az értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola

az értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola az értekezés - Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola


8. Summary Morphine and other opiates are the most effective analgesics and are widely used in clinical practice; the analgesic effect of all known painkillers is compared to morphine. Despite its widespread use, the high incidence of unwanted side-effects, most notably tolerance and dependence liability have encouraged the development of novel analgesic opioids that possess analgesic activity similar to that of morphine but exhibit less or no dangerous adverse effects. Among the newly identified compounds, metabolites have been in the center of attention for some time. The two most effective metabolite conjugates are morphine-6-O-sulfate and morphine-6-O-glucuronide: their analgesic effect is superior to that of morphine. Furthermore, favorable pharmacokinetic properties make these conjugates potential new analgesic drug candidates. In my thesis I review the relevant synthetic methods and the report preparation of various naturally occurring and semi-synthetic sulfate ester and glucoside derivatives of morphine congeners. We synthesized the sulfate esters of morphine, dihydromorphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine and their methylated quaternary derivatives. We prepared 14- methoxycodeine, 14-methoxymorphine and their sulfate esters. The synthesis of sulfate monoesters was accomplished by pyridine-SO3 complex, whereas diesters were prepared by direct sulfation using sulphuric acid/DCC. Glucoside conjugates were synthesized by means of Koenigs-Knorr reaction. The appropriately protected morphine derivatives were dissolved in benzene, the glucosylation was then carried out by α-acetobromo-glucose in the presence of silver carbonate activator. The crude products were purified by column chromatography. The protecting groups were hydrolyzed by lithium hydroxide. Detailed spectroscopic analyses (NMR, MS, CD, UV/VIS) were carried out for the synthesized compounds. We also developed a quick and facile HPLC method for the separation of morphine and codeine glucosides from their parent compounds and glucuronide conjugates. Pharmacological testing was carried out for selected compounds by the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy at SE. The most effective of the studied compounds is 14-methoxy-morphine-6-O-sulfate: it possesses longer duration of action and more than 2000-fold increased analgesic potency than that of morphine and is effective when administered peripherally. The substance is a promising potential future analgesic drug. 88

9. Irodalomjegyzék 1. Trescot AM, Datta S, Lee M, Hans H. (2008) Opioid pharmacology. Pain Physician 11 (SPEC. ISS. 2): S133-S153. 2. Schiff Jr PL. (2002) Opium and its alkaloids. Am J Pharm Educ 66 (2): 186-194. 3. Sertürner FWA. (1805). Trommsdorff’s J Pharm 13: 229-235. 4. Fenderson E (2005) Photograph: Raw Opium. 5. Sneader W. (1998) The discovery of heroin. Lancet 352 (9141): 1697-1699. 6. Gulland JM, Robinson M. (1925). Mem Proc Manchester Lit Philos Soc (69): 79. 7. Gates M, Tschudi G. (1956) The Synthesis of Morphine. J Am Chem Soc 78 (7): 1380- 1393. 8. Hosztafi S. (1997) Kabay János, a magyar morfingyártás megalapítója. Gyógyszerészet 41: 25-37. 9. Corbett AD, Henderson G, McKnight AT, Paterson SJ. (2006) 75 years of opioid research: the exciting but vain quest for the Holy Grail. Br J Pharmacol 147 Suppl 1: S153-162. 10. Eguchi M. (2004) Recent advances in selective opioid receptor agonists and antagonists. Med Res Rev 24 (2): 182-212. 11. Bernáth J. (1998) Poppy: The Genus Papaver. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Industrial Profiles. Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam: 105-158. 12. Brochmann-Hanssen E. (1984) A second pathway for the terminal steps in the biosynthesis of morphine. Planta Med 50 (4): 343-345. 13. Rueffer M, Zenk HH. (1987) Distant precursors of benzilisoquinoline alkaloids and their enzymatic formation. Z Naturforsch 42c: 319-332. 14. Pert CB, Snyder SH. (1973) Opiate Receptor: Demonstration in Nervous Tissue. Science 179 (4077): 1011-1014. 15. Simon EJ, Hiller JM, Edelman I. (1973) Stereospecific Binding of the Potent Narcotic Analgesic [3H]Etorphine to Rat-Brain Homogenate. Proc Natl Acad Sci 70 (7): 1947- 1949. 89

8. Summary<br />

Morphine and other opiates are the most effective analgesics and are widely used in<br />

clinical practice; the analgesic effect of all known painkillers is compared to morphine.<br />

Despite its widespread use, the high incidence of unwanted side-effects, most notably<br />

tolerance and dependence liability have encouraged the development of novel analgesic<br />

opioids that possess analgesic activity similar to that of morphine but exhibit less or no<br />

dangerous adverse effects. Among the newly identified compounds, metabolites have been<br />

in the center of attention for some time. The two most effective metabolite conjugates are<br />

morphine-6-O-sulfate and morphine-6-O-glucuronide: their analgesic effect is superior to<br />

that of morphine. Furthermore, favorable pharmacokinetic properties make these<br />

conjugates potential new analgesic drug candidates.<br />

In my thesis I review the relevant synthetic methods and the report preparation of<br />

various naturally occurring and semi-synthetic sulfate ester and glucoside derivatives of<br />

morphine congeners. We synthesized the sulfate esters of morphine, dihydromorphine,<br />

codeine, dihydrocodeine and their methylated quaternary derivatives. We prepared 14-<br />

methoxycodeine, 14-methoxymorphine and their sulfate esters. The synthesis of sulfate<br />

monoesters was accomplished by pyridine-SO3 complex, whereas diesters were prepared<br />

by direct sulfation using sulphuric acid/DCC. Glucoside conjugates were synthesized by<br />

means of Koenigs-Knorr reaction. The appropriately protected morphine derivatives were<br />

dissolved in benzene, the glucosylation was then carried out by α-acetobromo-glucose in<br />

the presence of silver carbonate activator. The crude products were purified by column<br />

chromatography. The protecting groups were hydrolyzed by lithium hydroxide. Detailed<br />

spectroscopic analyses (NMR, MS, CD, UV/VIS) were carried out for the synthesized<br />

compounds. We also developed a quick and facile HPLC method for the separation of<br />

morphine and codeine glucosides from their parent compounds and glucuronide conjugates.<br />

Pharmacological testing was carried out for selected compounds by the Department of<br />

Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy at SE. The most effective of the studied compounds is<br />

14-methoxy-morphine-6-O-sulfate: it possesses longer duration of action and more than<br />

2000-fold increased analgesic potency than that of morphine and is effective when<br />

administered peripherally. The substance is a promising potential future analgesic drug.<br />


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