Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716

Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716 Leibniz, Akademie-Ausgabe, 1704--1716

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168 transkriptionen 1703–1716 N. 142 fort [ - ] pendant qu’on l’assois, elle tomba d’une Apoplexie sur les bras d’icelles; on la transporta sur un strapuntin sur son lit; on la saigna, et on luy appliqua des remedes; mais elle expira peu apres. Je ne saùroy vous expliquer la surprise de S. A. E., de Monseig r le Prince, et de Monseig r le Duc, qui y accourrurent. Enfin apres l’avoir abillè en blanc, 5 on la mit sur le lict de parade à Herrenhausen; d’ou on l’a transportè la nuict passèe à l’heure du matin icy, et mis en repos sans ceremonie dans la Caue des Ancetres de la Ser me Maison. Oh quelle perte pour cette Cour, et pour tant de pauvres gens, qui vivoient de des liberalites Voicy une lettre qu’un Gentilhomme de mes Amys m’a fort recommandè - 10 142. LEIBNIZ AN BERNSTORFF Wien, 13. Juni 1714. Überlieferung: L Konzept: A Mons. de Bernsdorf Vienne 13 Iuin 1714 15 Monsieur J’ay déja esté deux fois à Baden, chaque fois à cinq jours; et j’y retourneray por la 3 me la semaine suivante. Apres cela je me mettray en estat de partir. Une personne de grande consideration m’a fort parlé de l’affaire de M. Eccard pretendant que la jurisdiction de l’Empereur s’y trouve. lesée, adjoutant que cette petite 20 affaire pourroit nuire à des plus grandes, parce que Sa M té est fort sensible dans les matieres qui regardent l’administration de la justice, faisant profession d’exactitude là dessus. J’ay réspondu que je me souvenois d’avoir entendu de M. Bacmeister qui avoit esté envoyé à Dresde par Mg r l’Electeur pour favoriser M. Eccard; qu’il ne croyoit pas qu’on eut eu des indices suffisans pour le charger; et que l’argent et les promesses qu’on avoit eu 25 de luy, avoient eté extorqués metu mortis et tormentorum, dont on l’avoit menacé dans sa prison. On me respondit la dessus, qu’il falloit donc qu’il se justifiât, et qu’il obtint restitutionem contra id quod vi metuque gestum fuisset. Et je crois effectivement que ce seroit le meilleur moyen de sortir dell’impegno. Et qu’ainsi j’etois obligé d’en toucher quelque chose a V.E. 30 Au reste 1. 9. 2005

N. 143 transkriptionen 1703–1716 169 143. M. ELLIS BAUR AN LEIBNIZ Augsburg, 16. Juni 1714. Überlieferung: K Abfertigung: Augspurg June y e 16 th 1714. My Lord 5 I hope your Exellency, has long since received my letter in which I tooke the liberty to asks your Lordships to a marriage which my late misfortune made me embrace, butt I had not the honoure of an answer, soe I tooke your silence for a consent and entered in to that Holystate, with the appropation of my parents the 11 of may last, my husband is as I wrote before, a marchant from the citty of Augspurg, and his negoations are in Jewels, 10 he humbly begs to be recommended to your Excellency, his parents where very desirious of seeing me, send for their son and me to come over (then he is settled in England,) and whe came here the 14 of June, and our return will be in September and humbly offer our unworthy service to your Lordship either in England or the rest of our journey, and think our selfes happy to receive any of your commands, I should hardly presumed this liberty, 15 but by accedence upon the Journey I mett there two gentlemen who are bearers here of, travelling to Vienne, and by discourse found they where to wait on your Excellency, and there fore I could not forbear rendering my humble duty my most honoured Patron and noble Father wishing nothing more then to be soe happy once personally to grave your blessing and am sure God would bless me for your sake I offer myne and my husbands 20 humble service once more and recommend my prayers for your Exellencys favour and I am in all submissive respect My Lord your Excellencys most humble and most obetient Servt. Lici Baur ne Brandshagen If your Excellency has any service to command direct to me Eliz Baur, to beleft 25 upon the Merchants Hall in Augspurg. 1. 9. 2005

N. 143 transkriptionen 1703–<strong>1716</strong> 169<br />


Augsburg, 16. Juni 1714.<br />

Überlieferung: K Abfertigung:<br />

Augspurg June y e 16 th 1714.<br />

My Lord 5<br />

I hope your Exellency, has long since received my letter in which I tooke the liberty<br />

to asks your Lordships to a marriage which my late misfortune made me embrace, butt I<br />

had not the honoure of an answer, soe I tooke your silence for a consent and entered in to<br />

that Holystate, with the appropation of my parents the 11 of may last, my husband is as<br />

I wrote before, a marchant from the citty of Augspurg, and his negoations are in Jewels, 10<br />

he humbly begs to be recommended to your Excellency, his parents where very desirious<br />

of seeing me, send for their son and me to come over (then he is settled in England,) and<br />

whe came here the 14 of June, and our return will be in September and humbly offer our<br />

unworthy service to your Lordship either in England or the rest of our journey, and think<br />

our selfes happy to receive any of your commands, I should hardly presumed this liberty, 15<br />

but by accedence upon the Journey I mett there two gentlemen who are bearers here of,<br />

travelling to Vienne, and by discourse found they where to wait on your Excellency, and<br />

there fore I could not forbear rendering my humble duty my most honoured Patron and<br />

noble Father wishing nothing more then to be soe happy once personally to grave your<br />

blessing and am sure God would bless me for your sake I offer myne and my husbands 20<br />

humble service once more and recommend my prayers for your Exellencys favour and I<br />

am in all submissive respect<br />

My Lord your Excellencys most humble and most obetient Servt. Lici Baur ne<br />

Brandshagen<br />

If your Excellency has any service to command direct to me Eliz Baur, to beleft 25<br />

upon the Merchants Hall in Augspurg.<br />

1. 9. 2005

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