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folia4 - NYME Természettudományi Kar

folia4 - NYME Természettudományi Kar


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ember táplálkozási szokásairól számol be. Meg kell említenünk, hogy magyarországi minták vizsgálati<br />

eredményeiről is olvashatunk, melyek a dunántúli római korból, illetve az alföldi szarmata időszakból<br />

származnak (a dunántúli római kort a táci- (Gorsium) és a pécsi- (Sopiane), a szarmata kort a<br />

Madaras-Halmok reprezentálja.<br />

A könyv közel húsz év tudományos munkásságát, klinikai tapasztalatait közérthető módon foglalja<br />

össze, így melegen ajánljuk a témában elmélyedni kívánó tudományos szakemberek, egyetemi hallgatók<br />

valamint a régészet és történeti antropológia iránt érdeklődők számára.<br />

Végezetül, akinek a speciális szakterület felkeltette az érdeklődését, a bőséges irodalomjegyzék<br />

kellő mennyiségű közleménnyel szolgál a további kutatásokhoz.<br />

A könyv fejezetei:<br />

Introduction<br />

Human bone health in relation to the elemental composition of the soil in various geographic regions<br />

Attainability of elements from food<br />

Deposition of elements into bone tissue<br />

Basic building elements of bone<br />

Trace elements in ontogeny and physiology of bone tissue<br />

Trace elements and the European skeleton through 7000 years<br />

Reconstruction of dietary trends based on chemical analysis of elements<br />

Some human dietary patterns in Europe<br />

Conclusion<br />

(Márk László, PTE ÁOK Biokémiai és Orvosi Kémiai Intézet, Pécs, és Dr. Marcsik Antónia, SzTE TTK<br />

Embertani Tanszék, Szeged)<br />

Tóth, Gábor A.: Auxology. To the memory of Professor Ottó G. Eiben. Savaria University Press,<br />

Szombathely. 2005. 129 oldal.<br />

In a tender foreword Professor Cholnoky memorizes his colleague as a friendly, capable scientist<br />

with a pionering role in auxology in Hungary and an excellent international fame.<br />

Over forty authors discuss in 17 contributions several epidemiological aspects of auxology, as<br />

this science is related to a. o. lifestyle, socio-economic situation, nutrition, health care, education,<br />

hygiene and politics. Moreover, also clinical aspects of growth and maturation, and sporting may be<br />

approached by auxological methods.<br />

As expected, positive secular changes of height are reported in the European countries Slovenia,<br />

Croatia and Hungary. But a meanwhile welknown negative secular change, the critical increase of<br />

weight for height in developed countries, is also described for Hungary and Croatia and for immigrant<br />

children in Vienna. The shift to a lower age of the menarche is found to slow down gradually in a<br />

South-Western district of Hungary.<br />

Compared to the situation in North-Western Europe, in the United States a striking arrearage of<br />

the proces of increasing height takes place, in particular in the second half of the twentieth century. In<br />

a very critical comment the close relationship is pointed out with the poverty-stricken situaton of<br />

nearly 20 percent of the children, a high child mortality, and so many families without health<br />

insurance and preventive health care. As is seen elswhere, low social status goes together with overweight<br />

and obesitas, in the U.S. in an extreme way. Seen from the viewpoint of European countries the<br />

solution of these problems in the U.S., on average one of the wealthiest communities, must be much<br />

easier than in the situation described in Western Himalayas and Punjab. In the poor and remote<br />

villages there is undernutrition, either caloric or deficiency of a diversity of nutrients, or both. Besides<br />

the immediate need for healthy food, in the long run education and specific enlightenment, particularly<br />

of mothers, is necessary. It is not the drift to suggest what is possible in future, but the reported mean<br />

height in these territories is equal to the height of Dutch contemporaries one and a half century ago.<br />

In a Mexican project the somatic profiles are measured of two groups of children, one with a<br />

temporary faulty growth due to malnutrition at an earlier age. It is found that, although body height is<br />


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