Trends of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, August ...

Trends of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, August ...

Trends of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia, August ...


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Tabel<br />

Table 6.4<br />

Pertumbuhan Produksi Industri Manufaktur Besar dan Sedang Tahunan<br />

Menurut KBLI 2 Dijit, 2011<br />

Annually Production Growth <strong>of</strong> Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry<br />

by 2 Digit ISIC, 2011<br />

Kode<br />

Industri<br />

ISIC<br />

Uraian/Description 2011<br />

10 Industri Makanan/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> food products 6,78<br />

11 Industri Minuman/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> beverages 9,56<br />

12 Industri Pengolahan Tembakau/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> tobacco -0,59<br />

13 Industri Tekstill/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> textiles -7,71<br />

14 Industri Pakaian Jadi/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> wearing apparels 13,17<br />

15 Industri Kulit, Barang dari Kulit dan Alas Kaki<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> leather and related products and footwear<br />

16 Industri Kayu, Barang dari Kayu dan Gabus (Tidak Termasuk Furnitur)<br />

dan Barang Anyaman dari Bambu, Rotan dan Sejenisnya<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> wood and <strong>of</strong> products <strong>of</strong> wood and cork, except<br />

furniture; manufacture <strong>of</strong> articles <strong>of</strong> straw and plaiting materials,<br />

bamboo, rattan and the like<br />

17 Industri Kertas dan Barang dari Kertas<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> paper and paper products<br />

18 Industri Pencetakan dan Reproduksi Media Rekaman<br />

Printing and reproduction <strong>of</strong> recorded media<br />

19 Industri Produk dari Batu Bara dan Pengilangan Minyak Bumi<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> coke and refined petroleum products<br />

20 Industri Bahan Kimia dan Barang dari Bahan Kimia<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> chemicals and chemical products Basic metals<br />

21 Industri Farmasi, Produk Obat Kimia dan Obat Tradisional<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical<br />

products<br />

22 Industri Karet, Barang dari Karet dan Plastik<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> rubber and plastic products<br />

23 Industri Barang Galian Bukan Logam<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> other non-metallic mineral products<br />

28,46<br />

-32,26<br />

2,01<br />

17,02<br />

-26,14<br />

5,13<br />

15,03<br />

-9,00<br />

13,73<br />

24 Industri Logam Dasar/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> basic metals 8,72<br />

25 Industri Barang Logam, Bukan Mesin dan Peralatannya<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> fabricated metal products, excepts machinery and<br />

equipment<br />

26 Industri Komputer, Barang Elektronik dan Optik<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> computers, electronic and optical products<br />

18,74<br />

-3,29<br />

27 Industri Peralatan Listrik/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> electrical 17,52<br />

28 Industri Mesin dan Perlengkapan ytdl<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> machinery and equipment n.e.c<br />

29 Industri Kendaraan Bermotor, Trailer dan Semi Trailer<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers<br />

30 Industri Alat Angkutan Lainnya<br />

Manufacture <strong>of</strong> other transport equipment<br />

32,86<br />

22,03<br />

-21,58<br />

31 Industri Furnitur/Manufacture <strong>of</strong> furniture 10,02<br />

32 Industri Pengolahan Lainnya/Other manufacturing -16,82<br />

33 Jasa Reparasi dan Pemasangan Mesin dan Peralatan<br />

Repair and installation <strong>of</strong> machinery and equipment<br />

Sumber: Laporan Bulanan Data Sosial Ekonomi, BPS<br />

Source: Monthly Report on <strong>Socio</strong>-<strong>Economic</strong> Data, BPS-Statistics <strong>Indonesia</strong><br />

-8,85<br />

86<br />

<strong>Trends</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Selected</strong> <strong>Socio</strong>-<strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Indicators</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indonesia</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 2012

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