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its survival is further confirmed by the information supplied from Jewish sources to Mr. Gordon Hills, who

states that Falk was " in touch with the French Court in the person of 'Prince Emanuel,'[36] whom he describes

as a servant of the King of France," and adds that the talismanic ring which he gave to the Duc d'Orleans

" is still in the possession of the family, having passed to King Louis Philippe and thence to the Comte

de Paris."[37]

One fact, then, looms out of the darkness that envelops the secret power behind the Orléanist conspiracy,

one fact of supreme importance, and based moreover on purely Jewish evidence: the Duke was in touch

with Falk when in London and Falk supported his scheme of usurpation. Thus behind the arch-conspirator

of the revolution stood " the Chief of all the Jews." Is it here perhaps, in Falk's " chests of gold," that we

might find the source of some of those loans raised in London by the Duc d'Orléans to finance the riots of

the Revolution, so absurdly described as " l'or de Pitt "?

The direct connexion between the attack on the French monarchy and Jewish circles in London is further

shown by the curious sequel to the Gordon Riots. In 1780 the half-witted Lord George Gordon (as a Jewish

writer describes him), the head of the so-called " Protestant " mob, marched on the House of Commons to

protest against the bill for the relief of Roman Catholic disabilities and then proceeded to carry out his plan

of burning down London. During the five days' rioting that ensued, property to the amount of £180,000 was

destroyed. After this " the scion of the ducal house of Gordon proved the durability of his love for Protestantism

by professing the Hebrew faith," and was received with the highest honours into the Synagogue. The

same Jewish writer, who has described him earlier as half-witted, quotes this panegyric on his orthodoxy: "

He was very regular in his Jewish observances; every morning he was seen with the philacteries between

his eyes, and opposite his heart.... His Saturday's bread was baked according to the manner of the Jews, his

wine was Jewish, his meat was Jewish, and he was the best Jew in the congregation of Israel." And it was

immediately after his conversion to Judaism that he published in The Public Advertiser the libel against

Marie Antoinette which brought about his imprisonment in Newgate.[38]

Now we know that Lord George Gordon met Cagliostro in London in 1786.[39] Is it not probable that

the author of the scurrilous pamphlet and the magician concerned in the attack on the Queen's honour

through the Affair of the Necklace-one a Jew by profession, the other said to be a Jew by race-may have had

some connexion with Philippe Egalité's Jewish supporter, the miracle worker of Wellclose Square?

But already a vaster genius than Falk or Cagliostro, than Pasqually or Savalette de Langes, had arisen,

who, gathering into his hands the threads of all the conspiracies, was able to weave them together into a gigantic

scheme for the destruction of France and of the world.

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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