értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola

értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola


126) Deschamps A. A., Claase M. B. Design of segmented poly(ether ester) materials and structures for the tissue engineering of bone. J Control Release 2002; 78: 175-186. 127) Kuijer R., Bouwmeester S. J. "The polimer PolyActive-B as a bonefilling substance: an experimental study in rabbits." J Mater Sci Mater Med 1998; 9: 449-555. 128) Shapiro F., Koide S. Cell origin and differentiation in the repair of fullthickness defects of articular cartilage. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1993; 75 : 532- 533. 129) Wakitani S., Goto T. Mesenchymal cell-based repair of large, fullthickness defects of articular cartilage. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1994; 76: 579- 692. 130) Beumer G. J., van Blitterswijk C. A. Cell-seeding and in vitro biocompatibility evaluation of polymeric matrices of PEO/PBT copolymers and PLLA. Biomaterials 1993; 14: 598-604. 131) Miot S., Woodfield T. Effects of scaffold composition and architecture on human nasal chondrocyte redifferentiation and cartilaginous matrix deposition. Biomaterials 2005; 26: 2479-2489. 132) Li P., Bakker D. The bone-bonding polimer Polyactive 80/20 induces hydroxycarbonate apatite formation in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res 1997; 34 : 79-86. 133) Akiyama H., Chaboissier M. C.: The transcription factor Sox9 has essential roles in successive steps of the chondrocyte differentiation pathway and is required for expression of Sox5 and Sox6. Genes Dev 2002; 16: 2813- 2828. 79

134) Kramer J., Hegert C., Embryonic stem cell-derived chondrogenic differentiation in vitro: activation by BMP-2 and BMP-4. Mech Dev 2000; 92: 193-205. 135) Murphy C. L., Sambanis A., Effect of oxygen tension on chondrocyte extracellular matrix accumulation. Connect Tissue Res 2001; 42: 87-96. 136) Wang D. W., Fermor B., Influence of oxygen on the proliferation and metabolism of adipose derived adult stem cells. J Cell Physiol 2005; 204: 184-91. 137) Jackson D. W., Lalor P. A. Spontaneous repair of full-thickness defects of articular cartilage in a goat model. A preliminary study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2001; 83-A: 53-64. 138) Garretson R. B., Katolik L. I., Contact pressure at osteochondral donor sites in the patellofemoral joint. Am J Sports Med 2004; 32: 967-974. 139) Guettler J. H., Demetropoulos C. K. Osteochondral defects in the human knee: influence of defect size on cartilage rim stress and load redistribution to surrounding cartilage. Am J Sports Med 2004; 32: 1451-1458. 140) Guettler J. H., Demetropoulos C. K., Dynamic evaluation of contact pressure and the effects of graft harvest with subsequent lateral release at osteochondral donor sites in the knee. Arthroscopy 2005; 21: 715-20. 141) Radin E. L. Burr D. B., Hypothesis: joints can heal. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1984; 13: 293-302. 80

126) Deschamps A. A., Claase M. B. Design of segmented poly(ether ester)<br />

materials and structures for the tissue engineering of bone. J Control Release<br />

2002; 78: 175-186.<br />

127) Kuijer R., Bouwmeester S. J. "The polimer PolyActive-B as a bonefilling<br />

substance: an experimental study in rabbits." J Mater Sci Mater Med<br />

1998; 9: 449-555.<br />

128) Shapiro F., Koide S. Cell origin and differentiation in the repair of fullthickness<br />

defects of articular cartilage. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1993; 75 : 532-<br />

533.<br />

129) Wakitani S., Goto T. Mesenchymal cell-based repair of large, fullthickness<br />

defects of articular cartilage. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1994; 76: 579-<br />

692.<br />

130) Beumer G. J., van Blitterswijk C. A. Cell-seeding and in vitro<br />

biocompatibility evaluation of polymeric matrices of PEO/PBT copolymers<br />

and PLLA. Biomaterials 1993; 14: 598-604.<br />

131) Miot S., Woodfield T. Effects of scaffold composition and architecture<br />

on human nasal chondrocyte redifferentiation and cartilaginous matrix<br />

deposition. Biomaterials 2005; 26: 2479-2489.<br />

132) Li P., Bakker D. The bone-bonding polimer Polyactive 80/20 induces<br />

hydroxycarbonate apatite formation in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res<br />

1997; 34 : 79-86.<br />

133) Akiyama H., Chaboissier M. C.: The transcription factor Sox9 has<br />

essential roles in successive steps of the chondrocyte differentiation pathway<br />

and is required for expression of Sox5 and Sox6. Genes Dev 2002; 16: 2813-<br />

2828.<br />


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