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1. Barruel, III. p. xi. quoting Gaultiert.

2. Silvestre de Sacy, " Mémoires sur la Dynastie des Assassins," in Mémoires de l'Institut Royal de France,

Vol IV. (1818).

3. History of Freemasonry, III. 121.

4. Mémoires sur le Jacobinisme (edition of 1819). Vol. III. p. 9.

5. Ibid., III. 55, 56.

6. Essai sur la Secte des Illuminés, pp. 28-39.

7. " Our worst enemies the Jesuits."-Letter from Spartacus, Originalschriften, p. 306.

8. Fuguier, Histoire de Merveilleux, IV. 77.

9. Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens, p. 230.

10. Ibid., p. 331.

11. In World Revolution I suggested a resemblance between the Jewish calendar and that of the Illuminati.

This was an error; the Jewish calendar was adopted by the Scottish Rite, which, as we have seen, derived

partly from Judaic sources.

12. Thus Zwack (alias Cato) writes: " We have not only hindered the enlistings of the Rose-Croix but

rendered their very name contemptible."-Originalschriften, p. 8.

13. Originalschriften, p. 303. The word Illuminism is always represented by this symbol in the correspondence

of the Illuminati.

14. Ibid., p. 202.

15. Ibid., p. 331.

16. Waite, „ Freemasonry and the Jewish Peril," The Occult Review September 1920, p. 152.

17. Mémoires de Mirabeau écrits par lui-même , par son père, son oncle et son fils adoptif, et précédés

d'une étude sur Mirabeau par Victor Hugo, Vol. III. p. 47 (1834).

18. I have expressly made use of M. Barthou's résumé instead of making use of my own, lest I should be

said to have made judicious selections in order to suit the purpose of showing the resemblance between this

Memoir and the passage from Mirabeau's other writings which follows. But M. Barthou's impartiality cannot

be impugned, for he appears to know nothing about the Illuminati or Mirabeau's connexion with them,

and regards the Memoir in question as solely the outcome of Mirabeau's mind which had " ripened " since


19. F. Barthou, Mirabeau. p. 57.

20. In the Memoir drawn up by Mirabeau quoted above we find this passage : " It must be a fundamental

rule never to allow any prince to enter the association were he a god for virtue."-Mémoires de Mirabeau, III


21. Histoire de la Monarchie Prussienne, V. 99.

22. Henri Martin, Histoire de France, XVI. 533.

23. Louis Blanc, Histoire de la Révolution Française, II. 84.

24. History of Freemasonry, III. 121.

25. Originalschriften, p. 258.

26. Ibid., p. 297.

27. Ibid., p. 285.

28. Ibid., p. 286.

29. Originalschriften, p. 300. It seems that when a Freemason appeared likely to fall in with the scheme of

Illuminism, he was soon allowed to know of the further system. Thus in the case of " Savioli " " Cato "

writes: " Now that he is a Mason I have put all about this before him, shown him what is unimportant and at

this opportunity taken up the general plan of our , and as this pleased him I said that such a thing really ex-

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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