News at Another Perspective

News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. News is sometimes called "hard news" to differentiate it from soft media. https://cbdnewz24x7.com/

News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different media: word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. News is sometimes called "hard news" to differentiate it from soft media.



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AWS Cloud Engineer

Email: bhavani.aws0907@gmail.com

Phone: 4246254195


• 8+ years of Professional IT experience as AWS Cloud Engineer, DevOps automation Engineer and worked in

many technical roles both in Windows environment and in Web & cloud/server Environment.

• Competence in designing AWS cloud models for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IAAS), Platform-as-a-Service

(PAAS) and Software-as-a-Service (SAAS).

• Detected Issues found in SonarQube, Veracode on wrong code or code paths of issues by navigating bugs.

• Fluent in several software lifecycle models, including Waterfall, SDLC, and Agile.

• Experience in Amazon Cloud Services (AWS) and its features (AWS EC2, VPC, EBS, AMI, APIs, Route, snapshots,

Autoscaling, Cloud Formation, Lambda, SES, SQS, SNS, RDS, ELB, EBS, CloudWatch, S3).

• Involved heavily in setting up the CI/CD pipeline using GitHub, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, Terraform and AWS.

• Good understanding with REST and RPC APIs

• Implemented AWS Redshift to manage data warehouse and running SQL queries.

• Wrote deployment recipes for infrastructure management using Terraform and CloudFormation.

• Written Templates for AWS infrastructure as code using Terraform to build, staging and production



Cloud Services

Version Control Tools

Build Tools

CI Tools

Configuration Tools

Container Tools

Application Servers

Operating Systems

Testing Tools


Monitoring Tools

Ticketing Tools


GIT, SVN, Bitbucket, Code Commit, Confluence

Maven, Ant and Gradle

Jenkins/Hudson, Bamboo, U-Deploy, Azure DevOps

Ansible, Chef, Puppet

Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Amazon ECS, AWS Fargate, ACS, GKE, Vagrant

WebSphere 6.0, Apache Server, WebLogic 9.0/10.0, Apache Tomcat and JBOSS AS


Linux (Red Hat 4/5/6/7, CENTOS & SUSE) Solaris 11/10/9/8, Ubuntu


Windows 2008,12,16

Selenium, Cucumber, Junit

VMware, Oracle Virtual box, VMware ESXi, Windows Hyper-V, Power VM,

Virtual box, KVM

ELK, CloudWatch, Stack Driver, Nagios, Splunk, Grafana, VictorOps, Datadog

Jira, Service Now, Remedy, Bugzilla

Scripting languages


Bash and Korn Shell scripting, Go Lang 1.x,Perl, Ruby, Python, YAML,JSON, Groovy.

Oracle 10g/11g/12c, RDS, Aurora, Redis, MySQL, NOSQL (Mongo DB, DynamoDB,






AIG – Remote

Cloud Engineer

Dec 2020 to Present AWS


• Implemented Large Scale Cloud Infrastructure (300+ servers) using AWS resources - IAM, Elastic IP, Elastic

Storage, Auto Scaling group, VPC, EC2, EBS, APIs ELB, Route 53, RDS, SES, SNS, SQS, EMR, Red

Shift, Cloud Formation, CDN, KMS, S3 bucket, LAMDA (Server less), Elastic Bean stalk, ECS, Cloud Front, RDS

• Wrote the terraform templates to create RDS, IAM, VPC, EC2, ROUTE53, Cloud Front, Lambda, S3 bucket, Auto

Scaling groups etc.

• Created AWS Infrastructure using VPC, EC2, S3, Route 53, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS in Cloud


• Automated the server creation using autoscaling groups, and automated installation of IIS and its configuration

completely using PowerShell script.

• Created Multiple web applications, application pools and website applications in IIS for 3 different applications

through PowerShell script. Also automated the permissions of teams, groups and users using PowerShell.

• Deployed the application code into the specific web application or website applications from S3 bucket and

Code commit.

• Wrote SSM documents to join the instances to AD, install the required certificates and set the security


• Maintained and managed the state files of AWS services via terraform in s3 buckets.

• Manage permissions to various roles and users depending upon the team using IAM.

• Worked with Veracode to scan the .NET application, and include it in the pipeline to make sure the pipeline

fails if the Veracode returns failed build.

• Automated the SLA reports to the AWS platform and generated the reports twice every month.

