2006. évi 1. szám - Jura - Pécsi Tudományegyetem

2006. évi 1. szám - Jura - Pécsi Tudományegyetem

2006. évi 1. szám - Jura - Pécsi Tudományegyetem


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Máté Julesz: Advances in legislation relating to soil protection<br />

the European Union’s directive making amendments<br />

to the EU Waste Framework Directive of 75/442,<br />

waste disposal sites may be established with the<br />

consent of the concerned land owner or at his or<br />

her request, and an impact study must be peformed<br />

to consider the state of the surface and subsurface<br />

strata of the land. According to Section 6-1 of the<br />

same Act, pour les installation dont l’exploitation pour<br />

une durée illimitée créerait des dangers ou inconvénients<br />

inacceptables, du fait d’une utilisation croissante du sol<br />

ou du sous-sol, l’autorisation doit fixer la durée maximale<br />

de l’exploitation ou de la phase d’exploitation concernée<br />

et, le cas échéant, le volume maximal de produits stockés<br />

ou extraits, ainsi que les conditions du réaménagement<br />

du site a l’issue de l’exploitation… i.e. the exploitation<br />

especially of surface or subsurface strata of land that<br />

poses unacceptable risks of harm may be authorized<br />

only for a fixed period, and revitalization of the polluted<br />

site after the work has been completed is designated<br />

as compulsory.<br />

According to the Vrijstelling grondverzet, small<br />

quantities polluted soil need not be destroyed, but<br />

can be mixed with clean soil and subsequently reused.<br />

In The Netherlands, the Woningwet, i.e. the Act on<br />

Dwelling-places, entered into force in 190<strong>1.</strong> Its latest,<br />

amended version is dated 1 January 2003. This act<br />

states that it is within the competency of the local<br />

municipality to permit the use of building materials<br />

if these are sufficiently free from contamination, and<br />

also to examine the level of pollution of the land on<br />

which the dwelling-place is to be built. Section 6 of<br />

the German Bundes Bodenschutz Gesetz stipulates that<br />

the Bundesregierung must organize the acceptance<br />

of the Rechtsverordnung (ordinance) by the Bundesrat<br />

from this aspect. In respect of Action 50 of the First<br />

Soil Action Plan for England (2004-2006), an improvement<br />

has to be attained in the monitoring of the use<br />

of soils in relation to building development, compliance<br />

with soil protection conditions for the granting<br />

of planning permission, and the reduction of off-site<br />

impacts. According to Section 10, Paragraph (2) of the<br />

Act on Soil Protection of Salzburg, die Landes regierung<br />

kann unter Bedachtnahme auf die Ziele dieses Gesetzes<br />

und unter Berücksichtigung der Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft<br />

und des Standes der Technik durch Verordnung<br />

nähere Vorschriften über die Verwendung bestimmter<br />

Materialien auf Böden erlassen, i.e. BAT (the Best Available<br />

Technology or Techniques) is to be applied for<br />

materials introduced into soil. In connection with<br />

Nahrungsmittelproduktion (food production), sewage<br />

(Klärschlamm) must not be allowed to enter the soil.<br />

According to Section 13 of the same act, it is strictly<br />

forbidden to introduce household waste or sewage<br />

into the soil (die Verwendung von Senkgrubeninhalten<br />

151<br />

aus häuslichen Abwässern auf landwirtschaftlichen Böden<br />

ist verboten). Section 18 requires the creation of a<br />

Materialregister in order to record data relating to<br />

the introduction of materials into the soil. Information<br />

resulting from soil examinations is registered<br />

and available in the Boden datenbank (i.e. the data<br />

bank relating to the soil) at the level of the Land of<br />

Salzburg (Austria). Section 19 (ibidem) demands that<br />

the Land government report on all available data<br />

concerning the soil to the Landtag every tenth year.<br />

As regards the entry of sewage into the soil, the Land<br />

government must report to the Commission of the<br />

European Union every third year. Sections 5 and 6<br />

of the Swiss Ordonnance sur l’assainissement des sites<br />

pollués of 1998 relate to the establishment of a register<br />

(cadastre des sites pollués) of polluted sites, based on<br />

available information, maps and inventories. The<br />

competent authority must inform the possessor of a<br />

polluted site about what it intends to register, allowing<br />

the possessor of the contaminated land to supply<br />

explanations. The competent authority has the right<br />

to decide whether, with regard to possible harm or<br />

inconvenience, it is necessary or not to make an official<br />

investigation in order to determine the possible<br />

need for surveillance or revitalization.<br />

Wet op de ruimtelijke ordening, i.e. the Dutch act on<br />

country planning dated 5 July 1962, predominantly<br />

puts forward rules concerning the reuse or recycling<br />

of the soil. It is obligatory to request permission<br />

before commencing any construction, which must<br />

be vetted from the aspects of country planning, development<br />

and resettlement.<br />

The defence against erosion of the surface of the<br />

land in The Netherlands is regulated by Ontgrondingwet<br />

of 27 November 1965. According to Section<br />

7 of the Swiss Federal Soil Protection Act, quiconque<br />

manipule, excave ou décape un sol doit procéder de telle<br />

facon que le sol puisse etre réutilisé en tant que tel. Si des<br />

matériaux terreux sont utilisés pour reconstituer un sol<br />

(p. ex. en vue de la remise en état ou du remodelage d’un<br />

terrain), ils doivent etre mis en place de telle maniere que<br />

a) la fertilité du sol en place et celle du sol reconstitué ne<br />

soient que provisoirement perturbées par des atteintes<br />

physiques, b) le sol en place ne subisse pas d’atteintes<br />

chimiques supplé mentaires. Thus, anyone who makes<br />

use of, excavates or takes away the surface of the soil<br />

is obliged to do so in such a manner that the soil in<br />

question may be reused as soil. If soil materials are<br />

used for soil revitalization, this must be implemented<br />

in the following way: a) the fertility of the local soil<br />

and that of the revitalized soil may suffer physical<br />

inconvenience merely transitionally, and b) the local<br />

soil must not be exposed to chemical harm in excess<br />

of the normal.<br />

Since Wet Bodembescherming was passed by the<br />

JURA 2006/<strong>1.</strong>

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