Techsense Magazine #07

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GenAI<br />

Business Center<br />

Welcome to the world of what’s possible with<br />

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hub for innovation, highlighting how the<br />

integration of PwC’s industry expertise with Microsoft’s<br />

advanced AI solutions can address complex business<br />

challenges, and unlock new opportunities.<br />

The GenAI Business Center explores how to:<br />

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well as Copilot for Finance;<br />

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Contact us today to learn more about the GenAI<br />

Business Center, our immersion sessions and how we<br />

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potential.<br />

Patrice Witz<br />

Advisory Partner, Technology Partner<br />

and Digital Leader,<br />

PwC Luxembourg<br />

+352 621 333 533<br />

patrice.witz@pwc.lu<br />

Grégory Weber<br />

Managing Director, Experience Center<br />

Leader,<br />

PwC Luxembourg<br />

+352 621 336 175<br />

gregory.weber@pwc.lu<br />

Andreas Braun<br />

Advisory Director, AI & AI Lab Leader,<br />

PwC Luxembourg<br />

+352 621 332 366<br />

andreas.braun@pwc.lu<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

EDITO<br />

Chères lectrices, chers lecteurs,<br />

Autrefois considérée comme une simple mesure<br />

de réduction de coûts, l'externalisation est<br />

aujourd'hui au cœur des stratégies informatiques.<br />

Les organisations se tournent désormais vers des<br />

fournisseurs de services de nouvelle génération<br />

pour les aider à relever certains de leurs plus<br />

grands défis.<br />

Kamel Amroune CEO<br />

Diverses forces contribuent à ce<br />

changement: technologies de<br />

rupture, cloudification accélérée,<br />

généralisation du télétravail, raréfaction des<br />

compétences, pressions réglementaires,<br />

évolution des risques... Tous ces facteurs<br />

agissent comme des catalyseurs particuliers<br />

et augmentent la demande pour des<br />

services capables d'apporter des solutions<br />

concrètes aux besoins les plus pressants des<br />

entreprises. Les experts prévoient ainsi un<br />

taux de croissance annuel de 13,6% jusqu'en<br />

2030 pour l'industrie de l'externalisation<br />

informatique, tous modèles confondus –<br />

outsourcing traditionnel, managed services<br />

et cloud managed services. La part de ces<br />

derniers, évaluée à 83,3 milliards de dollars<br />

en 2021, devrait atteindre 319,4 milliards de<br />

dollars d'ici 2031, soit un taux de croissance<br />

annuel moyen de 14,5%.<br />

L'avenir de l'externalisation informatique<br />

réside également dans l'exploitation<br />

de l'énorme potentiel des technologies<br />

émergentes - intelligence artificielle,<br />

machine learning, ou encore edge<br />

computing - appelées à stimuler l'innovation<br />

et transformer radicalement l'efficacité<br />

des processus. La convergence des cloud<br />

managed services avec le cloud hybride, le<br />

DevOps et la conteneurisation contribuera<br />

aussi à façonner le développement du<br />

secteur.<br />

Ces perspectives seront largement débattues<br />

lors de la première édition de Nexus2050, le<br />

nouvel événement technologique international<br />

lancé conjointement par The Dots et Maison<br />

Moderne, qui se déroulera les 26 et 27 juin<br />

prochains dans les infrastructures de Luxexpo<br />

The Box. Vous y êtes chaleureusement invités:<br />

ce point culminant de l'agenda technologique<br />

accueillera 200 speakers qui animeront 50<br />

heures de conférences de divers formats -<br />

keynotes, discussions informelles et tables<br />

rondes - sur quatre scènes thématiques.<br />

L'édition inaugurale de Nexus2050 mettra<br />

l'accent, outre l'intelligence artificielle, sur<br />

des thèmes clés pour le développement<br />

de l'économie tels que la durabilité, la<br />

cybersécurité, la technologie financière et<br />

l'attraction des talents.<br />

À côté des conférences et des débats, vous pourrez<br />

visiter des stands d'exposants répartis sur 4 villages<br />

et participer à des visites guidées. Vous aurez<br />

l'opportunité d'accéder à un espace de rencontres<br />

internationales encadré par la Chambre de Commerce<br />

du Luxembourg et le Ministère des Affaires étrangères,<br />

ou encore profiter d'opportunités de networking<br />

uniques couronnées par un dîner de gala réunissant<br />

plus de 1.200 décideurs locaux et internationaux.<br />

Impatient de vous y retrouver, je vous souhaite<br />

bonne lecture de ce nouveau numéro de TechSense<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />


<strong>#07</strong><br />


06<br />

Inform<br />

22<br />

Learn<br />

38<br />

Solve<br />

52<br />

Network<br />

08<br />

Kyndryl<br />

Agility & Intelligence:<br />

The Cornerstones of Modern<br />

IT Operations<br />

10<br />

Addressing<br />

the Talent Gap Leveraging<br />

Outsourcing to Fill Tech Skill<br />

Shortages<br />

12<br />

Luxprovide<br />

Harnessing the Power<br />

of Supercomputing:<br />

The minds behind MeluXina<br />

14<br />

Cybersecurity in the Context<br />

of Outsourcing Ensuring Data<br />

Protection and Compliance<br />

16<br />

Anidris<br />

L'Art de l'advisory personnalisé<br />

selon Aymeric Carraro<br />

18<br />

PwC<br />

Managed Services for<br />

Alternatives powered by “e-CS”<br />

28<br />

Telindus<br />

Décrypter les tendances<br />

du Cloud et de l’Outsourcing<br />

30<br />

ASP<br />

Here Comes a New Challenger<br />

32<br />

Nutanix<br />

7 years Nutanix in Luxembourg<br />

34<br />

NSI<br />

Navigating the Evolving<br />

Regulatory Landscape with<br />

a Compliant Cloud<br />

36<br />

The Role of Managed Service<br />

Providers in Supporting Remote<br />

Workforces<br />

40<br />

Luxembourg Stock Exchange<br />

Unlocking the Power of Cloud<br />

Computing<br />

42<br />

Reply<br />

Strategic Outsourcing: Fueling<br />

Competitiveness in Financial<br />

Organizations<br />

44<br />

Enhancing Business Agility<br />

Through Strategic IT<br />

Outsourcing Partnerships<br />

46<br />

Fujitsu<br />

Enhancing Business Through<br />

App Modernization<br />

48<br />

Beyn<br />

BEYN votre partenaire pour une<br />

transformation digitale.<br />

50<br />

The Future of IT Outsourcing<br />

Emerging Trends and<br />

Innovations<br />

54<br />

<strong>Techsense</strong> Summit<br />

Hack Me if You Can<br />

56<br />

TN'Teens<br />

19<br />

The Evolution of IT Outsourcing<br />

From Traditional Models to<br />

Cloud Managed Services<br />

20<br />

Econocom<br />

Econocloud<br />


AI-driven<br />

tech architects<br />

In a tech world where AI has changed all the<br />

rules and blurred all the line, the future belongs<br />

to those who adapt. Tech leaders of the future<br />

will be the ones that have ceased the opportunity to<br />

become more central in the organisations.<br />

At Devoteam, we are tech architects supporting you<br />

in crafting AI-powered solutions and building secure,<br />

interconnected platforms that have a sustainable value.<br />


01<br />

Inform<br />

{ Verbe transitif }<br />

Faire savoir quelque chose à quelqu’un,<br />

le porter à sa connaissance, le lui apprendre.<br />


Soyez zen<br />

on s’occupe de tout !<br />

Managed Services<br />

Audit informatique<br />

Consulting<br />

Migration vers le cloud<br />

Support aux utilisateurs<br />

Modern Workplace<br />

Gestion de votre infrastructure et réseau<br />

www.empirys.com<br />

we deliver value.

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Inform<br />

Agility & Intelligence:<br />

The Cornerstones of<br />

Modern IT Operations<br />

| By Kyndryl |<br />

All companies, no matter their industry, share a<br />

common challenge with their IT environment:<br />

growing complexity. To anticipate the pitfalls this<br />

complexity brings in terms of reliability, security and<br />

efficiency of IT operations, businesses are adopting<br />

new methodologies. Approaches such as agile and<br />

continuous integration / continuous deployment,<br />

initially popular in application development, have<br />

trickled over to IT Operations and have proven<br />

their merits. ModernOps is gaining widespread<br />

adoption among companies, transcending traditional<br />

boundaries and proving to be a transformative force.<br />

We spoke with Hendrik Devos, technology Lead at Kyndryl Belux<br />

and Marnix Gillis, Distinguished Engineer at Kyndryl about how<br />

ModernOps transforms IT organisations by fostering a collaborative<br />

culture that prioritises adaptability, innovation and continuous<br />

learning, ultimately driving sustainable business outcomes.<br />

What are the fundamentals of ModernOps?<br />

Hendrik Devos: “ModernOps is grounded in three fundamental<br />

principles. The first principle focuses on the concept of agile<br />

teams. These are teams composed of individuals from various<br />

disciplines, unified in managing a service. Importantly, this service<br />

is not merely relevant to IT, but crucial to the business itself. These<br />

teams are guided by clear priorities that are in direct alignment<br />

with the value they bring to the business.<br />

The second principle is about leveraging data and artificial<br />

intelligence. The aim here is to use these technological tools<br />

to gain insights and thereby improve operational results. This<br />

principle underscores the importance of data and AI in enhancing<br />

the efficiency and effectiveness of operations in a ModernOps<br />

environment.<br />

Finally, the third principle advocates for the automation of everything<br />

that can be automated. The objective is to increase speed and<br />

efficiency, while also reducing the potential for human error. By<br />

automating processes wherever possible, ModernOps seeks to<br />

streamline operations and ensure a higher standard of accuracy<br />

and reliability in its processes.”<br />

How does ModernOps impact IT operations and business<br />

outcomes, according to you?<br />

Marnix Gillis: “ModernOps isn’t about tools. It is about cultivating<br />

the right mindset. ModernOps allows enterprises to navigate the<br />

challenges that come by combining the old (legacy) world with the<br />

new (cloud) world. IT Operations is traditionally a discipline where<br />

the industry is lagging in terms of agility and pro-activity and the<br />

adoption of public cloud has been a game-changer in this area.<br />

When you apply agile principles to IT operations, you can expect IT<br />

operations that are a foundation for digital innovation, rapidly and<br />

reliably. ModernOps is a set of techniques, tools and technologies<br />

that brings that agility to IT Operations. But it's not only about<br />

agile practices. For Kyndryl, ModernOps encompasses a series of<br />

practices such as FinOps (cost-conscious culture that maximises<br />

return of IT investments), DevSecOps (join IT development and IT<br />

operations to accelerate time-to-market, while ensuring security<br />

and quality), Sustainability Operations (incorporating sustainability<br />

in all IT decisions), Compliance and Security Operations (shiftleft<br />

continuous security, compliance and risk management) and<br />

Modern Multi-sourcing (the convergence of service management<br />

and operations management)”.<br />

“ModernOps leverages a combination of people, processes and<br />

technology to provide enterprises with faster innovation, quicker<br />

delivery into the hands of doers, but also agile, iterative and constant<br />

delivery of value and ultimately better business outcomes,” adds<br />

Hendrik Devos.<br />

Devos continues: “Take for example FinOps, it is facilitated by a<br />

tool. However, this tool won’t make any valuable suggestions to<br />

reduce costs or optimise sustainability, unless you have a solid<br />


Inform<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

process in place to collect data that you can feed into the tool.<br />

Cultural change is needed for your operations workforce because<br />

they fundamentally need to change the siloed way they approach<br />

operations.”<br />

How has Kyndryl integrated the principles of ModernOps into<br />

its own service delivery for IT operations?<br />

Marnix Gillis: “Kyndryl has built an open engagement platform<br />

that integrates the different technologies that come into play<br />

when adopting ModernOps. This platform serves as the interface<br />

that provides IT professionals with a holistic view of the health of<br />

their IT environment. Kyndryl delivery teams use the platform to<br />

design, build, manage and modernise the hybrid multi-cloud IT<br />

environments of their customers. It is important to know that, with<br />

Kyndryl Bridge, IT organisations can integrate their technology of<br />

choice into the ModernOps ecosystem regardless of whether it’s onprem,<br />

in the cloud or both. Kyndryl Bridge acts as a unifying force,<br />

breaking down silos between diverse technologies and ensuring<br />

they work harmoniously to support the organisation's objectives.”<br />

Hendrik Devos,<br />

Technology Lead at Kyndryl Belux<br />

“In conclusion, the evolution towards ModernOps signifies more<br />

than a tool-centric transition; it requires a fundamental shift in IT<br />

Operations mindset. Grounded in principles of agility, data-driven<br />

decision-making, and extensive automation, ModernOps offers<br />

distinct advantages. It propels digital agility, ensuring faster<br />

innovation, quicker and more reliable service delivery, and iterative<br />

value generation. As highlighted by Hendrik Devos, its multifaceted<br />

approach results in improved operational outcomes, translating to<br />

reliable and secure business services with increased performance<br />

and higher customer satisfaction”.<br />

ModernOps isn’t about tools. It is about<br />

cultivating the right mindset.<br />

Marnix Gillis,<br />

Distinguished Engineer at Kyndryl<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Inform<br />

