Természetes hatóanyagok jelentőségének vizsgálata máj- és ...

Természetes hatóanyagok jelentőségének vizsgálata máj- és ... Természetes hatóanyagok jelentőségének vizsgálata máj- és ...


101. Hunter, A.L., Neal, R.A.: Inhibition of hepatic mixed-function oxidase activity in vitro and in vivo by various thiono-sulfur-containing compounds. Biochem Pharmacol. 1975, 24, 2199-2205. 102. Hurrell, R.F., Reddy, M., Cook, J.D.: Inhibition of non-haem iron absorption in man by polyphenolic-containing beverages. Br. J. Nutr. 1999, 81, 289. 103. Huynh, H.T., Teel, R.W.: Effects of plant-derived phenols on rat liver cytochrome P450 2B1 activity. Anticancer Res. 2002, 22, 1699-1703. 104. Jaeschke, H.: Reactive oxygen and mechanisms of inflammatory liver injury. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2000, 15, 718-724. 105. Jantet, G.: Chronic venous insufficiency: worldwide results of the RELIEF study. Reflux assessment and quality of life improvement with micronized flavonoids. Angiology, 2002, 53, 245-256. 106. Johnson, I.T.: Anticarcinogenic effects of diet-related apoptosis in the colorectal mucosa. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2002, 40, 1171-1178. 107. Justesen, U., Arrigoni, E., Larsen, B.R., Amadó, R.: Degradation of flavonoid glycosides and aglycones during in vitro fermentation with human faecal flora. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie, 2000, 424-430. 108. Kabelitz, L.: Heavy metals in herbal drugs. Eur. J. Herb. Med. 1998, 4, 25-29. 109. Kahkonen, M.P., Heinonen, M.: Antioxidant activity of anthocyanins and their aglycons. J Agric Food Chem., 2003, 51, 628 –633. 110. Kakumu, S., Murakami, H., Kuriki, J.: Activation of supressor function of human peripheral blood T-cells by (+) cyanidanol-3: its application to chronic active liver diseases. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 1983, 52, 430-436. 111. Kállai, L.: Laborállat-ismeretek. 4. Számok és törvények. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 2001, 123, 173-179. 112. Kataba-Pendias, A., Pendias, H.: Trace elements in soils and plants. 3. ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida 113. Kawaguchi, K., Mizuno, T., Aida K., Uchino, K.: Hesperidin as an inhibitor of lipases from porcine pancreas and Pseudomonas. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 1997, 61, 102-104. 114. Keli, S.O., Hertog, M.G.L., Feskens, E.J.M., Kromhout, D.: Dietary flavonoids, antioxidant vitamins and incidence of stroke: the Zutphen Elderly Study. Arch. Intern. Med. 1996, 154, 637-642. 115. Khan, S., O’Brien, P.J.: Modulating hypoxia-induced hepatocyte injury by affecting intracellular redox state. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1995, 1269, 153-161. 116. Kim, H.K., Jeong, T.S., Lee, M. K., Park, Y.B., Choi, M.S.: Lipid-lowering efficacy of hesperetin metabolites in high-cholesterol fed rats. Clin. Chim. Acta, 1999, 327, 129- 137. 117. Kocsis, I., Szentmihályi, K., Rapavi, E., Hubay, M., Kéry, A., Bányai, E., Szőke, E., Blázovics, A.: Effect of cichorium intybus (L.) extract on the redox balance and metal ion content of fatty liver in hyperlipidemic rats. Trace Elem. Electro. 2004, 21, 262-268. 118. Kong, A.N., Yu, R., Chen, C., Mandlekar, S., Primiano, T.: Signal transduction events elicited by natural products: role of MAPK and caspase pathways in homeostatic response and induction of apoptosis. Arch. Pharm. Res., 2000, 23, 1-16. 119. Korthuis, R.I., Gute, D.C.: Postischemic leukocyta/endothelial cell interactions and microvascular barrier disruption in skeletal muscle: cellular mechanism and effect of Daflon 500 mg. Int. J. Microcirc. Clin. Exp. 1997, 17, 11-17. 120. Kurowska, E.M., Spence, J.D., Jordan, J.D., Wetmore, S., Freeman, D.J., Piche, L.A., Serratore, P.: HDL-cholesterol-raising effect of orange juice in subjects with hypercholesterolemia. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2000, 72, 1095-1100. 121. Labrid, C., Duhault, J., Vix, C.: Pharmacologic properties of Daflon 500 mg. Le Journal International de Medicine. 1987, Suppl. au nº 85., 1-13. 137

