Officina Textologica 17. - Magyar Nyelvtudományi Tanszék ...

Officina Textologica 17. - Magyar Nyelvtudományi Tanszék ...

Officina Textologica 17. - Magyar Nyelvtudományi Tanszék ...


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RepertoriumA Debreceni EgyetemkiadványaibólSTUDIES IN LINGUISTICSBoard of Editors includesJÓZSEF ANDOR, BÉLA HOLLÓSY, LÁSZLÓ KOMLÓSI, BÉLA KORPONAY, ZOLTÁNKÖVECSES, TIBOR LACZKÓ, PÉTER PELYVÁS and GÜNTER RADDEN.Studies In Linguistics is the journal of the Department of English Linguistics, LajosKossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary. It was begun in 1991, as a supplement toHungarian Studies in English, more recently The Hungarian Journal of English andAmerican Studies (HJEAS), the journal of the Institute of English and American Studies,now specializing in literature.Studies in Linguistics publishes papers on experimental phonetics, morphology,lexicology, (computational) lexicography, Case grammar, the theory of government andbinding, lexical-functional grammar, semantics, cognitive grammar, pragmatics andcorpus linguistics.Megjelent kötetek:Studies in Linguistics I. (A Supplement to Hungarian Studies in English). KorponayBéla—Pelyvás Péter (szerk.). Debrecen, KLTE, 1991.Studies in Linguistics II. (A Supplement to Hungarian Studies in English). HollósyBéla—Korponay Béla—Laczkó Tibor (szerk.). Debrecen, KLTE, 1993.Studies in Linguistics III. (A Supplement to the Hungarian Journal of English andAmerican Studies). Korponay Béla—Pelyvás Péter (szerk.). Debrecen, KLTE, 1994.Studies in Linguistics in Honour of Béla Korponay. The Diversity of LinguisticDescription. A Special Issue. József Andor—Béla Hollósy—Tibor Laczkó—PéterPelyvás (szerk.) Debrecen, KLTE, 1998.Studies in Linguistics IV. (A Supplement to the Hungarian Journal of English andAmerican Studies). Korponay, Béla—Hollósy Béla (szerk.). Debrecen, KLTE, 2000.Studies in Linguistics V. (A Supplement to the Hungarian Journal of English andAmerican Studies). James T. Riordan—Hollósy Béla (szerk.) Debrecen, KLTE, 2001.Studies in Linguistics VI. (A Supplement to the Hungarian Journal of English andAmerican Studies). Kissné Gulyás Judit—Hollósy Béla (szerk.) Debrecen, DE, 2002.For further information, please contact:Department of English Linguistics, University DebrecenH - 4010 Debrecen, Pf.: 73.Phone: (36) 52/512-900/2192e-mail: pelyvas@pmail.arts.klte.hu167

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