Addressing<br />

the Talent Gap<br />

Leveraging<br />

Outsourcing to Fill<br />

Tech Skill Shortages<br />

| By Michaël Renotte |<br />

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the<br />

demand for specialized skills continue to outpace<br />

the availability of qualified talent, creating a<br />

significant talent gap for many organizations. To<br />

bridge this gap and meet the growing demands of<br />

digital transformation, businesses are increasingly<br />

turning to outsourcing as a strategic solution.<br />

Leveraging outsourcing can effectively address tech<br />

skill shortages and enable organizations to thrive in a<br />

competitive market.<br />

— Access to specialized expertise<br />

One of the primary benefits of outsourcing is access to a vast pool<br />

of specialized expertise and technical skills that may be scarce or<br />

unavailable in-house. Outsourcing partners often have teams of<br />

highly skilled professionals with deep domain knowledge in areas<br />

such as software development, cybersecurity, data analytics, cloud<br />

computing and emerging technologies. By tapping into this talent<br />

pool, organizations can quickly fill skill gaps, accelerate project<br />

delivery and access innovative solutions that drive business growth<br />

and competitive advantage.<br />

— Cost-effective talent acquisition<br />

Hiring and retaining top-tier technical talent can be costly and<br />

challenging, especially in competitive job markets. Outsourcing<br />

provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional hiring by offering<br />

access to skilled professionals at competitive rates. Instead of<br />

investing in recruitment, onboarding, training and employee<br />

benefits, organizations can leverage outsourcing partners to<br />

access the talent they need on a flexible basis, scaling resources<br />

up or down as needed to align with business demands and project<br />

requirements.<br />

— Scalability and flexibility<br />

Tech skill shortages can hinder organizational growth and agility,<br />

particularly when faced with fluctuating demand or project<br />

complexities. Outsourcing enables organizations to scale their<br />

technical capabilities quickly and flexibly in response to changing<br />

business needs. Whether ramping up development teams for a new<br />

project, augmenting existing resources to meet tight deadlines,<br />

or accessing niche expertise for specialized tasks, outsourcing<br />

partners provide the scalability and flexibility required to adapt to<br />

dynamic market conditions and seize opportunities for innovation<br />

and growth.<br />

— Accelerated time-to-market<br />

In today's fast-paced business environment, speed is often a critical<br />

factor in gaining a competitive edge. Tech skill shortages can delay<br />

project timelines, impede innovation, and hinder organizations'<br />

ability to bring new products and services to market quickly.<br />

Outsourcing enables organizations to accelerate time-to-market<br />

by leveraging the expertise and resources of external partners<br />

who specialize in rapid development, agile methodologies, and<br />

efficient project delivery. By outsourcing certain aspects of<br />

technology development and implementation, organizations can<br />

expedite innovation cycles, seize market opportunities, and stay<br />

ahead of the competition.<br />


Inform<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Top internal challenges for<br />

organizations in meeting<br />

overall strategic priorities<br />

Source: Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022<br />

— Focus on core business objectives<br />

Tech skill shortages can divert valuable resources and attention<br />

away from core business objectives and strategic initiatives. By<br />

outsourcing technical tasks and projects to external partners,<br />

organizations can free up internal teams to focus on high-priority<br />

activities that drive value and differentiation. Outsourcing allows<br />

organizations to offload routine tasks, maintenance activities,<br />

and specialized projects to skilled professionals, enabling internal<br />

teams to concentrate on innovation, customer engagement and<br />

business growth initiatives that are essential for long-term success.<br />

50%<br />

35%<br />

32%<br />

30%<br />

28%<br />

26%<br />

22%<br />

— Mitigating talent risks<br />

Tech skill shortages can pose significant risks to organizations,<br />

including project delays, quality issues and increased turnover rates.<br />

By leveraging outsourcing, organizations can mitigate these risks<br />

by diversifying their talent pool, accessing specialized expertise,<br />

and reducing dependency on individual employees. Outsourcing<br />

partners often have robust recruitment, training and retention<br />

strategies in place to ensure continuity of service and minimize<br />

disruptions to ongoing projects. Additionally, outsourcing allows<br />

organizations to tap into global talent markets, accessing skilled<br />

professionals from diverse backgrounds and geographies to meet<br />

their specific needs.<br />

Talent acquisition<br />

Limited data analysis tools<br />

& technologies<br />

Limited collaboration<br />

between functions<br />

Employee retention<br />

Lack of adequate skills<br />

of employees<br />

Lack of adequate data<br />

Limited budget or visibility<br />

into cash flow<br />

Leveraging outsourcing is an effective strategy for addressing tech skill shortages and filling talent gaps in<br />

today's competitive business environment.<br />

By accessing specialized expertise, cost-effective talent acquisition, scalability and flexibility, accelerated<br />

time-to-market, focus on core business objectives, and mitigating talent risks, organizations can overcome<br />

the challenges posed by tech skill shortages and drive innovation, growth, and success in the digital age.<br />

Strategic outsourcing partnerships empower organizations to build agile, resilient, and high-performing<br />

teams that are capable of tackling complex challenges and seizing new opportunities in an ever-changing<br />

technology landscape.<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Inform<br />

Harnessing the Power<br />

of Supercomputing: The minds<br />

behind LuxProvide | By Nastassia Haux, Yann Roll & Jérémy Diebold |<br />

LuxProvide stands at the forefront of highperformance<br />

computing (HPC) in Europe, driving<br />

innovation and accessibility with its state-of-the-art<br />

supercomputer, MeluXina. Throughout exchanges<br />

with key figures at LuxProvide — Valentin Plugaru,<br />

Eric Nilles, Alban Rousset, and Diem Bui — we<br />

explore their unique contributions, journeys,<br />

and visions for the future of supercomputing in<br />

Luxembourg and beyond.<br />

Valentin Plugaru, CTO<br />

— From Concept to Reality:<br />

Valentin Plugaru's Vision<br />

Valentin Plugaru, Chief Technology Officer at LuxProvide, has<br />

been instrumental in shaping the company's strategic direction.<br />

With nearly 15 years of experience in HPC, Valentin has played a<br />

pivotal role since the inception of LuxProvide. "My journey with<br />

LuxProvide began around three years before the company was<br />

officially established. I supported the national initiative which<br />

laid the foundation for LuxProvide, particularly by advising on the<br />

requirements for a new national supercomputing center," says<br />

Valentin. "After years of dedicated effort, our hard work culminated in<br />

the establishment of MeluXina, a 10 Petaflop/s supercomputer. Since<br />

its inception, MeluXina has supported over 400 projects, benefiting<br />

a diverse range of entities from startups to large industries."<br />

Valentin emphasizes the importance of collaboration and innovation,<br />

highlighting how MeluXina enables advanced prototyping and AI<br />

applications. "We can prototype workflows using large-scale AI<br />

models such as LLama from Meta, Mistral, and Falcon, essential for<br />

current real-world AI workloads. This would not be feasible without<br />

MeluXina's supercomputing capabilities. Our primary focus for 2024<br />

is to strengthen our impact on the market. We aim to democratize<br />

access to HPC across various sectors including public administration,<br />

research and industry," he explains.<br />

Eric Nilles, DevOps Engineer<br />

— Advancing HPC Accessibility:<br />

Eric Nilles' Journey<br />

Eric Nilles, a DevOps Engineer at LuxProvide, brings a unique<br />

perspective to the team with his background in hospitality<br />

management and computer science. "My initial focus was on<br />

managerial positions within the hospitality sector, but I soon<br />

identified a recurring pattern around data and business intelligence.<br />

This understanding prompted a career shift to pursue a Master's in<br />

computer science," shares Eric.<br />


Inform<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Eric is particularly excited about the MeluXina cloud project he’s<br />

working on, which aims to combine cloud computing's flexibility<br />

with the high-performance of supercomputing. "MeluXina’s cloud<br />

is designed to facilitate tasks required for AI and LLM applications.<br />

We aim to provide a seamless experience for users, allowing them<br />

to leverage MeluXina's computational power more flexibly and<br />

efficiently," he states.<br />

Eric's ongoing efforts to enhance HPC accessibility include<br />

integrating user-friendly tools like Jupyter Notebook, ensuring a<br />

streamlined and custom-made experience for customers.<br />

Diem Bui, Senior Solution Engineer<br />

— Innovative Data Solutions:<br />

Diem Bui's Objectives<br />

Diem Bui, Senior Solutions Engineer specializing in Data Science<br />

and AI products at LuxProvide, joined the team with extensive<br />

experience with public cloud providers such as Google, IBM and<br />

Microsoft but with no knowledge of supercomputing. "It took me<br />

a while to explore the potential and differences between HPC and<br />

public clouds. Now, I’m confident in my ability to leverage MeluXina’s<br />

capabilities to deliver exceptional results for our clients," she says.<br />

Diem strives to help businesses harness the power of data and<br />

leverage HPC capabilities to build scalable products and achieve<br />

leadership in a competitive market.<br />

Alban Rousset, Business Development Executive<br />

& Scientific Advisor<br />

— Shaping the Future of Computing:<br />

Alban Rousset's Contributions<br />

Alban Rousset, a Scientific Advisor within the Solution and<br />

Integration team, has a robust background in HPC and AI. "I joined<br />

LuxProvide over three years ago as the first Solution Engineer<br />

when the company was in its startup stage. My role encompassed<br />

a wide range of tasks, from identifying potential use cases for our<br />

supercomputing capabilities to exploring the full capacity of our<br />

machines," recalls Alban. "Since then, my role shifted towards a<br />

focus on business development and user training, fostering greater<br />

adoption and innovation."<br />

Alban likes simplifying complex concepts through analogies. "One<br />

of my personal missions throughout my journey has been to make<br />

supercomputing as accessible and user-friendly as possible. For<br />

instance, comparing HPC to a highway facilitates understanding<br />

of its principles," he explains. Alban highlights the importance<br />

of democratizing supercomputing to compete at European and<br />

international levels, stressing that without such capabilities,<br />

competing with other companies would be virtually impossible.<br />

"In order to reach our audacious goal of making supercomputing<br />

an accessible tool, we organize hands-on workshops and training<br />

sessions tailored to customers’ specific needs and their HPC maturity<br />

levels. Our solutions and implementation team provide end-to-end<br />

services from consulting to ongoing assistance," she explains.<br />

Diem underscores LuxProvide's commitment to collaboration,<br />

partnering with public research institutions and businesses to<br />

drive innovation and growth.<br />

— Conclusion:<br />

The insights from Valentin Plugaru, Eric Nilles, Alban<br />

Rousset and Diem Bui emphasize LuxProvide's<br />

commitment to innovation, accessibility and<br />

collaboration in the realm of high-performance<br />

computing. Their collective efforts ensure that<br />

MeluXina not only meets the current needs of various<br />

sectors but also paves the way for future technological<br />

advancements. As LuxProvide continues to grow, it<br />

remains a strategic partner for organizations and<br />

research institutions, driving digital innovation and<br />

enhancing competitiveness on a global scale.<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Inform<br />

Cybersecurity<br />

in the Context<br />

of Outsourcing<br />

Ensuring Data<br />

Protection and<br />

Compliance<br />

| By Michaël Renotte |<br />

In an era where businesses increasingly rely on<br />

outsourcing partners to manage critical IT functions,<br />

cybersecurity has emerged as a top concern. With<br />

sensitive data being shared and accessed across<br />

organizational boundaries, ensuring robust data<br />

protection and compliance with regulatory requirements<br />

has become paramount. This article delves into the<br />

importance of cybersecurity in the context of outsourcing<br />

and provides insights into strategies for safeguarding data<br />

and maintaining compliance.<br />


Inform<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

— Understanding the risks of outsourcing<br />

Outsourcing IT functions introduces inherent cybersecurity risks, as third-party vendors may<br />

have access to sensitive data, systems, and networks. From software development and cloud<br />

hosting to managed services and technical support, outsourcing arrangements involve sharing<br />

information with external entities, increasing the surface area for potential cyber threats. Common<br />

risks include data breaches, unauthorized access, insider threats, supply chain vulnerabilities,<br />

and compliance lapses.<br />

— Implementing a risk-based approach<br />

To mitigate cybersecurity risks associated with outsourcing, businesses should adopt a risk-based<br />

approach that involves assessing and prioritizing risks based on their likelihood and potential impact.<br />

Conducting thorough risk assessments, evaluating vendor security practices, and identifying critical<br />

data and assets are essential steps in the risk management process. By understanding the risk<br />

landscape, businesses can tailor their cybersecurity measures and allocate resources effectively<br />

to protect against the most significant threats.<br />

— Establishing robust security controls<br />

Effective cybersecurity in the context of outsourcing requires implementing robust security controls<br />

to safeguard data and systems from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.<br />

This includes deploying technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption,<br />

and multi-factor authentication to protect against external threats. Additionally, businesses<br />

should enforce strong access controls, regularly patch and update software, and conduct security<br />

awareness training to mitigate the risk of insider threats and human error.<br />

— Securing data in transit and at rest<br />

Given the distributed nature of outsourcing arrangements, securing data in transit and at rest is<br />

critical to prevent unauthorized interception or access. Businesses should implement encryption<br />

protocols to protect data as it travels between systems and networks, whether through virtual private<br />

networks (VPNs), secure sockets layer (SSL) connections, or encrypted email communication.<br />