122. Lahouel, M., Boulkour, S., Segueni, N., Fillastre, J.P.: The flavonoids effect against vinblastine, cyclophosphamide and paracetamol toxicity by inhibition of lipidperoxydation and increasing liver glutathione concentration. Pathol. Biol. (Paris). 2004, 52, 314-322. 123. Larsen-Su, S., Williams, D.E.: Dietary indole-3-carbinol inhibits FMO activity and the expression of flavin-containing monooxygenase form 1 in rat liver and intestine. Drug Metab. Dispos. 1996, 24, 927-931. 124. Lee, S.H., Jeong, T.S., Park, Y.B., Kwon, Y.K., Choi, M.S., Bok, S.H.: Hypocholesterolemic effect of hesperetin mediated by inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and acyl coenzyme A: cholesterol acyl transferase in rats fed high-cholesterol diet. Nutr. Res. 1999, 19, 1245-1258. 125. Lemberkovics, É., Czinner, E., Szentmihályi, K., Balázs, A., Szőke, É.: Comparative evaluation of Helichrysi flos herbal extracts as dietary sources of plant polyphenols, and macro- and microelements. 2002, 78, 119-127. 126. Leung, A.Y.: Chinese medicinals. In: Advances in new crops. Janick J., Simon J.E., (Eds) Advances in new crops. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 1999, 499-510. 127. Longstaff, M.A., McNab, J.M.: The effect of concentration of tannin-rich bean hulls (Vicia faba L.) on activities of lipase (EC and α-amylase (EC in digesta and pancreas and on the digestion of lipid and starch by young chicks. Br. J. Nutr. 1991, 66, 139-147. 128. Los, M., Droge, W., Stricker, K., Baeuerle, P. A., Schulze Osthoff, K.: Hydrogen peroxide as a potent activator of T lymphocyte functions. Eur J Immunol. 1995, 25, 159- 165. 129. Lowry, S.H., Rosenbrough, N.J., Farr, A.L., Randall, R.J.: Protein measurement with the Folin-phenol reagent. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 193, 265-275. 130. Luckner, M.: Secondary metabolism in plants and animals. Chapman & Hall, London. 1972. 131. Lugasi, A., Blázovics, A.: Az egészséges táplálkozás tudományos alapjai. 4. számú útmutató az egészség megőrzéséhez. Budapest, 2003. ISBN 9632100387, ISSN 1589- 7060, 25., 57-59. 132. Lugasi, A.: Az élelmiszer eredetű flavonoidok potenciális egészségvédő hatása. Orv. Hetil. 2000, 32, 1751-1760. 133. Mangipudy, R.S., Chanda, S., Mehendale, H.M.: Tissue repair response as a function of dose in thioacetamide hepatotoxicity. Environment. Health Perspectiv. 1995, 103, 260- 267. 134. Manthey, J.A.: Biological properties of flavonoids pertaining to inflammation. Microcirculation. 2000, 7, S29-34. 135. Manuel, Y., Keenoy, B., Vertommen, J., De Leeuw, I.: The effect of flavonoid treatment on the glycation and antioxidant status in Type 1 diabetic patients. Diabetes Nutr. Metab. Clin. Exp. 1999, 12, 256-263. 136. Masters, B.S.S., Jr. Williams, C.H., Kamin, H.: The preparation and properties of microsomal TPNH-cytochrome c reductase from pig liver. Methods in Enzymology 1967, 10, 565-573. 137. Masumi, S., Moriyama, M., Kannan, Y., Ohta, M., Koshita, O., Sawamoto, O., Toyoshima, S., Ishikawa, K., Miyoshi, M., Sugano, T.: Characteristics of nitrogen metabolism in rats with thioacetamide-induced liver cirrhosis. Toxicol. 1999, 132, 155- 166. 138. Matkovics, B., Szabó, L., Sz. Varga, I.: Lipid peroxidació és redukált glutation anyagcsere enzimek aktiválásmeghatározása biológiai mintákban. Lab. Diagn., 1988, 15, 248-250. 139. Melin, A.M., Perromat, A., Clerc, M.: In vivo effect of diosmin on carrageenan and CCl4-induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes. J. Biochem. Toxicol. 1996, 11, 27-32. 138

101. Hunter, A.L., Neal, R.A.: Inhibition of hepatic mixed-function oxidase activity in<br />

vitro and in vivo by various thiono-sulfur-containing compounds. Biochem Pharmacol.<br />

