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1. L'Antisémitisme, p. 335.

2. Ibid., p. 328.

3. Article by Mr. Lucien Wolf, " The First English Jew," in Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of

England, Vol. II. p. 18. On this question see also the pamphlets by Mr. Lucien Wolf: Crypto-Jews under

the Commonwealth (1894), Cromwell's Jewish Intelligencers (1891), and Manasseh ben Israel's Mission to

Oliver Cromwell (1901), also articles on Cromwell, Carvajal and Manasseh ben Israel in the Jewish Encyclopædia.

4. Lucien Wolf, " The First English Jew," in Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England, II.


5. Tovey, Anglia Judaica, p. 275.

6. The Jewish Encyclopædia in its article on Manasseh ben Israel, says: " He was full of cabalistic opinions,

though he was careful not to expound them in those of his works that were written in modern languages

and intended to be read by Gentiles." In its article on " Magic " the Jewish Encyclopædia refers to

the " Nishmat Hayyim," a work by Manasseh ben Israel which " is filled with superstition and magic " and

adds that " many Christian scholars were deluded."

7. Tovey Anglia Judaica, p. 259; Margoliouth, History of the Jews in England, II. 3.

8. Mirabeau (Sur la Réforme politique des Juifs, 1787) thinks they may not have been allowed to return unconditionally

until 1664. It was certainly at this date that they were formally granted free permission to live

in England and practise their religion (Margoliouth, op. cit., II. 26).

9. Margoliouth, op. cit., II. 43.

10. The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth, by Lewis Berens, pp. 36, 74.

11. Claudio Jannet, Les Précurseurs de la Franc-Maçonnerie, p. 47 (1187).

12. Harmsworth Encyclopædia, article on Jews.

13. Diary of Samuel Pepys, date of February 19, 1666.

14. Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Shabbetai Zebi B. Mordecai.

15. Henry Hart Milman, History of the Jews, II. 445.

16. Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Ba'al Shem Tob.

17. Milman, op. cit., II. 446.

18. Jewish Encyclopædia, Heilprin, article on Joel Ben Uri.

19. Heckethorn, Secret Societies, I. 87.

20. Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Jacob Frank.

21. Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Jacob Frank.

22. Ibid.

23. Milman, op. cit., II. 447.

24. Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Jacob Frank.

25. Ibid.

26. Ibid. Heckethorn, Secret Societies, I. 87.

27. Milman, op. cit., II. 448. Cf. description of pomp displayed by another member of the oppressed race

named Fränkel, who appeared at a parade of Jewry at Prague in 1741 in a carriage drawn by six horses and

surrounded by footmen and horse guards.-Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Fränkel, Simon Wolf.

28. Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Falk, of whom a good portrait by Copley given. On Falk see also Ars

Quatuor Coronatorum, Vol. XXVI. Part I. pp. 518-105, and Vol. XXX. Part II; Transactions of the Jewish

Historical Society, Vol. V. p. 148, article on " The Ba'al Shem of London," by the Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief

Rabbi, and Vol. VIII, " Notes on some Contemporary References to Dr. Falk the Ba'al Shem of London, in

the Rainsford MSS. at the British Museum," by Gordon P.G. Hills. The following pages are taken entirely

from these sources.

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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