Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716


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N. 216 transkriptionen 1703–<strong>1716</strong> 269<br />

216. M. E. BAUER AN LEIBNIZ<br />

Augsburg, 31. August 1714.<br />

Überlieferung: K Abfertigung:<br />

Augspurg Agust y e 31 th 1714.<br />

My Lord 5<br />

May it please your Exellencie to pardon this presumtion twice in one weeke to give<br />

your Excellencie trouble; To day I have received a letter from my father who would have<br />

me goe straight to Hannover, to congratulate her Highness the Princess Ellectoral, and<br />

withall to cast my self at her feet to implore her favour. I would too this withall my heart<br />

if your Excellency thinks fitt and as I have chosen you for my father (althou though 10<br />

I am unworthy of such a father) I will doe nothing butt what you would advice, then<br />

your Excell. knows my Princess Honnour and how she would take it, then should kake<br />

this journey and neglect our business here in going away three months before wee can<br />

well accomplish it, and not be attmitted into her Gracious favour perhaps I could be<br />

soe unfortunate that my enemies might perswade her mot to lett me come in her sight, 15<br />

I should make my self redicoulous to all the world and in particular give my enemies<br />

occasion of laughing at me, therefore I most humbly intreat your Excellency to take the<br />

trouble of advicing me, yes if your Lordship would voughsafe me the honnours of giving<br />

me a letter to introduce me to her Highness I should with courage goe and freely neglect<br />

all other advantage for nothing in this world can make me happy in my mind then my 20<br />

Princess, and for her and you my Lord I will every moment shed my blood to your service<br />

I think dayly on her and her goodness, that in my great affliction she soe often renewed<br />

her promise through the Countess of Buckenbourg and Mans Baron de Bothmar, that<br />

when ever she came to England she would take me in her service again, an in her royal<br />

word, and your Excellencys goodness I repose my hopes, then I know you can doe all 25<br />

with her Highness. I also would recommend my father to your Excellencys remembrance,<br />

who has as I may call it suffered twenty years exile.<br />

My husband most humble respects wait on your Excellency as also the offers of my<br />

humble duty who am<br />

My Lord your Excellences Most obetient, humbel and dutifull servt. M E. Bauer 30<br />

been Branshagen.<br />

1. 9. 2005

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