Made a Splash - Print Media

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M a d e A

S P L A S h


Congratulations to Hannah Sanchez, 18, for showcasing

her skills and talents in the 10KM event for 18 and

Above swimmers at the 1st SEA Open Water

Swimming Championships (SEAOWSC) in Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia from February 2-4, 2023 and ending

with a triumphant finish on the podium as the Bronze


In just 2 hours and 23 minutes, or roughly 1 hour and 25

minutes per 10,000 meters, she secured the bronze

medal with the help from Coach Betsy Medalla.

BRONZE Medalist

Hannah Sanchez, a Senior High School student from the De La Salle College of Saint

Benilde, has won as the bronze medalist for showcasing her skills and talents in the 10

kilometer event at the First South East Asian Open Water Swimming Championships, or

also called as SEAOWSC, that is for skilled swimmers aged 18 and above. This event

was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from February 2 to 4 of the year 2023.


Hannah finished the intense relay with the help from Coach Betsy Medalla from the

Philippine Swimmers Incorporated. She finished the relay in just two hours and 23

minutes, or roughly one hour and 25n minutes per 10,000 meters.

S p l a s h I n !

With Hannah Sanchez

In an interview with Hannah Sanchez, a swimmer and

a bronze medalist in the recent swimming competition

“1st SEA Open Water Swimming Championships in

Malaysia”, stated that she wasn’t able to train much

before the competition due to the many holidays

celebrated during the month of December, and

because of this, there was little to no coaching at all,

not until January, a month before the competition.

She was able to train only for a few days in UST during weekends and despite her

thinking that if she was able to train more, she could have done better, she still felt

happy because she was able to improve and receive a bronze medal.

She also expressed that one of the biggest challenges that she faced before and during

the competition was that she had an injury on her shoulder and she felt pain because of

it, but one of her inspirations, which includes her friends, family, especially her father,

and most importantly God was able to help her overcome this obstacle, as she

consistently prayed that her shoulder wouldn’t hurt too much while she was in the

competition itself, she also stated that she “felt God’s presence while swimming.”

Hannah also mentioned that other than swimming, she had

another hobby, which was running, so this may indicate that

she really is a sporty person. She, too, clarified that she has

no plans for the future as of now, but she was able to give

advice to the people who aspire to be a swimmer athlete like


She left a message and offered suggestions and guidance

with a statement saying, “Swimming is focused on endurance

and diligence, the more hardworking you are, the more likely

you will win, you also have to know the reason as to why

you’re pursuing this sport.”


Hannah Sanchez is a long distance swimmer who

transitioned into open water competition. Hannah has

a brave heart for competing against veteran swimmers

from Asia. Being on the podium is no surprise

because of the hard work she puts in her daily

training. The medal only serves as a product of

her grit, passion, and Sophia Capistrano

determination towards the sport. The Olimpian

The moment I found out about the news of Hannah Sanchez being

a bronze awardee for the open water competition she recently just

participated in, I was immediately impressed and amazed. As I

felt an immense sense of pride because she carried and promoted

the same name of the school I am currently enrolled in. And

though I don’t know her personally, I am genuinely proud

and happy for her as I can only imagine the struggles she

faced before receiving the bronze medal she well-deserved

to have won. I hope she is aware that many people,

including myself, respects, supports,

and looks up to her.

Jezreel Estacio

Point of View

m a d e A

S P L A S h




According to Oxford References, print

media is any written type of

communication but with a physical

copy or what is also known as hard

copy. It can be produced mechanically

or electronically for a faster and easier

way. An ‘ink and paper’ kind of

communication, either written or typed

such as books, newspapers, magazines,

journals, and many other mediums.


Before the invention of the printing press and the print

media, printmaking was already present during the 9th

century in China with the use of woodblock printing. This along with manufacturing of

paper, development of ink and the distribution of eyeglasses.

In 1436, Johannes Gutenberg invented

the printing press and built the first known mechanized press

Johannes Gutenberg:


in Europe. This press was used to print the Gutenberg Bible in 1455. With the invention

of Gutenberg, print media developed into the primary source of news over the course of

the next 600 years.

In the Philippines, printing was introduced

through the Spanish colonization by the

Dominicians during the Christianization of the

Philippines in the 16th Century. Years later,

the first printing press was built in Pila,

Laguna which printed the “Vocabulario de

Lengua Tagala” which is the first dictionary of

the language in the Philippine Islands.






Main Purpose

The creation and dissemination of news and information through

printed publications is known as print media. These facts, images

or visuals are distributed to the broader public in printed form, often known as hard copy.

It helps the daily circulation of the news and extends the news to every part of the country.

Print media is a way for publishing any news in printing form. Nowadays, print media is

vital for all. Daily, a weekly and monthly newspaper is considered as print media.

(Rahman, S., June 29, 2022)

The print media is a medium of mass communication that involves the use of printed

publications such as newspapers, magazines, journals etc. Newspapers have been the

major source of disseminating information from time memorial. (Alonso, C., June 7,


The rise of

Printmaking in

the Philippines started





with Manuel Rodriguez Sr. and Rodolfo

Paras-Perez who are responsible for the

development of the interest in

contemporary printmaking techniques.

Manuel Rodriguez Sr. was notable for

being the father of Philippine

printmaking. He established the

Philippine Association of Printmakers in

1968 and developed screen printing

methods for printing in 1948. In the

1950s, he started making greeting cards

as modernization occurred.



In other countries, the rise of the medium of

Print Media grew through newspapers,

magazines, and journals. Newspapers have

been the major source of disseminating

information through the use of print media.



As social media continues to grow in this generation

as their new source of information, news, and

entertainment, print media isn’t the most known and effective nowadays. Many reasons

suffice to say that social media is considered better than print media such that it is to

conserve the trees and avoid using paper, it is more accessible, and more.

Although print media isn’t completely forgotten, most people who prefer to use print

media are usually older people, which means the generation today isn’t much interested

in print media.

The rise of print media has been successful and relevant in the 1400's since

the internet was not a huge thing back then. However, since the 2000's the

internet has been more helpful in looking for resources such as books,

news, etc. or anything that print media can provide. Print media has

become insignificant in today's time because the internet has evolved

and almost everything can be accessed online. Although older

people may find it more comfortable, GenZ’s are now more on

the practicality side, which shows the fall

of print media in today’s time.

Faith Calvez

GenZ Media

Out of all the types of Medias out there, it seems like Print Media is the

most different out of all. Print Media uses printing while other media

are produced in the digital world. And even though there are similar

uses between print media and the others, digital media still suffices in

the modern age of today. This is because digital media is much more

accessible since almost all the people take hold of technology

nowadays. For me, I think print media should still be prominent

for the ones who are not privileged enough to get a hold of

modern technology. As much as digital

media is used more, print media is

as important as digital media.

Hazel Gamoras

Digital Divide


Editor in chief - Jezreel Estacio

Managing editors - Faith Calvez and Scarlett Canlas

Copy editor- Paolina Montemayor

News editor - Hazelle Gamoras

Sports editor- Sophia Kyra Capistrano

Photo/Graphics editor- Samantha Mendoza

Layout artist- Juan Miguel Talavera


Importance of Print Media in Present World | Print Media Essay. (2022, June 29).

Dhaka Tutor. Retrieved form https://dhakatutor.com/article/view/2

Print Media. (n.d.). Oxford References. retrieved from




Saban, R. (2013, November 5). History of Printmaking in The Philippines. Prezi.

Retrieved from https://prezi.com/qptmwbdrt3rr/history-of-print-making-in-the



What is Print Media Advertising. (2021, June 7). Catdi.com. Retrieved form



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