értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola

értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola


function, and the renin-aldosterone system in dogs. Am J Med 1984; 77: 1069- 75. 105. Stockand JD, Sansom SC. Glomerular mesangial cells: electrophysiology and regulation of contraction. Physiol Rev 1998; 78: 723-44. 106. Harris PJ, Thomas D, Morgan TO. Atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits angiotensin-stimulated proximal tubular sodium and water reabsorption. Nature 1987; 326: 697-8. 107. Dillingham MA, Anderson RJ. Inhibition of vasopressin action by atrial natriuretic factor. Science 1986; 231: 1572-3. 108. Sonnenberg H, Honrath U, Chong CK, Wilson DR. Atrial natriuretic factor inhibits sodium transport in medullary collecting duct. Am J Physiol 1986; 250: F963-6. 109. Sosa RE, Volpe M, Marion DN, Atlas SA, Laragh JH, Vaughan ED Jr, Maack T. Relationship between renal hemodynamic and natriuretic effects of atrial natriuretic factor. Am J Physiol 1986; 250: F520-4. 110. La Villa G, Stefani L, Lazzeri C, Zurli C, Guerra CT, Barletta G, Bandinelli R, Strazzulla G, Franchi F. Acute effects of physiological increments of brain natriuretic peptide in humans. Hypertension 1995; 26: 628-33. 111. La Villa G, Fronzaroli C, Lazzeri C, Porciani C, Bandinelli R, Vena S, Messeri G, Franchi F. Cardiovascular and renal effects of low dose brain natriuretic peptide infusion in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1994; 78: 1166-71. 112. Jensen KT, Carstens J, Pedersen EB. Effect of BNP on renal hemodynamics, tubular function and vasoactive hormones in humans. Am J Physiol 1998; 274: F63-72. 113. Jensen KT, Eiskjaer H, Carstens J, Pedersen EB. Renal effects of brain natriuretic peptide in patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Sci (Lond) 1999; 96: 5-15. 114. Lin X, Hänze J, Heese F, Sodmann R, Lang RE. Gene expression of natriuretic peptide receptors in myocardial cells. Circ Res 1995; 77: 750-8. 115. Neyses L, Vetter H. Action of atrial natriuretic peptide and angiotensin II on the myocardium: studies in isolated rat ventricular cardiomyocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1989; 163: 1435-43. 98

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function, and the renin-aldosterone system in dogs. Am J Med 1984; 77: 1069-<br />

75.<br />

105. Stockand JD, Sansom SC. Glomerular mesangial cells: electrophysiology and<br />

regulation of contraction. Physiol Rev 1998; 78: 723-44.<br />

106. Harris PJ, Thomas D, Morgan TO. Atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits<br />

angiotensin-stimulated proximal tubular sodium and water reabsorption. Nature<br />

1987; 326: 697-8.<br />

107. Dillingham MA, Anderson RJ. Inhibition of vasopressin action by atrial<br />

natriuretic factor. Science 1986; 231: 1572-3.<br />

108. Sonnenberg H, Honrath U, Chong CK, Wilson DR. Atrial natriuretic factor<br />

inhibits sodium transport in medullary collecting duct. Am J Physiol 1986; 250:<br />

F963-6.<br />

109. Sosa RE, Volpe M, Marion DN, Atlas SA, Laragh JH, Vaughan ED Jr, Maack<br />

T. Relationship between renal hemodynamic and natriuretic effects of atrial<br />

natriuretic factor. Am J Physiol 1986; 250: F520-4.<br />

110. La Villa G, Stefani L, Lazzeri C, Zurli C, Guerra CT, Barletta G, Bandinelli R,<br />

Strazzulla G, Franchi F. Acute effects of physiological increments of brain<br />

natriuretic peptide in humans. Hypertension 1995; 26: 628-33.<br />

111. La Villa G, Fronzaroli C, Lazzeri C, Porciani C, Bandinelli R, Vena S, Messeri<br />

G, Franchi F. Cardiovascular and renal effects of low dose brain natriuretic<br />

peptide infusion in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1994; 78: 1166-71.<br />

112. Jensen KT, Carstens J, Pedersen EB. Effect of BNP on renal hemodynamics,<br />

tubular function and vasoactive hormones in humans. Am J Physiol 1998; 274:<br />

F63-72.<br />

113. Jensen KT, Eiskjaer H, Carstens J, Pedersen EB. Renal effects of brain<br />

natriuretic peptide in patients with congestive heart failure. Clin Sci (Lond)<br />

1999; 96: 5-15.<br />

114. Lin X, Hänze J, Heese F, Sodmann R, Lang RE. Gene expression of natriuretic<br />

peptide receptors in myocardial cells. Circ Res 1995; 77: 750-8.<br />

115. Neyses L, Vetter H. Action of atrial natriuretic peptide and angiotensin II on the<br />

myocardium: studies in isolated rat ventricular cardiomyocytes. Biochem<br />

Biophys Res Commun 1989; 163: 1435-43.<br />


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