Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716


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186 transkriptionen 1703–<strong>1716</strong> N. 156<br />

from Vienna 28 Apr. 1714, but the time that has been necessarily spent in communicating<br />

the same to S r Isaac Newton and by him to the Royal Society (for I did presume your<br />

consent to show it to call whom it concern’d, wil I hope justify my delay, especially<br />

when I tel you that I waited for so good an opportunity of sendingy by my answer above<br />

5 half the way to you by a very safe conveyance, I mean by the hon ble M r Whitworth the<br />

Queen’s Plenipotentiary to the Congress at Baden with whose merit I suppose you are<br />

not unacquainted, especially if you know him at the late Emperors Court etc. But I am<br />

very sorry to tel you S r that my negotiations have not met with the disired success and<br />

that our Society has been prevaild upon to vote what you writ insufficient and that it<br />

10 was not fit for them to concern themselves any further in that affair etc. as will more<br />

fully appear by the resolution enter’d into their books of which I shal shortly send you<br />

a copy; and in the mean time the inclos’d pointed pamphlet which D r Keil gave me last<br />

Thursday wil stay your stomack, til you can hear further from Hon d S r your most obliged<br />

humble servant John Chamberlyane<br />

15 P.S. I have order’d my my dear friend M r Wilkins who superintends my collection<br />

etc. at Amsterdam, to send you a specivum of the L ds Prayer in Chinese from the M.S.<br />

of the To [ - ] Golins, communicated to me by Prof. Relandus of Utrecht.<br />


[Hannover], Juni 1714.<br />

20 Überlieferung: K Abfertigung:<br />

Vir Illustris atque Excellentissime<br />

Patrone Colend me<br />

Non ego minus doleo vices Ill mi Comitis Gianninii ob filium optimae spei amissum,<br />

quam Tu unquam eidem condolere potes. Nec quicquam remedii malo afferre possum,<br />

25 qui nunquam suasor ei mutandae religi onis fui, nec unquam probavi consilium ejus.<br />

Iam cum ille tamen in instituto perrexerit, non possum ego non certissime credere, conscientiae<br />

illum ductum secutum. Alias certe et quas appellamus, mundanas causas nemo<br />

prudens apud eum inveniet, qui sua omnia et amicos etiam harum terrarum reliquit,<br />

ut conscientiae satisfaceret. Honeste ego egi cum Ill mo Comite, et satis cito subindicavi,<br />

30 quae metuebam. Sed plura tum non poteram. Iam cum certo sciam filium ex animo<br />

1. 9. 2005

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