Similarly, data stored on servers, databases, or cloud storage platforms should be encrypted to<br />

ensure confidentiality and integrity.<br />

— Ensuring compliance with regulations<br />

In addition to protecting data from cyber threats, businesses must also ensure compliance with<br />

relevant regulations and industry standards governing data privacy and security. Depending on the<br />

industry and geographic location, outsourcing arrangements may be subject to regulations such<br />

as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard<br />

(PCI DSS), or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Businesses should work closely with outsourcing<br />

partners to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and incorporate compliance obligations<br />

into contractual agreements.<br />

— Conducting ongoing monitoring and assessment<br />

Cybersecurity is not a one-time effort but requires continuous monitoring, assessment and<br />

improvement to adapt to evolving threats and vulnerabilities. Businesses should establish mechanisms<br />

for monitoring outsourcing partners' security posture, conducting regular security assessments<br />

and audits, and reviewing compliance with contractual obligations and SLAs. Additionally, incident<br />

response plans should be in place to promptly detect, respond to and recover from cybersecurity<br />

incidents, minimizing the impact on business operations and reputation.<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Inform<br />

The Art of Personalized<br />

Advisory: insights from<br />

Aymeric Carraro, Data<br />

Management Consultant<br />

at Anidris<br />

| By Yann Roll & Laura Heil |<br />

Aymeric Carraro, Management Consultant at Anidris, has been a key asset<br />

of the company's success story since 2015. With solid experience as a data<br />

centre engineer, he is currently in charge of the solutions architecture team.<br />

He offers Anidris customers his expertise in IT architecture and<br />

cutting-edge enterprise technologies. He shared insights into advisory<br />

services, elaborating on Anidris' bespoke offerings meticulously crafted<br />

to address the unique needs of every customer.<br />


Inform<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

How is Anidris helping its clients become more competitive on<br />

the market in Luxembourg?<br />

"Anidris’ strength lies in our transversal vision of the market,<br />

which puts us in a fairly unique position in Luxembourg. We are<br />

a company specializing in infrastructures such as datacentres,<br />

with strong expertise in backup, data protection, archiving, and<br />

advisory services, which are the pillars of our business."<br />

"Within the team, each member has their own area of expertise<br />

and contributes with an analysis in line with their sphere of<br />

competence, which enables us to maintain a pragmatic approach in<br />

all circumstances. We have also set up a dedicated advisory team<br />

whose mission is to bring formality to customer advice and to act<br />

as a link between companies management and IT department."<br />

In fact, we have recently launched our DORA<br />

training (Digital Operational Resilience<br />

Act), ensuring our clients are well-prepared<br />

to handle digital risks and maintain robust<br />

operational resilience. This initiative is an<br />

extension of our comprehensive solution and<br />

adds significant value to our services.<br />

"At Anidris, we make customer satisfaction our priority. What<br />

sets us apart from our competitors is the support we offer our<br />

customers, and we have put in place customized solutions to meet<br />

the specific needs of each of them. Our first customers are still<br />

loyal to us today, which reflects the success of our actions and<br />

quality of our long-term relationships."<br />

"At the end of each project, we study the results and conduct a<br />

debriefing to identify successes and areas for improvement. This<br />

mode of operations ensures that communication flows smoothly<br />

both between our staff and with our customers. Our added value<br />

lies in our ongoing support, right through to the final integration<br />

of the solutions. We offer much more than simply delivering a<br />

service: we are involved in ensuring that it is properly implemented<br />

in our customers' environments. In this way, we take into account<br />

the entire compatibility of all the elements, from commissioning<br />

to operation, right through to guaranteeing data integrity in the<br />

event of a breakdown."<br />

What about audit and business consulting?<br />

"When it comes to audit and business consulting, the big names<br />

in the industry often come to mind first. While these companies<br />

are undoubtedly effective, their approach tends to be more<br />

theoretical. At Anidris, we take a different approach. We excel<br />

in offering thorough monitoring and support, especially during<br />

infrastructure implementation. What truly sets us apart is our<br />

ability to ensure alignment between regulatory directives and the<br />

actual hardware and architecture deployed.”<br />

Can you describe the method used by Anidris to identify,<br />

manage and resolve potential problems when implementing<br />

its solutions?<br />

"We have never encountered any large-scale problems. In general,<br />

we deal with minor difficulties which, if not resolved quickly, can<br />

escalate and require more resources. To address this challenge, we've<br />

implemented a multi-stage working method. This approach allows<br />

us to break down what may seem insurmountable into a series of<br />

simpler, more manageable problems. This encourages continuous<br />

progress, without skipping a step. Each step is competed only after<br />

the actions taken have been verified and validated. Furthermore,<br />

each new step serves to verify the progress made thus far. In this<br />

way, our method, with its multiple controls, is designed to limit<br />

incidents and anticipate potential problems."<br />

"At Anidris, we operate according to a principle of proportionality,<br />

which means that we assess in depth the criticality of each type<br />

of customer so that we can tailor our response. In this way, every<br />

solution we offer is truly tailor-made."<br />

"For greater clarity, we adjust our response to the specific risks<br />

of each organization. For example, Financial Company A does not<br />

have the same impact on the Luxembourg market as Financial<br />

Company B. Some companies are systemic, others are critical<br />

but not essential, etc. These differences enable us to design<br />

architectures and solutions tailored to each unique situation,<br />

taking into account the economic impact, competitiveness and<br />

market share of each company."<br />

Can you describe the Anidris Academy project and its role in<br />

your personalized service strategy?<br />

"Anidris Acandemy serves as a guide for gathering and applying<br />

best practices and maximizing our customers competitiveness.<br />

The academy enables us not only to strengthen our internal skills<br />

but also to offer customized training."<br />

"The academy fits in perfectly with the continuity of our support<br />

offering. When we talk to our customers, we also analyze their<br />

needs and identify areas for improvement in their processes. Based<br />

on our analysis, we bring in various specialists and implement<br />

targeted actions.”<br />

“In fact, we have recently launched our DORA training (Digital<br />

Operational Resilience Act), ensuring our clients are well-prepared<br />

to handle digital risks and maintain robust operational resilience.<br />

This initiative is an extension of our comprehensive solution and<br />

adds significant value to our services."<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Inform<br />

Managed<br />

Services<br />

for Alternatives<br />

powered by<br />

“e-CS”<br />

| By PwC |<br />

The Sourcing Strategies Survey released<br />

by PwC Luxembourg early this year<br />

confirms that 90% of Luxembourg’s<br />

financial center outsource activities (such as<br />

accounting, tax compliance, regulatory reporting, and much more). This outsourcing to<br />

“Managed Services” (MS) providers is not done without conditions. Asset Managers look<br />

for a business partner, not just a vendor or a service provider.<br />

Service providers in the<br />

alternatives industry face<br />

challenges such as adapting to<br />

rapid technological advancements,<br />

navigating through regulatory<br />

changes, meeting evolving<br />

customer and asset manager<br />

expectations, and all while<br />

striving to maintain trust,<br />

innovation and operational<br />

efficiency.<br />

Having proactive and interactive exchanges between MS providers and Asset Managers<br />

becomes a must, with data being the new black gold. MS providers should support in making<br />

accessible technological solutions to improve oversight (via workflows, dashboards…) and<br />

enable Asset Managers to get insights on their data (KPI, analytics…). With an additional<br />

key objective: proposing the best client - and investors - experience.<br />

Combining our services with technology is at the core of the client experience PwC<br />

Luxembourg aims to provide, by proposing an integrated and tech enabled end-to-end<br />

compliance process to connect services, teams and data.<br />

In recent years, PwC Luxembourg developed its own collaboration platform called<br />

e-Collaborative solution (“e-CS”), which helps to provide a 360-degree visibility on all<br />

operations and propose state of the art client experience.<br />

As part of the core functionalities of the platform, we can refer to the automated data<br />

collection features, the monitoring of projects or tasks and validation of documents, the<br />

workflow and task(s) management or the generation of KPIs and analytics. The platform<br />

contributes to enhancing the efficiency and quality of the services provided thanks to<br />

an increased transparency allowing for real-time sharing of information, a better and<br />

easier project planning and globally a more efficient end-to-end process, reducing time<br />

spent - and costs - associated with communication and execution.<br />

e-CS is one example of all the solutions and processes deployed by PwC Luxembourg<br />

to deliver unique client experience and work as a real business partner, offering a<br />

holistic approach, emphasising tech-enabled collaboration and long-term and trustful<br />

relationships.<br />


Inform<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

The Evolution of IT Outsourcing<br />

From Traditional Models to Cloud<br />

Managed Services | By Michaël Renotte |<br />

The journey from traditional outsourcing models to cloud managed services marks a significant paradigm<br />

shift. This evolution reflects not only technological advancements but also the shifting needs and expectations<br />

of businesses in an increasingly digital world.<br />

— Traditional outsourcing models<br />

Traditional IT outsourcing typically involved contracting thirdparty<br />

vendors to manage specific aspects of an organization's IT<br />

infrastructure or applications. This model often focused on cost<br />

reduction and specialized expertise, allowing businesses to offload<br />

tasks such as network management, software development, or<br />

help desk support to external providers. However, traditional<br />

outsourcing models were sometimes criticized for their rigid<br />

structures, long-term contracts, and limited scalability.<br />

— Rise of managed services<br />

The emergence of managed services represented a departure from<br />

the transactional nature of traditional outsourcing towards a more<br />

proactive and collaborative approach. Managed service providers<br />

(MSPs) began offering comprehensive solutions for IT management,<br />

encompassing monitoring, maintenance, and support services on<br />

a subscription basis. This shift allowed businesses to benefit from<br />

predictable costs, faster response times, and greater flexibility in<br />

scaling resources up or down according to their evolving needs.<br />

— Introduction of cloud managed services<br />

The advent of cloud computing revolutionized the IT outsourcing<br />

landscape, paving the way for cloud managed services. Unlike<br />

traditional outsourcing models that relied on physical infrastructure,<br />

cloud managed services leverage the scalability, agility, and costeffectiveness<br />

of cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services,<br />

Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. Cloud managed services<br />

providers offer a range of services, including cloud migration,<br />

infrastructure management, security, and application hosting,<br />

delivered through a subscription-based model.<br />

— Benefits of cloud managed services<br />

Cloud managed services offer several advantages over traditional<br />

outsourcing models. Firstly, they provide greater flexibility and<br />

scalability, allowing businesses to rapidly deploy and scale IT<br />

resources based on demand. Secondly, cloud managed services<br />

shift the burden of infrastructure management and maintenance<br />

to the service provider, freeing up internal IT teams to focus on<br />

strategic initiatives. Thirdly, cloud platforms offer built-in security<br />

features and compliance certifications, enhancing data protection<br />

and regulatory compliance for businesses across various industries.<br />

The global cloud managed services market<br />

size was valued at $83.3 billion in 2021. It<br />

is projected to reach $319.4 billion by 2031<br />

— Challenges and considerations<br />

While the transition to cloud managed services offers numerous<br />

benefits, it also presents challenges and considerations for<br />

businesses. These include concerns about data security, vendor<br />

lock-in, regulatory compliance, and the need for skilled personnel<br />

to manage cloud environments effectively. Moreover, businesses<br />

must carefully evaluate the total cost of ownership (TCO) and return<br />

on investment (ROI) when comparing cloud managed services with<br />

traditional outsourcing or in-house IT management.<br />

— The future of IT outsourcing<br />

As organizations continue to embrace digital transformation<br />

and cloud technologies, the demand for cloud managed services<br />

is expected to grow exponentially. According to Allied Market<br />

Research, the global cloud managed services market size, which<br />

was valued at $83.3 billion in 2021, is projected to reach $319.4 billion<br />

by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 14.5% from 2022 to 2031. The future<br />

of IT outsourcing also lies in harnessing the power of emerging<br />

technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning<br />

(ML), and edge computing to drive innovation, improve efficiency,<br />

and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Moreover, the<br />

convergence of cloud managed services with other trends such<br />

as hybrid cloud adoption, DevOps practices, and containerization<br />

will shape the next phase of IT outsourcing evolution.<br />

The evolution of IT outsourcing from traditional<br />

models to cloud managed services reflects a<br />

fundamental shift towards agility, scalability and<br />

innovation in managing IT infrastructure and<br />

applications. By embracing cloud technologies and<br />

partnering with trusted managed service providers,<br />

businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth,<br />

efficiency and competitive advantage in today's digital<br />

economy.<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Inform<br />

ECONO<br />

CLOUD<br />

| Propos recueillis par Yann Roll |<br />

Face aux enjeux croissants en la matière, Econocom PSF a lancé<br />

Econocloud, un cloud privé basé au Luxembourg qui assure aux<br />

entreprises un haut niveau de protection de leurs données.<br />


Inform<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />




8 800 employés<br />

Gestion de 7 millions d'actifs<br />

technologiques<br />

2,7 milliards de revenus en 2023<br />

Couverture dans 17 pays<br />

50 années d’expérience<br />

Sébastien Missenard,<br />

Business Development Manager<br />

et Directeur PSF d'Econocom<br />

— Une plateforme cloud versatile<br />

« Econocloud offre une plateforme de gestion de cloud versatile, idéale<br />

pour les entreprises soucieuses de la sécurité, de la confidentialité et<br />

de la conformité de leurs données et de leurs applications. Adaptée<br />

aux entreprises soumises à des règlementations spécifiques - ou<br />

simplement sensibles à la sécurité de leurs données - cette solution<br />

propose des options de gestion multicloud et hybride via un portail<br />

unifié », explique Sébastien Missenard, Business Development<br />

Manager et Directeur PSF d'Econocom.<br />

« Les plateformes Econocloud et Powercloud - le cloud privé pour<br />

les environnements legacy et financiers - sont hébergées dans des<br />

centres de données hautement sécurisés et conformes aux normes<br />

internationales. Cette gestion nous permet de garantir que les données<br />

stockées restent constamment sur le territoire luxembourgeois »,<br />

précise-t-il.<br />

— De nombreux atouts<br />

« Econocloud est une solution de cloud sécurisée, flexible et économique<br />

qui présente divers avantages pour ses utilisateurs », intervient<br />

Jean-Pierre Servais, Agency Manager et Directeur PSF. « L'un de<br />

ces avantages est le niveau élevé de conformité et de sécurité qu'il<br />

apporte. Econocloud est en effet hébergé dans des datacenters<br />

conformes aux normes ISO 27001, 22301 et 14001 offrant des services<br />

de sécurité intégrés, ce qui garantit à la fois une sécurité maximale et la<br />

