Honvédségi Szemle 2020/5. szám

A Honvédségi Szemle a Magyar Honvédség szakmai, tudományos folyóirata. Lapunkat a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Hadtudományi Bizottsága „A" kategóriás mértékadó tudományos lapként elismeri el, s évente hat számmal jelenünk meg. A legfrissebb szám Fókuszban rovatában a kiberbiztonságnak és a kiberműveleteknek hazánk biztonsági stratégiájában való megjelenéséről olvashatnak. A Honvédségi Szemle a Magyar Honvédség szakmai, tudományos folyóirata. Lapunkat a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Hadtudományi Bizottsága „A" kategóriás mértékadó tudományos lapként elismeri el, s évente hat számmal jelenünk meg.
A legfrissebb szám Fókuszban rovatában a kiberbiztonságnak és a kiberműveleteknek hazánk biztonsági stratégiájában való megjelenéséről olvashatnak.


172 Abstract HSz Szemle 2020/5., HSz 172–174. 2020/5.ABSTRACTFOCUSBrig Gen László Kovács: The appearance of cyber security and cyber operations in the newNational Security Strategy of Hungary...................................................... 3At the end of April 2020, Hungary's new National Security Strategy, entitled “A Secure Hungary in aChanging World”, was publicised. The title was eloquent in itself. The new document, which replaced theprevious National Security Strategy, issued in 2012, defines Hungary's relation to security in a new securityenvironment, in which one of the priority areas is cyberspace and the social and economic processes thatappear in it. Focusing on these aspects this paper compares the new and the old strategies, including theresults expected from the new strategy – with regard to cyberspace in the new strategy – and the implicationsthat are for both cyber security and cyber operations, in further legislation and in organizational change.Keywords: security, strategy, cyber security, cyber operationsMILITARY ORGANISATION AND FORCE DEVELOPMENTPéter Lenhoffer – Col (Ret) László Nagy: The impact of the terrorist attacks on 11 th September 2001on the national security system of the USA...................................................19The post-World War 2 era generated great changes in assessing security. The development in the fieldof industry, economy, and technology coupled with social transformations and intertwined multitierinternational relations resulted in complex and closely interconnected new security challenges. The beginningof the 21 st century marked a turning point not only in the security policy of the USA but alsoin that of the entire world. Security challenges grew global and of international origin. After the 9/11attacks international terrorism induced a change of paradigms in the security system of the USA.Keywords: security, national security, intelligence community, terrorismGábor Molnár: Territorial defence theories and concepts – the role of territorial defence in currentsecurity policy environment...............................................................35Since the past years the issue of territorial defence as a concept of defence strategy has been discussedall over Europe. In several European countries – including some NATO member states – the cause isthat territorial defence has been an important part of national defence while in other countries the issueturned into paramount in the recent years only. However, there is no consensus among the researchersof the issue on the tasks of territorial defence or its role in the present, changed security policy environment.The objective of the present paper is to provide a brief insight into the theories and concepts thatmay determine the establishment and shaping of prospective and existing territorial defence systemsin NATO member states.Keywords: territorial defence, territorial defence forces, militia, force organizationLt Col Sándor Nagy: Some thoughts on civil protection with special regard to tasks at the timeof armed conflicts. ..................................................................... 47Today, the term civil protection in Hungary is more in line with the English concept of „civil protection”than with „civil defence” that have evolved from air raid defence identified as activities during theperiod of armed conflicts. However, due to the change in the security environment, there is a shift in thefocus towards a civil protection task system typical for armed conflicts. Instead of the former humanresources-centric civil defence, a paradigm shift toward military means is necessary in this respect.A capability-based system could better respond to the challenges of a changing environment. A militaryapproach instead of the disaster management approach should be in the focus in the development ofcapability objectives for civil protection organizations in times of armed conflict.Keywords: civil defence, civil preparedness, armed conflict, special legal orderCOMMAND, TRAININGLt Col László István Kokics: The information management system of the Command of the HungarianDefence Forces. ....................................................................... 58Nowadays information has become a very fashionable expression, but it is less known how a welldesignedsystem can facilitate the decision-making of a military commander. The author interprets

