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100. It has several times been stated that Weishaupt was himself a Jew. I cannot find the slightest evidence

to this effect.

101. Originalschriften, pp. 107-10.

102. "Foresight indicates," says Falk, " that an end must be made to the whole of the present scheme of

Freemasonry [dem ganzen jetzigen Schema der Freimaurerei ein Ende zu machen]," and he goes on to show

that this must be done by picked men in the secret societies who know the true secrets of Masonry. This is

precisely Weishaupt's idea.

103. In 1779 Spartacus writes to Marius and Cato suggesting that instead of Illuminati the Order should be

called the " Order of Bees [Bienenorden oder Bienengesellschaft]," and that all the statutes should be

clothed in this allegory.-Originalschriften, p. 320.

104. Nachtrag van... Originalschriften, II. 81.

105. My italics.

106. Where are they called this? The Cabala distinctly states that Israel alone is to possess the future world

(Zohar, section Vayschlah, folio 177b), whilst the Talmud even excludes the lost tribes: " the ten tribes

have no share in the world to come " (Tract Sanhedrim, Rodkinson's translation, p. 363).

107. Memoirs of Moses Mendelssohn, by M. Samuels, pp. 56, 57 (1827).

108. Letter to the Jewish Chronicle, September 1, 1922, quoting Henrietta Herz.

109. Goethe was initiated into Freemasonry on St. John's Eve, 1780. The Royal Masonic Cyclopædia observes:

" There exist two great classical Masonic writers, Lessing and Goethe." Dr. Stauffer, in New England

and the Bavarian Illuminati (p. 172), points out further that Goethe's connexion with the Illuminati is

fully established by both Engel (Geschichte des Illuminatenordens, pp. 355 and following) and by Le

Forestier (Les Illuminés de Bavière, pp. 396 and following). It is possible that Faust may be the history of

an initiation by a disillusioned Illuminatus.

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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