conformité aux régulations européennes encadrant les opérations des<br />

entreprises qui manipulent des données sensibles ou réglementées ».<br />

« La plateforme permet une gestion intégrée des environnements<br />

multicloud et hybrides, offrant une flexibilité dans la gestion parfois<br />

complexe des cloud publics et privés, et simplifiant l’allocation des<br />

ressources IT », dit-il. « De plus, Econocloud assure une disponibilité<br />

élevée grâce à des infrastructures redondantes et résilientes avec<br />

des Service Level Agreements garantissant des temps d’intervention<br />

rapide, ce qui est crucial pour les entreprises qui exigent une continuité<br />

d’activité sans faille ».<br />

Jean-Pierre Servais,<br />

Agency Manager et Directeur<br />

PSF d'Econocom<br />

François Philippo,<br />

Chief Technology Officer et<br />

Directeur PSF d'Econocom<br />

« Grâce aux centres de données basés au Luxembourg dans lesquels<br />

il est hébergé, Econocloud assure également à nos clients un support<br />

local et réactif avec un service personnalisé et une proximité favorisant<br />

une meilleure réponse aux besoins spécifiques des entreprises<br />

luxembourgeoises et européennes. Enfin, Econocloud bénéficie d'une<br />

structure de prix flexible qui offre aux entreprises une tarification<br />

adaptée aux ressources allouées et utilisées ».<br />

— Des propositions de valeur multiples<br />

« Il est utile de souligner que le Luxembourg, véritable hub au cœur<br />

de l'Europe, offre une connectivité optimale avec les principaux<br />

marchés européens et mondiaux », rappelle François Philippo,<br />

Chief Technology Officer et Directeur PSF d'Econocom. « Le pays<br />

présente en outre la plus forte concentration de datacenters tier IV en<br />

Europe. Ces centres de données de dernière génération offrent une<br />

disponibilité maximale et des mesures de sécurité avancées. Leurs<br />

infrastructures de très haute redondance assurent une continuité des<br />

services et une protection des données à toute épreuve ».<br />

« Econocloud est conforme au Règlement général sur la protection<br />

des données, ce qui est essentiel pour les entreprises opérant dans<br />

l'Union européenne et apporte une garantie absolue de protection<br />

et de confidentialité des données », ajoute-t-il. « La plateforme et<br />

ses services associés sont certifiés ISO27001 et PSF. Il s’agit d’un<br />

engagement fort dans le contrôle des données et des risques ».<br />

« Les datacenters sur lesquels repose Econocloud sont alimentés<br />

à 100% en électricité renouvelable. Le contrôle et l’amélioration de<br />

l’empreinte carbone des activités de la plateforme sont l'un des piliers<br />

des engagements RSE de notre entreprise. Econocom participe<br />

d'ailleurs à de nombreuses initiatives écologiques pour minimiser<br />

son empreinte carbone », conclut-il.<br />


02<br />

Learn<br />

{ Verbe transitif }<br />

Acquérir par l’étude, par la pratique,<br />

par l’expérience une connaissance, un savoir-faire,<br />

quelque chose d’utile.<br />


à partir de<br />

49€ *<br />

Sauvegardez et protégez<br />

les données de votre entreprise<br />

par mois<br />

Accentaigu<br />

Pour les TPE & PME | Offre Back up Cloud<br />

› Capacité jusqu’à 3 TO<br />

› Installation facile avec un NAS Synology<br />

› Service professionnel : monitoring & assistance<br />

› Hébergement au Luxembourg (sécurisé en datacenter)<br />

› Technologie de chiffrement avancée avec un NAS<br />

*Engagement minimum de 12 mois<br />

Infrastructure IT - IMAC<br />

DaaS - NAS & Backup Cloud<br />

Repair Center<br />

Plus d'information :<br />

Charles Kieffer Group<br />



TECH<br />

JUNE 26 27 2024<br />



LINEUP<br />


Nexus2050, the new annual tech event, presents three days of<br />

discovery, inspiration, and learning, as well as opportunities for<br />

encounters, networking, and matchmaking.<br />

Nexus2050 is an international hub for stakeholders combining<br />

ecological and digital transitions, aiming to leverage technology<br />

for the benefit of governments, organisations and businesses<br />

to achieve their net-zero strategies by 2050. It’s about using<br />

technology to advance human progress, considering both<br />

productivity gains and addressing pressing ethical issues.<br />


The Grand Ducal Family<br />





Deputy Prime Minister,<br />

The Government<br />

of Luxembourg

THE<br />

TIONAL<br />

PULSE<br />


Forbes Books & Amazon Bestselling<br />

Author, President Emeritus -<br />

European Business Angel Network<br />

(EBAN)<br />


Deputy Minister of Economy<br />

of Ukraine<br />


CIO at NATO Support and Procurement<br />

Agency (NSPA) & CEO/Founder<br />

of Luxembourg Tech School (LTS)<br />


Minister of Economy,<br />

The Government of Luxembourg<br />


Senior B2B Trainer,<br />

Samsung Electronics Benelux<br />


Corporate Tech Influencer, Deloitte<br />

& Voice for Innovation in Europe<br />


Head of Unit in the Directorate General<br />

for for Defence Industry and<br />

Space, European Commission<br />


Co-Founder, Goodbytz<br />


Global Senior<br />

Business Executive<br />


DG GROW - Director for Investment,<br />

European Commission<br />


Social Entrepreneur<br />

& “Obama Europe Leader”,<br />

Obama Foundation<br />


Managing Director, Polestar<br />

Belgium & Polestar Luxembourg


Advisor for Technological<br />

Innovation, Digital<br />

Transformation and Cybersecurity,<br />

European Commission<br />


Partner, Mangrove<br />

Capital Partners<br />


Partner, Corporate<br />

Advisor and Engineer,<br />

Silverpeak LLP<br />


Founder and CEO,<br />

Epieos<br />


Rector, University of Luxembourg<br />


Chief Executive Officer,<br />

Rakuten Europe Bank S.A.<br />


Co-Founder &<br />

Managing Partner,<br />

The Epic Talent Society<br />


Managing Partner, Investor<br />

and Co-Founder, Ilavska<br />

Vuillermoz Capital<br />


President and Founder,<br />

Les Ateliers du Futur<br />


Head of Fiancial Tech,<br />



Strategic Advisor, Consultant,<br />

Teacher and Novelist,<br />

Expon Capital<br />


CEO, Pile Capital<br />


Head of Digital Marketing<br />

& Events, Airbus Defence and<br />

Space - Intelligence<br />


CEO,<br />

Swiss Life France<br />


Global Director of Digital<br />

Excellence, Ferrero<br />


Commissioner for Innovation,<br />

Research, Culture, Education, and<br />

Youth, European Commission<br />


Chief of Staff in Global Affairs,<br />

Google<br />


Minister of Finance,<br />

The Government of Luxembourg<br />


CEO and Founder,<br />

Active Asset Allocation<br />


CEO, Founder of Plan A and<br />

Co-Founder of Greentech Alliance<br />


Entrepreneur & Philanthropist,<br />

Epic - blisce/ - INFINITE – PAUSE<br />


Futurist, Innovation catalyst<br />

and VC, Visionary Future LLC

THE<br />



JUNE 26 27 2024<br />



Founder and CEO,<br />

Teylor AG<br />


Futurologist, Keynote Speaker,<br />

Thought Leader, Author<br />


Global Head of Consultancy<br />

and Electric Solutions,<br />

ALD Automotive<br />


Cofounder & Principal Analyst,<br />

HUB Institute<br />


Co-Founder, Goodbytz<br />


CEO and Managing Partner,<br />

Mangrove Capital Partners<br />


Head of Directorate General<br />

for Defence Industry and Space<br />

(DEFIS), European Commission<br />


Head of Climate Change<br />

Europe & Global Head<br />

of Carbon Markets, HSBC<br />

ALL<br />



Founder, Co-CEO<br />

and COO, N26<br />


Head of Technology Investments,<br />

European Investment Fund (EIF)<br />


CEO,<br />

HSBC Luxembourg<br />

In collaboration with<br />

Global Partner

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Learn<br />

Décrypter les<br />

tendances du<br />

Cloud et de<br />

l’outsourcing<br />

Entretien avec<br />

Jacques Ruckert<br />

| Propos recueillis par Nastassia Haux |<br />

Rendez-vous au cœur de la révolution du cloud avec<br />

Jacques RUCKERT, Chief Solutions & Innovation<br />

Officer chez Proximus Luxembourg. Lors d’une<br />

récente entrevue, nous avons exploré les tendances<br />

à court, moyen et long terme qui redessinent le<br />

paysage du cloud, tout en mettant en lumière le<br />

rôle pivot du Luxembourg en tant que carrefour<br />

stratégique du cloud souverain. Jacques Ruckert<br />

nous a également partagé sa vision sur la position<br />

stratégique de Proximus Luxembourg au sein de<br />

cet écosystème en pleine mutation, ainsi que sur les<br />

évolutions fascinantes dans l’outsourcing des services<br />

informatiques.<br />

1. Quelle est votre vision de l'évolution du marché du Cloud à<br />

court, moyen et long terme, en tenant compte de la diversité<br />

des modèles – privé, public, souverain – et des services – IaaS,<br />

SaaS, PaaS – ?<br />

« Ces dernières années, le cloud a souvent été perçu comme<br />

une solution à presque tous les problèmes et comme un moyen<br />

de réduire les coûts. Cependant, il est important de noter que le<br />

cloud ne résout pas tout et que la réduction des coûts n’est pas<br />

automatique.<br />

Jacques Ruckert<br />

Chief Solutions & Innovation Officer<br />

chez Proximus Luxembourg<br />

À court terme, nous assisterons à une adoption accrue des services<br />

cloud, avec une attention particulière sur l'analyse de la criticité des<br />

données et des applications pour choisir entre cloud privé, public<br />

ou hybride. Il est crucial de définir une 'landing zone' pour le cloud<br />

public et d'utiliser l'approche 'FinOps' pour une gestion efficace,<br />

en collaborant étroitement entre les équipes technologiques,<br />


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Le Luxembourg a un rôle clé à jouer, surtout<br />

