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IT has been shown in the preceding chapters that the Jewish Cabala played an important part in the occult

and anti-Christian sects from the very beginning of the Christian era. The time has now come to enquire

what part Jewish influence played meanwhile in revolutions. Merely to ask the question is to bring on

oneself the accusation of " anti-Semitism," yet the Jewish writer Bernard Lazare has shown the falseness of

this charge: This [he writes] is what must separate the impartial historian from anti-Semitism. The anti-

Semite says: "The Jew is the preparer, the machinator, the chief engineer of revolutions"; the impartial historian

confines himself to studying the part which the Jew, considering his spirit, his character, the nature of

his philosophy, and his religion, may have taken in revolutionary processes and movements.[1]

Lazare himself expresses the opinion, however, that- The complaint of the anti-Semites seems to be

founded: the Jew has the revolutionary spirit; consciously or not he is an agent of revolution. Yet the complaint

complicates itself, for anti-Semitism accuses the Jews of being the cause of revolutions. Let us examine

what this accusation is worth....[2]

In the light of our present knowledge it would certainly be absurd to ascribe to the Jews the authorship

of the conspiracy of Catiline or of the Gracchi, the rising of Jack Straw and Wat Tyler, Jack Cade's rebellion,

the jacqueries of France, or the Peasants' Wars in Germany, although historical research may lead in

time to the discovery of certain occult influences-not necessarily Jewish-behind the European insurrections

here referred to. Moreover, apart from grievances or other causes of rebellion, the revolutionary spirit has

always existed independently of the Jews. In all times and in all countries there have been men born to

make trouble as the sparks fly upward.

Nevertheless, in modern revolutions the part played by the Jews cannot be ignored, and the influence

they have exercised will be seen on examination to have been twofold-financial and occult. Throughout the

Middle Ages it is as sorcerers and usurers that they incur the reproaches of the Christian world, and it is still

in the same rôle, under the more modern terms of magicians and loan-mongers, that we detect their presence

behind the scenes of revolution from the seventeenth century onward. Wherever money was to be made out

of social or political upheavals, wealthy Jews have been found to back the winning side; and wherever the

Christian races have turned against their own institutions, Jewish Rabbis, philosophers, professors, and occultists

have lent them their support. It was not then necessarily that Jews created these movements, but

they knew how to make use of them for their own ends.

It is thus that in the Great Rebellion we find them not amongst the Ironsides of Cromwell or the members

of his State Council, but furnishing money and information to the insurgents, acting as army contractors,

loan-mongers, and super-spies-or to use the more euphonious term of Mr. Lucien Wolf, as " political intelligencers

" of extraordinary efficiency. Thus Mr. Lucien Wolf, in referring to Carvajal, " the great Jew of

the Commonwealth," explains that " the wide ramifications of his commercial transactions and his relations

with other Crypto-Jews all over the world placed him in an unrivalled position to obtain news of the enemies

of the Commonwealth."[3]

It is obvious that a " secret service " of this kind rendered the Jews a formidable hidden power, the more

so since their very existence was frequently unknown to the rest of the population around them. This precaution

was necessary because Jews were not supposed to exist at that date in England. In 1290 Edward I

had expelled them all, and for three and a half centuries they had remained in exile; the Crypto-Jews or

Marranos who had come over from Spain contrived, however, to remain in the country by skilfully taking

the colour of their surroundings. Mr. Wolf goes on to observe that Jewish services were regularly held in

the secret Synagogue, but " in public Carvajal and his friends followed the practice of the secret Jews in

Spain and Portugal, passing as Roman Catholics and regularly attending mass in the Spanish Ambassador's

chapel."[4] But when war between England and Spain rendered this expedient inadvisable, the Marranos

threw off the disguise of Christianity and proclaimed themselves followers of the Jewish faith.

Now, just at this period the Messianic era was generally believed by the Jews to be approaching, and it

appears to have occurred to them that Cromwell might be fitted to the part. Consequently emissaries were

despatched to search the archives of Cambridge in order to discover whether the Protector could possibly be

of Jewish descent.[5] This quest proving fruitless, the Cabalist Rabbi of Amsterdam, Manasseh ben Israel,

[6] addressed a petition to Cromwell for the readmission of the Jews to England, in which he adroitly insisted

on the retribution that overtakes those who afflict the people of Israel and the rewards that await those

who " cherish " them. These arguments were not without effect on Cromwell, who entertained the same su-

Nesta H. Webster — Secret Societies and Subversive Movements — Part I

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