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1. Henri Martin, Histoire de France, XVI. p. 531.

2. Histoire de la Monarchie prussienne, V. 73.

3. Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, Vol, XXVI. p. 98.

4. " Notes on the Rainsford Papers " in A.Q.C., Vol. XXVI. p. 111

5. Morning Herald, November 2, 1786.

6. Eckert, La Franc-Maçonnerie dans sa véritable signification, Vol. II. p. 92.

7. Drei merkwürdige Aussagen, etc., evidence of Grünberger, Cosandey and Renner (München, 1786);

Grosse Absichern des Ordens der Illuminaten, etc., Ditto, with Utzschneider (München, 1786).

8. Gustave Bord, La Franc-Maçonnerie en France, etc., p. 351 (1908). This Austrian Count is referred to in

the correspondence of the Illuminati more as an agent than as an adept. Thus Weishaupt writes: " I must attempt

to cure him of theosophy and bring him round to our views " (Nachtrag von... Originalschriften, I. 71);

and Philo, before the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, observes: " Numenius is not yet of much use. I am only

taking him up so as to stop his mouth at the Congress [um ihn auf dem Convente das Maul zu stopfen]; still,

if he is well led we can make something out of him " (ibid., p. 109).

9. Die Neuesten Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo in dem Illuminaten-Orden, p. viii (1794).

10. De Luchet, Essai sur la Secte des Illuminés, p. vii.

11. Crétineau Joly, L'Église Romaine en face de la Révolution, I. p. 93.

12. In my World Revolution I accepted erroneously the opinion of several well-known writers who attribute

this pamphlet to Mirabeau. The fact that it was printed at the end of Mirabeau's Histoire Secrète de la Cour

Berlin and that a further edition revised by Mirabeau was published in 1792 no doubt gave rise to this supposition.

But apart from the fact that Mirabeau as an Illuminatus was unlikely himself to denounce the Order,

the proof that he was not the author may be found at the British Museum, where the copy of the 1792

edition bears on the title-page the words in ink " Donné par l'auteur," and Mirabeau died in the spring of the

preceding year.

* British Museum press-mark F. 259 (14).

13. Ouvres posthumes de Marmontel, IV. 77.

14. Lombard de Langres, Histoire des Jacobins, p. 31.

15. Deschamps, Les Sociétés Secrètes et la Société, II. 151. quoting document amongst the papers of Cardinal

Bernis entitled: Discours prononcé au comité de la Propagande par M. Duport, un de ses mémoires, le

21 mai 1790.

16. Galart de Montjoie, Histoire de Marie Antoinette de Lorraine, p. 156 (1797).

17. Lombard de Langres, Histoire des Jacobins, p. 117 (1820).

18. Ibid., p. 236.

19. See Die Neuesten Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo, p. 71, where the Illuminati are described as wearing

" fliegende Haare und kleine vierekte rothe samtne Hüte." An alternative theory is, however, that the "

cap of liberty " was copied from that of the galley-slaves.

20. Histoire des Jacobins, p. 117.

21. A.E. Waite, The Mysteries of Magic, p. 215.

22. Moniteur, Vol. II., séance du 23 décembre, 1789.

23. Théophile Malvezin, Histoire des Juifs à Bordeaux, p. 262.

24. Requête des six corps de marchands et négociants de Paris contre l'admission des Juifs, Henri Delassus,

La Question Juive, p. 60 (1911).

25. Léon Kahn, Les Juifs de Paris pendant la Révolution (1898).

26. Ibid., p. 167. Cf. Arthur Chuquet, La Légion Germanique, p. 139 )1904).

27. Archives Nationales, F7. 2486.

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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