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Irodalom 302 Vass, I. (2005): Az a-D-α nomogramok és használatuk repedezett kőzettestek vizsgálatára. Diplomamunka, SZTE, Ásványtani, Geokémiai és Kőzettani Tanszék, pp. 52. Vermeesch, P. (2006): Tectonic discrimination of basalts with classification trees. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 1839-1848. Vermilye, J. M., Scholz, C. H. (1995): Relation between vein length and aperture. Journal of Structural Geology, 17/3, 423-434. Vernon, R. H., Collins, W. J. (1988): Igneous microstructures in migmatites. Geology, 16, 1126-1129. Voll, G. (1980): Ein Querprofil durch die Schweizer Alpen vom Vierwaldstatter See zur Wurzelzone-Strukturen und ihre Entwicklung durch Defomationsmechanismen wichtiger Minerale. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 160, 321-335. Wackernagel, H. (1995): Multivariate Geostatistics. Springer, Berlin, pp. 256. Wagner, R., Kühn, M. Meyn, V., Pape, H., Vath, U., Clauser, C. (2005): Numerical simulation of pore space clogging in geothermal reservoirs by precipitation of anhydrite. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 42/7-8, 1070-1081. Wang, M., Kulatilake, P. H. S. W., Um, J., Narvaiz, J. (2002): Estimation of REV size and three-dimensional hydraulic conductivity tensor for a fractured rock mass through a single well packer test and discrete fracture fluid flow modelling. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 39, 887-904. Wanliss, J. A., Cersosimo, D. O. (2006): Scaling properties of high latitude magnetic field data during different magnetospheric conditions. Int. Conf. Substorms, 8, 325-329. Weaver, S. D., Saunders, A. D., Pankhurst, R. J., Tarney, J. (1979): A geochemical study of magmatism associated with the initial stages of back-arc spreading. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 68, 151-169. Weiss, J. (2001): Fracture and fragmentation of ice: a fractal analysis of scale invariance. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 68/17-18, 1975-2012. Wemmer, K., Ahrendt, H. (1997): Comparative K-Ar and Rb-Sr age determinations of retrograde processes on rocks from the KTB deep drilling project. Geologische Rundschau, 86 Suppl, 272-285. Wheeler, J. (1984): A new plot to display the strain of elliptical markers. Journal of Structural Geology, 6, 417-423.

303 Irodalom White, S. H., Burrows, S. E., Carreras, J., Shaw, N. D., Humphreys, F. J. (1980): On mylonites in ductile shear zones. Journal of Structural Geology, 2, 175-187. Wickham, S. M., Peters, M. T., Fricke, H. C., O’Neil, J. R. (1993): Identification of magmatic and meteoric fluid sources and upward-moving and downward-moving infiltration front sin a metamorphic core complex. Geology, 21, 81-84. Wildenschild, D., Hopmans, J. W., Vaz, C. M. P., Rivers, M. L., Rikard, D., Christensen, B. S. B. (2002): Using X-ray computed tomography in hydrology: systems, resolutions, and limitations. Journal of Hydrology, 267, 285-297. Wildenschild, D., Culligan, K. A.; Christensen, B. S. B. (2004): Application of x-ray microtomography to environmental fluid flow problems. In: Bonse, U. (ed.): Developments in X-Ray Tomography IV., Proceedings of the SPIE, 5535, 432-441. Wintsch, R. P., Christoffersen, R., Kronenberg, A. K. (1995): Fluid-rock reaction weakening of fault zones. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 13021-13032. Witherspoon, P. A., Wang, J. S. Y., Iwai, K., Gale, J. E. (1980): Validity of cubic law for fluid flow in deformable rock fracture. Water Resources Research, 16/6, 1016-1024. Withjack, E. M. (1988): Computed tomography for rock-property determination and fluidflow visualization. Society of Petroleum Engineers Form. Eval., 3, 696-704. Wodehouse, R. P. (1933): The oil shales of Eocene Green River Formation. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 60, 479-524. Wood, D. A. (1980): The application of a Th-Hf-Ta diagram to problems of tectonomagmatic classification and to establish the nature of crustal contamination of basaltic lavas of the British tertiary volcanic province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 50, 11-30. Woodhead, J., Eggins, S., Gamble, J. (1993): High field strength and transition element systematics in island arc and back-arc basin basalts: Evidence for multi-phase melt extraction and a depleted mantle wedge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 114/4, 491-504. Yamada, R., Tagami, T., Nishimura, S., Ito, H. (1995): Annealing kinetics of fission tracks in zircon: an experimental study. Chemical Geology, 122, 249–258. Yang, H. S., Kang, J. G., Kim, K. S., Kim, C. S. (2004): Groundwater flow characterization in the vicinity of the underground caverns in fractured rock masses by numerical modelling. Geosciences Journal, 8/4, 401-413.

303 Irodalom<br />

White, S. H., Burrows, S. E., Carreras, J., Shaw, N. D., Humphreys, F. J. (1980): On<br />

mylonites in ductile shear zones. Journal of Structural Geology, 2, 175-187.<br />

Wickham, S. M., Peters, M. T., Fricke, H. C., O’Neil, J. R. (1993): Identification of magmatic<br />

and meteoric fluid sources and upward-moving and downward-moving infiltration front sin a<br />

metamorphic core complex. Geology, 21, 81-84.<br />

Wildenschild, D., Hopmans, J. W., Vaz, C. M. P., Rivers, M. L., Rikard, D., Christensen, B.<br />

S. B. (2002): Using X-ray computed tomography in hydrology: systems, resolutions, and<br />

limitations. Journal of Hydrology, 267, 285-297.<br />

Wildenschild, D., Culligan, K. A.; Christensen, B. S. B. (2004): Application of x-ray<br />

microtomography to environmental fluid flow problems. In: Bonse, U. (ed.): Developments in<br />

X-Ray Tomography IV., Proceedings of the SPIE, 5535, 432-441.<br />

Wintsch, R. P., Christoffersen, R., Kronenberg, A. K. (1995): Fluid-rock reaction weakening<br />

of fault zones. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 13021-13032.<br />

Witherspoon, P. A., Wang, J. S. Y., Iwai, K., Gale, J. E. (1980): Validity of cubic law for<br />

fluid flow in deformable rock fracture. Water Resources Research, 16/6, 1016-1024.<br />

Withjack, E. M. (1988): Computed tomography for rock-property determination and fluidflow<br />

visualization. Society of Petroleum Engineers Form. Eval., 3, 696-704.<br />

Wodehouse, R. P. (1933): The oil shales of Eocene Green River Formation. Bulletin of the<br />

Torrey Botanical Club, 60, 479-524.<br />

Wood, D. A. (1980): The application of a Th-Hf-Ta diagram to problems of tectonomagmatic<br />

classification and to establish the nature of crustal contamination of basaltic lavas of the British<br />

tertiary volcanic province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 50, 11-30.<br />

Woodhead, J., Eggins, S., Gamble, J. (1993): High field strength and transition element<br />

systematics in island arc and back-arc basin basalts: Evidence for multi-phase melt extraction<br />

and a depleted mantle wedge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 114/4, 491-504.<br />

Yamada, R., Tagami, T., Nishimura, S., Ito, H. (1995): Annealing kinetics of fission tracks in<br />

zircon: an experimental study. Chemical Geology, 122, 249–258.<br />

Yang, H. S., Kang, J. G., Kim, K. S., Kim, C. S. (2004): Groundwater flow characterization in<br />

the vicinity of the underground caverns in fractured rock masses by numerical modelling.<br />

Geosciences Journal, 8/4, 401-413.

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