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Tavi 1<br />

1. ekonomikuri TanamSromlobisa da ganviTarebis organizaciis (OECD) simpoziumi korufciisa<br />

da mmarTvelobis Temaze, parizi, mesame sesia, marti 13-14, 1995, gv. 2<br />

2. Thomas D. Thacher II, "The New York City Construction Authority's Office<br />

of the Inspector-General: A Successful New Strategy for Reforming Public Contracting<br />

in the Construction Industry," gamouqveynebeli naSromi, ivnisi 1995<br />

3. 60-ian wlebSi korufciis Temaze Seqmnili literaturis nawilSi korufcia Tavisufali<br />

bazrisa da interesebis gamoxatvis demokratiuli meqanizmebis Camanacvlebel fenomenad<br />

ganixileboda. mas Semdeg, empiriulma da Teoriulma kvlevebma daadastura, rom korufcias<br />

didi ekonomikuri da politikuri zarali axlavs, miuxedavad imisa, rom garkveuli<br />

jgufebisaTvis SeiZleba marTlac mohqondes sargebeli. ix. Robert Klitgaard, Controlling Corruption<br />

(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988), gansakuTrebiT, gv. 30-48<br />

4. ix. Luis Moreno Ocampo, En Defensa Propia: Cómo Salir de la Corrupción<br />

(Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1993); Herbert W. Werlin, "Understand-<br />

ing Corruption: Implications for World Bank Staff," gamouqveynebeli naSromi, agvisto,1994. zogadi<br />

korufciis aRwerisaTvis, agreTve, ix. Jean-François Bayart L'État enAfrique: La politique du ventre ( Paris:<br />

Fayard, 1989).<br />

5. Dipak Gyawali, "Structural Dishonesty: Corruption Culture in Public Works,"<br />

gamouqveynebeli naSromi, agvisto,1994.<br />

6. John T. Noonan Jr., Bribes ( New York: Macmillan, 1985).<br />

7. Audit Commission, Protecting the Public Purse. Probity in the Public Sector: Com-<br />

bating Fraud and Corruption in Local Government ( London: HMSQ, 1993), p. 3.<br />

8. Claudio Orrego, "Citizen Participation and the Strengthening of Accountabil-<br />

ity in Chile's Municipal Governments," unpublished manuscript, April 1995, p. 5.<br />

9. laTinuri fuZe corrumpere niSnavs gafuWebas, politikur meqrTameobas<br />

10. Noonan, Bribes, gv. 599-600, 701-2.<br />

11. aSS policiaSi korufciis msgavsi ciklis aRwera ix. naSromebSi Scandal and Reform Lawrence<br />

Sherman, ( Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1979), da Milton Mollen et al., Commission<br />

Report: Commission to Investigate Allegations of Police Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Procedures of the<br />

Police Department (New Yourk: City of New Yourk,1994). korufciis mdgradobis Teoriuli modelis<br />

aRwera ix. Jean Tirole, "Persistence of Coruption," IPR55, Working Paper Series (Washington, D.C.: Institute for<br />

Policy Reform, October 1992)<br />

12. Amitai Etzioni, "The Fight against Fraud and Abuse," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 2, no. 4<br />


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