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48.735 - What is right for children? : the competing paradigms of religion and human rights / ed. by Martha Albertson Fineman, Karen Worthington. -Farnham ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, cop. 2009. - X, [1], 450 p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-0-7546-7419-148.736 - The law and child development / ed. by Emily Buss, Mavis Maclean. - Farnham ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate ; cop. 2010. - XXV, 491 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -ISBN 978-0-7546-2811-848.737 - Responsibility, law and the family / ed. by Jo Bridgeman, Heather Keating and Craig Lind. - Aldershot ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, cop. 2008. - X, [1],284 p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-0-7546-7109-148.738 - Family life and the law : under one roof / ed. by Rebecca Probert. - Aldershot ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, cop. 2007. - VIII, [1], 285p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN978-0-7546-4760-748.739 - Rechtsregeln für nichteheliches Zusammenleben / hrsg. von Inge Kropppenberg [et al.]. - Bielefeld : Gieseking, 2009. - XVI, 343 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - ISBN978-3-7694-1053-248.740 - Streit um die Abstammung : ein europäischer Vergleich / hrsg. von Andreas Spickhoff [et al.]. - Bielefeld : Gieseking, 2007. - XVI, 412 p. ; 22 cm. -ISBN 978-3-7694-1012-948.741 - Abstammungsrecht in der Praxis : Materielles Recht, Verfahrensrecht, Medizinische Abstammungsbegutachtung / von Tobias Helms, Jörg Kieninger,Christian Rittner. - Bielefeld : Gieseking, 2010. - XXIII, 211 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 978-3-7694-1065-548.742 - Ehe- und Familiensachen in Europa : das internationale Mandat mit Länderberichten / von Kai Breuer. - Bielefeld : Gieseking, 2008. - XXXVII, 581 p. ;22 cm. - ISBN 978-3-7694-1033-448.743 - Verträge in Familiensachen : Eheverträge, Trennungs- und Scheidungsvereinbarungen / von Ludwig Bergschneider. - Bielefeld : Gieseking, 2010. -XXXII, 310 p. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 978-3-7694-1056-348.745 - Skeletons in the closet : transitional justice in post-communist Europe / Monika Nalepa. - New York [etc.] : Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2010. - XXIII, 300 p.: ill. ; 23 cm. - ISBN 978-0-521-73550-648.746 - Transitional justice in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union : reckoning with the communist past / ed. by Lavinia Stan. - London ; New York :Routledge, 2010. - XV, [3], 307 p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-0-415-59041-948.747 - Transitional jusitce in the twenty-first century : beyond truth versus justice / ed. by Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Javier Mariezcurrena. - New York :Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2008. - XI, 346 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - ISBN 978-0-521-67750-98

48.748 - Criminal justice and moral issues / Robert F. Meier, Gilbert Geis. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, cop. 2006. - X, 272 p. ; 23 cm. - ISBN978-0-19-533060-148.750 - Collective violence and international criminal justice : an interdisciplinary approach / ed. by Alette Smeulers. - Antwerpen ; Oxford ; Portland, Oreg.: Intersentia, cop. 2010. - XV, 452 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-94-000-0099-548.751 - European criminal law : an integrative approach / André Klip. - Antwerpen ; Oxford ; Portland, Oreg. : Intersentia, cop. 2009. - XV, 531 p. : ill. ; 24cm. - ISBN 978-90-5095-772-448.752 - Madness and the criminal law / Norval Morris. - Chicago, Ill. ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1984. - IX, 235 p. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 0-226-53908-348.753 - Effective criminal defence in Europe / Ed Cape, Zaza Namoradze, Roger Smith, Taru Spronken. - Antwerpen ; Oxford ; Portland, Oreg. : Intersentia,cop. 2010. - XXXI, 657 p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-94-000-0093-348.754 - Suspects in Europe : procedural rights at the investigative stage of the criminal process in the European Union / eds.: Ed Cape [et al.]. - Antwerpen ;Oxford : Intersentia, cop. 2007. - XXIII, 280 p., [1] t. fol. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-90-5095-627-748.755 - International criminal justice and victims' rights : critical analysis of victims' rights before international criminal justice / Maurice Kouadio N'dri. -Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT Acad. Publ., 2010. - [4], VI, 58 p. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 978-3-8383-7906-748.756 - International criminal justice and the politics of compliance / Christopher K. Lamont. - Farnham ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, cop. 2010. - XIII, 220 p. :ill. - ISBN 978-0-7546-7965-348.757 - ICTY: Towards a fair trial? / ed. by Thomas Kruessmann. - Wien ; Graz : NWV, 2008. - 416 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 978-3-7083-0569-148.758 - The presumption of innocence : evidential and human rights perspectives / Andrew Stumer. - Oxford ; Portland, Oreg. : Hart, 2010. - XL, 218 p. ; 24cm. - ISBN 978-1-84946-036-148.759 - Gerechtigkeit nach Diktatur und Krieg : transitional justice 1945 bis heute Strafverfahren und ihre Quellen / Claudia Kuretsidis-Haider, Winfried R.Garscha (Hrsg.). - Graz : Clio, 2010. - 224 p. ; 25 cm. - ISBN 978-3-902542-17-548.760 – Fighting for justice : the history and origins of adversary trial / John Hostettler. - Winchester : Waterside Press, 2006. - VIII, 9-176. p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN1-904380-29-89

