Trends of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, August ...

Trends of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, August ...

Trends of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, August ...


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Tabel<br />

Table 10.7<br />

Produk Domestik Bruto Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku Menurut Jenis<br />

Pengeluaran (miliar rupiah), 2010-2012<br />

Gross Domestic Product at Current Market Prices by Type <strong>of</strong> Expenditure<br />

(billion rupiahs), 2010-2012<br />

Jenis Pengeluaran/Type <strong>of</strong> Expenditure 2010 * 2011 ** 2012 ***<br />

PDB Menurut Pengeluaran/GDP By Expenditure 6 436 270,83 7 427 086,08 4 027 753,90<br />

Pengeluaran Konsumsi Rumah Tangga<br />

Private Consumption Expenditure<br />

Pengeluaran Konsumsi Pemerintah<br />

General Government Consumption Expenditure<br />

Pembentukan Modal Tetap Domestik Bruto<br />

Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation<br />

3 643 425,03 4 053 363,58 2 169 154,00<br />

581 921,34 667 440,13 321 381,20<br />

2 064 994,12 2 378 268,89 1 302 604,40<br />

Perubahan Inventori/Change in Inventories 31 580,72 55 594,62 122 763,10<br />

Diskrepansi Statistik 1) /Statistical Discrepancy 1) 6 296,12 167 536,36 156 667,10<br />

Ekspor Barang-Barang dan Jasa<br />

Export <strong>of</strong> Goods and Services<br />

Dikurangi: Impor Barang-barang dan Jasa-jasa<br />

Less: Import <strong>of</strong> Goods and Services<br />

Pendapatan Neto Terhadap Luar Negeri atas<br />

Faktor Produksi<br />

Net Factor Income from The Rest <strong>of</strong> World<br />

1 584 673,80 1 955 357,20 987 971,20<br />

1 476 620,30 1 850 474,70 1 032 787,10<br />

- 180 968,89 - 211 689,27 - 115 807,80<br />

Produk Nasional Bruto/Gross National Product 6 255 301,94 7 215 396,81 3 911 946,10<br />

Dikurangi: Pajak Tidak Langsung Neto<br />

Less: Net Indirect Taxes<br />

Dikurangi: Penyusutan<br />

Less: Comsumption <strong>of</strong> Fixed Capital<br />

225 193,56 179 725,32 109 515,60<br />

321 813,54 371 354,30 201 387,70<br />

Pendapatan Nasional/National Income 5 708 294,85 6 664 317,19 3 601 042,80<br />

Sumber: Pendapatan Nasional <strong>Indonesia</strong>, BPS<br />

Source: National Income <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong>, BPS-Statistics <strong>Indonesia</strong><br />

Catatan: * ) Angka sementara<br />

** ) Angka sangat sementara<br />

*** ) Angka sangat sangat sementara sampai Triwulan II<br />

1)<br />

Sisa<br />

Note:<br />

* ) Preliminary figures<br />

** ) Very Preliminary figures<br />

)<br />

*** Very very preliminary figures until Quarter II<br />

1)<br />

Residual<br />

Perkembangan Beberapa Indikator Utama Sosial-Ekonomi <strong>Indonesia</strong>, Agustus 2012<br />


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