dans le domaine du cloud souverain.<br />

financières et commerciales. L'accompagnement de nos clients<br />

devient de plus en plus important, avec une demande croissante<br />

pour nos services de conseil type 'cloud adoption'.<br />

À moyen terme, nous prévoyons une migration plus massive<br />

des données et applications vers des modèles comme IaaS et<br />

PaaS. Les entreprises commenceront à adopter des solutions<br />

plus sophistiquées pour répondre à des besoins spécifiques en<br />

matière de souveraineté des données, influencées par des facteurs<br />

réglementaires et stratégiques. Le modèle SaaS continue à poser<br />

des défis, notamment lorsque les logiciels sont conçus pour le<br />

cloud sans option hybride. Cependant certains éditeurs donnent<br />

le choix aux clients en ce qui concerne le mode d’hébergement :<br />

dans ce cas de figure il est possible d’héberger le logiciel sur un<br />

cloud souverain tout en l’offrant en mode SaaS.<br />

À moyen et long terme, la situation géopolitique mondiale jouera<br />

un rôle de plus en plus déterminant dans la stratégie cloud des<br />

entreprises. Nous verrons une augmentation de l'importance du<br />

cloud souverain, avec des entreprises cherchant à contrôler plus<br />

strictement la localisation et l'accès à leurs données. »<br />

2. Comment voyez-vous le Luxembourg évoluer et s'imposer<br />

dans le monde du Cloud en général, et du cloud souverain<br />

en particulier, au cœur de l'UE, notamment par rapport aux<br />

grandes nations européennes ?<br />

« Le Luxembourg a un rôle clé à jouer, surtout dans le domaine du<br />

cloud souverain. Pour rappel, en 2003, le statut de professionnel du<br />

secteur financier – PSF – a été étendu aux entreprises fournissant<br />

des services opérationnels impliquant l’accès à des données<br />

confidentielles. Cela a permis de réduire les risques opérationnels<br />

et de garantir l’application des règles de confidentialité.<br />

Ces prestataires doivent respecter des exigences strictes en<br />

matière d’audit et appliquer les meilleures pratiques pour préserver<br />

la confidentialité des données de leurs clients. Cette approche<br />

unique a permis au Luxembourg de développer un centre d’excellence<br />

pour une externalisation réglementée, lui fournissant une base<br />

solide pour opérer un cloud souverain.<br />

Clarence, joint-venture entre Luxconnect et Proximus Luxembourg,<br />

offrira un cloud souverain basé sur la technologie innovante<br />

Google Cloud, totalement déconnecté de Google, et dont Clarence<br />

assurera l’ensemble des opérations. Nous serons parmi les premiers<br />

en Europe à lancer cette solution sur le marché au quatrième<br />

trimestre de cette année.<br />

Ce nouveau cloud souverain cible le marché luxembourgeois et<br />

les pays avoisinants. Nous sommes convaincus que la réputation<br />

du Luxembourg, son know-how opérationnel et sa culture de<br />

confidentialité permettront d’attirer des clients au-delà de ses<br />

frontières. »<br />

3. Comment évaluez-vous la position de Proximus Luxembourg<br />

dans le contexte stratégique actuel concernant la<br />

souveraineté des données en Europe ?<br />

« La souveraineté des données se décline selon différents axes<br />

: données, opérations et software. Clarence, remplit ces trois<br />

conditions.<br />

Cependant, tous les clients n’ont pas besoin de cette souveraineté<br />

forte. Par exemple, une société souhaitant uniquement stocker<br />

ses données localement peut utiliser les produits en mode ‘edge’<br />

offerts par les trois hyperscalers, qui peuvent suffire pour répondre<br />

à certains besoins. Dans ce cas, nous ne parlons pas de cloud<br />

‘air-gapped’, car les opérations sont toujours effectuées par les<br />

hyperscalers. D’autres clients se satisferont du cryptage des<br />

données dans le cloud, comme avec le confidential computing.<br />

Ces choix dépendent de la criticité des données et applications.<br />

Ainsi, Proximus Luxembourg, à travers Clarence, adresse les trois<br />

niveaux de souveraineté : en effet, pour une souveraineté forte,<br />

la proposition de valeur de Clarence est unique. En outre, en tant<br />

que leader du cloud sur le marché luxembourgeois, Proximus<br />

Luxembourg se positionne comme un acteur de référence grâce à<br />

sa roadmap exhaustive de solutions cloud et son avant-gardisme<br />

sur le développement de solutions souveraines. Cette approche<br />

novatrice dépasse les frontières luxembourgeoises, renforçant<br />

la position de Proximus Luxembourg en tant que partenaire de<br />

confiance pour les entreprises à la recherche de solutions cloud<br />

sécurisées et conformes à la réglementation européenne en<br />

matière de souveraineté des données. »<br />

4. En matière d'outsourcing des services informatiques,<br />

quelle est votre perception des motivations actuelles des<br />

entreprises ? Y a-t-il une tendance marquée vers l'outsourcing<br />

? Comment évaluez-vous les tendances entre les services<br />

managés sélectifs et l'outsourcing complet des services<br />

informatiques des entreprises ?<br />

« Nous observons actuellement une demande accrue des clients<br />

pour nous confier leur infrastructure informatique de base – la<br />

‘commodity IT’ – leur permettant de se concentrer davantage sur<br />

leurs applications de métier.<br />

Les technologies évoluent constamment et il devient parfois<br />

difficile pour certains clients de recruter les experts nécessaires<br />

pour garantir une haute disponibilité de leurs plateformes. Par<br />

conséquent, qu’elles soient grandes ou petites, ces entreprises se<br />

tournent vers Proximus Luxembourg , qui bénéficie d’économies<br />

d’échelle en matière d’opérations des plateformes et dispose de<br />

la masse critique d’experts pour chaque technologie.<br />

Dans cette perspective, Proximus Luxembourg se positionne comme<br />

un partenaire stratégique pour ses clients et leurs CIO. Nous nous<br />

engageons à accompagner nos clients dans leur croissance en leur<br />

fournissant des solutions adaptées à leurs besoins spécifiques.<br />

En fonction de la maturité et des besoins des clients, la demande<br />

varie entre outsourcing sélectif et outsourcing complet. Cette<br />

flexibilité dans nos services nous permet de nous adapter aux<br />

évolutions de nos clients et de leur offrir un soutien personnalisé<br />

tout au long de leur parcours de transformation numérique. »<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

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ASP Expands Servic<br />

& IT Automation to Lu<br />

A new player has entered the Luxembourg<br />

tech market last year. Who is ASP? What<br />

sets this innovative newcomer apart in the<br />

sphere of automation solutions, cybersecurity<br />

and digital transformation? Jean-François<br />

Grégoire, Director at ASP Luxembourg,<br />

sheds light on the company's ethos, approach,<br />

and ambitions in this exclusive interview.<br />

1. Can you introduce us to ASP and its approach in terms of<br />

managed services?<br />

First, I think it's important to mention that ASP - Advanced Service<br />

Provider - is a company of enthusiastic engineers; What we like<br />

at ASP is to use technology and innovation to bring rapid returns<br />

on investment to our customers.<br />

We used to say that our mojo is "ASP keeps the lights on"… and<br />

that you can focus on the most important things like innovation.<br />

This means, for instance, that we provide technologies - like<br />

automation - to simplify IT Operations, smoothing and securing<br />

all processes. And we give time back to system administrators and<br />

business owners. Manual tasks are reduced, error risk is reduced<br />

and the ROI is on the time saved. As you know, time is money.<br />

2. As a new player in Luxembourg, how does ASP plan to stand<br />

out from the competition?<br />

In Belgium, we have been active since 1995, almost 30 years already!<br />

Over the years, we have acquired an extensive experience in IT<br />

Infrastructure management. Moreover, during the last decade,<br />

we have even operated customers environments.<br />

We have great ambitions for the future!<br />

We aim to become a major player on the<br />

Luxembourgish market by reinforcing our<br />

automation expertise.<br />

As you probably know, engineers are always trying to simplify<br />

their daily activities. At ASP, we have been looking for solutions<br />

to simplify the way we work. We adopted automation a long time<br />

ago and we decided to use it for our own activities. A unified<br />

portal with all tasks automated in the background is a significant<br />

business differentiator.<br />

I am convinced that ASP's experience alone can bring a concrete<br />

added value to the Luxembourgish market.<br />

3. Having flexibility in IT solution integration is a major<br />

challenge for most organizations. What specific skills does<br />

ASP have in integrating monitoring, cybersecurity and<br />

automation products?<br />

Indeed, integrating IT solutions can be a real puzzle. As ASP is a<br />

mid-size company, we must cautiously select our solutions and<br />


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handling the requests really simplified. And a happy customer is<br />

a loyal customer!<br />

HR Service Delivery is also a domain in early development at ASP.<br />

eNow | By ASP |<br />

xembourg<br />

partnerships. We work only with intensively tested products,<br />

validated by our experts, and easily deployable.<br />

Our engineers are certified on innovative and very specialized<br />

solutions like IT Automation (Red Hat Ansible, ServiceNow),<br />

monitoring (Checkmk, MonitorNow, Dynatrace) or cybersecurity<br />

(Crowdstrike, CheckPoint). We also partner with Microsoft Azure<br />

and Dell.<br />

Our main differentiator is that we can integrate all these solutions<br />

together. It's not just a theoretical concept; we put it into practice<br />

for our own internal operations.<br />

4. Automation, efficiency or competitiveness are hot topics<br />

today. Can you summarize your expertise in these domains?<br />

We can divide the ASP automation expertise into two domains.<br />

The first one is IT operations. We have a strong expertise in Red<br />

Hat Ansible. We can automate deployments on premise and in the<br />

Cloud. All aspects can be covered: virtual machines, containers,<br />

networking, patching, system compliance, you name it.<br />

As we always look to the future, we are also looking for fresh<br />

solutions to give back more time to our customers. GenAI is a buzz<br />

word but it is really changing the automation world.<br />

5. Luxembourg is considered a multicultural hub. What is your<br />

approach to the success of a project?<br />

We believe that diversity is a strength. We have a multicultural<br />

team, and we know it's an asset for project success. We value<br />

teamwork, intercultural communication, equality, and always<br />

listen to different perspectives.<br />

6. Customer satisfaction is a key element of your success.<br />

What testimonials and experiences illustrate the quality of<br />

your services?<br />

We want to be as close to our customers as possible. Proximity<br />

helps to understand the current and future challenges. And it seems<br />

to work, as most of our clients are long-time loyal customers. I<br />

would like to thank them for their trust and loyalty! You can find<br />

different testimonials on our website.<br />

7. What are ASP's future plans for managed IT services in<br />

Luxembourg?<br />

We have great ambitions for the future! We aim to become a major<br />

player on the Luxembourgish market by reinforcing our automation<br />

expertise. To achieve this, we will continue to invest in innovation<br />

and the development of our skills. Currently, we are actively<br />

recruiting to ensure a constant presence with our Luxembourgish<br />

clients. We want to strengthen our market presence and establish<br />

partnerships with local actors.<br />

The second domain is process digitalization. For years we have<br />

been partnering with ServiceNow and have acquired a strong<br />

expertise on multiple aspects of the platform. IT operations again,<br />

with ITSM/ATOM. Simplification of IT processes, reducing cost,<br />

controlling assets... that creates a smoother user experience.<br />

ASP can also develop customized business applications to transform<br />

legacy processes - with paper documents, scans, Excel files - into<br />

a digital journey, where ServiceNow replaces manual tasks. Users<br />

have access to a unique platform with all tasks consolidated,<br />

automated and secured, with the ability to create business reports.<br />

With the implementation of ServiceNow Customer Service<br />

Management – CSM - the B2B experience can be upgraded to the<br />

next level. The integration of a Virtual Agent - with a consolidated<br />

knowledge database, making recorded assets available, following<br />

up processes, etc. - makes the life of both the customers and those<br />

Jean-François Grégoire<br />

Director at ASP Luxembourg<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

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7 years Nutanix in<br />

Luxembourg<br />

| By Nutanix |<br />

In 2017, Nutanix launched a<br />

franchise in Luxembourg. Over<br />

the past seven years, market<br />

shifts and technology trends<br />

transformed the industry.<br />

However, Nutanix remained<br />

loyal to its success strategy and<br />

has evolved into a go-to brand for<br />

Luxembourg companies when<br />

it comes to IT infrastructure.<br />

Fabrizio Heitzmann, Sales<br />

Manager at the company, looks<br />

back at the journey so far and<br />

talks about future challenges<br />

for Luxembourg organizations.<br />

Where does Nutanix stand after seven years on the<br />

Luxembourg market?<br />

“Our approach has always been centered on providing the best<br />

customer experience. This was true when we launched Nutanix<br />

Luxembourg seven years ago with just five customers, and it has<br />

not changed for the 90 customers we serve today. Moreover, those<br />

five early customers are still with us. They now form a dynamic<br />

community, sharing ideas and practices on how to maximize the<br />

potential of our platform, and they even help to introduce Nutanix<br />

to new customers.”<br />

“Building a reputation in Luxembourg takes time, but once it’s<br />

established, things go really fast. We always aim to create a<br />

long-term impact for our customers, and this is now paying off.<br />

Despite our rapid growth, it's important to keep our start-up<br />

mentality. For me, this means that we stay accountable to both<br />

the market and our customers’ success. Education is a big part of<br />

that, so we leverage Nutanix’ global resources to train the people<br />

who use our platform. By staying close to our customers, we can<br />

better understand their challenges and support their strategies.”<br />

“In fact, Luxembourg is like a laboratory for Nutanix. It provides a<br />

unique environment where we work with businesses of all sizes,<br />

from small companies to large enterprises. It gives us valuable<br />

insights into what resonates across the market.”<br />

Our success highlights the market’s need<br />

for open infrastructure and intuitive tools<br />

What were the biggest successes of Nutanix in the past six<br />

months?<br />

“We have recently onboarded ten new customers with exciting<br />

and scalable projects. This uptick in demand has been driven,<br />

in part, by uncertainty in the market. Obviously, the acquisition<br />

of our main competitor VMware has been a catalyst, but I always<br />

make it clear to prospects that Nutanix is not a plan B. We have<br />

been doing the right thing long before this acquisition. In my<br />

opinion, what happens now highlights the market’s need for open<br />

infrastructure and intuitive tools that empower companies to run<br />


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their business. VMware is a great technology, but we decided to<br />