• Logged Cloud Trail events and queried them by using Amazon Athena for sharing the data across multiple

teams with WU.

• Converted AWS Cloud Formation templates to the Terraform templates and integrated with wrapper. •

Identified and corrected the software defects with .net to maintain the existing software systems via

SonarQube and Veracode.

• Managed Amazon Redshift clusters such as launching the cluster and specifying the node type.

• Launching Amazon EC2 Cloud Instances using Amazon Web Services (RHEL/Windows) and Configuring

launched instances with respect to specific applications.

• Experience in setting up databases in AWS using RDS, storage using S3 buckets and configuring instance

backups to S3 bucket.

• Expertise in JSON and YAML languages

• Providing cross region access to S3 buckets and managing the S3 bucket that holds all the current state file

associated with terraform and CloudFormation.

• Created AWS Launch configurations based on customized AMI and use this launch configuration to configure

auto scaling groups.

Southwest Airlines – Dallas, TX

Cloud Engineer

Oct 2019 to Present AWS


• Implemented Large Scale Cloud Infrastructure (300+ servers) using AWS resources - IAM, Elastic IP, Elastic

Storage, Auto Scaling, VPC, EC2, EBS, APIs ELB, Route 53, RDS, SES, SNS, SQS, EMR, Red Shift, Cloud Formation,

CDN, KMS, S3, LAMDA (Server less), Elastic Bean stalk, ECS, Cloud Front.

• Experience in Performance Tuning and Query Optimization in AWS Redshift.

• Used AWS Fargate, built a serverless compute engine and provisioned ECS task definition, stored the

repositories in ECR and worked on managing containers using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

• Managed Amazon Redshift clusters such as launching the cluster and specifying the node type.

• Design, integration, and management of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud solutions. Provisioning of EC2

instances, built via puppet, and integrated into local area offices in 5 time zones. Amazon RDS, VPC

construction, Security Group policies, IAM, APIs, Route 53, CloudFormation, S3, Glacier, Opsworks.

• Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test

Playbooks on AWS instances using Python.

• Administered and managed Azure resources created Resource Groups, Storage Accounts, Virtual Networks

(VNET's), NSG, VM's, Azure SQL, Deployments via Terraform, ARM Templates, PowerShell, and Snapshots.

• Built fully managed continuous integration and delivery service using Azure DevOps, automatic the process of


• Involved in implementing Azure AD using AD connect, configured SSO and multifactor Authentication. Also

configured SSO from Windows 10 based computer which is joined to Azure AD. Implemented and managed AD


• Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, PHP,

Node.js, Python, Ruby, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS.

• Enabled Logging on S3 bucket access, VPC flow, CloudTrail, AWS configuration, IAM, AWS inspector, Lambda,

RDS, DynamoDB, CloudFront, AWS API gateway, EC2 Application servers.

• Created Amazon VPC to create public-facing subnet for web servers with internet access, and backend

databases & application servers in a private-facing subnet with no Internet access.

• Created AWS Infrastructure using VPC, EC2, S3, Route 53, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS in Cloud


• Launching Amazon EC2 Cloud Instances using Amazon Web Services (RHEL/Windows) and Configuring

launched instances with respect to specific applications.

• Customized EC2 instances using AWS SDKs for application deployment and authored security policies for

providing access via AWS IAM.

• Experience in setting up databases in AWS using RDS, storage using S3 buckets and configuring instance

backups to S3 bucket.

• Supported and maintained AWS -based components for public facing infrastructure and application back-end

for the existing AWS Cloud Infrastructure.

• Created Log collection in ELK (Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana) installed File Beat on all nodes in cluster to send

log data to Logstash and applied filters on log data before sending to Amazon Elastic Search service managed


Columbia Sportswear – Portland, OR

AWS Cloud Engineer

July 2018 to Sep 2019


• Collaborated in the automation of AWS infrastructure via terraform and Jenkins - software and services configuration via

Ansible playbook.

• Identified and corrected the software defects with .net to maintain the existing software systems via

SonarQube and Veracode.

• Experience in using Docker and setting Azure Container Registry with Docker and actively involved in

deployments on to AKS with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and Container Service.

• Architecture/design and deployment of solutions using VMWare, Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

• Expertise in JIRA/Confluence queries, dashboards for metrics reporting to various teams.

• Migrate on-premises machines to Azure, using the Azure Site Recovery.