HSz 2020/5. Abstract173the concepts of information and information management, then elaborates on the current elementsof the military organization's information management system and makes suggestions for refining andmodifying the processes.Keywords: information, information management, information handling, commander’s decision-makingprocess, IMR – Information Management System, MH EIR – Electronic Document Management Systemof the Hungarian Defence ForcesMaj Zoltán Harangi-Tóth: Lessons learned from the preparation and conduct of a war game ......... 72In early March 2020 the National University of Public Service (NUPS) hosted a unique, experimentalexercise. The students of the General Staff Training Institute’s General Staff Course participated in aweek-long strategic level planning and command exercise, which was based on the „Next War: Poland”,a commercially available wargame. The preparation and conduct of the event was intentionally differentfrom a conventional staff exercise/training, because the aim of the exercise was to test how the ongoingacademic research could be implemented in practice. This paper is written by a member of the exercisestaff in order to share the common experience of the participants.Keywords: National University of Public Service General Staff Training, Strategic Wargame, „NextWar: Poland”Col Sándor Andó: Some mission aspects of increased readiness................................. 82The present paper seeks an answer to the nature of typical symptoms emerging due to lasting mentaland physical stress in areas of operations from the aspects of the characteristics of human personality.Another issue is the adequate ways necessary for practical management of extreme distress.Keywords: military psychology, military mission, combat stress, management strategiesLOGISTICSLt Col László Balogh: Lessons learned from operation of RAT–31DL radars ...................... 96The basis for the successful operation of RAT–31DL radars is the thorough, careful preparation of theprocurement and the establishment and operation of a logistical support system based on regular communication.The new philosophy ensures smooth and efficient operation by using a system of relationsbetween the manufacturer and the user. The radars have been operating reliably since they were putinto operational service.Keywords: radar, RAT–31DL, procurement, logistical support systemMILITARY HISTORYCol (Ret) Ferenc Földesi: Chapters from the history of territorial military administration system– from the adoption of the national defence act of 1939 to the end of World War II..................105The system of disguise stemming from the Trianon Peace Treaty significantly impeded the qualitativeand quantitative development of the defence forces. Finally, through the Bled Treaty these obstacleswere eliminated. After the Treaty was signed the development of the Hungarian Defence Forces couldbe launched in earnest. The new system of the territorial military administration and the establishmentof conscription commands began after the approval of Act II of 1939 on National Defence. As a result,the mission and structure of territorial military administration got streamlined and the levels of responsibilitiesof territorial military administration were set up. The newly formed registration of draft-agepopulation was able to meet the increased needs of the forces in the field of personnel, information,and other aspects necessary for warfighting. Moreover, the territorial military administration was alsotasked with the establishment and operation of the military administration in the annexed territories.FORUMKeywords: Act II of 1939, conscription, territorial military administration, military administrationCol Klára Kecskeméthy Siposné: János Czetz in Argentina.................................... 120János Czetz – Juan Fernando Czetz (1822–1904), a prominent figure in the Revolution and War ofIndependence of 1848–1849, Chief of Staff and interim Commander-in-Chief of the Transylvanianarmy, fled abroad after the Világos capitulation and lived in Argentina for more than four decades.He was the founder and first commandant of the Colegio Militar de la Nación, a military educationalinstitution. János Czetz, who presented exemplary determination wherever he was thrown by fate,delivered outstanding performance in two countries. In Argentina, his person has enjoyed general

172 Abstract HSz Szemle 2020/5., HSz 172–174. 2020/5.



Brig Gen László Kovács: The appearance of cyber security and cyber operations in the new

National Security Strategy of Hungary...................................................... 3

At the end of April 2020, Hungary's new National Security Strategy, entitled “A Secure Hungary in a

Changing World”, was publicised. The title was eloquent in itself. The new document, which replaced the

previous National Security Strategy, issued in 2012, defines Hungary's relation to security in a new security

environment, in which one of the priority areas is cyberspace and the social and economic processes that

appear in it. Focusing on these aspects this paper compares the new and the old strategies, including the

results expected from the new strategy – with regard to cyberspace in the new strategy – and the implications

that are for both cyber security and cyber operations, in further legislation and in organizational change.

Keywords: security, strategy, cyber security, cyber operations


Péter Lenhoffer – Col (Ret) László Nagy: The impact of the terrorist attacks on 11 th September 2001

on the national security system of the USA...................................................19

The post-World War 2 era generated great changes in assessing security. The development in the field

of industry, economy, and technology coupled with social transformations and intertwined multitier

international relations resulted in complex and closely interconnected new security challenges. The beginning

of the 21 st century marked a turning point not only in the security policy of the USA but also

in that of the entire world. Security challenges grew global and of international origin. After the 9/11

attacks international terrorism induced a change of paradigms in the security system of the USA.

Keywords: security, national security, intelligence community, terrorism

Gábor Molnár: Territorial defence theories and concepts – the role of territorial defence in current

security policy environment...............................................................35

Since the past years the issue of territorial defence as a concept of defence strategy has been discussed

all over Europe. In several European countries – including some NATO member states – the cause is

that territorial defence has been an important part of national defence while in other countries the issue

turned into paramount in the recent years only. However, there is no consensus among the researchers

of the issue on the tasks of territorial defence or its role in the present, changed security policy environment.

The objective of the present paper is to provide a brief insight into the theories and concepts that

may determine the establishment and shaping of prospective and existing territorial defence systems

in NATO member states.

Keywords: territorial defence, territorial defence forces, militia, force organization

Lt Col Sándor Nagy: Some thoughts on civil protection with special regard to tasks at the time

of armed conflicts. ..................................................................... 47

Today, the term civil protection in Hungary is more in line with the English concept of „civil protection”

than with „civil defence” that have evolved from air raid defence identified as activities during the

period of armed conflicts. However, due to the change in the security environment, there is a shift in the

focus towards a civil protection task system typical for armed conflicts. Instead of the former human

resources-centric civil defence, a paradigm shift toward military means is necessary in this respect.

A capability-based system could better respond to the challenges of a changing environment. A military

approach instead of the disaster management approach should be in the focus in the development of

capability objectives for civil protection organizations in times of armed conflict.

Keywords: civil defence, civil preparedness, armed conflict, special legal order


Lt Col László István Kokics: The information management system of the Command of the Hungarian

Defence Forces. ....................................................................... 58

Nowadays information has become a very fashionable expression, but it is less known how a welldesigned

system can facilitate the decision-making of a military commander. The author interprets

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