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This passage would alone suffice to show that Christ and His apostles did not inhabit communities

where all were equal, but followed the usual practices of the social system under which they lived, though

adopting certain rules, such as taking only one garment and carrying no money when they went on journeys.

Those resemblances between the teaching of the Essenes and the Sermon on the Mount which Dr. Ginsburg

indicates refer not to the customs of a sect, but to general precepts for human conduct-humility meekness,

charity, and so forth.

At the same time it is clear that if the Essenes in general conformed to some of the principles laid down

by Christ, certain of their doctrines were completely at variance with those of Christ and of primitive Christians,

in particular their custom of praying to the rising sun and their disbelief in the resurrection of the

body.(90) St. Paul denounces asceticism, warning the brethren that " in the latter times some shall depart

from the faith, giving heed seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils,... forbidding to marry, and commanding

to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and

know the truth. For every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving...

If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ."

This would suggest that certain Essenean ideas had crept into Christian communities and were regarded

by those who remembered Christ's true teaching as a dangerous perversion.

The Essenes were therefore not Christians, but a secret society, practising four degrees of initiation, and

bound by a terrible oaths not to divulge the sacred mysteries confided to them. And what were those mysteries

but those of the Jewish secret tradition which we now know as the Cabala? Dr. Ginsburg throws an important

light on Essenism when, in one passage alone, he refers to the obligation of the Essenes " not to divulge

the secret doctrines to anyone,... carefully to preserve the books belonging to their sect and names of

the angels or the mysteries connected with the Tetragrammaton and the other names of God and angels,

comprised in the theosophy as well as with the cosmonogy which also played so important a part among the

Jewish mystics and the Kabbalists." (91) The truth is clearly that the Essenes were Cabalists, though doubtless

Cabalists of a superior kind. The Cabala they possessed very possibly descended from pre-Christian

times and had remained uncontaminated by the anti-Christian strain introduced into it by the Rabbis after the

death of Christ.(92)

The Essenes are of importance to the subject of this book as the first of the secret societies from which a

direct line of tradition can be traced up to the present day. But if in this peaceful community no actually

anti-Christian influence is to be discerned, the same cannot be said of the succeeding pseudo-Christian sects

which, whilst professing Christianity, mingled with Christian doctrines the poison of the perverted Cabala,

main source of the errors which henceforth rent the Christian Church in twain.

The Gnostics

The first school of thought to create a schism in Christianity was the collection of sects known under the

generic name of Gnosticism. In its purer forms Gnosticism aimed at supplementing faith by knowledge of

eternal verities and at giving a wider meaning to Christianity by linking it up with earlier faiths. " The belief

that the divinity had been manifested in the religious institutions of all nations " (93) thus led to the conception

of a sort of universal religion containing the divine elements of all.

Gnosticism, however, as the Jewish Encyclopædia points out, " was Jewish in character long before it

became Christian."(94) M. Matter indicates Syria and Palestine as its cradle and Alexandria as the centre by

which it was influenced at the time of its alliance with Christianity. This influence again was predominantly

Jewish. Philo and Aristobulus, the leading Jewish philosophers of Alexandria, " wholly attached to the ancient

religion of their fathers, both resolved to adorn it with the spoils of other systems and to open to Judaism

the way to immense conquests." (95) This method of borrowing from other races and religions those

ideas useful for their purpose has always been the custom of the Jews. The Cabala, as we have seen, was

made up of these heterogeneous elements. And it is here we find the principal progenitor of Gnosticism. The

Freemason Ragon gives the clue in the words: The Cabala is the key of the occult sciences. The Gnostics

were born of the Cabalists."(96)

For the Cabala was much older than the Gnostics. Modern historians who date it merely from the publication

of the Zohar by Moses de Leon in the thirteenth century or from the school of Luria in the sixteenth

century obscure this most important fact which Jewish savants have always clearly recognized.(97) The

Jewish Encyclopædia, whilst denying the certainty of connexion between Gnosticism and the Cabala, nevertheless

admits that the investigations of the anti-Cabalist Graetz " must be resumed on a new basis," and it

goes on to show that " it was Alexandria of the first century, or earlier, with her strange commingling of

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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