• Developed a Power Shell script to automate Active Directory and server tasks and Generate reports for

administrators and management to implement it as User Data for EC2 instances in the autoscaling group

• Automated Testing process using Appium, UI Testing, Web Testing using Selenium.

• Implemented Terraform modules for deployment of applications across multiple cloud providers.

• Used YAML Ansible playbooks to launch AWS instances and manage the web applications, configuration files,

mount points and packages.

• Co-engineered comprehensive cross-region backup solution with Simple Storage Service (S3), Simple Queue

System (SQS), Simple Notification Service (SNS), Access Control Lists (ACL), and Python Automated

deployment, reporting, server creation/decommission/deletion, and maintenance tasks via Ansible.

• Developed ECS Terraform module to deploy microservices into AWS.

• Written Templates for AWS infrastructure as a code using Terraform and Cloud Formation to build staging and

production environments.

• Created AWS Launch configurations based on customized AMI and use this launch configuration to configure

auto scaling groups.

• Using Amazon Identity Access Management (IAM) tool created groups & permissions for users to work


• Created AWS Infrastructure using VPC, EC2, S3, Route 53, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS in Cloud

Formation and Terraform.

• Managing and creating the SSM documents to install the security certs and few other necessary configuration

specific to each application or project.

• Expertise in understanding and working with JSON and YAML languages.

• Implemented PaaS, IaaS, SaaS style delivery models inside the Enterprise (Data center) and in Public Clouds

using like AWS.

• Modernized the application by moving monolithic to microservices and Created repository for the Jenkins

Docker image using Amazon ECS definitions to launch containers on Amazon EC2 instances.

• Created CloudWatch Alarms using Cloud trail Log streams and stored events in private S3 bucket for

future purposes.

RAPP, Chicago IL

DevOps Automation Engineer July 2017 to May 2018


• Expertise in AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes EC2, VPC, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS,

CloudWatch, Cloud Trail, CloudFormation AWS Configuration, Autoscaling, CloudFront, Lambda, IAM, S3, API

Gateway Elastic Beanstalk, Opsworks, Code Deploy, Version1, Code Pipeline and Route53.

• Created, tested and deployed an End-to-End CI/CD pipeline for various applications using AWS as the main

Integration server for Dev, QA, Staging, UAT and Prod Environments with Agile methodology.

• Configured Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) with EC2 Auto scaling groups.

• experience in PaaS with RedHat Openshift Containers Platform

• Utilized Puppet for configuration management of hosted Instances within AWS configuring and Networking of

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

• Utilized S3 bucket and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS.

• Implementation/setup continuous project build and deployment delivery process using Subversion, Git,

Jenkins, IIS, Tomcat.

• Used AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate providing a fully managed Chef server and automated

continuous deployment, automated testing for compliance and security, and a user interface that

gives you visibility into your nodes and status.

• Experienced in authoring pom.xml files, performing releases with the Maven release plug-in and managing

Maven repositories. Implemented Maven builds to automate JAR and WAR files.

• Designed and built deployment using ANT/ Shell scripting and automate overall process using SUBVERSION

and MAVEN.

• Wrote Puppet models for installing and managing java version files.

• Created Puppet master to configure the compiled files, templates and plugins to manage nodes.

• Created Snapshot, Template and use them based on the requirement and created Puppet Manifests to

integrate Heat Templates into OpenStack.

• Used Puppet modules to rebuild the code & data, from auto load Manifests from old Modules. Well in shell

scripting automation of MQ, WAS, puppet, foreman Cloud forms.

• Integrated Jenkins with puppet and configured data through the pipeline plugins.

• Handled large volumes of container clusters with Docker swarm, Kubernetes and Mesos.

• Used Docker to showcase the build micro services to modularize design and isolate the development of


• Integrated puppet with Artifactory and deployed the specific modules in Artifactory.

• Created Roles and profiles in Puppet and mapped them to the respective node group.

• Automation of test cases is done by integrating the HP QC plug-in with Jenkins Server which will automate

whenever there is latest package available through the CI server.

• Setup the Splunk server and configured AWS for SplunkAddon, Install Splunk Agents and configured/Integrate

Splunk to receive logs.

• Plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to protect data collected by Dynatrace.

• Utilized Jenkins for enterprise scale infrastructure configuration and application deployments - checking out

code from SVN/Git and use Ant/Maven to build War/Ear artifacts.

• Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing

directories structure and managing containers.

