Élet & Stílus 2020. Nyári szám

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Ever since man has got acquainted with the fire, he uses it

when making food. The igniting flames, the bouncing sparks

enchant and put him under a spell. The love of making food

on open fire may originate from this. „While it is a pleasant

recreation for many people, it is a mission for us.” This is the

philosophy of the Spa Trend team and I can say that we found

the right way with Roland Vezse, the founder and owner of

Spa Trend. Roland follows the same principle in connection

with barbecues and the massage pools, garden furniture and

shading technics: only the highest quality is acceptable. You

will find Spa Trend behind each tasteful meal, successful garden

party. We help everybody to choose the broiler which meets

their requirements the most, it is either a Broil King gas grill,

a Kamado or a Kamado Chef ceramics one. It is important for

us that our partners learn perfectly how to use these broilers.

H2G grilling school assists us and we can meet there personally.


János Selettye, one of the masters

of flat decoration in Hungary who

earned his reputation in facing flats

has been involved in his profession for

30 years. In the article written on the

occasion of this jubilee the specialist of

48, called the „Genius of Facing” said

that he had learnt the basic methods

from his father as a child who was a

handicraftsman of facing and the

boy started to work regularly with

him at the age of 12. „I helped him

every summer and of course, he paid

me well, so persuaded me by this.”

He graduated from the secondary

school in 1990 and has been involved

in this craft since then. He found out

and made the website „burkolózseni.

hu” (Genius of facing) popular. There

is somebody who will continue the

family business: his son is already

working with him. János Selettye said

that he had another “love” for some

time: he learnt to build saunas. In

addition to facing he would like to

engage in this activity more and more.


According to the golden rule one must sail, the recent

wisdom adds that it is advisable to sail in a safe way having an

insurance. Csaba Szekeres, considered to be one of the most

successful salespeople, also argues for the latter. According

to the experience of the young man in his thirties, insurance

plays a more important role in sailing and motor-boating. In

addition to the damages made by the weather, those caused

by the boats and ships to each other have increased – he

stated in the article, also mentioning that the different ports

suggest to effect liability insurance. Usually the boat or yacht

is damaged while berthing or sailing out. In the opinion

of Csaba Szekeres more and more clients are expected to

have Casco insurance. As these are boats or yachts worth of

5-10-15 million forints, the harm can amount to several

hundred thousand or even million forints.


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