Sultana M. H. Faradz - Undip

Sultana M. H. Faradz - Undip

Sultana M. H. Faradz - Undip


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Genetic, from basic to clinic with focus on prenatal diagnosis, in collaboration with<br />

UMC Nijmegen, Semarang, February 20-23,2004 (author)<br />

26. Sexual ambiguity in Semarang, a cytogenetic approach. Seminar and workshop on<br />

ambiguous Genitalia, in collaboration with Erasmus University, Rotterdaril, Semarang<br />

8-10 March 1004. (author)<br />

Presentasi lnternasional<br />

1. Chromosomal abnonnalities among relatives offamilial acute leukemia. International<br />

Scientific Meeting of Hematologist from South-East Asian Countries, Medan,<br />

December 1-3, 1993.(co-author)<br />

2. Extramedullary involvement of chronic myelocytic leukemia: evolution to an<br />

aggressive phase? International Scientific Meeting of Hematologist from South-East<br />

Asian Countries. Medan, December 1-3,1993 (co-author)<br />

3. Cytogenetic profile of leukemia patients and its relation to diagnosis and prognosis.<br />

Asia Pacific Conference on Medical Genetics, Jakarta, October 1995:77 (co-author)<br />

4. Molecu!ar screening for fragile-X s~drome among Indonesian children with<br />

developmental disability. Eighth Internation~l Workshcp on Fragile X s~drome<br />

and X-linked mental retardation, Picton, Canada 17-22 August, 1997 (author)<br />

5. Comparison of FMRl andFMR2 alleles in male Indonesian and Caucasian children<br />

with developmental disability: Confimlaticn of a specific AGO-interruption pattern<br />

in Asian populations. Proceeding (abstract) or Sixth International Fragile X<br />

Conference, North Carolina USA, July 26-29, 1998 (author)<br />

6. FMR-l repeat array structures and flanking markers in ten different ethnic groups of<br />

the Indonesian population. Proceeding (abstract) of Sixth International Fragile X<br />

Conference, North Carolina, USA, July 26-29,1998 (author)<br />

7. Fragile X chromosome and fragile X syndrome in the Indonesian population, Seminar<br />

at Department of Human Genetics, University Medical Center St. Radboud/Nijmegen<br />

University, The Netherlands, September 26, 2000.(author)<br />

8. Genetic diversity at the FMRllocus in1 0 ethnic groups of Indonesia, invited speaker<br />

for the Symposium "Understanding the Populational History of South Asia and<br />

Oceania. How informative are genetic studies on the contemporary indigenous<br />

populations?". Annual Meetings of American Association of Physical Anthropologist<br />

Kansas City, USA, March 28-31,2001 (author)<br />


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