cover rationale - ChartNexus

cover rationale - ChartNexus

cover rationale - ChartNexus


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(d) Associates (continued)<br />

Investment in associates are accounted for in the consolidated financial statements using<br />

the equity method of accounting. Equity accounting involves recognising in the income<br />

statement the Group’s share of the results of associates for the period. The Group’s<br />

investments in associates are carried in the balance sheet at an amount that reflects its<br />

share of the net assets of the associates and includes goodwill on acquisition. Equity<br />

accounting is discontinued when the carrying amount of the investment in an associate<br />

reaches zero, unless the Group has incurred obligations or guaranteed obligations in<br />

respect of the associate.<br />

Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its associates are eliminated to<br />

the extent of the Group’s interest in the associates; unrealised losses are also eliminated<br />

unless the transaction provides evidence on impairment of the asset transferred. Where<br />

necessary, in applying the equity method, adjustments are made to the financial<br />

statements of associates to ensure consistency of accounting policies with the Group.<br />

(e) Jointly controlled entities<br />

Jointly controlled entities are corporations, partnership or other entities over which there<br />

is a contractually agreed sharing of control by the Group with one or more parties over<br />

the financial and operating policy decisions.<br />

With the adoption of Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (‘MASB’) Standard 16<br />

‘Financial Reporting of Interest in Joint Venture’, results and interests in jointly controlled<br />

entities are equity accounted in the consolidated financial statements of the Group.<br />

Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its jointly controlled entities are<br />

eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the jointly controlled entities;<br />

unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence on<br />

impairment of the asset transferred. Where necessary, in applying the equity method,<br />

adjustments have been made to the financial statements of jointly controlled entities to<br />

ensure consistency of accounting policies with those of the Group.<br />

(f) Foreign currencies<br />

The Group’s foreign entities are those operations that are not an integral part of the<br />

operations of the Company. Income statements of foreign entities are translated into<br />

Ringgit Malaysia at average exchange rates for the financial year and the balance sheets<br />

are translated at exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences<br />

arising from the retranslation of the net investment in foreign entities are taken to<br />

‘Currency translation difference’ in shareholders’ equity. On disposal of the foreign entity,<br />

such translation differences are recognised in the income statement as part of the gain<br />

or loss on disposal.<br />

Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are<br />

treated as assets and liabilities of the Group and translated at the exchange rate ruling<br />

at the date of the transaction.<br />

Financial statements of foreign operations that are integral to the operations of the<br />

Company are translated using procedures in the following paragraph as if the<br />

transactions of the foreign operations had been those of the Company.<br />

Laporan Tahunan 2002 Annual Report<br />



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