Azadi - Arundhati Roy

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There Is Fire in the Ducts, the System Is Failing


eloved friends, comrades, and my fellow writers—this place where we are gathered today is only a short bus ride

away from where four days ago a fascist mob—fired up by speeches made by members of the ruling party,

backed up and actively assisted by the police, assured of round-the-clock support by a vast section of the electronic

mass media, and comforted by the belief that the courts would do nothing to come in their way—mounted an armed,

murderous attack on Muslims in the working-class colonies of northeast Delhi.

The attack had been in the air for a while, so people were somewhat prepared, and so defended themselves.

Markets, shops, homes, mosques, and vehicles have been burned out. The streets are full of stones and debris. The

hospitals are full of the wounded and dying. The morgues are full of the dead—both Muslim and Hindu, including a

policeman and a young staffer of the Intelligence Bureau. Yes, people on both sides have shown themselves capable

of horrifying brutality as well as unbelievable courage and kindness.

However, there can be no equivalence here. None of this alters the fact that the attack was begun by lumpen mobs

chanting “Jai Shri Ram!” and backed by the apparatus of this now nakedly fascist state. Notwithstanding these

slogans, this is not what people like to label a Hindu–Muslim “riot.” It is a manifestation of the ongoing battle

between fascists and anti-fascists—in which Muslims are the first among the fascists’ “enemies.” To call it a riot or

a danga , or “left” versus “right” or even “right” versus “wrong,” as many are doing, is dangerous and obfuscatory.

We have all seen the videos of the police standing by and sometimes participating in the arson. We have seen them

smashing CCTV cameras, just as they did when they vandalized the Jamia Millia Islamia University library on

December 15. We have seen them beat wounded Muslim men as they lay piled up against each other and force them

to sing the National Anthem. We know that one of those young men is dead. 1 All the dead, wounded, and

devastated, Muslim as well as Hindu, are victims of this regime headed by Narendra Modi, our nakedly fascist prime

minister who himself is no stranger to being at the helm of affairs in a state when eighteen years ago a massacre on a

much larger scale went on for weeks.

The anatomy of this particular conflagration will be studied for years to come. But the local detail will only be a

matter of historical record because the ripples, based on hateful rumors fueled on social media, have begun to eddy

outwards, and we can already smell more blood on the breeze. Although there have been no more killings in North

Delhi, yesterday (February 29) saw mobs of people in Central Delhi chanting the slogan that built up to the attacks:

Desh ke gaddaron ko, Goli maaron saalon ko! —What’s to be done with traitors of the nation? Shoot the bastards!

Only a few days ago, the Delhi High Court judge S. Muralidhar was furious with the Delhi police for having taken

no action against Kapil Mishra, the former BJP MLA candidate who had earlier in the presence of the police issued

a blatant threat to protestors peacefully sitting on the road in Jafarabad. On the night of February 26, the judge was

given midnight orders to take up his new assignment in the Punjab High Court. Kapil Mishra is back on the streets

with his supporters who are once again chanting Desh ke gaddaron ko, Goli maaron saalon ko! That slogan can now

be used until further notice. Fun and games with judges isn’t new. We know the story about Justice Loya. 2 We may

have forgotten the story of Babu Bajrangi, convicted of participating in the killing of ninety-seven Muslims in

Naroda Patiya, in Gujarat in 2002. You can listen to him in a YouTube video. 3 He’ll tell you how “Narendra bhai”

got him out of jail by “setting” the judges.

We have learned to expect massacres such as this one before elections—they have become a sort of barbaric

election campaign to polarize votes and build constituencies. But the Delhi massacre happened just days after an

election, after the BJP-RSS suffered a humiliating defeat. It is a punishment for Delhi and an announcement for the

coming elections in Bihar.

Everything is on record. Everything is available for everyone to see and hear—the provocative speeches of Kapil

Mishra, Parvesh Verma, Union Minister Anurag Thakur, Chief Minister of UP Yogi Adityanath, Home Minister

Amit Shah, and even the prime minister himself. And yet everything has been turned upside down—it’s being made

to appear as though all of India is a victim of the absolutely peaceful, mostly female, mostly—but not only—Muslim

protesters who have been out on the streets for almost seventy-five days, in their tens of thousands, to protest against

the Citizenship Amendment Act.

The CAA, which offers a fast-track route to citizenship for non-Muslim minorities, is blatantly unconstitutional

and blatantly anti-Muslim. Coupled with the National Population Register and the National Register of Citizens, it is

meant to delegitimize, destabilize, and criminalize not just Muslims but hundreds of millions of Indians who do not

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