutan Standar Akuntansi<br />

Keuangan (PPSAK) yang berlaku efektif pada<br />

periode yang dimulai 1 Januari 2014 sebagai<br />

berikut:<br />

ISAK<br />

The Indonesian Institute of Accountants has<br />

issued the following Interpretations of Financial<br />

Accounting Standards (ISAK) and Statement of<br />

Withdrawal of Financial Accounting Standards<br />

(PPSAK) which will be effective for annual period<br />

beginning January 1, 2014 as follows:<br />

ISAK<br />

a. ISAK No. 27, Pengalihan Aset dari Pelanggan a. ISAK No. 27, Transfer of Assets from<br />

Customers<br />

b. ISAK No. 28, Pengakhiran Liabilitas<br />

Keuangan dengan Instrumen Ekuitas<br />

c. ISAK No. 29, Biaya Pengupasan Lapisan<br />

Tanah dalam Tahap Produksi pada Tambang<br />

Terbuka<br />

b. ISAK No. 28, Extinguishing Financial<br />

Liabilities with Equity Instruments<br />

c. ISAK No. 29, Stripping Costs in the<br />

Production Phase of a Surface Mine<br />

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