48.748 - Criminal justice and moral issues / Robert F. Meier, Gilbert Geis. - New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, cop. 2006. - X, 272 p. ; 23 cm. - ISBN978-0-19-533060-148.750 - Collective violence and international criminal justice : an interdisciplinary approach / ed. by Alette Smeulers. - Antwerpen ; Oxford ; Portland, Oreg.: Intersentia, cop. 2010. - XV, 452 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-94-000-0099-548.751 - European criminal law : an integrative approach / André Klip. - Antwerpen ; Oxford ; Portland, Oreg. : Intersentia, cop. 2009. - XV, 531 p. : ill. ; 24cm. - ISBN 978-90-5095-772-448.752 - Madness and the criminal law / Norval Morris. - Chicago, Ill. ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 1984. - IX, 235 p. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 0-226-53908-348.753 - Effective criminal defence in Europe / Ed Cape, Zaza Namoradze, Roger Smith, Taru Spronken. - Antwerpen ; Oxford ; Portland, Oreg. : Intersentia,cop. 2010. - XXXI, 657 p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-94-000-0093-348.754 - Suspects in Europe : procedural rights at the investigative stage of the criminal process in the European Union / eds.: Ed Cape [et al.]. - Antwerpen ;Oxford : Intersentia, cop. 2007. - XXIII, 280 p., [1] t. fol. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ISBN 978-90-5095-627-748.755 - International criminal justice and victims' rights : critical analysis of victims' rights before international criminal justice / Maurice Kouadio N'dri. -Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT Acad. Publ., 2010. - [4], VI, 58 p. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 978-3-8383-7906-748.756 - International criminal justice and the politics of compliance / Christopher K. Lamont. - Farnham ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, cop. 2010. - XIII, 220 p. :ill. - ISBN 978-0-7546-7965-348.757 - ICTY: Towards a fair trial? / ed. by Thomas Kruessmann. - Wien ; Graz : NWV, 2008. - 416 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - ISBN 978-3-7083-0569-148.758 - The presumption of innocence : evidential and human rights perspectives / Andrew Stumer. - Oxford ; Portland, Oreg. : Hart, 2010. - XL, 218 p. ; 24cm. - ISBN 978-1-84946-036-148.759 - Gerechtigkeit nach Diktatur und Krieg : transitional justice 1945 bis heute Strafverfahren und ihre Quellen / Claudia Kuretsidis-Haider, Winfried R.Garscha (Hrsg.). - Graz : Clio, 2010. - 224 p. ; 25 cm. - ISBN 978-3-902542-17-548.760 – Fighting for justice : the history and origins of adversary trial / John Hostettler. - Winchester : Waterside Press, 2006. - VIII, 9-176. p. ; 24 cm. - ISBN1-904380-29-89

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