take another approach and this has led to our success today.”<br />

“What sets us apart in Luxembourg is that we never push our<br />

technology. Not every customer is ready to innovate, but when<br />

they are, we are here with flexible solutions to help them in their<br />

endeavors. In more mature markets, Nutanix has long been<br />

present in the enterprise domain, but in Luxembourg this is a<br />

major evolution; our projects are growing in size and scalability.”<br />

“Finally, Nutanix’ growth is also the result of our focus on developing<br />

a strong partner network. Our partners are the reason why we<br />

can scale and stay close to the market. We prioritize training our<br />

partners to ensure they have the right skills to position Nutanix<br />

with our customers.”<br />

now have a solution that is ready to be used on-premises, with the<br />

security and control they desire. Organizations understand that<br />

architecture matters. Our ability to extend into public cloud from<br />

the same interface is helping customers rationalize their cloud<br />

strategy. Ultimately, we want to ensure that an application runs<br />

where it makes most sense. Technology should not dictate this.”<br />

Finally, what is the main ambition for Nutanix in Luxembourg?<br />

“We aim to be the first name that comes to mind when companies<br />

think about IT transformation. There are still plenty of projects to<br />

pursue, but our market expansion will always be grounded in the<br />

core principles that drive our success: accountability, a focus on<br />

business outcomes and our role as strategic partner. We can’t<br />

cover everything, but from an architectural standpoint, Nutanix<br />

is a smart choice.”<br />

What are the challenges the Luxembourg market is facing<br />

today?<br />

“Companies are seeking greater stability and security, driven by<br />

legislation such as DORA, the new EU standard designed to ensure<br />

data protection through specific architectural requirements.<br />

Many customers have questions about this, so we actively work to<br />

educate the market. Nutanix’s platform is already aligned with the<br />

DORA principles, offering the architecture and a range of services<br />

to help companies secure their data and prevent breaches.”<br />

“Another challenge is the shortage of infrastructure specialists.<br />

Finding the right profiles is a real nightmare for Luxembourg<br />

companies. We support them by providing intuitive technology.<br />

A CIO once told me that using Nutanix actually helps him attract<br />

and retain talent. Our platform is 100% software- and API-driven.<br />

It provides a new way of working that appeals to professionals.”<br />

“Last but not least, there is a growing buzz around Artificial<br />

Intelligence (AI), with more CIOs launching AI projects. Again,<br />

Nutanix is prepared to support these efforts by delivering the<br />

data services required to accelerate AI adoption. No matter how<br />

AI evolves over the next six months, our platform is equipped to<br />

run these projects. I dare say we are ahead of the competition,<br />

and we already have customers using Nutanix for AI projects.”<br />

What are the most significant changes you see after seven<br />

years in Luxembourg?<br />

“Seven years is an eternity in IT. We are mainly witnessing a<br />

shift in key stakeholders, both at the CIO level and in operational<br />

teams. New generations are coming in with refreshing ideas. I’m<br />

also pleased to see a growing number of women in those roles.”<br />

“In recent years, we have seen businesses strive thanks to the<br />

impact of IT. This now results in a stronger focus on innovation<br />

with more bold initiatives, customers who are willing to disturb<br />

the status quo, and companies hiring profiles with different<br />

backgrounds and visions. We are only scratching the surface of<br />

this new era. It’s an exciting time to work in IT.”<br />

Besides AI, do you see other trends that CIOs should be aware of?<br />

“Hybrid multi-cloud is here to stay. We are seeing that more<br />

Nutanix customers recognize the value of building their own<br />

cloud. Even companies that initially went all-in on Azure or AWS<br />

Fabrizio Heitzmann<br />

Sales Manager at Nutanix<br />


September 26 th , 2024<br />

CELO<br />

Tech talk by Women,<br />

not only for Women.<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

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R<br />

K<br />

O<br />




As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent<br />

in today's business landscape, managed service<br />

providers (MSPs) play a crucial role in enabling<br />

organizations to effectively support and empower<br />

their remote workforces. This article explores the<br />

significance of MSPs in facilitating remote work<br />

arrangements and highlights the key ways in which<br />

they contribute to enhancing productivity, security<br />

and collaboration for distributed teams.<br />

F<br />

— Infrastructure and connectivity<br />

MSPs play a pivotal role in providing the necessary infrastructure<br />

and connectivity solutions to support remote workforces. This<br />

includes provisioning and managing cloud-based services, virtual<br />

private networks (VPNs), remote desktops, and collaboration<br />

tools such as video conferencing platforms and messaging apps.<br />

By leveraging MSPs' expertise in network architecture and cloud<br />

computing, organizations can ensure seamless connectivity and<br />

access to essential resources for remote employees, regardless<br />

of their location.<br />

— Endpoint management and security<br />

Securing endpoints and protecting sensitive data are paramount<br />

considerations for organizations with remote workforces. MSPs<br />

offer endpoint management solutions that enable centralized<br />

monitoring, patch management, antivirus protection, and threat<br />

detection for devices accessing corporate networks remotely.<br />

Additionally, MSPs implement robust cybersecurity measures<br />

such as firewalls, encryption, multi-factor authentication, and<br />

security awareness training to mitigate the risk of cyber threats<br />

and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.<br />


O<br />

R<br />

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C<br />

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KFORCES | By Michaël Renotte |<br />

E<br />

S<br />

— Remote support and help desk services<br />

Remote employees require timely and efficient technical support<br />

to address IT issues and resolve challenges encountered while<br />

working remotely. MSPs provide remote support and help desk<br />

services staffed by experienced technicians who can troubleshoot<br />

issues, provide guidance, and offer solutions to remote workers<br />

via phone, email, or chat. By outsourcing technical support to<br />

MSPs, organizations can ensure responsive and reliable assistance<br />

for remote employees, minimizing downtime and maximizing<br />

productivity.<br />

— Collaboration and communication tools<br />

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for remote<br />

teams to collaborate efficiently and stay connected. MSPs offer a<br />

range of collaboration tools and unified communications solutions<br />

that facilitate seamless communication, file sharing, and project<br />

collaboration among remote employees. These include platforms<br />

such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom, and Google Workspace,<br />

which enable real-time messaging, video conferencing, document<br />

collaboration, and task management, enhancing teamwork and<br />

productivity for distributed teams.<br />

— Performance monitoring and optimization<br />

Monitoring and optimizing the performance of remote work<br />

environments are critical for ensuring productivity and user<br />

satisfaction. MSPs implement performance monitoring tools and<br />

analytics platforms that track key performance indicators (KPIs),<br />

network performance metrics, and user experience metrics<br />

for remote workers. By analyzing data and identifying areas for<br />

improvement, MSPs can optimize network performance, application<br />

responsiveness, and overall user experience, enhancing productivity<br />

and efficiency for remote workforces.<br />

— Disaster recovery and business continuity<br />

Maintaining business continuity and resilience in the face of<br />

disruptions is essential for remote work environments. MSPs<br />

design and implement disaster recovery and business continuity<br />

plans that include data backup, replication, failover, and recovery<br />

strategies to ensure continuity of operations in the event of<br />

natural disasters, cyber attacks, or other unforeseen events. By<br />

partnering with MSPs, organizations can mitigate risks, minimize<br />

downtime, and protect critical business operations, even in remote<br />

work scenarios.<br />

Spiceworks' Annual Report on IT Budgets and<br />

Tech Trends (Spiceworks State of IT) shows<br />

that Managed services spending accounted<br />

for 18% of IT budgets in 2023, up from 15% in<br />

2020. In the near future European businesses<br />

are more likely than North American<br />

businesses to expect to face challenges related<br />

to supporting remote employees.<br />


03<br />

Solve<br />

{ Verbe transitif }<br />

Trouver une solution, une réponse à un problème,<br />

à une question.<br />


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TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Solve<br />

Cloud Computing<br />

Cloud computing has become the norm for a wide<br />

range of businesses, with over 45% of EU enterprises<br />

having purchased a cloud computing service over<br />

the course of 2023. In Luxembourg’s financial<br />

services industry, which is deeply rooted in tradition,<br />

the adoption of cloud services has unsurprisingly<br />

been rather slow when compared to neighbouring<br />

countries. However, in September 2022, the<br />

Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) became the<br />

first financial institution in Luxembourg to migrate<br />

its entire infrastructure to the cloud, marking a<br />

significant step forward in its digitalisation efforts,<br />

putting itself ahead of the curve at a national<br />

level and opening the way for other businesses to<br />

follow suit. But what exactly were the reasons that<br />

motivated this move?<br />

— Increased agility and scalability<br />

If there’s one thing that distinguishes modern business operating<br />

models from outdated ones, it’s agility. Organisations must be<br />

able to address changing market dynamics and new customer<br />

demands in a responsive manner. Cloud migration can go a long<br />

way in enabling business agility by providing the right digital<br />

infrastructure and the tools necessary to adapt to these new<br />

business demands.<br />

Thanks to the cloud’s scalable infrastructure and flexible environment,<br />

businesses can test new ideas and roll out new digital services<br />

and applications without the constraints of traditional hardware<br />

setups. Take LuxSE GPT for example. Launched mid 2023, LuxSE’s<br />

new dedicated AI tool is entirely hosted, managed and updated<br />

in the Cloud. This helps ensure a seamless integration with other<br />

cloud services available to LuxSE employees, as well as providing<br />

them with access to the service from virtually anywhere.<br />

The Cloud can also help businesses streamline a wide range of<br />

digital procedures and save time in the process. When LuxSE<br />

concluded the sale of its subsidiary Fundsquare in 2022, cloud<br />

technology helped accelerate the digital separation between<br />

the two entities, moving from the project initiation to closure in<br />

approximately four months. Another advantage of using cloud<br />

technology for separation projects is the immediate cost savings<br />

incurred as applications are transferred, as opposed to traditional<br />

IT systems where costs are tied to unused capacity.<br />

— Robust security measures coupled with a<br />

shorter reaction time<br />

In this digital era, organisations of all sizes increasingly rely on<br />

data to guide their business decisions. Harnessing these vast<br />

amounts of data is crucial, even more so in the financial services<br />

industry – but safeguarding this sensitive data is just as important<br />

to begin with.<br />

One key advantage of cloud migration is the management of<br />

security updates, as the robust cybersecurity environment offered<br />

by cloud platforms can go a long way in helping to protect this<br />

sensitive data. Cloud providers continuously monitor and update<br />

their security measures to address new potential threats, ensuring<br />

that businesses can benefit from the latest protection without the<br />

need for manual intervention.<br />

Most robust cloud environments also offer easily integrated and<br />

advanced authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor<br />

authentication and identity management services, bolstering<br />

their defences against unauthorised access. By leveraging the<br />

expertise and resources of cloud providers and adding that<br />

additional layer to their cybersecurity defence, organisations can<br />

therefore fortify their infrastructures and mitigate the risk of any<br />

potential data breaches.<br />

— Effective resource allocation and reduced costs<br />

One of the biggest benefits of migrating to the cloud is the ability<br />

to allocate and shift resources according to the organisation’s<br />

specific needs. By providing on-demand access to computing<br />


Solve<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

er of<br />

| By Luxembourg Stock Exchange |<br />

storage and networking resources, cloud environments enable<br />

organisations to readjust their resources efficiently and optimise<br />

their digital performance. On top of this, with pay-as-you-go cloud<br />

services now commonplace, businesses are able to significantly<br />

reduce their spending at the touch of a button.<br />

Perhaps most important of all, in this era of heightened environmental<br />

consciousness, businesses can also leverage cloud technology<br />

to reduce their energy consumption. For instance, migrating its<br />

infrastructure to the cloud enabled LuxSE to slash its CO2 emissions<br />

by an impressive 55%. While it's true that cloud environments do<br />

generate some CO2 emissions, the mutualization of resources, the<br />

scale and efficiency of cloud computing, coupled with providers'<br />

growing investments in green initiatives, promise ongoing reductions<br />

in the environmental impact of cloud computing in years to come.<br />

With global spending on cloud computing infrastructure projected<br />

to exceed $1 trillion in 2024, fuelled by a rising demand for new<br />

platforms and as-a-service solutions like AI, it's evident that<br />

cloud adoption is evolving into a crucial element of modern work<br />

environments, enabling businesses to streamline operations,<br />

scale efficiently and remain competitive in today's rapidly evolving<br />

digital landscape.<br />

Laurent Pulinckx<br />

CIO and Member of the Executive Committee<br />

at the Luxembourg Stock Exchange<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Solve<br />

Strategic Outsourcing:<br />

Fueling Competitiveness in<br />

Financial Organizations<br />

Introducing Third Party Watch by Reply: the market's one and only tool driving financial<br />

innovation, business transformation and compliance. In a society where there is immense<br />

pressure on organizations to digitally transform and innovate, outsourcing becomes a<br />

critical tool. It allows companies to access specialized expertise and advanced technologies<br />

quickly, reducing the time and cost associated with developing these capabilities in-house.<br />

This, in turn, enables businesses to be more agile, responding<br />

swiftly to market changes and customer demands. As a<br />

result, companies are induced to rethink their strategies,<br />

focusing on their core competencies while leveraging outsourced<br />

services to enhance overall efficiency and competitiveness. This<br />

strategic shift is essential for maintaining relevance and achieving<br />

sustainable growth in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.<br />

“Being agile and proactive in adapting to regulatory changes has<br />

become a real competitive advantage for financial organizations,<br />

this solution has been created to answer the need of our clients to<br />

stay ahead of the curve and ensure compliance and efficiency in<br />

their operations” explained Maxime Hennau, Insurance Advisory<br />

Leader at Reply.<br />

— Regulatory Evolution and the Role<br />

of the 2 nd Line of Defense<br />

Outsourcing governance has been an increasingly important<br />

management area in Luxembourg financial services. Most Banking,<br />

Asset Management and Insurance companies have put in place<br />

operational and IT models relying heavily on external and intragroup<br />

service providers.<br />

With Circulars 18/698 and 22/806 from the Commission de Surveillance<br />

du Secteur Financier (CSSF), and Circulars 21/15 and 22/16 from the<br />

Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA), the regulatory background<br />

has also evolved, strengthening the requirements for initial and<br />

ongoing due diligence as well as business and IT oversight of<br />

service providers.<br />

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is now adding to this<br />

regulatory background, with a focus on ICT services.<br />

Amidst these developments, the role and responsibilities of the<br />

2 nd Line of Defense, typically led by the Chief Risk Officer, take<br />

center stage. They are tasked with overseeing crucial aspects of<br />

the service provider relationship lifecycle, from due diligence to<br />

ongoing oversight. Effectively executing these functions necessitate<br />

coordination across various teams, including the 1 st Line of Defense,<br />

Operations, IT, Legal and Oversight Teams, and the centralization<br />

of outsourcing-related documents and data for comprehensive<br />

risk management and compliance.<br />

— Third Party Watch: Bridging Compliance<br />

and Operational Efficiency<br />

Reply is a group of more than 15,000 people internationally, specialized<br />

in the design and implementation of solutions based on new<br />

communication channels and digital media. It works as a network<br />

of highly specialized companies. In Belux, it is represented by<br />

Avantage Reply, eFinance Consulting Reply, Business Elements<br />

and, the new one, ZEST Reply.<br />

“In the Belux region, most of our clientele comprises financial<br />

institutions. Notably, Luxembourg stands as a prominent financial<br />

hub, ranking as the world's second-largest investment fund center.<br />

For our clients, maintaining competitiveness isn't merely a goal but<br />

an imperative. Consequently, we've leveraged the expertise of our<br />

regulatory and IT specialists to create Third Party Watch—a tailored<br />

solution designed to fulfill the pivotal role of the second line of defense<br />

in overseeing outsourcing agreements and delivering essential services<br />

to our clients." stated Frederic Gielen, Executive Partner at Reply.<br />

Concretely, Third Party Watch offers several key functionalities:<br />

(1) It allows the user to organize all steps of the onboarding lifecycle:<br />

risk assessment, due diligence, and criticality assessment. The<br />

appropriate tasks, predefined in the tool, are allocated, monitored<br />

and recorded in the tool.<br />


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TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Estelle Fremaux,<br />

