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1. Principal authorities consulted for this chapter: Joseph von Hammer, The History of the Assassins (Eng.

trans., 1835); Silvestre de Sacy, Exposé de la Religion des Druses (1838) and Mémoires sur la Dynastie des

Assassins in Mémoires de l'Institut Royal de France, Vol. IV. (1818) Hastings' Encyclopædia of Religion

and Ethics; Syed Ameer Ali, The Spirit of Islam (1922); Dr.W. Bussell, Religious Thought and Heresy in

the Middle Ages (1918).

2. Reinhart Dozy, Spanish Islam (Eng. trans.), pp. 403-5.

3. Claudio Jannet, Les Précurseurs de la Franc-Maçonnerie, p. 58 (1887).

4. The following account is given by de Sacy in connexion with Abdullah ibn Maymn (op. cit., I. lxxiv), and

Dr. Bussell (Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages, p. 353) includes it in his chapter on the

Karmathites. Von Hammer, however, gives it as the programme of the Dar ul Hikmat, and this seems more

probable since the initiation consists of nine degrees and Abdullah's society of Batinis, into which Karmath

had been initiated, included only seven. Yarker (The Arcane Schools, p. 185) says two additional degrees

were added by the Dar ul Hikmat. It would appear then that de Sacy, in placing this account before his description

of the Karmathites, was anticipating. The point is immaterial, the fact being that the same system

was common to all these ramifications of Ismailis, and that of the Dar ul Hikmat varied but little from that of

Abdullah and Karmath.

5. Von Hammer, op. cit. (Eng. trans.), pp. 36, 37.

6. Von Hammer, The History of the Assassins, pp. 45, 46.

7. Dr. F.W. Bussell, Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages, p. 368.

8. Von Hammer, op. cit., p. 55.

9. Von Hammer, op. cit., pp. 83, 89.

10. Ibid., p. 164.

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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