• Handled Jira tickets for SCM Support activities.

• Extensive knowledge and administration experience in JIRA and knowledge on other CI tools like Bamboo.

Denave Pvt Ltd. – Bangalore, India

SCM/Build Engineer Jan 2015 to April 2017


• Responsible for Installation, Configuration Management, Maintenance and Systems Development of Red Hat

Linux, Oracle Enterprise Linux / UNIX Systems.

• Configuration Management and source code repository management using tools like GIT, Subversion (SVN),

Perforce and PVCS. Migrated SVN repositories into GIT using Sub GIT.

• Setup automation tools such as Jenkins and Nexus across multiple projects of the waterfall and Agile models.

• Installed Jenkins/Plug-in for GIT Repository, Setup SCM Polling for Immediate Build with Maven and Maven

Repository (Nexus Art factory) and Deployed Apps using custom ruby modules through Chef as a CI/CD


• Build Java code and .Net code on to different fatecon servers as per the schedule.

• Developed installer scripts using Maven, Python for various products to be hosted on Application Servers.

• Used ANT and Python scripts to automate the Build and deployment process to deploying the web services.

• Used services deploy command for building the web services. Used Maven for few modules.

• Writing Json templates for cloud formation and ruby scripts for chef automation and contributing to our

repository on GitHub (sub version control).

• Possess Strong skills in application programming and system programming using C++, C, QT and python on

Windows and LINUX platforms using Design Patterns and OOPS (Object Oriented Programming System).

• The spontaneous issue resolves by engaging WebLogic Admins, DBA's, Dev's and test teams.

• Maintained Urban Code Deploy and deployed the artifacts to Urban Code Deploy for release management.

• Monitoring running stacks including events & resources on OpenStack Cloud.

• Implemented automated local user provisioning in instances created in OpenStack cloud through Ansible.

• Created and managed daily Hudson build and Urban Code Deploy artifacts status.

• Worked on Red hat OpenShift to improve application security by putting admin consoles on different Docker


• Deployed code on Web Logic servers for Production, IT, Performance and Development environments using

ANT scripts. Making DB deployments thru Oracle SQL, MS SQL.

• Installed/Configured/Managed Bamboo Continuous Integration Automation.

• Integration of ANT/Nexus, Jenkins, Atlassian (Bamboo), Urban Code Deploy with Patterns/Release, GIT, Stash,

Confluence, Jira and Cloud Foundry.

• Utilized Configuration Management Tool Chef and created Chef Cookbooks using recipes to automate system


• Configured the Web Logic handler for the Apache Web server to serve static files (AngularJs, HTML, and


• Closely working with Developers, QA, Performance, UAT testers, IT Team. Provided 24*7 support on call.

TatvaSoft – Pune - India April 2013 to Dec 2015

Software Engineer Responsibilities:

• Installed and configured Red Hat Linux, Established and schedule activities in test and production


• Experience in working GIT for branching, tagging, and merging.

• Managed, installed, and configured Microsoft Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu,

IIS, .NET, Apache, Oracle WebLogic, Red Hat JBoss, Apache Tomcat, Oracle Database.

• Worked closely with application developers to devise robust deployment, operating, monitoring, reporting for

the COTS applications.

• Deployment, implementation of Subversion (SVN) as source control, collaboration, and QA tool. Project

management, versioning and blame/issue tracking using Subversion (SVN).

• Created Build Jobs and Deployments in Jenkins.

• Involved in writing and organizing Shell and Perl scripting for building complex software systems.

• Experience with defining and creating usable and customer friendly, intuitive interfaces to the JIRA tool in a

fastpaced evolving environment.

• Created scripts for Backup and restoring Subversion (SVN) repositories.

• Used Maven as a dependency management tool to manage all the dependencies that are required.

• Deployed the EARs and WARs in JBOSS Application server using ANT script.

• Configured Git with Jenkins and schedule jobs using Poll SCM option.

• Implemented Jira with Maven release plug-in for tracking bugs and defects.

• Experienced with release engineering, configuration management in Tomcat web application environment.

• Configured email and messaging notifications, managed users and permissions, system settings and

maintained two Jenkins servers and one Bamboo server to deploy into production and non-production


• Created ANT and Maven POMs to automate the build process and integrated them with tools like Sonar,


• Run release for all lower and production environments for almost forty different applications with various

deployment tools Jenkins, bamboo and work closely with system engineers to resolve the issue.

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