Associate Partner<br />

Business Elements Reply<br />

Maxime Hennau,<br />

Insurance Advisory Leader<br />

eFinance Consulting Reply<br />

Hugo Larguinho Brás,<br />

Partner<br />

eFinance Consulting Reply<br />

Frederic Gielen,<br />

Executive Partner<br />

Reply Group<br />

(2) It allows the collection, storage and accessibility of all outsourcing<br />

documents, acting as a centralizing tool.<br />

(3) It provides a detailed audit log of all interactions related to an<br />

outsourcing arrangement, easing the transparency with regulators<br />

and external auditors.<br />

(4) It orchestrates the content of Service Level Agreements agreed<br />

with service providers, reflecting the planning and the outcome of<br />

Key Performance Indicators.<br />

(5) It includes automatic notifications and reminders, decided by<br />

the 2nd Line of Defense, helping confirm that operational controls<br />

and annual criticality assessments are performed at the expected<br />

frequency and simplifying the management of contract terminations<br />

with service providers.<br />

The tool is therefore of interest for risk management, compliance,<br />

and oversight teams. In a sector where regulations like DORA impose<br />

stringent controls, Third Party Watch meets these requirements<br />

by centralizing information and applying methodologies expected<br />

by regulators.<br />

— Integrated Management<br />

of Service Provider Relationships<br />

Third Party Watch manages all phases of relationships with external<br />

and intragroup service providers, covering the entire lifecycle from<br />

onboarding to termination, including continuous monitoring. It<br />

ensures compliance with financial sector regulations such as CSSF<br />

Circulars 18/698 and 22/806 and CAA Circulars 21/15 and 22/16.<br />

management, ensuring effective supervision and regulatory<br />

compliance.<br />

Estelle Fremaux, Partner at Business Elements, emphasizes,<br />

"Being fully integrated into the Microsoft ecosystem automatically<br />

facilitates interactions with Office, Outlook, and all Power Platform<br />

capabilities. This makes Third Party Watch easy and fast to deploy,<br />

highly customizable to meet specific client needs and capable of<br />

seamless data access and report generation.”<br />

Third Party Watch includes automated processes, notifications,<br />

validation workflows, Power BI and simplifies contract termination<br />

management by automatically sending notifications and activating<br />

exit procedures within defined timelines.<br />

Developed in close partnership with financial organizations, Third<br />

Party Watch integrates seamlessly with their operations, driving<br />

their transformative journey.<br />

"In summary, strategic outsourcing not only enhances efficiency but<br />

also fortifies competitiveness within financial organizations. We're<br />

proud to introduce Third Party Watch by Reply, a pioneering solution<br />

empowering the 2nd Line of Defense to seamlessly collaborate with IT,<br />

legal, and operations teams on outsourcing and task responsibilities.<br />

With every aspect orchestrated by our solution, ambiguity surrounding<br />

stakeholder responsibilities is eliminated, ensuring streamlined<br />

operations and regulatory compliance.", concluded Hugo Larguinho<br />

Brás, Partner, Reply.<br />

Designed for the 2 nd Line of Defense, Third Party Watch optimizes<br />

service provider governance with a centralized, regulatory-compliant<br />

platform. It features advanced monitoring and performance<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Solve<br />

Enhancing Business<br />

Agility Through Strategic IT<br />

Outsourcing Partnerships<br />

| By Michaël Renotte |<br />

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, agility has become a critical factor for success, enabling<br />

organizations to adapt quickly to changing market conditions, customer demands, and technological<br />

advancements. Strategic IT outsourcing partnerships play a pivotal role in enhancing business agility by<br />

providing access to specialized expertise, scalable resources, and innovative solutions.<br />

— Access to specialized expertise<br />

One of the primary benefits of strategic IT outsourcing partnerships<br />

is access to specialized expertise in areas such as cloud computing,<br />

cybersecurity, data analytics, and software development. By<br />

collaborating with outsourcing partners who possess deep domain<br />

knowledge and industry experience, businesses can leverage<br />

best practices, innovative technologies, and emerging trends to<br />

address complex challenges and capitalize on new opportunities.<br />

This access to specialized expertise enhances the organization's<br />

agility by enabling rapid adaptation to changing market dynamics<br />

and evolving customer needs.<br />

— Scalable resources and flexibility<br />

Strategic IT outsourcing partnerships provide businesses with<br />

access to scalable resources and flexible solutions that can<br />

be tailored to meet fluctuating demand and evolving business<br />

requirements. Whether scaling infrastructure, expanding digital<br />

capabilities, or launching new products and services, outsourcing<br />

partners offer on-demand access to resources such as computing<br />

power, storage, bandwidth, and technical talent. This scalability<br />

and flexibility empower businesses to respond quickly to market<br />

opportunities, accelerate time-to-market, and optimize resource<br />

utilization, enhancing overall agility and competitiveness.<br />

— Rapid innovation and experimentation<br />

IT outsourcing partnerships foster a culture of innovation and<br />

experimentation by providing a collaborative environment for<br />

ideation, prototyping, and testing of new ideas and technologies.<br />

Outsourcing partners bring fresh perspectives, diverse skill<br />

sets, and creative solutions to the table, enabling businesses to<br />

innovate faster, iterate more efficiently, and stay ahead of the<br />

competition. By embracing a mindset of continuous innovation<br />

and experimentation, businesses can adapt quickly to changing<br />

market trends, customer preferences, and competitive pressures,<br />

enhancing their agility and market responsiveness.<br />

— Focus on core competencies<br />

Strategic IT outsourcing partnerships allow businesses to focus<br />

their internal resources and energies on core competencies<br />

and strategic initiatives that drive value and differentiation.<br />

By outsourcing non-core IT functions such as infrastructure<br />

management, application development, and technical support,<br />

organizations can streamline operations, reduce complexity, and<br />

free up resources for innovation and growth. This focus on core<br />

competencies enables businesses to be more agile and responsive<br />

to market opportunities, while outsourcing partners handle the<br />

day-to-day IT operations and support functions.<br />

— Risk mitigation and resilience<br />

Strategic IT outsourcing partnerships help mitigate risks and<br />

enhance business resilience by diversifying capabilities, resources,<br />

and expertise. By collaborating with outsourcing partners who<br />

have a robust risk management framework, disaster recovery<br />

capabilities, and business continuity planning, businesses can<br />

minimize the impact of disruptions such as cyber threats, natural<br />

disasters, and supply chain disruptions. This risk mitigation<br />

strategy enhances business agility by enabling rapid recovery,<br />

adaptive response, and continuity of operations in the face of<br />

adversity.<br />

— Strategic alignment and governance<br />

Successful IT outsourcing partnerships are built on a foundation<br />

of strategic alignment, mutual trust, and effective governance.<br />

Businesses should align outsourcing initiatives with strategic<br />

objectives, define clear roles and responsibilities, and establish<br />

robust governance structures to ensure accountability, transparency,<br />

and alignment with business goals. By fostering a collaborative<br />

partnership based on shared values, goals, and outcomes, businesses<br />

and outsourcing partners can drive synergies, innovation, and<br />

continuous improvement, enhancing overall business agility and<br />

competitiveness.<br />


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TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Primary drivers behind the growing<br />

use of outsourcing services<br />

Source: Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022<br />

Traditional Outsourcing<br />

Overall need to cut costs<br />

Business strategy and operating model shifts<br />

To gain access to new capabilities<br />

Reallocating CAPEX spend to OPEX<br />

Internal leadership changes<br />

Increased competition<br />

Changing talent landscape<br />

Increasing employees expectations<br />

Changing regulatory requirements<br />

Increasing and more complex cybersecurity threats<br />

Lack of employees skills or training skills<br />

Increasing pace of technology and digital transformation<br />

M&A activity<br />

33%<br />

31%<br />

29%<br />

24%<br />

22%<br />

18%<br />

16%<br />

14%<br />

10%<br />

45%<br />

51%<br />

49%<br />

57%<br />

Managed Services<br />

Increasing pace of technology and digital transformation<br />

To gain access to new capabilities<br />

Increasing and more complex cybersecurity threats<br />

Business strategy and operating model shifts<br />

Overall need to cut costs<br />

Lack of employees skills or training skills<br />

Increased competition<br />

Increasing employees expectations<br />

Changing talent landscape<br />

Internal leadership changes<br />

Changing regulatory requirements<br />

Reallocating CAPEX spend to OPEX<br />

M&A activity<br />

2%<br />

33%<br />

28%<br />

24%<br />

24%<br />

23%<br />

21%<br />

18%<br />

17%<br />

38%<br />

56%<br />

54%<br />

62%<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Solve<br />

Enhancing business<br />

through app<br />

modernization<br />

| By Laura Heil & Nastassia Haux |<br />

With technology evolving at a breathtaking pace,<br />

and digitization now affecting every aspect of<br />

society, how can companies address the imperative of<br />

modernizing applications? How can they maintain<br />

a competitive edge and ensure their long-term<br />

viability? We recently sat down with Cédric Jadoul,<br />

Managing Director Luxembourg & Head of Digital<br />

Consulting Benelux, and Daniel Sahler, Head of<br />

Multi-Cloud Services and Work Life BeLux, to delve<br />

into Fujitsu’s applications modernization strategy<br />

and their tailor-made solutions designed to match<br />

their clients needs.<br />

1. How can modernizing applications enhance business<br />

competitiveness?<br />

“Modernizing applications can make a business more competitive by<br />

enhancing agility, improving performance and ensuring adherence<br />

to current security standards. It allows businesses to leverage<br />

cloud computing, leading to cost savings, scalability and quick<br />

adaptation to market changes. Additionally, it offers a better user<br />

experience, which is crucial for customer and employee satisfaction<br />

and retention,” stated Daniel Sahler.<br />

“Moreover, it provides greater flexibility. By integrating microservices,<br />

applications can be split into smaller, more manageable pieces,<br />

enabling quicker improvements and adaptations to business<br />

demands,” added Cédric Jadoul. “With monolithic applications,<br />

making a change requires retesting the entire application, which<br />

can take months due to the risk of regression. Modernizing by<br />

splitting a monolithic architecture into microservices helps you<br />

adapt portions quickly and efficiently. For instance, companies<br />

like Meta deliver many updates daily, whereas a bank might only<br />

deliver updates once a quarter. This approach not only reduces<br />

maintenance costs but also ensures the business stays aligned<br />

with its day-to-day needs, enhancing agility and enabling swift<br />

adaptation to market and business changes.”<br />

2. What are some common concerns businesses have about<br />

updating their apps and how do you address them?<br />

“Businesses often worry about potential disruption during the<br />

transition, the significant costs of modernization, and the risk of<br />

encountering technical challenges or compatibility issues,” explained<br />

Daniel. “Additionally, the technical complexity arising from a shortage<br />

of talent in the market can compound these concerns. To address<br />

these challenges, developing a clear modernization strategy using<br />

incremental updates to minimize disruption is crucial. Leveraging<br />

cloud services can help reduce costs and provide a more flexible<br />

and scalable infrastructure.”<br />

“Updating applications, particularly with cloud and new technologies,<br />

will bring forth new possibilities for businesses that were previously<br />

unavailable,” stressed Cédric. “For example, the recent Artificial<br />

Intelligence revolution has enabled easier access to these services<br />

compared to traditional methods, making modern applications more<br />

agile and aligned with market trends.”<br />

3. What is containerization, and why is it important for<br />

businesses??<br />

“Containerization involves packaging software code along with<br />

all its dependencies, enabling the software to run uniformly and<br />

consistently on any infrastructure. Businesses should prioritize<br />

containerization as it enables efficient, lightweight and secure<br />

deployment of applications,” detailed Daniel Sahler. “This approach<br />

supports DevOps practices, enhancing scalability and simplifying<br />

the daily management of applications, updates and rollbacks. It<br />

facilitates quicker delivery to production, allowing organizations<br />

to align applications more effectively with their needs.”<br />

“Moreover, containerization streamlines the go-to-market and go-toproduction<br />

processes by addressing technical issues and questions<br />

more efficiently,” highlighted Cédric Jadoul. “Additionally, splitting<br />

old monolithic applications into sub-services allows the use of small<br />

containers to hold services shared between different applications.<br />

Consequently, updates to a service are automatically applied to<br />

every application relying on it, ensuring consistency and efficiency.”<br />


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TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Cédric Jadoul<br />

