2009/9. - Országos Mezőgazdasági Könyvtár

2009/9. - Országos Mezőgazdasági Könyvtár

2009/9. - Országos Mezőgazdasági Könyvtár


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504 NÖVÉNYVÉDELEM 45 (9), <strong>2009</strong><br />

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Katalin Bokán, 1,2 Ágnes Fejes, 2,3 István Soós, 4 Gábor Fekete 1,2 and Béla Darvas 1,2<br />

1 Szent István University and Department of Ecotoxicology of Plant Protection Institute, Gödöllô-Budapest<br />

2 Department of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry, Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,<br />

Budapest<br />

3 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Budapest<br />

4 Szent István University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Institute of Science and Health Education, Szarvas<br />

It is estimated that there are approximately a hundred thousand types of synthetic chemicals and<br />

many millions natural compounds present as components of Earth. Living organisms are being<br />

exposed to these natural and industrial chemicals through food, water and air. It is proven that eighty<br />

percent of all cancerous diseases are caused by mutagen contamination. The connection between<br />

carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds are strong, therefore, it is highly necessary for us to be able<br />

to detect the mutagenic effects of the agricultural chemicals. The three levels of mutation (gene<br />

mutation, clastogenecity and aneuploidy) should be covered in a limited number of tests. In case of<br />

a positive in vitro test, the potentially mutagenic substance should be studied in vivo in order to<br />

determine whether the in vitro genotoxic potential is expressed in vivo. Eighteen percent of all<br />

currently known chemicals, which display mutagenic effects during at least one test, are pesticides.<br />

Érkezett: <strong>2009</strong>. április 1.

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