1975, 24, 2199-2205.<br />

102. Hurrell, R.F., Reddy, M., Cook, J.D.: Inhibition of non-haem iron absorption in man<br />

by polyphenolic-containing beverages. Br. J. Nutr. 1999, 81, 289.<br />

103. Huynh, H.T., Teel, R.W.: Effects of plant-derived phenols on rat liver cytochrome<br />

P450 2B1 activity. Anticancer Res. 2002, 22, 1699-1703.<br />

104. Jaeschke, H.: Reactive oxygen and mechanisms of inflammatory liver injury. J.<br />

Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2000, 15, 718-724.<br />

105. Jantet, G.: Chronic venous insufficiency: worldwide results of the RELIEF study.<br />

Reflux assessment and quality of life improvement with micronized flavonoids.<br />

Angiology, 2002, 53, 245-256.<br />

106. Johnson, I.T.: Anticarcinogenic effects of diet-related apoptosis in the colorectal<br />

mucosa. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2002, 40, 1171-1178.<br />

107. Justesen, U., Arrigoni, E., Larsen, B.R., Amadó, R.: Degradation of flavonoid<br />

glycosides and aglycones during in vitro fermentation with human faecal flora.<br />

Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie, 2000, 424-430.<br />

108. Kabelitz, L.: Heavy metals in herbal drugs. Eur. J. Herb. Med. 1998, 4, 25-29.<br />

109. Kahkonen, M.P., Heinonen, M.: Antioxidant activity of anthocyanins and their<br />

aglycons. J Agric Food Chem., 2003, 51, 628 –633.<br />

110. Kakumu, S., Murakami, H., Kuriki, J.: Activation of supressor function of human<br />

peripheral blood T-cells by (+) cyanidanol-3: its application to chronic active liver<br />

diseases. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 1983, 52, 430-436.<br />

111. Kállai, L.: Laborállat-ismeretek. 4. Számok <strong>és</strong> törvények. Magyar Állatorvosok<br />

Lapja 2001, 123, 173-179.<br />

112. Kataba-Pendias, A., Pendias, H.: Trace elements in soils and plants. 3. ed., CRC<br />

Press, Boca Raton, Florida<br />

113. Kawaguchi, K., Mizuno, T., Aida K., Uchino, K.: Hesperidin as an inhibitor of<br />

lipases from porcine pancreas and Pseudomonas. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 1997, 61,<br />

102-104.<br />

114. Keli, S.O., Hertog, M.G.L., Feskens, E.J.M., Kromhout, D.: Dietary flavonoids,<br />

antioxidant vitamins and incidence of stroke: the Zutphen Elderly Study. Arch. Intern.<br />

Med. 1996, 154, 637-642.<br />

115. Khan, S., O’Brien, P.J.: Modulating hypoxia-induced hepatocyte injury by affecting<br />

intracellular redox state. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1995, 1269, 153-161.<br />

116. Kim, H.K., Jeong, T.S., Lee, M. K., Park, Y.B., Choi, M.S.: Lipid-lowering efficacy<br />

of hesperetin metabolites in high-cholesterol fed rats. Clin. Chim. Acta, 1999, 327, 129-<br />

137.<br />

117. Kocsis, I., Szentmihályi, K., Rapavi, E., Hubay, M., Kéry, A., Bányai, E., Szőke, E.,<br />

Blázovics, A.: Effect of cichorium intybus (L.) extract on the redox balance and metal ion<br />

content of fatty liver in hyperlipidemic rats. Trace Elem. Electro. 2004, 21, 262-268.<br />

118. Kong, A.N., Yu, R., Chen, C., Mandlekar, S., Primiano, T.: Signal transduction<br />

events elicited by natural products: role of MAPK and caspase pathways in homeostatic<br />

response and induction of apoptosis. Arch. Pharm. Res., 2000, 23, 1-16.<br />

119. Korthuis, R.I., Gute, D.C.: Postischemic leukocyta/endothelial cell interactions and<br />

microvascular barrier disruption in skeletal muscle: cellular mechanism and effect of<br />

Daflon 500 mg. Int. J. Microcirc. Clin. Exp. 1997, 17, 11-17.<br />

120. Kurowska, E.M., Spence, J.D., Jordan, J.D., Wetmore, S., Freeman, D.J., Piche,<br />

L.A., Serratore, P.: HDL-cholesterol-raising effect of orange juice in subjects with<br />

hypercholesterolemia. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2000, 72, 1095-1100.<br />

121. Labrid, C., Duhault, J., Vix, C.: Pharmacologic properties of Daflon 500 mg. Le<br />

Journal International de Medicine. 1987, Suppl. au nº 85., 1-13.<br />


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