Managing Director<br />

Luxembourg & Head of Digital<br />

Consulting Benelux<br />

Daniel Sahler<br />

Head of Multi-Cloud Services<br />

and Work Life BeLux<br />

4. How does modernizing apps impact day-to-day business<br />

operations? Could you provide an example of successful app<br />

modernization for one of your clients?<br />

“Modernizing apps streamlines day-to-day operations by<br />

automating tasks, reducing manual work and improving data<br />

flow between systems. This leads to more efficient processes,<br />

better decision-making through real-time data analytics and<br />

enhanced collaboration among employees,“ stated Daniel. “For<br />

example, one client had to change their internal processes. We<br />

split their old monolithic application into parts and converted some<br />

to cloud-native technology, increasing agility and significantly<br />

reducing operational costs.”<br />

“In contrast, a traditional ‘lift and shift’ approach, where<br />

applications are moved to the cloud without modification, often<br />

leads to higher cloud costs compared to on-premises solutions”,<br />

noted Cédric. “By reshaping the application, you can activate<br />

services only when needed, reducing expenses and aligning<br />

with FinOps practices. In today's world, sustainability and<br />

carbon footprint are critical considerations. While modernizing<br />

applications won't instantly transform everything, updating your<br />

entire infrastructure with micro-containers can significantly<br />

reduce your carbon footprint and CO2 emissions.”<br />

5. How does your company uniquely assist clients in<br />

modernizing their applications?<br />

“At Fujitsu, we adopt a holistic approach, focusing on understanding<br />

each client's unique needs. We prioritize user experience and integrate<br />

advanced analytics for better insights, ensuring our efforts align<br />

with the clients’ business strategy and maximizing the impact of<br />

the transformation,” explained Daniel.<br />

planning, reducing costs, and minimizing the carbon footprint.”,<br />

outlined Cedric.<br />

“Additionally”, continued Daniel, “we incorporate AI wherever it<br />

adds value. Being cloud-agnostic allows us to recommend the best<br />

tools and technologies for each client’s needs rather than fitting<br />

applications to pre-selected tools.”<br />

6. How does your team guarantee a return on investment for<br />

businesses modernizing their applications?<br />

“To ensure that app modernization pays off, it's important to set clear<br />

objectives and measure them progressively against key performance<br />

indicators (KPIs), helping maintain focus on business outcomes.<br />

Ongoing support is also essential to optimize services and ensure<br />

sustained value from modernized applications,” explained Daniel.<br />

“Clear objectives and long-term success measurement are vital.<br />

Often, services are activated to bridge gaps without monitoring<br />

usage, leading to increased costs. Defining financial performance,<br />

sustainability and cost reduction as key factors, and continuously<br />

monitoring them, ensures desired outcomes. Applications will evolve<br />

daily, increasing complexity with new services and technologies,”<br />

emphasized Cedric.<br />

"Creating a Cloud Center of Excellence can play a vital role in a way<br />

to consolidate expertise and ensure that the KPIs, technology, and<br />

architecture set up are sustainable in the long run. Modern applications<br />

make continuous improvement easier than traditional monolithic<br />

ones. Furthermore, Fujitsu prioritizes training and upskilling in every<br />

customer engagement. Knowledge transfer is essential, and we aim<br />

to work as a team, reflecting our attitude and culture," Daniel said.<br />

“Our approach starts with a thorough understanding of the client's<br />

application landscape. Often, clients have applications running<br />

without a clear understanding of their operations. To address this,<br />

we conduct a comprehensive mapping of the existing application<br />

landscape. Following this assessment, we collaborate with clients to<br />

develop a strategy to migrate applications to the cloud, optimizing<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Solve<br />

Publi-rédactionnel<br />

BEYN votre partenaire pour une<br />

transformation digitale | By BEYN |<br />

Depuis plus de deux décennies, nous accompagnons les acteurs financiers d'Europe et d'Afrique<br />

du Nord. Notre expertise et notre savoir-faire vous permettent de propulser votre performance,<br />

en vous offrant des solutions digitales innovantes et personnalisées.<br />

Guidés par nos valeurs fondamentales - focus client,<br />

ambition, connexion, engagement et inspiration - nous<br />

plaçons l'expérience client et l'optimisation des coûts<br />

opérationnels au cœur de notre démarche. Nous cultivons une<br />

relation étroite avec nos clients en nous immergeant dans leurs<br />

réalités et en comprenant leurs enjeux spécifiques. Cette approche<br />

nous permet de proposer des solutions sur mesure qui répondent<br />

précisément à vos besoins et vos aspirations.<br />

Notre mission est simple et ambitieuse : propulser les institutions<br />

financières vers de nouveaux sommets en leur offrant des outils<br />

digitaux robustes, évolutifs et déployés rapidement. Nous sommes<br />

convaincus que la digitalisation est un levier pour améliorer<br />

l'efficacité opérationnelle, renforcer la satisfaction client et<br />

stimuler la croissance.<br />

Nous ne nous contentons pas de fournir des solutions digitales<br />

performantes. Nous nous engageons à vous accompagner tout au<br />

long de votre transformation digitale en vous offrant un service<br />

complet et personnalisé. Notre équipe de plus de 70 experts<br />

passionnés vous accompagnera à chaque étape du processus, de<br />

l'analyse de vos besoins à la mise en œuvre et au suivi des solutions<br />

déployées. Notre promesse est d’améliorer votre expérience<br />

client, d’optimiser votre efficacité opérationnelle et de booster<br />

vos résultats commerciaux.<br />

— Personnalisation et agilité :<br />

adoptez notre approche<br />

Nous privilégions une approche agile et flexible qui vous permet de<br />

réagir rapidement aux changements du marché et de développer<br />

des solutions rapidement et efficacement.<br />

Notre Digital Factory s’engage à vous fournir des solutions sur<br />

mesure qui répondent à vos exigences spécifiques. Notre équipe<br />

d'experts prend le temps de comprendre votre activité, vos objectifs<br />

et vos contraintes pour vous proposer des solutions qui vous<br />

permettront d'atteindre vos résultats commerciaux.<br />

— Des tarifs compétitifs : misez sur l’efficacité<br />

Nos solutions sont conçues pour être compétitives et vous permettre<br />

de bénéficier du meilleur du digital tout en optimisant vos coûts.<br />

Un accompagnement sur-mesure : consultez-nous<br />

• Un audit de votre maturité digitale pour vous aider à identifier<br />

vos points forts et vos axes d’amélioration<br />

• Un accompagnement à la mise en place de nos solutions<br />

spécifiques pour garantir le succès de votre transformation<br />

digitale<br />

• Une refonte de votre offre digitale pour offrir le meilleur à vos<br />

clients grâce à nos solutions<br />

Avec Beyn, vous avez la garantie d'une transformation digitale réussie<br />

qui vous permettra d'atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux, de vous<br />

préparer à l'avenir et de vous donner un avantage concurrentiel.<br />

Notre mission est simple et ambitieuse :<br />

propulser les institutions financières vers<br />

de nouveaux sommets en leur offrant des<br />

outils digitaux robustes, évolutifs et déployés<br />

rapidement.<br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Solve<br />

The Future of IT Outso<br />

Emerging Trends and<br />

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace,<br />

the landscape of IT outsourcing is also undergoing<br />

significant transformation. Emerging trends and<br />

innovations are reshaping the way organizations<br />

engage with outsourcing partners, driving greater<br />

efficiency, agility, and value.<br />

— Cloud-native outsourcing<br />

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations manage<br />

their IT infrastructure, applications, and services. The future of<br />

IT outsourcing is increasingly focused on cloud-native solutions,<br />

where outsourcing partners leverage public cloud platforms such<br />

as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud<br />

Platform (GCP) to deliver scalable, flexible, and cost-effective<br />

services. Cloud-native outsourcing enables organizations to<br />

achieve greater agility, scalability, and innovation by leveraging<br />

cloud-native technologies such as containers, microservices,<br />

serverless computing, and DevOps practices.<br />

— AI and automation<br />

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies are<br />

transforming the outsourcing landscape by enabling greater<br />

efficiency, productivity, and innovation. AI-powered solutions<br />

such as robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning<br />

(ML), and natural language processing (NLP) are being leveraged<br />

by outsourcing partners to automate repetitive tasks, improve<br />

decision-making, and enhance customer experiences. By integrating<br />

AI and automation into outsourcing processes, organizations can<br />

streamline operations, reduce costs, and accelerate time-tomarket<br />

for new products and services.<br />

— Edge computing and IoT<br />

The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the<br />

emergence of edge computing are driving new opportunities<br />

for IT outsourcing. Edge computing involves processing data<br />

closer to the source of generation, enabling real-time analytics,<br />

low-latency processing, and faster decision-making. Outsourcing<br />

partners are leveraging edge computing and IoT technologies to<br />

deliver innovative solutions for industries such as manufacturing,<br />

healthcare, transportation, and retail. By harnessing the power of<br />

edge computing, organizations can unlock new insights, optimize<br />

processes, and create value from IoT data.<br />

— Cybersecurity and privacy<br />

Cybersecurity and data privacy are top priorities for organizations<br />

outsourcing IT functions to external partners. With the increasing<br />

frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, outsourcing providers<br />

are investing in advanced cybersecurity measures and compliance<br />

frameworks to protect sensitive data and mitigate risks. The future<br />

of IT outsourcing will see greater emphasis on cybersecurity<br />

and privacy, with outsourcing partners offering robust security<br />

solutions, threat intelligence, and regulatory compliance expertise<br />

to safeguard client data and ensure regulatory compliance.<br />

— Multi-sourcing and ecosystem partnerships<br />

Multi-sourcing and ecosystem partnerships are becoming<br />

increasingly prevalent in the future of IT outsourcing. Instead of<br />

relying on a single outsourcing provider for all IT needs, organizations<br />

are embracing a multi-vendor approach, leveraging specialized<br />

expertise from multiple providers to create a diverse ecosystem of<br />

partners. This trend enables organizations to access best-of-breed<br />

solutions, mitigate vendor lock-in, and drive innovation through<br />

collaboration and competition among outsourcing partners.<br />

Ecosystem partnerships also facilitate seamless integration,<br />

interoperability, and value creation across diverse IT environments.<br />

— Outcome-based models and value-based<br />

partnerships<br />

The future of IT outsourcing is shifting towards outcome-based<br />

models and value-based partnerships, where outsourcing<br />

engagements are structured around delivering measurable business<br />

outcomes and driving strategic value. Instead of focusing solely<br />

on cost savings, organizations are seeking outsourcing partners<br />

who can help achieve broader business objectives such as revenue<br />

growth, customer satisfaction, and competitive differentiation.<br />

Outcome-based models incentivize outsourcing providers to<br />

align their efforts with client goals, drive innovation, and deliver<br />

tangible value that impacts the bottom line.<br />

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation<br />

technologies are transforming the outsourcing<br />

landscape by enabling greater efficiency,<br />

productivity, and innovation.<br />


Solve<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

urcing<br />

| By Michaël Renotte |<br />

Innovations<br />

Organizational structure for Outsourcing 2.0 with AI<br />

Source: DXC Technology Company<br />

Leadership<br />

Strategy<br />

Specialized work<br />

Repeatable work<br />

Limited SMEs<br />

Knowledge Silos<br />

Toxic data<br />

Highly repeatable tasks<br />

Technical debt<br />

Nonstrategic work<br />


Filled with highly valued creative<br />

resources, even<br />

though organization<br />

size is reduced<br />

AI automation<br />

Dataled<br />

decision<br />

Full<br />

ressource<br />

mix<br />

Strategic<br />

focus<br />

on AI<br />

Outsourcing of<br />

nonstrategic work<br />





Lack of automation and agility.<br />

Poor knowledge sharing and data quality.<br />

Limited, slow adoption of new digital technologies,<br />

people and process.<br />

Data drives decision making.<br />

AI automates repeatable tasks. Agility to outsource<br />

nonessential work. Enhanced focus on creative<br />

differentiation and business direction.<br />

The future of IT outsourcing is characterized by emerging trends and innovations that are reshaping the<br />

industry's landscape.<br />

From cloud-native solutions and AI-powered automation to edge computing, cybersecurity, multi-sourcing<br />

and outcome-based partnerships, organizations are leveraging these trends to drive greater efficiency,<br />

agility and value from their outsourcing engagements. By embracing these trends and partnering with<br />

forward-thinking outsourcing providers, organizations can navigate the complexities of the digital age, drive<br />

innovation and achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace.<br />


04<br />

Network<br />

{ Nom masculin }<br />

Réseau social, professionnel, familial, virtuel, etc.<br />

d’une personne.<br />


4 JULY 2024 | FROM 6PM TO 1AM<br />

Roude Léiw Polo Club

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Network<br />

Hack Me if You Can<br />

March 21 st , 2024<br />


Network<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />


TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />

Network<br />

March 28 th , 2024<br />


Network<br />

TECHSENSE <strong>Magazine</strong> <strong>#07</strong><br />


#08<br />


Kamel Amroune<br />

CEO<br />

kamel.amroune@thedots.lu<br />


Aurélie Paini<br />

Head of Sales & Operations<br />

aurelie.paini@thedots.lu<br />

+352 691 339 918<br />

À retrouver<br />

dès le mois d'octobre<br />

Morgane Montaigu<br />

Sales & Marketing Officer<br />

morgane.montaigu@thedots.lu<br />


Michaël Renotte<br />

Rédacteur en chef<br />

michael.renotte@thedots.lu<br />

Yann Roll<br />

Marketing Officer<br />

yann.roll@thedots.lu<br />

Nastassia Haux<br />

Marketing Manager<br />

nastassia.haux@thedots.lu<br />

Jérémy Diebold<br />

Editorial Contributor<br />

Laura Heil<br />

Editorial Contributor<br />

DESIGN<br />

Nicolas Bœuf<br />

Directeur Artistique<br />

nicolas.boeuf@thedots.lu<br />


Post Luxembourg<br />


BDZ Luxembourg<br />

Print 1000 exemplaires<br />

EDITOR<br />

The Dots<br />

281, Route d'Arlon<br />

L-8011 Strassen<br />

+352 20 60 29 410<br />


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